OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide
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  13.10  Locking Error Messages
   IVLOCKOP  <invalid  lock  operation>

     An  attempt  was  made  to  release  a  lock  that  is  not
     Check  that  all  calls  to  acquire  a  lock  are  matched
     by  calls  to  release  it.

   IVLOCKTBL  <invalid  lock  table>

     The  lock  table  handle  passed  to  the  locking  service
     does  not  represent  a  valid  lock  table.
     Verify  that  the  lock  table  handle  being  used  is  the
     same  as  that  returned  by  SYS$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK_TABLE

   LOCKINUSE  <invalid  operation;  lock  is  in  use>
     An  attempt  was  made  to  delete  a  lock  which  is  in  use
     or  to  initialize  a  lock  which  is  already  initialized

     Verify  that  the  lock  handle  being  used  is  the  same  as
     that  returned  by  SYS$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK  or

   LOCK_TIMEOUT  <failed  to  acquire  lock;  request  has  timed  out>
     An  attempt  to  acquire  a  lock  did  not  complete
     during  the  timeout  period.

     This  problem  could  be  caused  by  a  timeout  value
     that  is  too  small.  It  can  also  be  caused  by
     a  thread  holding  the  lock  for  too  long.
   BADLCKTBL  <galaxy  lock  table  is  corrupt>

     The  list  of  locks  in  the  specified  lock  table  is

     Lock  tables  are  writable  from  the  access
     mode  in  which  they  are  created.  Verify  that  the
     application  is  not  overwriting  the  lock  table.
           NOBREAK   <failed  to  acquire  lock;  lock  ownership  is  broken>

     An  attempt  to  acquire  a  lock  failed  because  the
     lock  ownership  had  been  broken  and  GLOCK$C_NOBREAK
     was  specified  on  the  call  to  SYS$ACQUIRE_GALAXY_LOCK.
     Lock  ownership  being  broken  can  be  the  result  of  a
     process  or  system  failure  while  a  lock  is  held.
     Depending  on  how  the  lock  is  used,  this  could
     mean  that  the  data  this  lock  protects  is  corrupt.
   NOWAIT   <failed  to  acquire  lock;  NOWAIT  was  specified>

     An  attempt  to  acquire  a  lock  failed  because  the
     lock  is  currently  owned  and  GLOCK$C_NOWAIT
     was  specified  on  the  call  to  SYS$ACQUIRE_GALAXY_LOCK
     The  application  must  either  retry  the  operation  or
     wait  for  the  lock  to  become  available.

           BROKEN   <lock  acquired  after  lock  ownership  was  broken.>

                            An  attempt  to  acquire  a  lock  succeeded  but  the
     previous  owner  of  the  lock  no  longer  existed  and
     its  ownership  was  broken.
     Lock  ownership  being  broken  can  be  the  result  of  a
     process  or  system  failure  while  a  lock  is  held.
     Depending  on  how  the  lock  is  used,  this  could
     mean  that  the  data  this  lock  protects  is  corrupt.
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