Using Bookreader
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  Opening a Book

  When you start Bookreader, the     Library window     opens and
  displays a list of books.  In general, these books are organized
  into logical groups and stored in bookshelves.  Bookshelves, in
  turn, are stored in libraries.

  The following icons are used to differentiate books from
  bookshelves and libraries:


       Library or Bookshelf icon-double click on this icon to
       view a list of books.  A library can also contain other


       Book icon-double click on this icon to open the book.

  The following table shows the tasks you can perform in the
  Library window.

  To                           Do This
  See the list of books in a   Double click on the library or bookshelf
  library or bookshelf         name.  Or, click on the name, and
                               then choose Expand from the View

  Open a book                  Double click on the title.
                               Or, click on the title, and then choose
                               Open Book from the File menu.  Or,
                               click on the title, and then press
                               MB3 and choose Open Book from the
                               pop-up menu.

  Open a book in a second TopicClick on the title; then choose Open
  window                       Book in New Window from the File
                               menu.  Or, click on the title, and then
                               press MB3 and choose Open Book in
                               New Window from the pop-up menu.

  Open a book not shown in     Choose Open Book...  from the File
  the Library window           menu.
  Search through one or more   Select the book(s), then choose Search
  books for a word or phrase   Book(s)... from the Search menu.
  Search for a word or phrase  Select the library, bookshelf, or book ti-
  in the titles listed in the  tle(s), then choose Search Book Titles...
  Library window               from the Search menu.
  Close an expanded library or Double click on the library or bookshelf
  bookshelf                    name.  Or, click on the name, and
                               then choose Collapse from the View

  Close all expanded libraries Choose Collapse All from the View
  and bookshelves              menu.

  Switch to a different        Choose Switch Library... from the File
  library                      menu.

  Switch back to the default   Choose Switch to Default Library from
  library                      the File menu.

  When you open a book, the table of contents for that book
  appears in the  Navigation window     .
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