Using Bookreader
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  Copying Bookreader Files from the OpenVMS ConOLD

  If you have access to an OpenVMS ConOLD disc, you may
  want to copy books or bookshelf files that reside on that disc
  to a local area and then put the books in a separate bookshelf.

  This type of copying is useful if you tend to use only a subset
  of the books on the documentation disc.  You can access the
  books even if the documentation disc is not mounted.

  To copy one or more books or bookshelves from the ConOLD
  disc, follow these steps:

  1.   Determine the disc and directory name of the ConOLD
      disc by viewing the directories defined by the logical name

      DECW$BOOK. If the name of the ConOLD disc is not
      obvious, ask your system manager for assistance.

  2.   Read the copy of LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF on the
      ConOLD disc.  Find the bookshelf that contains the books
      you want to copy.

  3.   Read the DECW$BOOKSHELF file for that bookshelf.
      Copy the book files listed in the DECW$BOOKSHELF file,
      using the file name in the second field of that file, to your
      local area.

      Use the DCL COPY command to copy both book files and
      bookshelf files.

  Copying Books from the OpenVMS ConOLD Disc                is an
  example of how to copy the DECpresent manuals from the
  ConOLD disc to a local area.

  After you copy the books to your local area, you can list them
  in a bookshelf file  .

  You can  display this bookshelf     instead of the default dis-
  play or in addition to the default display.
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