Using Bookreader
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  Navigating through a Book

  When you    open a section    from the table of contents or
  index, the section appears in the Topic window     .

  To navigate through the book, use the     buttons   located at
  the bottom of the Topic window.  You can also return to the

  Navigation window and select different sections to read.

  Most books contain cross-references to figures, tables, ex-
  amples, and other sections.  If you move the pointer over a
  reference, a box appears around it indicating that the refer-
  ence is a hotspot.  Double click on the hotspot to display the
  figure, table, example, or related section.

  To open the referenced section in a new window, move the
  pointer over the hotspot, press MB3 and choose Open Topic in
  New Window from the pop-up menu.

  You can shrink the Topic window to an icon by double
  clicking on the title bar.
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