1 Overview =TITLE Overview =TITLE DCE cds Browser Overview =INCLUDE Glossary The DCE cds Browser is a tool for viewing an overall directory structure as well as the contents of directories in a DCE cds namespace. You can use the Browser to do the following: - Monitor the size and number of directories in your namespace. - View the object entries and soft links in a directory. - Set a filter to display only object entries of a particular class. - Specify a virtual root - a point below the actual root directory at which you want to start viewing the namespace. Each item in the window represents an entry in the namespace. When you expand a directory, you see the soft links and object entries to which you have read access. You also see all child directories, but you can expand only those child directories to which you have read access. Directories, object entries, and soft links all have icons associated with them. Most object entries have unique icons based on their class; the class indicates the type of resource that the object entry represents (for example, nodes). You can see only those entries in the namespace to which you have read access; any other entries do not appear. For information about using DCE cds Browser, double click on an item from the list of additional topics below. For information about using help, choose Using Help from the title bar above. 2 file =TITLE file =TITLE File Menu =INCLUDE overview display_ns expand_sel_dirs =INCLUDE overview display_ns collapse_sel_dirs =INCLUDE overview exiting =KEYWORD file Use the File menu to expand or collapse all directories or to exit the Browser. Choose the Expand All option to open all directories on all levels at once. Use Expand All with care if you have a large namespace. The larger a namespace, the longer it takes to display its entire contents. Choose Collapse All to close an expanded namespace. 3 expand_all =TITLE expand_all =TITLE Expanding All Directories =INCLUDE overview display_ns expand_sel_dirs =INCLUDE overview file collapse_all =INCLUDE overview display_ns collapse_sel_dirs Choose the Expand All option from the File menu to expand (open) all directories on all levels at once. When you use this option, you see the contents of all of the directories to which you have read access. Object entries can represent nodes, clearinghouses or any resource for which a client application creates an entry in the namespace. Note: Use Expand All with care if you have a large namespace. The larger a namespace, the longer it takes to display its entire contents. For information about other ways to expand a single directory or selected groups of directories, see the Help topic, Displaying the Namespace. 3 collapse_all =TITLE collapse_all =TITLE Collapsing All Directories =INCLUDE overview display_ns collapse_sel_dirs =INCLUDE overview file expand_all =INCLUDE overview display_ns expand_sel_dirs Choose Collapse All from the File menu to close an expanded namespace. You can also double click on the root directory to close an expanded directory. 2 filter =TITLE filter =TITLE Filters Menu =INCLUDE overview view ch_display =INCLUDE overview display_ns =KEYWORD filter Use the Filters menu to display only objects of a particular class. You can filter only one object class at a time. To change the filter, choose a new class from the Filters menu. Setting a filter does not affect the current display, but when you next expand a directory, you see only object entries whose class matches the filter. Note that soft links and directories still appear because only object entries can be filtered out. To reset the filter so that you can again view all object entries, choose the asterisk(*) from the Filters menu. 2 view =TITLE view =TITLE View Menu =KEYWORD view Use the View menu to choose between formats for displaying the namespace or to choose a tree style. The Browser provides two basic formats for displaying the namespace: outline and tree. The outline format indents to show the hierarchy of entries in the namespace. Lines connect the entries with the tree format. If you select the Display Tree format, Tree Style is activated. You then have a variety of choices for customizing the appearance of the tree. 3 ch_display =TITLE ch_display =TITLE Changing the Display Format =INCLUDE overview view ch_treestyle The Browser provides two basic formats for displaying the namespace: outline and tree. Outline format uses indenting to show the hierarchy of entries in the namespace. Lines connect the entries when the display is in tree format. To change the format, you can toggle between Display Tree or Display Outline from the View menu. 3 ch_treestyle =TITLE ch_treestyle =TITLE Changing the Tree Style =INCLUDE overview view ch_display The Browser offers a choice of three tree display styles. If you wish to change the tree style, pull down the Tree Style menu and select one of the following choices: - Top - the root directory is centered at the top of the display and entries appear beneath it. - Left - the root directory is centered at the left of the display and entries appear to the right of it. - Outline - the root directory is at the top left of the display and the entries appear indented to the right of it. You may find changing the tree style helpful when you are viewing the organization of directories in your namespace. 2 customize =TITLE customize =TITLE Customize Menu =INCLUDE overview view ch_display =INCLUDE overview view ch_treestyle =INCLUDE overview display_ns =KEYWORD customize Use the Customize menu to specify a virtual root, a directory where you want to start displaying the namespace. You can also use this menu to save the list of virtual roots from one Browser session to another by choosing Save Virtual Root Settings. The virtual root is useful if you have interest in setting your starting point at a particular directory in the namespace or if you do not have read access to the root directory (/.:) when the Browser first starts. To display and expand a directory to which you do have read access, specify its name as the virtual root. 3 virt_root =TITLE virt_root =TITLE Customizing the Virtual Root =INCLUDE overview customize save_virt_root_set =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns =INCLUDE overview display_ns =KEYWORD root You can specify a virtual root, a directory other than the root, at which you want to start displaying the namespace. This is useful if you have interest in viewing only a particular directory in the namespace or you do not have read access to high-level directories in the namespace. To set a virtual root, choose Virtual Root from the Customize menu and a Virtual Root selection box appears. At the Selection prompt, enter the full name of the directory (including the namespace nickname, if necessary) that you want to be the virtual root. Once you have entered one or more virtual root names, subsequent displays of the Virtual Root selection box show an alphabetized list of the most recently specified names. The list always includes the root directory (/.:) of the default namespace. Double click on a directory name in the list to cause it to become the new virtual root or type it in at the Selection prompt. 3 save_virt_root_set =TITLE save_virt_root_set =TITLE Save Virtual Root settings =INCLUDE overview customize virt_root Once you have entered one or more virtual root names, subsequent displays of the Virtual Root selection box show an alphabetized list of the most recently specified names. To save the list of virtual roots from one Browser session to another, choose the Save Virtual Root Settings from the Customize menu 2 display_ns =TITLE display_ns =TITLE Displaying the Namespace =INCLUDE overview file expand_all =INCLUDE overview file collapse_all =INCLUDE overview view ch_display =INCLUDE overview filter =INCLUDE overview customize virt_root =KEYWORD display The Browser normally displays the root directory (/.:) when it starts. Double click on the root directory to expand or open it. To collapse or close an expanded directory, double click on it. Directories, object entries, and soft links all have icons associated with them. Many object entries have unique icons based on their class. You can use the Filter menu to display only objects of a particular class. Customize your display format by choosing options listed on the View Menu. You can also specify a virtual root, a directory other than the root, at which you want to start displaying the namespace. You can then immediately focus on a particular directory. Use the Customize menu to specify a virtual root. 3 expand_sel_dirs =TITLE expand_sel_dirs =TITLE Expanding Selected Directories =INCLUDE overview file expand_all =INCLUDE overview file collapse_all =INCLUDE overview display_ns collapse_sel_dirs To expand a single directory, double click on it. You can expand a particular directory path one level at a time by double clicking on single directories. To expand selected directories level by level, click on the first directory you want to select. Continue to select directories by shift clicking on them. When selecting the last directory, double click while still pressing the Shift key. This selects the last directory and expands all the directories you have selected. 3 collapse_sel_dirs =TITLE collapse_sel_dirs =TITLE Collapsing Selected Directories =INCLUDE overview file collapse_all =INCLUDE overview file expand_all =INCLUDE overview display_ns expand_sel_dirs To collapse a single directory, double click on it. You can collapse a particular directory path one level at a time by double clicking on single directories. To collapse selected directories level by level, click on the first directory you want to select. Continue to select directories by shift clicking on them. When selecting the last directory, double click while still pressing the Shift key. This selects the last directory and collapses all the directories you have selected. 2 navigate_ns =TITLE navigate_ns =TITLE Navigating the Namespace =INCLUDE overview customize virt_root =KEYWORD navigate You can choose among a variety of methods to move around in and view the namespace. To scroll through the namespace, you can use horizontal and vertical scroll bars and stepping arrows. You can use the index window to show the name where the slider is currently positioned in the namespace. To display an index window when in outline format, drag the slider up and down the vertical scroll bar. When the display is in tree format, you can use the navigation window to move around. The navigation window contains a reduced image of the currently expanded part of the namespace. When you drag the slider on a scroll bar while the display is in tree format, the navigation window appears. A rectangular box containing the portion of the namespace where the slider is positioned appears inside the navigation window. Release MB1 to display that portion of the namespace in the Browser window. Another way to navigate the namespace is to select a virtual root, which is a directory other than the root at which you want the Browser to start displaying the namespace. The virtual root is a convenient way to focus immediately on a particular directory of interest instead of expanding directories level by level. To set a virtual root, see the Customize menu. In namespaces that are larger than the length of the window, scrolling through directory levels produces a reference line toward the top of the window. The reference line orients you by showing the full directory path from the current name to the root. It also indicates that you have scrolled past other parts of the namespace that are no longer displayed. 3 index_window =TITLE index_window =TITLE Index Window =INCLUDE overview view ch_display =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns navigate_window =KEYWORD index When the namespace is in outline format, dragging the slider up and down the vertical scroll bar produces an index window. The index window shows the name where the slider is currently positioned in the namespace. When the index window contains the name you want to view, release the mouse button MB1 to position that name at the top of the Browser window. 3 navigate_window =TITLE navigate_window =TITLE Navigation Window =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns =INCLUDE overview navigate_ns index_window =INCLUDE overview view ch_display =INCLUDE overview view ch_treestyle =KEYWORD navigation To use the navigation window, be sure that the namespace display is in tree format and then drag the slider on a scroll bar. The navigation window contains a reduced image of the currently expanded part of the namespace. To move around in the namespace, point anywhere in the navigation window and drag the mouse to move the box that is inside the window. When you release MB1, the portion of the namespace surrounded by the box appears in the Browser window. Click on the button at the bottom right corner of the Browser window to make the navigation window a separate, permanent window. Click on the same button to close the window. 2 exiting =TITLE exiting =TITLE Exiting the Browser =INCLUDE overview file =KEYWORD exit To leave the Browser, choose Quit from the File Menu.