Adding a Bookshelf to the Default Display (OpenVMS) You can add a local bookshelf to the default display as follows: 1. Name your bookshelf file LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF, which is the default name. 2. Redefine DECW$BOOK to be the same as the existing definition in addition to the directory that contains the local bookshelf file: a. Check the existing definitions of DECW$BOOKSHELF and DECW$BOOK. For example: $ SHOW LOGICAL DECW$BOOKSHELF %SHOW-NOTRAN, no translation for logical name DECW$BOOKSHELF $ SHOW LOGICAL DECW$BOOK "DECW$BOOK" = "SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK]" (DECW$LOGICAL_NAMES) = "ZEPHYR::$DISK1:[DECW$BOOK]" This example shows that DECW$BOOKSHELF is undefined. DECW$BOOK is defined to search in SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK] and ZEPHYR::$USERS:[DECW$BOOK] for bookshelf files with the default name LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF. b. Define DECW$BOOK locally to be the same as the existing search list, then add the directory that con- tains the new bookshelf file to the list. For example, $USERS:[JONES] is added to the end of the search list in the following example: $ DEFINE DECW$BOOK SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK],- _$ ZEPHYR::$DISK1:[DECW$BOOK], $USERS:[JONES] This local definition exists only for the duration of your current process. You can define DECW$BOOK in a login file to recreate this local definition for each new process. You can still access all the books in the default display in addition to all the books you have added to your local bookshelf file. 3. Start Bookreader from the command line: $ BOOKREADER Your new bookshelf file appears in the Library window along with the bookshelves in the default display. Bookreader opens the first bookshelf that DECW$BOOK encounters. Therefore, you can display the books and book- shelves in your bookshelf file at startup time by placing your directory at the beginning of the DECW$BOOK search list. For example: $ DEFINE DECW$BOOK $USERS:[JONES], SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK],- _$ ZEPHYR::$DISK1:[DECW$BOOK]