DTMSCREDIT.HLB  —  ScrEdit  ScrEd MnWind, s menu MenuBar
  The Screen Editor contains the following pull-down


  In addition, the Screen Editor window includes a
  variety of push-buttons and controls which allow you to
  display Benchmark and Result images in many ways.
  Using the push-buttons, you may compare and show
  differences between Benchmark and Result images.

  For more information about the Screen Editor's menus
  and controls, double click on an item from the list of
  additional topics below.

1  –  s file Cascade

  Use the File menu to open, include, and save a file.
  Also use the File menu to exit the Screen Editor.

  The File menu contains the following menu items:

      Open Benchmark...
      Open Result...
      Open Mask...
      Save Mask
      Save Mask As...

  For information about using a File menu item, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics

1.1  –  s OpenBmk Btn

  To open an existing Benchmark file, choose Open
  Benchmark...  from the File menu.

  The "DTM :  Open Benchmark File" dialog box appears,
  which displays a list of available Benchmark files.

  To open an existing Benchmark file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where your Benchmark file is located.

  2.  Click on the Filter push button to list available
      Benchmark files.

  3.  In the Files list box, double click on the
      Benchmark file you want to open.

1.2  –  s OpenRes Btn

  To open an existing Result file, choose Open Result...
  from the File menu.

  The "DTM :  Open Result File" dialog box appears, which
  displays a list of available Result files.

  To open an existing Result file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where your Result file is located.

  2.  Click on the Filter push button to list available
      Result files.

  3.  In the Files list box, double click on the Result
      file you want to open.

1.3  –  s OpenMsk Btn

  To open an existing or new Mask file, choose Open
  Mask...  from the File menu.

  The "DTM :  Open Mask File" dialog box appears, which
  displays a list of available Mask files.

  To open an existing Mask file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where your Mask file is located.

  2.  Click on the Filter push button to list available
      Mask files.

  3.  In the Files list box, double click on the Mask
      file you want to open.

  To open a new Mask file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where you want the Mask file to reside.

  2.  Click on the Selection entry box.  Enter the new
      file name with an MXK file type.  For example,

  3.  Click on OK.

1.4  –  s Save Btn

  To save Masks into the currently opened Mask File,
  choose the Save Mask from the File menu.

1.5  –  s SaveMsk Btn

  To save Masks into a new Mask File, choose the Save
  Mask As...  from the File menu.

  The "DTM :  Save Mask File" dialog box appears, which
  displays a list of current Mask file names.

  To replace an existing Mask file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where your Mask file is located.

  2.  Click on the Filter push button to list available
      Mask files.

  3.  In the Files list box, double click on the Mask
      file you want to save to.

  To save a new Mask file:

  1.  In the Directories list box, double click on the
      directory where you want the Mask file to reside.

  2.  Click on the Selection entry box.  Enter the new
      file name with an MXK file type.  For example,

  3.  Click on OK.

1.6  –  s Quit Btn

  To quit the Screen Editor, choose Quit from the File

  If you have made changes to Masks, the Screen Editor
  will ask you to verify that you wish to quit before

  To state your choice, click on OK or Cancel.

1.7  –  s Exit Btn

  To exit the Screen Editor, choose Exit from the File
  menu.  Changes to Masks will be saved in the currently
  opened Mask file.

2  –  s Edit Cascade

  Use the Edit menu to edit Masks in the Image/Mask
  Display and Edit Area.

  The Edit menu contains the following menu items:

      Select All
      Clear All

  For information about using a Edit menu item, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics

2.1  –  s Copy Btn

  The Copy menu item allows you to copy all Masks from
  the Image/Mask Display and Edit Area.

  Copied Masks may be pasted to another screen using the
  Paste button from the Edit menu.

  For more information on Copy and Paste of Masks, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics

2.2  –  s Paste Btn

  The Paste menu item allows you to paste copied Masks
  into the Image/Masks Display and Edit Area.

  Masks may be copied using the Copy button from the Edit

  For more information on Copy and Paste of Masks, double
  click on an item from the list of additional topics

2.3  –  s Reset Btn

  The Reset menu item allows you to reset the displayed
  Masks, displaying only those Masks defined in the
  currently opened Mask file.

2.4  –  s SelectAll Btn

  The Select All menu item is not implemented in this
  release of the Screen Editor.

2.5  –  s Clear Btn

  The Clear All menu item clears all Mask definitions,
  removing them from the display.

3  –  s Options Cascade

  The Options Menu is not implemented in this release of
  the Screen Editor.

3.1  –  s RestS Btn

  Settings menu item is not implemented in this release
  of the Screen Editor.

3.2  –  s RestSys Btn

  The Use System Defaults menu item is not implemented in
  this release of the Screen Editor.

3.3  –  s RestAs Btn

  The Use Saved Settings From...  menu item is not
  implemented in this release of the Screen Editor.

3.4  –  s SaveS Btn

  The Save Current Settings menu item is not implemented
  in this release of the Screen Editor.

3.5  –  s SaveAs Btn

  The Save Current Settings As...  menu item is not
  implemented in this release of the Screen Editor.

4  –  s Help Cascade

  The Help menu contains the following menu items that
  let you display help for each window:

      On Context
      On Window
      On Terms
      On Version

  For more information about using a Help menu item,
  double click on an item from the list of additional
  topics below.

4.1  –  s OnContext Btn

  Context-sensitive help is information about an object
  in a window or a dialog box.

  To display context-sensitive help, choose On Context
  from the Help menu.

  The pointer changes to a question mark.  Move the
  question mark to a menu, a button, or another object
  and click MB1.  Help for that object appears.

4.2  –  s OnWindow Btn

  To display an overview of the DTM :  Screen Editor,
  along with help on how to perform various functions in
  the Screen Editor, choose On Window from the Help menu.

4.3  –  s OnTerms Btn

  To display a Glossary of terms used in DTM :  Screen
  Editor, choose On Terms from the Help menu.

4.4  –  s OnVersion Btn

  To display information on the software version of DTM
  Screen Editor, choose On Version from the Help menu.
Close Help