Using Bookreader
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  For More Information

  Use the following documentation to learn more about

  *   Online Help
      Help contains information about all aspects of Bookreader.

      To use help, choose items from the Bookreader Help
      menu.  The information in this guide is included as part
      of the online help information.

  *   Online documentation that ships on the Consolidated

      Online Documentation Library (ConOLD) discs.
      The following books are included on the ConOLD discs:

      -   Managing Bookreader Libraries and Books

          This book describes how to manage the list of libraries,
          bookshelves, and books that Bookreader displays in the
          Library window.  It also describes how to copy books
          across disks and operating systems.
      -   Adding Bookreader to Your Environment

          This book explains how to integrate Bookreader into
          your particular system environment.
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