1 PREPARE Prepares an SQL statement dynamically generated by a program for execution, and assigns a name to that statement. Dynamic SQL lets programs accept or generate SQL statements at run time, in contrast to SQL module language procedures. Unlike precompiled SQL or SQL module language statements, such dynamically executed SQL statements are not necessarily part of a program's source code, but can be generated while the program is running. Dynamic SQL is useful when you cannot predict the type of SQL statement your program will need to process. The PREPARE . . . INTO statement stores in the SQLDA the number and data types of any select list items of a prepared statement. The SQLDA provides information about dynamic SQL statements to the program and information about memory allocated by the program to SQL. The Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual describes in more detail the specific fields of the SQLDA, and how programs use it to communicate about select list items in prepared statements. 2 Environment You can use the PREPARE statement: o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in an SQL module 2 Format PREPARE -+-> --------+--------------+ +-> + | +-------------------------------------------+ ++----------------------------------------+-+ +-> SELECT LIST INTO + | +-------------------------------------------+ +-> FROM --+-> ' -> -> ' -+-> +-> ------------------+ 2 Arguments 3 descriptor-name Specifies the name of a structure declared in the host program as an SQLDA to which SQL writes information about select list items. Precompiled programs can use the embedded SQL statement INCLUDE SQLDA to automatically insert a declaration of an SQLDA structure, called SQLDA, in the program when it precompiles the program. Programs that use the SQL module language must explicitly declare an SQLDA. Either precompiled or SQL module language programs can explicitly declare additional SQLDAs, but must declare them with unique names. 3 FROM Syntax options: FROM statement-string FROM parameter Specifies the SQL statement to be prepared for dynamic execution. You either specify the statement string directly enclosed in single quotation marks, or in a parameter (a host language variable in a precompiled PREPARE statement or a formal parameter in a PREPARE statement that is part of an SQL module language procedure) that contains the statement string. Whether specified directly or by a parameter, the statement string must be a character string that is a dynamically executable SQL statement. If you specify the statement string directly, the maximum length is 1,024 characters. If you specify the statement string as a parameter, the maximum length of the statement string is 65,535 characters. The form for the statement is the same as for embedded SQL statements, except that: o You must not begin the string with EXEC SQL. o In places where SQL allows host language variables in an embedded statement, you must specify parameter markers instead. If you try to prepare an invalid statement, you will find a value in the SQLCODE, the SQLCODE field of the SQLCA, or the SQLSTATE status parameter indicating an error. The values returned to the SQLCODE field are described in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. Check the message vector to see which error message was returned. If necessary, refer to the error message explanations and user actions located by default in the SQL HELP ERRORS. Parameter markers are question marks (?) that denote parameters in the statement string of a PREPARE statement. Parameter markers are replaced by values in parameters or dynamic memory when the prepared statement is executed by an EXECUTE or OPEN statement. 3 SELECT_LIST_INTO Specifies that SQL writes information about the number and data type of select list items in the statement string to the SQLDA. The SELECT LIST keywords clarify the effect of the INTO clause and are optional. Using the SELECT LIST clause in a PREPARE statement is an alternative to issuing a separate DESCRIBE . . . INPUT statement. See the DESCRIBE statement for more information. The SELECT LIST clause in a PREPARE statement is deprecated syntax. For more information about deprecated syntax, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. NOTE The PREPARE statement LIST keyword is not related to the LIST data type or list cursors. 3 statement-name Identifies the prepared version of the SQL statement specified in the FROM clause. Depending on the type of SQL statement prepared, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, and dynamic DECLARE CURSOR statements can refer to the statement name assigned in a PREPARE statement. You can supply either a parameter or a compile-time statement name. Specifying a parameter lets SQL supply identifiers to programs at run time. Use an integer parameter to contain the statement identifier returned by SQL, or a character string parameter to contain the name of the statement that you pass to SQL. A single set of dynamic SQL statements (PREPARE, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, Extended Dynamic DECLARE CURSOR) can handle any number of dynamically executed statements. If you decide to use parameters, statements that refer to the prepared statement (DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, extended dynamic DECLARE CURSOR) must also use a parameter instead of the explicit statement name. Refer to the DECLARE Dynamic_CURSOR statement for an example demonstrating the PREPARE statement used with a dynamic DECLARE CURSOR statement. 3 statement-id-parameter Identifies the prepared version of the SQL statement specified in the FROM clause. Depending on the type of SQL statement prepared, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, and dynamic DECLARE CURSOR statements can refer to the statement name assigned in a PREPARE statement. You can supply either a parameter or a compile-time statement name. Specifying a parameter lets SQL supply identifiers to programs at run time. Use an integer parameter to contain the statement identifier returned by SQL, or a character string parameter to contain the name of the statement that you pass to SQL. A single set of dynamic SQL statements (PREPARE, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, Extended Dynamic DECLARE CURSOR) can handle any number of dynamically executed statements. If you decide to use parameters, statements that refer to the prepared statement (DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, extended dynamic DECLARE CURSOR) must also use a parameter instead of the explicit statement name. See the DECLARE Dynamic_CURSOR statement for an example demonstrating the PREPARE statement used with a dynamic DECLARE CURSOR statement. 2 Examples Example 1: Preparing an INSERT statement with parameter markers This PL/I program illustrates using a PREPARE statement to prepare an INSERT statement for dynamic execution. Because the statement string stored in COMMAND_STRING has parameter markers, the program needs to assign values to host language variables that will be substituted for the parameter markers during dynamic execution. In this case, a DESCRIBE statement writes information about the parameter markers to the SQLDA and the program writes the addresses of the variables to the SQLDA. The program stores values in the variables and an EXECUTE statement substitutes the values for the parameter markers in the INSERT statement using the addresses in the SQLDA. To shorten the example, this program is simplified: o The program includes the INSERT statement as part of the program source code. A program with such coded SQL statements does not need to use dynamic SQL at all, but can simply embed the INSERT statement directly in the program. A program that must process SQL statements generated as it executes is the only type of program that requires dynamic SQL. o The program declares host language variables for the parameter markers without first checking the SQLDA for their description. Typically, an application needs to look in the SQLDA to determine the number and data type of parameter markers in the statement string before allocating memory for them. PREP_INTO: procedure options(main); /* * Illustrate a dynamic INSERT statement * with parameter markers: */ declare FILESPEC char(20), EMP_ID CHAR(5), FNAME CHAR(10), LNAME CHAR(14), CITY CHAR(20), COMMAND_STRING char(256); /* Declare communication area (SQLCA) * and descriptor area (SQLDA): */ EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLDA; EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; /* Declare the database: */ EXEC SQL DECLARE SCHEMA RUNTIME FILENAME :FILESPEC; /* * * procedure division * */ /* * Assign values to FILESPEC and COMMAND_STRING, * and allocate memory for the SQLDA: */ FILESPEC = 'SQL$DATABASE'; COMMAND_STRING = 'INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, CITY) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'; SQLSIZE = 10; ALLOCATE SQLDA SET (SQLDAPTR); SQLN = 10; /* * Prepare the statement assigned to COMMAND_STRING: */ EXEC SQL PREPARE STMT3 FROM COMMAND_STRING; /* Use a DESCRIBE statement to write information * about the parameter markers in the statement string * to the SQLDA: */ EXEC SQL DESCRIBE STMT3 MARKERS INTO SQLDA; /* Assign values to the variables: */ EMP_ID = '99999'; FNAME = 'Bob'; LNAME = 'Addams'; CITY = 'Francestown'; /* * Assign the addresses of the variables to the SQLDATA field * of the SQLDA: */ SQLDATA(1) = ADDR(EMP_ID); SQLDATA(2) = ADDR(FNAME); SQLDATA(3) = ADDR(LNAME); SQLDATA(4) = ADDR(CITY); /* Execute STMT3:*/ EXEC SQL EXECUTE STMT3 USING DESCRIPTOR SQLDA; /* * Display the contents of table S to make sure * it has the proper contents and clean it up: */ CALL DUMP_S; EXEC SQL DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = "99999"; EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK; RETURN; DUMP_S: PROC; EXEC SQL DECLARE X CURSOR FOR SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, CITY FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = "99999"; /* * Declare a structure to hold values of rows from the table: */ DCL 1 S, 2 EMP_ID CHAR(5), 2 FNAME CHAR(10), 2 LNAME CHAR(14), 2 CITY CHAR(20); /* Declare indicator vector for the preceding structure: */ DCL S_IND (4) FIXED(15) BIN; PUT EDIT ('Dump the contents of S') (SKIP, SKIP, A); EXEC SQL OPEN X; EXEC SQL FETCH X INTO :S:S_IND; DO WHILE (SQLCODE = 0); PUT EDIT (S_IND(1), ' ', S.EMP_ID, ' ') (SKIP, F(6), A, A, A); PUT EDIT (S_IND(2), ' ', S.FNAME, ' ') (F(6), A, A, A); PUT EDIT (S_IND(3), ' ', S.LNAME, ' ') (F(6), A, A, A); PUT EDIT (S_IND(4), ' ', S.CITY) (F(6), A, A); EXEC SQL FETCH X INTO :S:S_IND; END; EXEC SQL CLOSE X; RETURN; END DUMP_S; END PREP_INTO; Example 2: Showing the effect of the SQLCA support. #include #include exec sql declare alias filename 'db$:mf_personnel'; exec sql include SQLCA; char * s1 = "begin insert into work_status values (?, ?, ?);\ select count(*) into ? from work_status; end"; void main () { int i; SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] = SQLCA.SQLERRD[3] = 1; exec sql prepare stmt from :s1; if (SQLCA.SQLCODE != 0) sql_signal (); printf( "SQLCA:\n SQLCODE: %9d\n", SQLCA.SQLCODE); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf( " SQLERRD[%d]: %9d\n", i, SQLCA.SQLERRD[i]); } The results below show that there are three input arguments and one output argument. SQLCA: SQLCODE: 0 SQLERRD[0]: 0 SQLERRD[1]: 0 SQLERRD[2]: 1 SQLERRD[3]: 3 SQLERRD[4]: 0 SQLERRD[5]: 0