Changing Your Library When you start Bookreader, the Library window opens and displays a list of books. These books may be organized into logical groups and stored in bookshelves. Bookshelves in turn can be stored in libraries. To change to another library not listed in the Library window, do the following: 1. Choose Switch Library... from the Library window's File menu. The Switch Library dialog box appears. 2. In the Directories list box, double click on the directory where the library file (LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF on OpenVMS or library.decw_bookshelf on Tru64 UNIX) is located. Or, specify the directory name in the Filter text-entry field, then click on the Filter button. 3. In the Files list box, double click on the name of the li- brary file you want to access. Or, specify the library file name in the Selection field, then click on OK. 4. The library you selected appears in the Library window. To switch to the default library, choose Switch to Default Library from the File menu. The default libraries appear in the Library window.