PCAA_HELP.HLB  —  PCAA  main MnWind
  The Analyzer main window consists of two panes. The
  top pane displays performance information graphically,
  depending on the type of chart you select. The bottom
  pane displays the queries you can select to display the
  information you are interested in seeing.

  The main window also contains a set of menus, in the
  menu bar across the top, that let you set the context
  for analyzing the performance information collected.

1  –  help HelpBox

  The Help pull-down menu contains the following

  o  On Context - provides a way to get access to
     context-sensitive help.

  o  On Window - provides a brief description of the
     Analyzer main window.

  o  On Help - describes how to get access to the
     context-sensitive help.

  o  On Version - identifies the product name, version
     number, and copyright information.

 You can get help in two ways:

  o  To get help about Analyzer tasks, choose Overview
     from the Help menu.

     The Overview topic describes the application and
     lists additional topics that explain how to do
     common tasks when using the Analyzer. Double click
     on an additional topic for more information.

  o  To get help about screen objects, such as data
     types, dialog boxes, and buttons, press and hold
     the HELP key while you click on the screen object in
     which you're interested in getting help.

2  –  menu bar MenuBar

  The Analyzer menu bar contains the following menus:

  o  File - for opening a data files, saving a chart, and
     for exiting from the Analyzer

  o  View - for choosing how to display your information:
     in a bar graph, table, or annotated source file

  o  Options - for controlling your run-time environment

  o  Help - for obtaining help on PCA and any of the
     objects in the Analyzer window

2.1  –  file Casc

  You can choose one of the following menu items from the
  File pull-down menu:

  o  Open Datafile... - opens an existing PCA data file

  o  Save Chart - saves the current view in an output

  o  Exit - terminates the PCA Analyzer session

2.1.1  –  sel data Btn

  Choose the Open Datafile... menu item from the File
  pull-down menu to specify the name of a performance
  data file to display the contents of in the Analyzer
  main window.)

2.1.2  –  save chart Btn

  Save the contents of the current display.

2.1.3  –  set source Btn

  Specify the directory specifications of the source file
  corresponding to the data file you are analyzing.

2.1.4  –  exit Btn

  Choose Exit to terminate the current PCA Analyzer

2.2  –  charts Casc

  The View pull-down menu lets you select the way in
  which you want the Analyzer to display the results of
  the performance analysis:

  o  In a bar graph histogram

  o  In an annotated source listing

  o  In a call tree

  From the view menu, you can also choose how you
  want the annotation to appear for each chart: in a
  histogram, or a table.

2.2.1  –  bar gragh Btn

  Choose Bar Graph to display a histogram showing:

  o  The names of the modules or routines in your

  o  A bar next to each module or routine name that
     shows, proportionately, how many data points were
     collected for that routine in the data file.

  o  The percentage of total data points collected for
     that module or routine.

2.2.2  –  source Btn

  The Annotated Source view displays an annotated source
  listing of your source code describing the frequency
  of a value for a source line of code. It uses both a
  graphic and numeric display format. The bolded lines
  are lines that can be associated with machine code.

2.2.3  –  tree Btn

  Information that is hierarchical in nature is easily
  displayed in a Tree view. The Tree View displays the
  call tree structure of your program.

2.2.4  –  Annot Casc

  The Annotation menu item in the View menu lets you
  choose from two options in a submenu:

  o  Histogram - to view the annotation for each chart in
     histogram format

  o  Table - to view the annotation for each chart in
     table format  –  histogram Btn

  The histogram is the default view of the results of
  your performance analysis. With a histogram, you
  can see a graphical representation of the frequency
  of information on specific program elements of your
  application.  –  table Btn

  In a table, you can see the numerical frequencies of
  information collected for each query.

2.3  –  navigation Casc

  After you generate histograms or tables, you can
  examine the results by interpreting the information
  collected from the perspective of your program's
  structure. You can navigate, or traverse, around
  the program's structure to view the areas with the
  most data points (the "hotspots") along with their
  corresponding source lines.

  The following are the navigation buttons:

  o  Next Hotspot

  o  Previous Hotspot

  o  First Hotspot

  o  Last Hotspot

2.3.1  –  set lang ada Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.2  –  set lang basic Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.3  –  set lang bliss Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.4  –  set lang c Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.5  –  set lang cobol Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.6  –  set lang cxx Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.7  –  set lang dibol Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.8  –  set lang fortran Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.9  –  set lang macro Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.10  –  set lang pascal Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.11  –  set lang pl1 Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.12  –  set lang rpg Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.13  –  set lang scan Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.14  –  set lang unknown Btn

  The Set Language function allows you to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed by the Analyzer.

2.3.15  –  next Btn

  Choose Next Hotspot to place the current position at
  the next largest hotspot in your application.

2.3.16  –  previous Btn

  Choose Previous Hotspot to place the current position
  at the previous hotspot.

2.3.17  –  first Btn

  Choose First Hotspot to place the current position at
  the largest hotspot in your application.

2.3.18  –  last Btn

  Choose Last Hotspot to place the current position at
  the smallest hotspot in your application.

2.4  –  customize Casc

  The Options pull-down menu lets you control your run-
  time environment with the following menu items:

  o  Set Source Directory...

  o  Set Language

2.4.1  –  set source Btn

  Choose Set Source Directory... to specify the
  directory in which your source files are located so
  that the Analyzer can display annotated source file

2.4.2  –  set_language_thing

  You can use the Set Language function to establish the
  current language setting, which determines how symbol
  names are parsed.

2.5  –  help Casc

  The Help menu contains the following entries:

  o  On Context - Converts the mouse pointer to a
     question mark, allowing you to obtain help on any
     object in the Analyzer window you click on. When you
     click on an object, PCA displays the DECwindows Help
     Widget, containing help specific to the object you
     clicked on.

  o  On Help - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help

  o  On Window - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help on.

  o  On Version - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing the version identifier of PCA software
     you are running and a copyright notice.

2.5.1  –  on context Btn

  When you click on On Context in the Help menu, PCA
  provides a fast way to obtain context-sensitive help on
  any object you click on in the Analyzer window or query

  Note that when you click on On Context, the arrow
  pointer converts to a question mark, indicating you are
  in Context-Sensitive Help mode. After the Help Widget
  is displayed for the window object you clicked on, the
  arrow pointer reappears.

2.5.2  –  on help Btn

  To get help on using the Analyzer, you can use one of
  two methods:

  o  Choose On Context from the Help menu. Then click on
     any object in the Analyzer window on which you want

  o  Press and hold MB1 on any object in the Analyzer
     main window on which you want help, and press the
     Help key on your keyboard.

2.5.3  –  on window Btn

  PCA collects performance information on your
  application and lets you view that information
  to observe the runtime characteristics of your
  application, such as:

  o  Where your application spends the most time

  o  What parts of your application are executed the most

  o  What parts of your application are compute-bound or

  o  What areas of your application are, or are not,
     executed by tests

  o  What the dynamic call relationships are among the
     routines in your application

  o  Where page faults occur

  o  Where you use system services

  With this information, PCA helps you pinpoint important
  qualities of your application, such as the location
  and nature of performance bottlenecks, or how effective
  your test coverage is.

2.5.4  –  on version Btn


  HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential
  proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard
  Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to
  be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the
  prior written permission of HP.

  © 2015 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company,

  confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS
  Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used,
  duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior
  written permission of VMS Software, Inc.

  © 2015 Copyright VMS Software, Inc.


  For more information about the PCA Analyzer, double
  click on Overview of PCA from the additional topics

3  –  work area PaneWin

  The Analyzer display pane displays a chart showing
  the performance or coverage information previously
  collected. You can use the menus at the top of the
  display pane to change the chart and to navigate around
  in it.

3.1  –  view pane Form

  The Analyzer display pane displays a chart showing
  the performance or coverage information previously
  collected. You can use the menus at the top of the
  display pane to change the chart and to navigate around
  in it.

3.1.1  –  zoom Lab

  The two buttons to either side of the View label allow
  you to adjust the granularity of the Analyzer display.

  Click on the left arrow View button to redraw the
  current chart with a broader level of granularity.

  Click on the right arrow View button to redraw the
  current chart with a finer level of granularity.

3.1.2  –  zoom in Button

  Click on the right arrow View button to redraw the
  current chart with a finer level of granularity.

  If the current chart is a histogram of the modules that
  are called the most often, clicking on the right arrow
  button changes the display to show the routines that
  are called the most often.

  If you have selected an entry in the current chart,
  clicking on the right arrow button applies only to that

  Double-clicking on an object in the current chart has
  the same effect as clicking on the right arrow button.

3.1.3  –  zoom out Button

  Click on the left arrow View button to redraw the
  current chart with a broader level of granularity.

  If the current chart is a histogram of the routines
  that are called the most often, clicking on the left
  arrow button changes the display to show the modules
  that are called the most often.

  If you have selected an entry in the current chart,
  clicking on the left arrow button applies only to that

  You can also decrease the granularity of an object that
  has been zoomed in on by double clicking on it.

3.1.4  –  sour svn pane Form

  You can display performance and coverage information in
  the form of an annotated source listing, which provides
  information on each line of the source code for your
  application.  –  source disp Svn

  An Annotated Source listing provides performance and
  coverage information on a line-by-line basis for your

3.1.5  –  tree svn pane Form

  You can display a graphical call tree showing the
  dynamic calling relationships among the routines in
  your application.  –  tree disp Svn

  A call tree shows the dynamic calling relationships
  among the routines in your application. In the
  call tree displayed by the Analyzer, you also get
  information in the form of histograms associated with
  each node on the call tree that provide more details on
  how often each routine was called.

  You can use the scroll bars to the right and below to
  navigate around the entire call tree.

3.1.6  –  hist svn pane Form

  Use the scroll bars to the right and below the call
  tree to navigate around your application's call tree.  –  hist disp Svn

  A call tree shows the dynamic calling relationships
  among the routines in your application. In the
  call tree displayed by the Analyzer, you also get
  information in the form of histograms associated with
  each node on the call tree that provide more details on
  how often each routine was called.

  You can use the scroll bars to the right and below to
  navigate around the entire call tree.

3.2  –  query work Form

3.2.1  –  application Txt

  This field contains the name of the application on
  which performance or coverage data was collected.

3.2.2  –  application Lab

  The field to the right of contains the name of
  the application on which performance or coverage
  information was collected.

3.2.3  –  datafile Lab

  The field to the right contains the name of the current
  data file, which contains the performance or coverage
  information on the application named in the field
  directly above.

3.2.4  –  datafile Txt

  This is the name of the data file containing the
  performance or coverage information collected on the
  application listed in the field directly above.

3.2.5  –  main inc Button

  Click on Include to combine the results of two queries
  into the same graphic display.

3.2.6  –  main apply Button

  Click on Apply Query to display the results of a query
  chosen in the query pane.

3.2.7  –  query cat OptMenu

  The Query Category pull-down menu lets you choose a
  category of queries to display in the analyzer query
  pane. The available categories are:

  o  Process Execution Information - displays queries
     relating to process execution information, such as
     elapsed time, system time, and so on.

  o  Execution Counts - displays queries relating to
     execution counts of lines, modules, routines, and
     routine calls.

  o  Coverage - displays queries relating to codepath
     coverage information.

  o  Dynamic Call Information - displays queries relating
     to call tree structure and calling relationships.

  o  I/O Usage - displays queries relating to I/O

  o  System Service Usage - displays queries relating to
     system service usage.

  o  Page Faults - displays queries relating to page
     fault information.

  o  ADA Usage - displays queries relating to ADA tasking
     information.  –  proc query Btn

  The Process Execution query category contains queries
  that relate to the following areas of performance

  o  Elapsed time - where your application spends the
     most time, as measured against total elapsed time.

  o  Process time - where your applications spends the
     most process, or CPU, time.

  o  Routine calls-which routines get called the most,
     and which routines make the most calls.  –  count query Btn

  The Execution Counts query category contains queries
  that relate to displaying the following data counting

  o  Routines executed the most

  o  Lines executed the most

  o  Modules executed the most

  o  Routines that make the most calls

  o  Routines that call other routines  –  cov query Btn

  The Coverage query category contains queries that
  relate to showing the following information that
  results from executing tests:

  o  What percentage of the application was covered by
     the tests

  o  Where the application is and is not covered by the

  o  What routines were completely not covered by tests

  o  Where the application is acceptably not covered
     (ANC)  –  call query Btn

  The Dynamic Call Information query category contains
  queries that relate to showing the following

  o  Your program's call tree structure

  o  What routines call what other routines

  o  Which routines make the most calls  –  io query Btn

  The I/O Usage query categoey contains queries that
  relate to showing the following information:

  o  What I/O is being done

  o  What I/O system services are being used

  o  Where I/O reads or writes are being used

  o  Number of I/O read or write counts

  o  Where I/O reads and writes are used

  o  Files involved in I/O

  o  Record sizes  –  sysser query Btn

  The System Service Usage query category contains
  queries that relate to showing the following:

  o  Where system services are used

  o  What system services are used  –  page query Btn

  The Page Faults query category contains queries that
  relate to showing the following information:

  o  Where page faults are occurring

  o  What addresses are causing page faults  –  ada query Btn

  The Ada Usage query category contains queries that
  relate to showing the following tasking information:

  o  What tasks are performing context switching

  o  What Ada tasking names are used

  o  What Ada tasking types used

  o  What Ada task priorities are used

3.2.8  –  query ScrWind

  The Query Scroll Window displays the queries contained
  in the current query category. If not all the queries
  of the current category can fit in the window, a
  vertical scroll bar is displayed in the right margin,
  which allows you to scroll through the entire list of
  queries.  –  scroll Form  –  proc query Form  –  proc query Radio

  Click on one of the queries contained in the Process
  Execution query category radio box. You can use the
  vertical scroll bar in the right margin of this radio
  box to scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  elapsed time Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  where in your application elapsed time was spent.  –  process time Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  where in your application process, or CPU, time was
  spent.  –  prtn calls Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  which routines were executed the most in your
  application.  –  prtn callers Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  which routines made the most calls.  –  count query Form  –  count query Radio

  The Execution Counts query category radio box contains
  queries related to displaying counting information on
  your application. You can use the vertical scroll bar
  in the right margin of this radio box to scroll to
  queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  routines Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  which routines are executed the most.  –  lines Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  which lines are executed the most  –  modules Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  which modules in your application are executed the
  most.  –  rtn callers Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows
  which routines in your application make the most
  calls.  –  rtn callees Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart that shows what
  routines in your application call other routines.  –  cov query Form  –  cov query Radio

  The Coverage query category contains queries related
  to displaying test coverage information of your
  application's codepaths. You can use the vertical
  scroll bar in the right margin to scroll to queries
  appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  app cov Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  percentage of your application was covered by tests.  –  cover Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  parts of your application were covered by tests.  –  non cover Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  parts of your application were not covered by tests.  –  anc cover Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing
  what parts of your application have been designated
  acceptably noncovered (ANC).  –  call query Form  –  call query Radio

  The Dynamic Call Information query category menu
  contains queries related to displaying call tree
  information on your application. You can use the
  vertical scroll bar in the right margin of this radio
  box to scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  call show Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing the
  call tree structure of your application.  –  call callees Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  routines in your application call what other routines.  –  call callers Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing which
  routines in your application make the most calls.  –  io query Form  –  io query Radio

  The I/O Usage query category radio box contains
  queries related to displaying I/O information on your
  application. You can use the vertical scroll bar in
  the right margin of this radio box to scroll to queries
  appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  io done Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing where
  I/O operations are being executed in your application.  –  io serv Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing
  what I/O system services are being used in your
  application.  –  io read Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing where
  I/O reads are being used in your application.  –  io read num Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing the
  total number of I/O read operations performed in your
  application.  –  io write Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing where
  I/O write operations are being performed in your
  application.  –  io write num Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing the
  total number of I/O write operations performed in your
  application.  –  io phys Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing where
  I/O read and write operations are being performed in
  your application.  –  io phys num Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing the
  total number of I/O write operations performed in your
  application.  –  io file Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing
  what files are involved in I/O operations in your
  application.  –  io file vbn Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing
  what file virtual block numbers are used in your
  application.  –  io file key Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  file keys are used in your application.  –  io rec siz Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  record sizes are being used in your application.  –  sysser query Form  –  sysser query Radio

  The System Service Usage query category radio box
  contains queries related to displaying system service
  usage information on your application. You can use the
  vertical scroll bar in the right margin of this radio
  box to scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  sysser where Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing where
  system services are being used in your application.  –  sysser what Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  system services are being used in your application.  –  page query Form  –  page query Radio

  The Page Faults query category radio box contains
  queries related to displaying page fault information
  on your application. You can use the vertical scroll
  bar in the right margin of this radio box to scroll to
  queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  page where Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing where
  the page faults occur in your application.  –  page address Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing the
  addresses in your application that are causing page
  faults to occur.  –  ada query Form  –  ada query Radio

  The Ada Usage query category radio box contains queries
  related to displaying Ada tasking information on your
  application. You can use the vertical scroll bar in
  the right margin of this radio box to scroll to queries
  appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  ada where Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  tasks in your application are performing context
  switching.  –  ada task Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  Ada tasking names are being used in your application.  –  ada type Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing what
  Ada tasking types are being used in your application.  –  ada prior Tgl

  Click on this button to display a chart showing
  what Ada task priorities are being used in your

3.2.9  –  query_menu_bar

  The Query Panel menu bar includes the following menus:

  o  Query Category

  o  Navigation

  o  Help  –  query help Casc

  The Help menu contains the following entries:

  o  On Context - Converts the mouse pointer to a
     question mark, allowing you to obtain help on any
     object in the Analyzer window you click on. When you
     click on an object, PCA displays the DECwindows Help
     Widget, containing help specific to the object you
     clicked on.

  o  On Help - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help

  o  On Window - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help on.

  o  On Version - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing the version identifier of PCA software
     you are running and a copyright notice.

3.2.10  –  query_label

  The Query Category pull-down menu lets you choose a
  category of queries to display in the analyzer query
  pane. The available categories are:

  o  Process Execution Information - displays queries
     relating to process execution information, such as
     elapsed time, system time, and so on.

  o  Execution Counts - displays queries relating to
     execution counts of lines, modules, routines, and
     routine calls.

  o  Coverage - displays queries relating to codepath
     coverage information.

  o  Dynamic Call Information - displays queries relating
     to call tree structure and calling relationships.

  o  I/O Usage - displays queries relating to I/O

  o  System Service Usage - displays queries relating to
     system service usage.

  o  Page Faults - displays queries relating to page
     fault information.

  o  ADA Usage - displays queries relating to ADA tasking

4  –  sel data PopForm

  Use the Select PCA Datafile box to select the data file
  for the application you wish to analyze.

4.1  –  sel data FilSelB

  Enter the name of the data file containing the
  performance data you wish to analyze.

5  –  show cont PopForm

  Use the Show Contents dialog box to obtain information
  on the contents of your data file, such as run names
  and other historical data.

5.1  –  contents Gobe

  You can obtain information on your data file, such as
  a time stamp and name for each run in the current data

5.2  –  cont dis Button

  Click on Dismiss to dismiss the Show Contents dialog

6  –  Warning Warn

7  –  Message MsgBoc

8  –  Working WorkBox

9  –  main_label

  The Analyzer menu bar contains the following menus:

  o  File - for opening a data files, saving a chart, and
     for exiting from the Analyzer

  o  Edit - for copying, cutting, and pasting information
     onto the DECwindows clipboard

  o  View - for choosing how to display your information:
     in a bar graph, table, or annotated source file

  o  Options - for controlling your run-time environment

  o  Help - for obtaining help on PCA and any of the
     objects in the Analyzer window

10  –  set source PopForm

  You can set the directory specifications of the source
  file location corresponding to the data file being

10.1  –  source label Lab

  Enter the name of the directory containing the source
  files corresponding to the data file being analyzed.

10.2  –  source text Txt

  Enter the name of the directory containing the source
  files corresponding to the data file being analyzed.
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