DECSET$ENVMGR.HLB  —  cgui  mwin MnWind, MenuBar 1, View Casc
    View menu - the menu items in this pull-down are used to review the
    contents of the context, the context file, and the context including

    Click on Context to bring up in a scrollable window the information
    associated with the current selected context, without its inherited
    information but including any modifications made to the context that
    may not have been saved to the associated context file.

    Click on Context File to bring up the context file associated with the
    current selected context in a scrollable window. This context file may
    or may not be the same as the result of View Context depending on
    whether you have made modifications to the current selected context
    and have saved the modifications to the associated context file.

    Click on Context Including Inheritance to display the current context in
    a scrollable window. This is the context that would be the result of
    applying the selected context with its inherited information.
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