Creates a new schema in the current default catalog of a
    multischema database.


       Use of the CREATE SCHEMA statement to create a database is
       a deprecated feature. If you specify physical attributes of
       a database such as the root file parameters, you receive an
       informational message, but SQL creates the database anyway.

       %SQL-I-DEPR_FEATURE, Deprecated Feature: SCHEMA (meaning DATABASE)

       If you do not specify any physical attributes, you may
       receive an error message noting that you must enable
       multischema naming.

       %SQL-F-SCHCATMULTI, Schemas and catalogs may only be referenced with
       multischema enabled

    A schema is a group of definitions within a database. The CREATE
    SCHEMA statement lets you specify in a single SQL statement all
    data and privilege definitions for a new schema. You can also add
    definitions to the schema later.

    A database, in addition to schema definitions, includes database
    system files and user data. If you need to specify any physical
    database characteristics such as the database root file or
    storage area parameters, use the CREATE DATABASE statement. See
    the CREATE DATABASE statement for more information.

    You can specify any number of optional schema elements to the
    CREATE SCHEMA statement. Schema elements are any of the CREATE
    statements (except CREATE STORAGE AREA, CREATE DOMAIN . . . FROM
    path-name, and CREATE TABLE . . . FROM path-name) or a GRANT

    These statements require statement terminators, except when they
    are part of a CREATE SCHEMA or CREATE DATABASE statement. When
    you use these statements within a CREATE SCHEMA statement, use a
    statement terminator on the last schema element only. The first
    statement terminator that SQL encounters ends the CREATE SCHEMA
    statement. Later CREATE or GRANT statements are not within the
    scope of the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

1  –  Environment

    You can use the CREATE SCHEMA statement:

    o  In interactive SQL

    o  Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled

    o  As part of a procedure in an SQL module

    o  In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed

2  –  Format

  CREATE SCHEMA -+-> <schema-name> -------------------------+-+
                 +-> AUTHORIZATION <auth-id> ---------------+ |
                 +-> <schema-name> AUTHORIZATION <auth-id> -+ |
                   +-+--> schema-element --+-+

  schema-name  =

    +------> <catalog-name> --------------+->. ---+
    +-> " -> <alias>.<catalog-name> ->" --+       |
    |   +-----------------------------------------+
    |   +--------------> <name-of-schema> ------+->
    +-> " -> <alias>.<name-of-schema> ->" ------+

  schema-element =

  -+-> create-collating-sequence-statement -+->
   +-> create-domain-statement -------------+
   +-> create-index-statement --------------+
   +-> create-sequence-statement -----------+
   +-> create-storage-map-statement --------+
   +-> create-table-statement --------------+
   +-> create-trigger-statement ------------+
   +-> create-view-statement ---------------+
   +-> grant-statement ---------------------+

3  –  Arguments

3.1  –  AUTHORIZATION auth id

    If you do not specify a schema name, the authorization identifier
    specifies the default schema.

    If you want to comply with the ANSI/ISO 1989 standard, specify
    the AUTHORIZATION clause without the schema name. Specify both
    the AUTHORIZATION clause and the schema name to comply with the
    current ANSI/ISO SQL standard.

3.2  –  create-collating-sequence-statement

    See the CREATE COLLATING_SEQUENCE statement for details.

    If you want to specify a collating sequence in a CREATE DOMAIN
    statement embedded in a CREATE SCHEMA statement, you must first
    specify a CREATE COLLATING SEQUENCE statement within the same
    CREATE SCHEMA statement.

3.3  –  create-domain-statement

    See the CREATE DOMAIN statement for details.

    You cannot use the FROM path-name clause when embedding a CREATE
    DOMAIN statement in a CREATE SCHEMA statement. You can, however,
    issue a separate CREATE DOMAIN statement following the CREATE
    SCHEMA statement. You can also describe the domain directly
    within the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

    If you want to specify a collating sequence in your embedded
    CREATE DOMAIN statement, you must first specify a CREATE
    COLLATING SEQUENCE statement within the same CREATE SCHEMA

3.4  –  create-function-statement

    See the CREATE Routine statement for details.

3.5  –  create-index-statement

    See the CREATE INDEX statement for details.

3.6  –  create-module-statement

    See the CREATE MODULE statement for details.

3.7  –  create-procedure-statement

    See the CREATE Routine statement for details.

3.8  –  create-sequence-statement

    See the CREATE SEQUENCE statement for details.

3.9  –  create-storage-map-statement

    See the CREATE STORAGE_MAP statement for details.

3.10  –  create-table-statement

    See the CREATE TABLE statement for details.

    You cannot use the FROM path-name clause when embedding a CREATE
    TABLE statement in a CREATE SCHEMA statement. You can, however,
    issue a separate CREATE TABLE statement following the CREATE
    SCHEMA statement. You can also describe the table directly within
    the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

    The CREATE TABLE statements in a CREATE SCHEMA statement can
    refer to domains not yet created, provided that CREATE DOMAIN
    statements for the domains are in the same CREATE SCHEMA

3.11  –  create-trigger-statement

    See the CREATE TRIGGER statement for details.

3.12  –  create-view-statement

    See the CREATE VIEW statement for details.

3.13  –  grant-statement

    See the GRANT statement for details.

3.14  –  schema-element

    Some CREATE statements or a GRANT statement.

3.15  –  schema-name

    Specifies the name of the schema created by the CREATE SCHEMA

    You can qualify the schema name with either a catalog name or the
    catalog name qualified by the alias. You must enclose the alias
    and catalog name in double quotation marks and separate them with
    a period. You must issue the SET QUOTING RULES statement before
    you specify the alias and catalog name pair, or SQL issues an
    error message about the use of double quotation marks.

    For information on qualifying schema names with aliases and
    catalog names, see the User_Supplied_Names HELP topic.

4  –  Example

    Example 1: Creating a schema within a multischema database

    The following interactive statements create a database that
    contains a schema within a catalog. You issue the CREATE SCHEMA
    statement alone or as part of a CREATE DATABASE statement.

    Schemas in database PERS_ALIAS
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