1 ITERATE_Control Causes the current iteration of the loop to abort and either the next iteration to start or the loop to terminate; depending on the termination conditions. 2 Environment You can use the ITERATE control statement in a compound statement of a multistatement procedure: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in an SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed 2 Format ITERATE --+-----------------------+--> +-> --+ 2 Arguments 3 statement-label Names the label assinged to a compound statement or a loop statement. 2 Example Example 1: Using the ITERATE Control Statement The following example shows the ITERATE control statement being used to prematurely complete the processing of the current row in a FOR cursor loop: SQL> BEGIN cont> FOR :ord AS TABLE CURSOR ord_cursor cont> AS SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_id = :cid cont> DO cont> IF stock_count (:ord.product_id, :ord.quantity) IS NULL THEN cont> ITERATE; cont> END IF; cont> -- transfer stock to this order cont> UPDATE stock SET on_hand = on_hand - :ord.quantity cont> WHERE product_id = :ord.product_id; cont> UPDATE orders SET :ord.available = :ord.quantity cont> WHERE CURRENT OF ord_cursor; cont> END FOR; cont> END;