1 Glossary =TITLE Glossary =TITLE Browser Glossary =INCLUDE Overview =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns index_window =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns navigate_window This is a glossary for DCE cds Browser terms only. Generic DECwindows terms are not defined here. Select the term for which you need help from the list of additional topics below. 2 Clearinghouse =TITLE Clearinghouse =TITLE Clearinghouse =INCLUDE overview filter =KEYWORD clearinghouse A clearinghouse is a collection of directory replicas on one DCE cds server. The icon associated with clearinghouses in the Browser display is the international symbol of a house. 2 Directory =TITLE Directory =TITLE Directory =INCLUDE overview file expand_all =INCLUDE overview display_ns expand_sel_dirs =INCLUDE overview file collapse_all =INCLUDE overview display_ns collapse_sel_dirs =INCLUDE overview view ch_display =KEYWORD directory A directory is a logical unit for storing object entries under one name (the directory name) in a namespace. In addition to object entries, a directory can contain soft links and child pointers. The Browser does not display child pointers, but does display the child directories they represent, indented from the parent. 2 Group =TITLE Group =TITLE Group =INCLUDE overview filter =KEYWORD group A group is a class of object entries that lets you associate, or manage as a group, a set of names that have something in common. A group maps a specific name (the group name) into a set of names, denoting the group members. The icon associated with groups in the Browser display is a hexagon with four addition signs within its dotted borders. 2 Icons =TITLE Icons =TITLE Browser Icons =INCLUDE overview filter =INCLUDE glossary directory =INCLUDE glossary object_entry =INCLUDE glossary soft_link =KEYWORD icons Icons are symbols associated with directories, object entries, and soft links. Many object entries have unique icons based on their class; the class indicates the type of resource that the icon represents, for example, nodes. 2 Namespace =TITLE Namespace =TITLE Namespace =INCLUDE overview display_ns =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns =INCLUDE overview customize virt_root =KEYWORD namespace A namespace is a complete set of DCE cds names (these can include directories, object entries, and soft links) that one or more DCE cds servers look up, manage, and share. The logical picture of a namespace is a hierarchial tree of all of those directories, with the root directory (named "/.:") at the top, and one or more levels of directories, object entries and soft links beneath the root. Use the Browser to display this logical picture. 2 object_entry =TITLE object_entry =TITLE Object Entry =INCLUDE overview filter =KEYWORD object An object entry is the name of a resource (such as node, disk, or application) and its associated attributes, as stored by DCE cds. The generic object icon associated with an object entry in the Browser display is a cube with shaded sides. The Browser displays this icon when it does not recognize the class of an object. Otherwise, it displays a class- specific icon. Special icons exist for nodes, for example. You can use the Filters menu to selectively display only objects of a specific class. You can filter only one object class at a time. To change the filter, choose a new class from the Filters menu. 2 Root =TITLE Root =TITLE Root =INCLUDE overview customize virt_root =INCLUDE glossary directory =INCLUDE glossary namespace =INCLUDE glossary virtual_root =KEYWORD root The root is the top directory in the namespace. It is designated by a "/.:". The logical picture of a namespace is a hierarchical tree of all the directories in a namespace, with the root directory at the top, and one or more levels of directories beneath the root. 2 soft_link =TITLE soft_link =TITLE Soft Link =INCLUDE glossary directory =INCLUDE glossary namespace =INCLUDE glossary object_entry =KEYWORD link A soft link is a pointer that provides an alternate name for an object entry, directory, or other soft link in the namespace. The icon associated with the soft link in the Browser display is a cube with an arrow across its top. 2 Tree =TITLE Tree =TITLE Tree =INCLUDE overview view ch_treestyle =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns navigate_window =KEYWORD tree A tree is a hierarchical structure of data in which each element may be related to any number of elements at the level below it, but to only one element above it. 2 Virtual_root =TITLE Virtual_root =TITLE Virtual Root =INCLUDE overview customize virt_root =INCLUDE glossary directory =INCLUDE glossary root =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns =INCLUDE overview display_ns =KEYWORD virtual A virtual root is a directory other than the root at which you want the Browser to start displaying the namespace. The virtual root is a convenient way to focus immediately on a particular directory. Using a virtual root also enables you to quickly change the Browser display from one directory to another To set a virtual root, choose Virtual Root from the Customize menu.