Moves or copies the selected range to the indicated buffer.



1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /APPEND

       /NOAPPEND (D)

    Indicates whether the moved text should be appended to the current
    contents of the receiving buffer or should replace the current
    contents of the receiving buffer.

1.2    /BUFFER

       /BUFFER=$PASTE (D)

    Specifies the buffer to receive the text being moved. If the
    /REPLACE or /SUBSTITUTE qualifier is specified, then the indicated
    buffer supplies text to replace text being erased from the current


    Specifies that the DECwindows clipboard should be used to receive
    the text being moved, instead of a buffer. The /CLIPBOARD and
    /BUFFER qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

1.4    /ERASE

       /ERASE (D)

    Specifies whether or not the moved text should be deleted from
    the current buffer. If the current buffer is not modifiable, LSE
    changes the /ERASE qualifier to /NOERASE and performs the CUT
    operation. LSE then displays the message "CUT in unmodifiable
    buffer changed to CUT/NOERASE."

1.5    /REPLACE

    Erases the selected text and replaces it with the contents of the
    indicated buffer.


    Erases the search string, replaces it with the contents of the
    buffer indicated in the /BUFFER qualifier, and finds the next
    occurrence of the string. To use this qualifier, do the following:

    1. Issue the SET SELECT_MARK command (press the SELECT key) at the
       command prompt.

    2. Type the new text in the buffer.

    3. Issue the CUT command (press the CUT or REMOVE key) at the
       command prompt. This places the text in the indicated buffer.

    4. Issue the SEARCH command (press the FIND key) at the command
       prompt, followed by the text you want to search for and

    5. Press the ENTER key.

    6. Issue the CUT/SUBSTITUTE command (press the SUBS key) at the
       command prompt.

    Subsequently, each time you issue the CUT/SUBSTITUTE command, LSE
    makes one substitution and finds the next occurrence of the search
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