LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  Features  Placeholders
  To use LSE to create or edit source code requires an understanding of
  the concepts of tokens and placeholders.  Tokens and placeholders are
  language elements that have been predefined for each of the supported
  languages.   These  elements  can  be  expanded  into  templates  for
  language constructs.


  Placeholders are markers in the source code that  indicate  locations
  where  you  can provide program text.  These placeholders help you to
  supply the appropriate syntax in a given context.  Generally, you  do
  not  need  to type placeholders, rather, they are inserted for you by
  LSE.  Placeholders can be recognized because they are  surrounded  by
  brackets  or  braces.   The  exact choice for placeholder brackets is
  language dependent.

  There are three types of placeholders:

   o  Terminal placeholders

   o  Nonterminal placeholders

   o  Menu placeholders

  Terminal  placeholders  provide  text  strings  that  describe  valid
  replacements  for  the  placeholder.  Nonterminal placeholders expand
  into additional language constructs.   Menu  placeholders  provide  a
  list  of  options  corresponding  to  the placeholder.  The type of a
  placeholder is a property of the placeholder name.

  Placeholders are either optional or required.  Required placeholders,
  indicated  by  braces,  represent places in the source code where you
  must provide  program  text.   Optional  placeholders,  indicated  by
  brackets,  represent  places  in the source code where you can either
  provide additional constructs or erase the placeholder.

  For example, the declaration

         INTEGER {identifier}...

  when expanded becomes

         INTEGER id,

  The first appearance of the identifier placeholder is  surrounded  by
  braces  because you need at least one identifier in this declaration.
  The second appearance is surrounded by  brackets  because  additional
  identifiers are optional.

  Some placeholders are duplicated when expanded.   These  placeholders
  are followed by an ellipsis.  Generally, these placeholders represent
  items such as identifiers, statements, expressions, datatypes, or any
  location  where  lists  of  items  are  expected.   A  placeholder is
  duplicated  either  vertically  or  horizontally,  depending  on  the
  context and the placeholder definition.  For example, the placeholder
  [identifier] in the previous example was duplicated vertically.

  You may move forward or backward from placeholder to placeholder.  In
  addition,  you  can  delete  or  expand  placeholders as needed.  LSE
  allows you to specify uppercase, lowercase, or  as  defined  for  all
  text expanded into the buffer.

  You may modify  placeholder  definitions  by  means  of  the  EXTRACT
  command.  See Chapter 6 for information on modifying placeholders.

  Placeholder definitions may be stored in an  environment  file.   See
  Chapter 7 for information on defining your own placeholders.


  Tokens  are  typically  keywords  in  programming  languages.    When
  expanded,  tokens provide additional language constructs.  Tokens are
  typed directly into  the  buffer.   Generally,  tokens  are  used  in
  situations  when you want to add additional language constructs where
  there are no placeholders.  For example, typing IF and  pressing  the
  EXPAND  key  causes  a template for an IF construct to appear on your
  screen.  Tokens are also used to  bypass  long  menus  in  situations
  where expanding a placeholder, such as {statement}, would result in a
  lengthy menu.

  You can use tokens to insert text  when  editing  an  existing  file.
  Because  most  languages  have  tokens  for  built-in  functions  and
  keywords, you type the name for a function or keyword and  press  the
  EXPAND  key.   In  addition,  most  languages  provide  a token named
  'statement' or 'expression' that expands into a menu of all  possible
  statements or expressions.

  The following example demonstrates how  to  use  tokens  to  edit  an
  existing  program.   In this case, the buffer, TEST.EXAMPLE, contains
  the following code:

         PROCEDURE test ()

             IF A = B
                 A = C + 1
         ENDPROCEDURE test

  If you want to add more statements to  this  program  before  the  IF
  construct, do the following:

  1.  Move the cursor to the beginning of the IF procedure line.

  2.  Press the OPEN LINE key (PF1-KP0).

  3.  Press the TAB key.

      Note that the cursor is placed at the same level  of  indentation
      as the next line.

  4.  Type statement and press the EXPAND key.

  A menu of statements will now appear on your  screen.   You  use  the
  arrow  keys  to  scroll through the menu.  To select a menu item, you
  press the EXPAND, ENTER, or RETURN key.  You can press the space  bar
  to exit a menu without selecting an item.

1  –  Terminal Placeholders

  If the current position is on a terminal placeholder when the  EXPAND
  key   is   pressed,  the  Editor  displays  a  description  of  valid
  replacements for the terminal placeholder.

  Pressing the up and down arrows (bound to the GOTO CHARACTER/VERTICAL
  command) allows you to move within the text.

  Pressing the space bar removes  the  text  and  returns  you  to  the
  original buffer without making any changes.

  Pressing any other key clears the text  and  performs  the  operation
  normally associated with the key.

2  –  Nonterminal Placeholders

  If the current position is on  a  nonterminal  placeholder  when  the
  EXPAND  key  is  pressed,  the  Editor  deletes  the  placeholder and
  replaces it with the text of the placeholder body.

3  –  Menu Placeholders

  When a menu placeholder is expanded, the Editor displays  a  list  of
  options.   Pressing  the  up  and  down arrow keys (bound to the GOTO
  CHARACTER/VERTICAL command) allows you to move  from  one  option  to

  To obtain help text on an indicated option, press the GOLD-HELP (PF2)

  Pressing the EXPAND, ENTER, or RETURN key allows you  to  expand  the
  selected option and remove the menu display.

  Pressing the key bound to the GOTO SCREEN command (Keypad 8 key) also
  allows  you  to  move through the menu, skipping several options at a

  Pressing any other key removes the  menu  display  and  performs  the
  operation normally associated with the key.

  If the option is a placeholder name, the placeholder is  enclosed  in
  the same class of delimiter as the menu option being expanded (unless
  the /LIST qualifier on DEFINE PLACEHOLDER  specifies  otherwise)  and
  the Editor then automatically performs an EXPAND operation.  If /LIST
  is specified, the list form of the delimiter found on the menu option
  is used.

  If there is a description associated with the  placeholder  or  token
  name  appearing  as  a  choice  in  a  menu,  the Editor displays the
  description along with the name.  For example:

        IF: tests an expression and establishes an action
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