Sixel Options... Menu Item If you select Sixel from the Output Format options menu, you can capture a snapshot to a Sixel file or print it to a Sixel printer. The Sixel Options... menu item lets you select your choice of sixel output device from a list of available devices. To select a sixel output device: 1. Choose Sixel Options... from the Options pull-down menu. A dialog box is displayed that contains a list of sixel output devices. 2. Click on the radio button to the left of the sixel output device you want. The devices that contain the letters LA are model numbers of DIGITAL printers. The additional devices are: VT or DECterm Lets you view the snapshot in a DECterm window, using the DCL command TYPE, or display the snapshot in a DIGITAL VT series video terminal that supports sixel graphics. Laser Prints on an LN03 PLUS printer or on laser printers such as the DEClaser, ScriptPrinter, and PrintServer. LJ250 Prints on an LJ250 printer that supports two color modes: 8 or 256. Because the 256-color mode prints a larger image, some images may be too large to print correctly. 3. Click on OK. For more information, double click on any bold hotspot. Additional topics: * Using File, Options, Help Pull-down Menus * Using Options Menus to Change Print Screen Settings * Overview of Print Screen * Exiting Print Screen