Using Bookreader
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  Displaying an Alternate Bookshelf Instead of the Default

  To display an alternate bookshelf instead of the default
  display, follow these steps:

  1.   Enter the following command to determine if the logical
      name DECW$BOOK points to the directory that contains
      the alternate bookshelf file:


  2.   If DECW$BOOK points to the directory that contains
      the alternate bookshelf file, define the logical name
      DECW$BOOKSHELF to be the alternate bookshelf file.
      For example:


      If DECW$BOOK does not point to the directory that con-
      tains the alternate bookshelf file, use the complete file
      specification in the definition.  For example:

      Note that if you define DECW$BOOKSHELF to be
      the file name only, without the complete file speci-
      fication, Bookreader searches the directories defined by
      DECW$BOOK for a file with that name.  If another book-
      shelf file with the same name exists in DECW$BOOK's
      search list, that bookshelf is also displayed.

  3.   Start Bookreader from the command line:

      The bookshelves and books listed in the alternate bookshelf
      file are displayed in the library window.

  You can use DECW$BOOKSHELF to access any single book-
  shelf or any set of bookshelf files with the same name that
  appears in DECW$BOOK's search list.

  If you created your own LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF file
  in order to add your bookshelf to the default display        ,
  you can use another method to view only your local book-
  shelf.  You can redefine DECW$BOOK on a temporary basis
  to be your local directory.  For example:


  This definition overrides the system definition and exists for
  the duration of the current process only.  You can deassign
  this local definition at any time and return to the display that
  is defined by the system definition by entering the following

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