1 RENAME Allows the database administrator to change the name of a database object. This new name is then available for reference in other data definition statements, as well as from queries and routines. NOTE The RENAME statement may require that synonyms are enabled for the database. Reference the SYNONYMS ARE ENABLED clause of the ALTER, CREATE and IMPORT DATABASE statements. 2 Environment You can use the RENAME statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs o As part of a procedure in an SQL module or other compound statement o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed 2 Format RENAME --+-----------------+--> oldname --> TO --> newname +--> CONSTRAINT -+ +--> DOMAIN -----+ +--> FUNCTION ---+ +--> MODULE -----+ +--> OUTLINE -----+ +--> PROCEDURE --+ +--> PROFILE ----+ +--> ROLE -------+ +--> SEQUENCE ----+ +--> TABLE -------+ +--> TRIGGER ----+ +--> USER --------+ +--> VIEW --------+ 2 Arguments 3 newname The new name for this object. This name must not already exist in the database for this object type, nor be the name of a synonym. The one exception is when the synonym references the oldname object. If this is a RENAME TABLE, RENAME VIEW or RENAME SEQUENCE then the newname cannot be the name of an existing table, sequence or view. 3 oldname The name of an existing object in the database. If the object type keyword is specified then an object must exist of that type. The name may also be a synonym for an object of the specified type. 2 Examples Example 1: Preparing a database for RENAME statement The RENAME statement for most objects requires that synonyms be enabled. This example shows the reported error if a RENAME is attempted for an object that requires synonyms. SQL> attach 'filename personnel_sql'; SQL> show table User tables in database with filename personnel_sql CANDIDATES COLLEGES CURRENT_INFO A view. CURRENT_JOB A view. CURRENT_SALARY A view. DEGREES DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYEES JOBS JOB_HISTORY RESUMES SALARY_HISTORY WORK_STATUS SQL> rename table EMPLOYEES to COMPANY_STAFF; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDMS-E-UNSSYNONYM, this database does not have synonyms enabled SQL> disconnect all; SQL> alter database filename personnel_sql synonyms are enabled; Example 2: Renaming a table in the PERSONNEL database This example renames the EMPLOYEES table. The SHOW TABLE statement lists the new name as well as synonym with the old name of the table. SQL> attach 'filename personnel_sql'; SQL> rename table EMPLOYEES to COMPANY_STAFF; SQL> show table User tables in database with filename personnel_sql CANDIDATES COLLEGES COMPANY_STAFF CURRENT_INFO A view. CURRENT_JOB A view. CURRENT_SALARY A view. DEGREES DEPARTMENTS JOBS JOB_HISTORY RESUMES SALARY_HISTORY WORK_STATUS EMPLOYEES A synonym for table COMPANY_STAFF SQL> select last_name from COMPANY_STAFF where employee_id = '00164'; LAST_NAME Toliver 1 row selected SQL> Example 3: Renaming back to the original name This example shows that the rename back to the original name will create a new synonym and remove the old synonym which had the same name as the tables new name. SQL> rename table COMPANY_STAFF to EMPLOYEES; SQL> show table User tables in database with filename personnel_sql CANDIDATES COLLEGES CURRENT_INFO A view. CURRENT_JOB A view. CURRENT_SALARY A view. DEGREES DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYEES JOBS JOB_HISTORY RESUMES SALARY_HISTORY WORK_STATUS COMPANY_STAFF A synonym for table EMPLOYEES SQL> Example 4: Can not rename to a name used by the same object class or a synonym The RENAME command does not allow the new name to be in use by the same class of objects, or by a synonym. In particular tables, views and sequences share the same name space. SQL> rename view CURRENT_INFO to CURRENT_SALARY; %SQL-F-REL_EXISTS, Table CURRENT_SALARY already exists in this database or schema SQL> create sequence CURRENT_INFORMATION; SQL> rename view CURRENT_INFO to CURRENT_INFORMATION; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDMS-E-SEQEXTS, there is another sequence named "CURRENT_INFORMATION" in this database -RDMS-F-RELNOTCHG, relation CURRENT_INFO has not been changed