Makes a copy of a database in an intermediate form. Use the
    IMPORT statement to rebuild an Oracle Rdb database from the
    interchange file (.rbr file extension) created by the EXPORT

    You use the EXPORT statement with the IMPORT statement to make
    changes to Oracle Rdb databases that cannot be made any other
    way. The EXPORT statement unloads a database to an .rbr file. The
    IMPORT statement creates the database again with the changes that
    are both allowed and not allowed through ALTER statements. See
    the IMPORT statement for more information.

1  –  Environment

    You can use the EXPORT statement in interactive SQL only.

2  –  Format

  EXPORT DATABASE -+-> ALIAS <alias> -------------------------------------+
                   +-> FILENAME <file-spec> -+-+----------------------+---+
                   +-> PATHNAME <path-name> -+ +-> literal-user-auth -+   |
  +-> INTO <file-spec> -+------------------------------------+-->
                        +- WITH -+-> EXTENSIONS   -----------+
                                 +-> NO EXTENSIONS ----------+
                                 +-> DATA   -----------------+
                                 +-> NO DATA  ---------------+
                                 +-> FORWARD_REFERENCES  ----+
                                 +-> NO FORWARD_REFERENCES --+

  literal-user-auth =

  ---> USER '<username>' -+------------------------+-->
                          +-> USING '<password>'  -+

3  –  Arguments

3.1  –  ALIAS alias

    Specifies the source database files to be written to an .rbr

    o  The ALIAS argument specifies the alias of an already attached
       database. If the database you want to export is already
       attached, specifying ALIAS avoids the overhead of a second
       attachment to the database and the locking that attachment

    o  The FILENAME and PATHNAME arguments both identify the database
       root file associated with the database. If you specify a
       repository path name, the path name indirectly specifies the
       database root file. Because the EXPORT statement does not
       change any definitions in the repository the effect of the
       PATHNAME and FILENAME arguments is the same.

3.2  –  FILENAME file spec

    Specifies the source database files to be written to an .rbr

    o  The ALIAS argument specifies the alias of an already attached
       database. If the database you want to export is already
       attached, specifying ALIAS avoids the overhead of a second
       attachment to the database and the locking that attachment

    o  The FILENAME and PATHNAME arguments both identify the database
       root file associated with the database. If you specify a
       repository path name, the path name indirectly specifies the
       database root file. Because the EXPORT statement does not
       change any definitions in the repository the effect of the
       PATHNAME and FILENAME arguments is the same.

3.3  –  PATHNAME pathname

    Specifies the source database files to be written to an .rbr

    o  The ALIAS argument specifies the alias of an already attached
       database. If the database you want to export is already
       attached, specifying ALIAS avoids the overhead of a second
       attachment to the database and the locking that attachment

    o  The FILENAME and PATHNAME arguments both identify the database
       root file associated with the database. If you specify a
       repository path name, the path name indirectly specifies the
       database root file. Because the EXPORT statement does not
       change any definitions in the repository, the effect of the
       PATHNAME and FILENAME arguments is the same.


 Syntax options:


    The EXPORT statement analyzes all dependencies in the database
    to determine which functions and procedures are referenced by
    other definitions. Since IMPORT defines each object type in a
    strict order, it is possible that some definitions may be used
    prior to their definition. For instance, tables are defined
    before modules, but the table might call an SQL function from
    a module. The FORWARD_REFERENCES option requests that EXPORT
    save descriptions of these routines first in the interchange file
    so that IMPORT can declare them prior to their usage. See the
    DECLARE Routine statement for more details.

    FORWARD_REFERENCES is the default. If the interchange file is
    to be used by a version prior to Oracle Rdb V7.1.0.4 then the
    NO FORWARD_REFERENCES option should be used to exclude this

3.5  –  INTO file spec

    Specifies the name for the .rbr file the EXPORT statement
    creates. Optionally, the file specification can include a device
    and directory specification.

3.6  –  literal-user-auth

    Specifies the user name and password for access to databases,
    particularly remote database.

    This literal lets you explicitly provide user name and password
    information in the EXPORT statement.

3.7  –  USER username

    Defines a character string literal that specifies the operating
    system user name that the database system uses for privilege

3.8  –  USING password

    Defines a character string literal that specifies the user's
    password for the user name specified in the USER clause.

3.9  –  WITH_[NO]_DATA

    Specifies whether the .rbr file created by the EXPORT statement
    includes the data and metadata contained in the database, or the
    metadata only. The default is WITH DATA.

    When you specify the WITH NO DATA option, the EXPORT statement
    copies metadata, but not the data, from a source database to an
    .rbr file. Use the IMPORT statement to generate an empty database
    whose metadata is identical to that of the source database.


       The WITH NO DATA option is not compatible with Oracle
       CDD/Repository databases (CDD$DATABASE.RDB). If you attempt
       to export a CDD$DATABASE.RDB database, SQL issues an error
       message stating that the WITH NO DATA option is not valid
       for Oracle CDD/Repository databases.


    Specifies whether or not the .rbr file created by the EXPORT
    statement includes extensions that are compatible only with
    Oracle Rdb Version 3.0 or higher database systems. The default

    When you specify the WITH NO EXTENSIONS option, the resulting
    interchange (.rbr) file contains only the definitions of the
    domains, the tables, and indexes. Indexes are converted to sorted
    indexes and are minus storage maps. The following conversions
    take place for domains:

    o  TINYINT data types are converted to SMALLINT data types

    o  DATE ANSI, TIMESTAMP, and TIME data types are converted to
       DATE VMS data types

    In addition, all null values are converted to the columns'
    missing value or default to a data type specific missing value.
    For example, null numeric values are replaced by zeros and null
    character values are replaced by blanks.

    When you specify the WITH NO EXTENSIONS option, many features
    of Oracle Rdb databases are not exported. For example, storage
    areas, storage maps, triggers, collating sequences, functions,
    modules, and outlines are not backed up when you specify the WITH
    NO EXTENSIONS argument.


       The WITH NO EXTENSIONS option is not compatible with Oracle
       CDD/Repository databases (CDD$DATABASE.RDB). If you attempt
       to export a CDD$DATABASE.RDB database, SQL issues an error
       message stating that the WITH NO EXTENSIONS option is not
       valid for Oracle CDD/Repository databases.
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