Reading a Book Residing on an OpenVMS System from Bookreader Running on a Tru64 UNIX System Before you can read books residing on an OpenVMS system from Bookreader running on a Tru64 UNIX system, TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software must first be installed on the OpenVMS system, as follows: 1. Invoke TCP/IP Services on the server system: $ UCX 2. Enter the following commands: UCX> bind device-name "NFS-file-system-name" UCX> add export "NFS-file-system-name" /host=*/options=nodata_conversion The device name is the disk that contains the books. The NFS file system name is the Tru64 UNIX specification that represents the device. 3. Mount NFS on the Tru64 UNIX system as follows: % mount NFS-file-system-name@VMS-node local-mount-point The following examples show how to use TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS to make an OpenVMS device named BOOK$: on node ZEPHYR available as an NFS file system named /book to Bookreader on a client Tru64 UNIX system: * On the server (OpenVMS) system: UCX> bind book$: "/book" UCX> add export "/book" /host=*/options=nodata_conversion * On the client (Tru64 UNIX) system: % mount /book@zephyr /usr/newbooks To mount the OpenVMS file system or directory auto- matically at system startup, place an entry in the Tru64 UNIX system's /etc/fstab file. For example: /book@zephyr /usr/newbooks nfs ro,bg 0 0