1 SHOW Displays information about database entities and information about the interactive SQL session. 2 Environment You can use the SHOW statement only in interactive SQL. 2 Format SHOW --+-> show-params-1 --------------+--> +-> show-params-2 --------------+ +-> show-session-information ---+ show-params-1 = ----+-> show-aliases --------------+---> +-> show-cache ----------------+ +-> show-catalogs -------------+ +-> CHARACTER SETS ------------+ +-> show-collating-sequence ---+ +-> show-connections ----------+ +-> CURSORS -------------------+ +-> show-databases ------------+ +-> DISPLAY -------------------+ +-> show-domains --------------+ +-> FLAGS ---------------------+ +-> show-functions ------------+ +-> show-indexes --------------+ +-> show-journals -------------+ +-> show-modules --------------+ +-> show-outlines -------------+ show-params-2 = --+-> show-profiles -------------+-> +-> show-privileges -----------+ +-> show-procedures -----------+ +-> QUERY CONFIRM -------------+ +-> QUERY LIMIT ---------------+ +-> show-roles ----------------+ +-> show-schemas --------------+ +-> show-sequences ------------+ +-> show-storage-areas --------+ +-> show-storage-maps ---------+ +-> show-synonyms -------------+ +-> show-tables ---------------+ +-> show-triggers -------------+ +-> show-users ----------------+ +-> show-users-granting -------+ +-> show-users-with -----------+ +-> VARIABLES -----------------+ +-> show-views ----------------+ show-aliases = --> ALIASES --+----------------+--> +-+-> -+-+ | +----- , <---+ | +---> * ---------+ show-cache = ---> CACHE -+---------------------+--> +---> ----+ show-catalogs = ---> CATALOGS --+-----------------+-> +-> name-list ----+ show-collating-sequence = ---> COLLATING SEQUENCE --+---------------+--> +-> name-list --+ show-connections = ---> CONNECTIONS -+-+---------------------+-+-> | +-> DEFAULT ----------+ | | +-> CURRENT ----------+ | | +-> + | +------------- , <--------+ show-databases = --> DATABASES --+----------------+--> +-+-> -+-+ | +----- , <---+ | +---> * ---------+ show-domains = -+-----------+-> DOMAINS -+---------------+--> +-> SYSTEM -+ +-> name-list --+ +-> ALL ----+ show-functions = -+------------+-> FUNCTIONS +-----------------------------+-+---------------+-> +-> SYSTEM -+ +> ( ++-> COMMENT -----++> ) -+ +-> name-list -+ +-> ALL -----+ |+-> ID ----------+| |+-> LANGUAGE ----+| |+-> MODULE ------+| |+-> OWNER -------+| |+-> PARAMETER ---+| |+-> SOURCE ------+| +------- , <-------+ show-indexes = -+-----------++-> INDEXES -+-+---------------------------------------+-> +-> SYSTEM -++-> INDICES -+ +-> ON -+> ----------------+ +-> ALL ----+ | +----- , <----------------------+ +-> name-list --------------------------+ +-> ( -+-> CARDINALITY +> name-list ) -+ +-- PARTITIONS | +------- , ------+ show-journals ---> JOURNALS -+----------------+--> +--> name-list --+ show-modules = -+------------+-> MODULES -+----------------------------+-+---------------+-> +-> SYSTEM -+ +> ( ++> COMMENT ----++> ) --+ +-> name-list -+ +-> ALL -----+ |+> FUNCTIONS --+| |+> ID ---------+| |+> NAME -------+| ||> OWNER ------+| |+> PROCEDURES -+| |+> VARIABLES --+| +------ , <------+ show-outlines ---> OUTLINES -+---------------+--> +-> name-list --+ show-profiles = --> PROFILES -+---------------+--> +-> name-list --+ name-list = -+-+---------------++- * --------------+-+-> | +-> . --++-> -+ | | | +----------------- , <------------------+ show-privileges = --+-> PROTECTION ON -++-> TABLES ----+-> +----------+-> | || +------- , <-----+ | +-> PRIVILEGES ON -++-> VIEWS -----+-> -+----------+ | +------- , <-----+ | +-> COLUMNS ---+-> -+--------+ | +------- , <-------+ | +-> DATABASE --+-> +---------------+ | +---- , <---+ | +-> FUNCTION --+-> ----+---+ | +----------- , <--------+ | +-> PROCEDURE -+-> -----+-+ | +----------- , <----------+ | +-> MODULE ----+-> +---------+ | +------- , <------+ | +-> SEQUENCE --+-> -+------+ +------------ , <----+ show-procedures = -+-----------+--> PROCEDURES +--------------------------++---------------+-> +-> SYSTEM -+ +> ( ++> COMMENT ----++> ) ++-> name-list --+ +-> ALL ----+ |+> ID ---------+| |+> LANGUAGE ---+| |+> MODULE -----+| |+> OWNER ------+| |+> PARAMETER --+| |+> SOURCE -----+| +------ , <------+ show-roles = ---> ROLES -+--------------+-> +-> name-list -+ show-schemas = --> SCHEMAS -+---------------+-> +-> name-list --+ show-sequences= ---> SEQUENCES -+---------------+-> +-> name-list --+ show-storage-areas = --> STORAGE AREAS --+---------------------------------------+-> +-> name-list --------------------------+ +-> ( ++> USAGE -------++> ) name-list -+ |+> ATTRIBUTES --+| +----- , <--------+ show-storage-maps = -+-----------+-> STORAGE MAPS -+----------------+--------------------+-> +-> SYSTEM -+ +-> name-list ---+ | +-> ALL ----+ +-> ( PARTITIONS -> ) -> name-list --+ show-synonyms = ---> SYNONYMS -+---------------+--> +-> name-list --+ show-tables = -+-----------+-> TABLES -+-------------------------------------------+-> +-> SYSTEM -+ +-> name-list ------------------------------+ +-> ALL ----+ +-> ( -++-> COLUMNS -----++-> ) name-list --+ |+-> COMMENT -----+| |+-> CONSTRAINTS -+| |+-> INDEXES -----+| |+-> STORAGE MAPS +| |+-> TRIGGERS ----+| +-------- , <------+ show-triggers = -+-----------+-> TRIGGERS -+---------------+--> +-> SYSTEM -+ +-> name-list --+ +-> ALL ----+ show-users = ---> USERS --+---------------+--> +-> name-list --+ show-users-granting = --> USERS GRANTING ---+ +---------------------+ ++> db-privs-ansi ------> ON DATABASE -+-> +-----------------++ | +---- , <---+ || +> table-privs-ansi ----> ON TABLE -+-> +--------------+| | +------- , <-----+ || +> column-privs-ansi ---> ON COLUMN -+-> --+-----------+| | +------- , <--------+ || +> ext-routine-privs-ansi +-> ON FUNCTION +> ON PROCEDURE +> module-privs-ansi ---> ON MODULE --+-> --+----------+| | +----- , <----------+ || +> sequence-privs-ansi --> ON SEQUENCE -+> -+--------+| +--- , <------------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---> TO -+-> identifier-ansi-style ---+---> +-> PUBLIC ------------------+ show-views = --+-----------+-> VIEWS -+------------------------------+-+ +-> SYSTEM -+ +-> ( -+-+-> COLUMNS -+-+-> ) -+ | +-> ALL ----+ | +-> COMMENT -+ | | | +-> SOURCE --+ | | +------ , <------+ | +--------------------------<-----------------------------+ +-+---------------+-------------> +-> name-list --+ db-privs-ansi = ----+---+-+-> SELECT -----+-+----+-> | | +-> INSERT -----+ | | | | +-> OPERATOR ---+ | | | | +-> DELETE -----+ | | | | +-> CREATE -----+ | | | | +-> ALTER ------+ | | | | +-> DROP -------+ | | | | +-> DBCTRL -----+ | | | | +-> DBADM ------+ | | | | +-> SHOW -------+ | | | | +-> REFERENCES -+ | | | | +-> UPDATE -----+ | | | | +-> SECURITY ---+ | | | | +-> DISTRIBTRAN + | | | +------- , <--------+ | +-------> ALL PRIVILEGES ----+ table-privs-ansi = -+--+-+-> SELECT -------------------------------+-+-+-> | | +-> INSERT -------------------------------+ | | | | +-> OPERATOR -----------------------------+ | | | | +-> DELETE -------------------------------+ | | | | +-> CREATE -------------------------------+ | | | | +-> ALTER --------------------------------+ | | | | +-> DROP ---------------------------------+ | | | | +-> DBCTRL -------------------------------+ | | | | +-> SHOW ---------------------------------+ | | | | +-> REFERENCES +--------------------------+ | | | | | +> ( +> +> ) + | | | | | +----- , <-------+ | | | | | +-> UPDATE +---------------------- ------+ | | | | +> ( +> -+---> ) + | | | | +----- , <--------+ | | | +------------------- , <----------------------+ | +------> ALL PRIVILEGES ---------------------------+ column-privs-ansi = ---+-+-+-> UPDATE -----+-+--+--> | | +-> REFERENCES -+ | | | +------- , <--------+ | +-----> ALL PRIVILEGES --+ ext-routine-privs-ansi = -+--+-+-> ALTER ------------------------------+-+--+--> | | +-> DBCTRL -----------------------------+ | | | | +-> DROP -------------------------------+ | | | | +-> EXECUTE ----------------------------+ | | | | +-> REFERENCES -------------------------+ | | | | +-> SHOW -------------------------------+ | | | +------------------- , <--------------------+ | +------> ALL PRIVILEGES --------------------------+ module-privs-ansi = -+--+-+-> ALTER ------------------------------+-+--+--> | | +-> DBCTRL -----------------------------+ | | | | +-> DROP -------------------------------+ | | | | +-> EXECUTE ----------------------------+ | | | | +-> REFERENCES -------------------------+ | | | | +-> SHOW -------------------------------+ | | | +------------------- , <--------------------+ | +------> ALL PRIVILEGES --------------------------+ identifier-ansi-style = ------> user-identifier --------> show-users-with = --> USERS WITH -------+ +---------------------+ ++> db-privs-ansi -------> ON DATABASE -+-> +-----------------++ | +---- , <---+ || +> table-privs-ansi -----> ON TABLE -+-> +--------------+| | +------- , <-----+ || +> column-privs-ansi ----> ON COLUMN -+-> -+------------+| | +------- , <-------+ || +> ext-routine-privs-ansi -+> ON FUNCTION -+> ----+---+| | | +--------- , <---------+ || | +-> ON PROCEDURE -+> ----++| | +--------- , <----------+|| +> module-privs-ansi ----> ON MODULE --+-> +------------+| | +----- , <--------+ || +> sequence-privs-ansi --> ON SEQUENCE -+-> -+--------+| +---- , <------------+ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--> FROM +-> identifier-ansi-style ---+---> +-> PUBLIC ------------------+ sequence-privs-ansi = -+-+-+-> ALTER -----+-+-+--> | | +-> DBCTRL ----+ | | | | +-> DROP ------+ | | | | +-> SELECT ----+ | | | +------- , <-------+ | +--> ALL PRIVILEGES ---+ show-session-information = -+-> ANSI DATE MODE -----------+-> +-> ANSI IDENTIFIERS MODE ----+ +-> ANSI QUOTING MODE --------+ +-> AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION ----+ +-> CONSTRAINT MODE ----------+ +-> CONTINUATION CHARACTER ---+ +-> CURRENCY SIGN ------------+ +-> DATE FORMAT --------------+ +-> DICTIONARY ---------------+ +-> DIGIT SEPARATOR ----------+ +-> DISPLAY ------------------+ +-> EXECUTION MODE -----------+ +-> FLAGGER MODE -------------+ +-> HOLD CURSORS MODE --------+ +-> LANGUAGE -----------------+ +-> RADIX POINT --------------+ +-> SQLCA --------------------+ +-> TRANSACTION --------------+ +-> VERSIONS -----------------+ +-> WARNING MODE -------------+ 2 Arguments 3 ALIASES Displays information about aliases for all attached databases. For each alias, SQL displays the path name or file name of the current default database, and the file specification for the database file. If you specify aliases by name, SQL displays information about whether or not multischema mode, snapshots, carry-over locks, adjustable lock granularity, global buffers, commit to journal optimization, and journal fast commit are enabled. SQL displays the character sets of the alias if the database default, national, or identifier character set differs from the session's default, national, or identifier character set. SQL also displays the journal fast commit checkpoint and transaction intervals, the lock timeout interval, the number of users, number of nodes, buffer size, number of buffers, number of recovery buffers, ACL-based protections, storage areas, and whether or not the repository is required. 3 ALL Controls whether SQL displays system-defined domains, indexes, storage maps, tables, or views in the SHOW DOMAINS, SHOW FUNCTIONS, SHOW INDEXES, SHOW MODULES, SHOW STORAGE MAPS, SHOW TABLES, SHOW TRIGGERS, and SHOW VIEWS statements. o If you do not specify either SYSTEM or ALL, the display includes only user-defined elements. o If you specify SYSTEM, the display includes only system- defined elements. o If you specify ALL, the display includes both user-defined and system-defined elements. 3 ANSI_DATE_MODE Displays the default interpretation for columns with the DATE or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP data type. The DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP data types, can be either OpenVMS or ANSI/ISO. By default, both data types are interpreted as OpenVMS format. Use the SET DEFAULT DATE FORMAT statement to change the default date. 3 ANSI_IDENTIFIERS_MODE Displays whether or not identifier checking is enabled. You must enclose reserved words from the ANSI/ISO SQL standard within double quotation marks to supply them as identifiers in SQL statements. When you enable identifier checking, SQL issues an informational message after statements that misuse ANSI/ISO reserved words. For a list of the reserved words, see Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual. By default, identifier checking is disabled. To enable it, use the SET KEYWORD RULES statement. 3 ANSI_QUOTING_MODE Displays whether or not you must use double quotation marks to delimit the alias and catalog name pair in subsequent statements. By default, SQL syntax allows only single quotation marks. Use the SET QUOTING RULES statement to change the quoting rules. 3 AUTOMATIC_TRANSLATION Displays the current setting as established using SET AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION. 3 CACHE Displays information about the specified cache. For example: SQL> SHOW CACHE Cache Objects in database with filename sample CACHE1 CACHE2 SQL> SHOW CACHE cache1 CACHE1 Cache Size: 1000 rows Row Length: 256 bytes Row Replacement: Enabled Shared Memory: Process Large Memory: Disabled Window Count: 100 Reserved Rows: 20 Sweep Rows: 3000 No Sweep Thresholds Allocation: 100 blocks Extent: 100 blocks 3 CATALOGS Displays information about the specified catalogs. If you do not specify any aliases in the catalog names that you specify, SQL displays this information about all attached databases. 3 CHARACTER_SETS Displays information about the specified character sets for the session and all attached databases. 3 COLLATING_SEQUENCE Displays the collating sequences for schemas and domains. 3 CONNECTIONS Syntax options: CONNECTIONS DEFAULT CONNECTIONS CURRENT CONNECTIONS connection-name Displays database information for the specified connection. 3 CONSTRAINT_MODE Displays the default setting for constraint evaluation for any transactions starting after the current transaction. If there is a current transaction, displays the constraint evaluation mode for the current transaction. When the constraint mode is IMMEDIATE, SQL evaluates all commit- time constraints at the end of each statement and at commit time, until the transaction completes or until you set the constraint mode to OFF. When the constraint mode is DEFERRED (the default setting), constraint evaluation is deferred until commit time. 3 CONTINUE_CHARACTER Displays the value for the continuation character, as established using SET CONTINUE CHARACTER. 3 CURRENCY_SIGN Displays the currency indicator, such as the dollar sign ($), that will be used in output displays. 3 CURSORS Displays current cursors. 3 DATABASES Displays information about the specified databases. For each database, SQL displays the alias, the type of database, any defined collating sequence, and the file specification for the database file. If the database was declared using a repository path name, SQL also displays that path name. If you do not specify any aliases with the SHOW DATABASES statement, SQL displays this information about all declared databases. SQL displays the character sets of the database if the default, national, or identifier character set differs from the session's default, national, or identifier character set. If you do specify an alias, SQL also displays information about whether or not multischema mode, snapshots, carry-over locks, adjustable lock granularity, global buffers, commit to journal optimization, journaling, and journal fast commit are enabled. SQL also displays the journal fast commit checkpoint and transaction intervals, the lock timeout interval, the number of unused storage areas, the number of unused journal files, the number of users, number of nodes, buffer size, number of buffers, number of recovery buffers, ACL-based protections, storage areas, and whether or not the repository is required. 3 DATE_FORMAT Displays the values for the date-number and time-number arguments of the SET DATE FORMAT DATE date-number and SET DATE FORMAT TIME time-number statements. 3 DICTIONARY Displays the current default dictionary directory in the data dictionary. 3 DIGIT_SEPARATOR Displays the character that will be used as the digit separator in output displays. (The digit separator is the symbol that separates groups of three digits in values greater than 999. For example, the comma is the digit separator in the number 1,000.) 3 DISPLAY Displays the current settings as established using SET DISPLAY, SET FEEDBACK, SET HEADING, SET LINE LENGTH (or SET LINESIZE), SET PAGE LENGTH (or SET PAGESIZE), SET TIMING and SET NULL. Some values (such as line and page length) are determined from the OpenVMS terminal characteristics when starting interactive SQL. 3 DOMAINS Displays the names, data types, and character sets of specified domains. If you specify the SHOW DOMAINS statement without any arguments, SQL displays names, data types, and character sets of all domains in all attached databases. 3 EXECUTION_MODE Shows whether or not SQL executes the statements that you issue in your interactive SQL session. The default is to execute the statements as you issue them. However, if you have issued a SET NOEXECUTE statement in your session, SQL will not execute subsequent statements. You can use the SET NOEXECUTE statement to display access strategies and check for syntax errors. For more information, see the SET statement. 3 FLAGGER_MODE Shows whether or not SQL flags statements containing nonstandard syntax for all set flaggers. If you specify SET FLAGGER ON, which is equivalent to SET FLAGGER SQL92_ENTRY ON, the SHOW FLAGGER statement informs you that flagging for the ANSI/ISO standard is set. If you specified SET FLAGGER MIA ON, the SHOW FLAGGER statement informs you that flagging for the MIA standard is set. 3 FLAGS Displays the database system debug flags that are enabled for the current session. 3 FROM Syntax options: {identifier ansi style | PUBLIC} Specifies the identifiers for the new or modified access privilege set entry. Specifying PUBLIC is equivalent to a wildcard specification of all user identifiers. 3 FUNCTIONS Displays information about a specified function; either external or stored. When you enter the SHOW FUNCTIONS statement without any arguments, SQL displays the name of the function only. The following table lists the information that you can display using a set of keywords with the SHOW FUNCTIONS statement: You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: COMMENT The description of the function. If none exists, nothing displays. ID The unique identification assigned to the function. LANGUAGE The host language in which the function is coded. MODULE The name of the module in which the function is defined. OWNER The owner of the function. PARAMETER Information about the parameters, including the number of arguments, the data type, return type, and how the parameter is passed. SOURCE Displays the source definitions for the specified functions. 3 HOLD_CURSORS_MODE Displays the default mode for hold cursors. For example: SQL> SHOW HOLD CURSORS MODE Hold Cursors default: WITH HOLD PRESERVE NONE 3 INDEXES Displays information about specified indexes. SQL displays the name of the index, the associated column and table, the size of the index key, if the definition allows duplicate values for the column, the type of index (sorted or hashed), and whether index compression is enabled or disabled. If you specify the SHOW INDEXES statement without any arguments, SQL displays definitions of all indexes in all declared databases. You Specify This: SQL Performs This Action: CARDINALITY Adds the index and column prefix cardinality values to the SHOW output. PARTITIONS Displays the index partitions showing the partition name and number the name of the storage area used for the partition. 3 JOURNALS Displays information about specified journal files. SQL displays the name of the file specification and, if created, the backup file specification. 3 LANGUAGE Displays the language to be used for translation of month names and abbreviations in date and time input and display. The language name also determines the translation of other language- dependent text, such as the translation for the date literals YESTERDAY, TODAY, and TOMORROW. 3 MODULES Displays information about specified modules. If you do not specify any of the SHOW MODULES options listed in the following table, SQL displays information about all these options: You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: COMMENT The description of the module. If none exists, nothing displays. FUNCTIONS The stored functions contained in the module. ID The unique identification assigned to the module. NAME The name of the module. OWNER The owner of the module. If the module is a definer's rights module, the definer's user name displays, otherwise for an invoker's rights module the output will be blank. PROCEDURES The stored procedures contained in the module. VARIABLES Displays module global variables. 3 name-list Most SHOW statements accept an optional name-list which can specify the name of the object, or a wildcard (*) to indicate a summary of all such objects. The wildcard or name can be prefixed by an alias name, or for multischema databases a catalog and schema. Names are by default in uppercase. If the object was defined in mixed or lower case, or with other special characters then use the SET DIALECT, or SET QUOTING RULES statements to enable delimited identifers. Then use quotes ("") around the name in the SHOW statement. 3 object-name Specifies the name of an object whose definition you want to display. 3 ON_DATABASE_alias Specifies the databases for which you want to display access privilege set information with the SHOW PRIVILEGES or SHOW PROTECTION statement. You can specify a list of aliases, but you must specify at least one. To display privileges for the default database, use the alias RDB$DBHANDLE. 3 ON_syntax_options List of syntax options: ON TABLES ON VIEWS ON COLUMNS ON FUNCTIONS ON PROCEDURES ON MODULES ON SEQUENCES sequence-name Specifies the object for which you want to display access privilege set information with the SHOW PRIVILEGES or SHOW PROTECTION statement. You can specify a list of names, but you must specify at least one item to display a list. You must qualify a column name with at least the associated table name. In an ANSI/ISO-style database, the SHOW PROTECTION statement displays which privileges have the option of being granted to other users and which privileges are without the grant option. See the SHOW USERS WITH and SHOW USERS GRANTING statements in this section for more information about displaying privileges granted directly or indirectly to other users. 3 ON_table_name Specifies the table or tables for which you want to see associated index definitions. 3 OUTLINES Displays the definition of the specified outline. SQL displays the outline name, ID number, mode, query, compliance, and comment if one exists. If you issue the SHOW OUTLINE statement without the name of a specific outline, the names of all the outlines stored in the database are displayed. However, the invalid outlines are not marked as invalid. 3 PRIVILEGES Syntax options: PRIVILEGES | PROTECTION Displays current user identifier and available access rights for the specified object. o The SHOW PRIVILEGES statement displays the current user identifier and available access rights to the specified databases, tables, views, columns, external functions, external procedures, modules, or sequences. This statement displays not only the privileges that are explicitly granted to the user, but also any privileges that the user inherits from database access or the operating system. In a client/server environment, the entry shows the identifier of the client. For example, if a user attaches to a remote database using the USER and USING clauses, SQL shows the privileges for the user specified in those clauses. In an environment that is not client/server, such as when you attach to a local database, SQL shows not only the privileges of the database user, but of the logged-on process. For example, if user heleng, with the OpenVMS privilege BYPASS, uses the USER and USING clauses to attach to the database as user rhonda, SQL shows that user rhonda has the privileges inherited from the logged-on process heleng, as well as privileges for user rhonda. o The SHOW PROTECTION statement displays all of the entries in the access privilege set for the specified databases, tables, views, columns, external functions, external procedures, modules, or sequences. 3 PROCEDURES Displays information about a specified procedure; either external or stored. If you do not specify any of the SHOW PROCEDURES attributes (COMMENT, ID, LANGUAGE, MODULE, OWNER, SOURCE, or PARAMETER), by default you will see the display for all these options. You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: COMMENT The description of the stored procedure. If none exists, nothing displays. ID The unique identification assigned to the procedure. LANGUAGE The language in which the procedure source is coded. MODULE The identification number of the module to which a procedure belongs. OWNER The owner of the procedure. PARAMETER Information about the parameters; including the number of arguments, the data type, and how the parameter is passed. SOURCE Displays the source definitions for the specified procedures. 3 PROFILES Displays the definition of the specified profile. If you do not specify a wildcard or list of profile names, SQL displays the names of all the profiles in all attached databases. 3 PROTECTION Displays access privilege set entries for the specified tables, columns, database, external functions, external procedures, or modules. The SHOW PROTECTION statement displays all the entries in the access privilege set for the specified databases, tables, views, columns, external functions, external procedures, or modules. 3 QUERY_CONFIRM Shows whether or not SQL displays the cost estimates for a query before executing that query. 3 QUERY_LIMIT Displays information about the number of rows a query can return and the amount of time used to optimize a query for execution. 3 RADIX_POINT Displays the character that will be used as the radix point in output displays. (The radix point is the symbol that separates units from decimal fractions. For example, in the number 98.6, the period is the radix point.) 3 ROLES Displays the definition of the specified role. SQL displays the role name, ID number, and any comments associated with the role definition. 3 SCHEMAS Displays the names of specified schemas. If you do not specify an alias as part of a schema name, SQL displays schema information for all the attached databases. For each database that is not multischema, SQL displays the message, "No schemas found". For each multischema database, SQL displays the alias, followed by a list of schemas contained in that database. Each schema name in the list is preceded by the catalog and alias names. 3 SEQUENCES Displays the definition of the specified sequence. SQL displays the sequence name, ID number, and the sequence attributes. 3 SQLCA Displays the contents of the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA). The SQLCA is a collection of variables that SQL uses to provide information about the execution of SQL statements to application programs. In interactive SQL, you can use the SHOW SQLCA statement to learn about the different variables in the SQLCA. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information about the SQLCA. 3 STATISTICS Displays simple process statistics for the current process. This command is used primarily to compare resource usage and elapsed time for different queries. The following example shows the output after performing a typical query: SQL> select count (*) cont> from employees natural full outer join job_history; 274 1 row selected SQL> show statistics; process statistics at 5-MAR-2006 05:57:48.28 elapsed time = 0 00:00:00.16 CPU time = 0 00:00:00.05 page fault count = 430 pages in working set = 22768 buffered I/O count = 26 direct I/O count = 83 open file count = 12 file quota remaining = 7988 locks held = 138 locks remaining = 16776821 CPU utilization = 31.2% AST quota remaining = 995 The statistics are reset after each execution of the SHOW STATISTICS command. 3 STORAGE_AREAS Displays information about storage areas. If you do not specify a wildcard or list of storage area names, SQL displays the names of all the storage areas in all attached databases. You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: USAGE Usage, object name, storage map, and storage map partition number for the specified storage area. Partition numbers are always shown in parentheses, and may be accompanied by a storage map name. For example, for an index there is no special map because it is part of the index. For a table, the map is an extra object and therefore is reported. ATTRIBUTES Storage area type, access, page format, page size, storage area file, storage area allocation, storage area extent minimum and maximum, storage area extent percent, snapshot file, snapshot allocation, snapshot extent minimum and maximum, snapshot extent percent, whether extents are enabled or disabled, and the locking level for the specified storage area. 3 STORAGE_MAPS Displays information about storage maps. If you do not specify a wildcard or list of storage map names, SQL displays the names of all the storage maps in all attached databases. You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: PARTITIONS Storage map partitions showing the partition name, number and the name of the storage area used for the partition 3 SYNONYMS Displays information about the specified synonyms. If you do not specify any aliases in the synonym names that you specify, SQL displays this information about all attached databases. The name of the target object, possibly another synonym, is displayed. 3 SYSTEM Controls whether SQL displays system-defined domains, indexes, storage maps, tables, or views in the SHOW DOMAINS, SHOW FUNCTIONS, SHOW INDEXES, SHOW MODULES, SHOW STORAGE MAPS, SHOW TABLES, SHOW TRIGGERS, and SHOW VIEWS statements. o If you do not specify either SYSTEM or ALL, the display includes only user-defined elements. o If you specify SYSTEM, the display includes elements created for use by the database system, or layered applications such as the OCI Services component of SQL/Services. o If you specify ALL, the display includes both user-defined and system-defined elements. 3 TABLES Displays information about tables and views. If you do not specify a wildcard or list of table and view names, SQL displays the names of all the tables and views in all attached databases. If you do not specify any of the SHOW TABLES options (COLUMNS, COMMENT, CONSTRAINTS, INDEXES, STORAGE MAPS, or TRIGGERS), by default you will see the display for all these options including the character set for each column of the specified table. You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: COLUMNS Each column name, data type, and domain name for the specified tables. COMMENT Comments for the specified tables. CONSTRAINTS Constraints for the specified tables and the constraints referencing the specified tables. The display shows the name and type of each constraint, its evaluation time, and its source definition. 3 TO_option Syntax options: {identifier ansi style | PUBLIC} Specifies the identifiers for the new or modified access privilege set entry. Specifying PUBLIC is equivalent to a wildcard specification of all user identifiers. 3 TRANSACTION Displays the characteristics of the current transaction or, if there is no active transaction, the characteristics specified in the last DECLARE TRANSACTION statement. For each database within the scope of the transaction, SQL displays the following: o Transaction o Tables specified in the RESERVING clause of the DECLARE TRANSACTION or SET TRANSACTION statement o Share mode and lock type for each of those tables o If fast commit processing is enabled In addition, the SHOW TRANSACTION statement displays transaction information returned by the base database system about the transaction, such as whether or not the transaction is active. 3 TRIGGERS Displays information about the specified trigger. If you do not specify a wildcard or list of trigger names, SQL displays the names of all the triggers in all attached databases. 3 USERS Displays the definition of the specified database user. SQL displays the database user name (such as defined by the CREATE USER statement), how the user will be authenticated (currently, only through the operating system), whether the account is locked or unlocked, and any comments associated with the user definition. 3 USERS_GRANTING Displays all the users who gave a particular privilege to a particular user. This statement displays the privileges that need to be revoked to take a privilege away from the user, either directly or indirectly. 3 USERS_WITH Displays all the users who received a particular privilege from a particular user, including all the users who indirectly received privileges. This is also the list of users who lose a particular privilege when it is taken away from any users who granted the privilege. 3 VARIABLES Displays information about declared variables. 3 VERSIONS Displays the version of SQL and the underlying software components. 3 VIEWS Displays information about views. If you do not specify a wildcard or list of view names, SQL displays the names of all the views in all attached databases. If you do not specify any of the SHOW VIEW options (COLUMNS, COMMENT, or SOURCE), by default you will see the display for all these options. You Specify This: SQL Displays Information About: SOURCE Source definitions for the specified views. 3 WARNING_MODE Displays the default setting for warning messages. If WARNING MODE is set to ON, SQL flags statements containing obsolete SQL syntax. Obsolete syntax is syntax that was allowed in previous versions of SQL but has changed. Oracle Rdb recommends that you avoid using such syntax because it may not be supported in future versions. By default, SQL displays a warning message after any statement containing obsolete syntax (WARNING MODE ON). To suppress messages about obsolete syntax, use the SET WARNING NODEPRECATE statement. 2 Examples Example 1: Using the SHOW statement displays The following log file from an interactive SQL session illustrates some of the arguments for the SHOW statement: SQL> -- Show the session character sets. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW CHARACTER SETS; Default character set is DEC_MCS National character set is DEC_MCS Identifier character set is DEC_MCS Literal character set is DEC_MCS Display character set is UNSPECIFIED SQL> -- SQL> -- Attach to the database and show database character sets. SQL> -- SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME MIA_CHAR_SET'; SQL> SHOW CHARACTER SETS; Default character set is DEC_MCS National character set is DEC_MCS Identifier character set is DEC_MCS Literal character set is DEC_MCS Display character set is UNSPECIFIED Alias RDB$DBHANDLE: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI SQL> -- SQL> -- Attach to the second database and show character sets of both. SQL> -- SQL> ATTACH 'ALIAS MIA1 FILENAME MIA_CHAR_SET'; SQL> SHOW CHARACTER SETS; Default character set is DEC_MCS National character set is DEC_MCS Identifier character set is DEC_MCS Literal character set is DEC_MCS Display character set is UNSPECIFIED Alias RDB$DBHANDLE: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI Alias MIA1: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI SQL> -- SQL> -- SHOW ALIAS examples. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW ALIAS; Default alias: Oracle Rdb database in file MIA_CHAR_SET Alias MIA1: Oracle Rdb database in file MIA_CHAR_SET SQL> SHOW ALIAS MIA1; Alias MIA1: Oracle Rdb database in file MIA_CHAR_SET Multischema mode is disabled Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Number of users: 50 Number of nodes: 16 Buffer Size (blocks/buffer): 6 Number of Buffers: 20 Number of Recovery Buffers: 20 Snapshots are Enabled Immediate . . . ACL based protections Storage Areas in database with alias MIA1 RDB$SYSTEM Default and list storage area Journals in database with alias MIA1 No Journals Found Cache Objects in database MIA1 No Caches Found SQL> -- SQL> -- SHOW CONNECTIONS examples. SQL> -- SQL> CONNECT TO 'ALIAS MIA1 FILENAME MIA_CHAR_SET' AS 'TEST'; SQL> SHOW CONNECTIONS; RDB$DEFAULT_CONNECTION -> TEST SQL> SHOW CONNECTIONS DEFAULT; Connection: RDB$DEFAULT_CONNECTION Default alias is RDB$DBHANDLE Default catalog name is RDB$CATALOG Default schema name is SMITH Dialect: SQLV40 . . . Default character set is DEC_MCS National character set is DEC_MCS Identifier character set is DEC_MCS Literal character set is DEC_MCS Display character set is UNSPECIFIED Alias RDB$DBHANDLE: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI Alias MIA1: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI SQL> SHOW CONNECTIONS TEST; Connection: TEST Default alias is RDB$DBHANDLE Default catalog name is RDB$CATALOG Default schema name is SMITH Dialect: SQLV40 Default character unit: OCTETS Keyword Rules: SQLV40 View Rules: SQLV40 Default DATE type: DATE VMS Quoting Rules: SQLV40 Optimization Level: DEFAULT Hold Cursors default: WITH HOLD PRESERVE NONE Quiet commit mode: OFF Compound transactions mode: EXTERNAL Default character set is DEC_MCS National character set is DEC_MCS Identifier character set is DEC_MCS Literal character set is DEC_MCS Display character set is UNSPECIFIED Alias MIA1: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI SQL> -- SQL> CONNECT TO 'ALIAS MIA1 FILENAME MIA_CHAR_SET' AS 'test1'; SQL> -- SQL> -- You must set quoting rules to the SQL99 environment and use SQL> -- double quotation marks (") to display the settings of the SQL> -- 'test1' connection or use SHOW CONNECTIONS CURRENT. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW CONNECTIONS; RDB$DEFAULT_CONNECTION TEST -> test1 SQL> SHOW CONNECTIONS test1; Connection: TEST1 %SQL-F-NOSUCHCON, There is not an active connection by that name SQL> SET QUOTING RULES 'SQL99'; SQL> SHOW CONNECTIONS "test1"; Connection: test1 Default alias is RDB$DBHANDLE Default catalog name is RDB$CATALOG Default schema name is SMITH Dialect: SQLV40 Default character unit: OCTETS Keyword Rules: SQLV40 View Rules: SQLV40 Default DATE type: DATE VMS Quoting Rules: ANSI/ISO Optimization Level: DEFAULT Hold Cursors default: WITH HOLD PRESERVE NONE Quiet commit mode: OFF Compound transactions mode: EXTERNAL Default character set is DEC_MCS National character set is DEC_MCS Identifier character set is DEC_MCS Literal character set is DEC_MCS Display character set is UNSPECIFIED Alias MIA1: Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI SQL> SET CONNECT DEFAULT; SQL> -- SQL> -- SHOW DATABASES examples. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW DATABASES; %SQL-I-SPELLCORR, identifier DATABASES replaced with DATABASE Default alias: Oracle Rdb database in file MIA_CHAR_SET Alias MIA1: Oracle Rdb database in file MIA_CHAR_SET SQL> SHOW DATABASE RDB$DBHANDLE; Default alias: Oracle Rdb database in file MIA_CHAR_SET Multischema mode is disabled Default character set is DEC_KANJI National character set is KANJI Identifier character set is DEC_KANJI Number of users: 50 Number of nodes: 16 Buffer Size (blocks/buffer): 6 Number of Buffers: 20 Number of Recovery Buffers: 20 Snapshots are Enabled Immediate . . . ACL based protections Storage Areas in database with filename MIA_CHAR_SET RDB$SYSTEM Default and list storage area Journals in database with filename MIA_CHAR_SET No Journals Found Cache Objects in database with filename MIA_CHAR_SET No Caches Found SQL> -- SQL> -- SHOW DOMAINS example. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW DOMAINS; User domains in database with filename MIA_CHAR_SET No Domains Found User domains in database with alias MIA1 No Domains Found SQL> -- SQL> -- SHOW TABLES example. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW TABLES; User tables in database with filename MIA_CHAR_SET COLOURS User tables in database with alias MIA1 MIA1.COLOURS SQL> SHOW TABLE (COLUMNS) COLOURS; Information for table COLOURS Columns for table COLOURS: Column Name Data Type Domain ----------- --------- ------ ENGLISH CHAR(8) DEC_MCS 8 Characters, 8 Octets FRENCH CHAR(8) ISOLATIN9 8 Characters, 8 Octets JAPANESE CHAR(8) SHIFT_JIS 4 Characters, 8 Octets ROMAJI CHAR(16) KATAKANA CHAR(8) KATAKANA 8 Characters, 8 Octets HINDI CHAR(8) DEVANAGARI 8 Characters, 8 Octets GREEK CHAR(8) ISOLATINGREEK 8 Characters, 8 Octets ARABIC CHAR(8) ISOLATINARABIC 8 Characters, 8 Octets RUSSIAN CHAR(8) ISOLATINCYRILLIC 8 Characters, 8 Octets SQL> -- SQL> -- SHOW INDEXES example. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW INDEXES; User indexes in database with filename MIA_CHAR_SET COLOUR_INDEX User indexes in database with alias MIA1 MIA1.COLOUR_INDEX SQL> SHOW INDEXES COLOUR_INDEX; Indexes on table COLOURS: COLOUR_INDEX with column JAPANESE Duplicates are allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED Example 2: Showing features that internationalize your terminal session The following example displays SHOW statements that let you see the values for the SET statements dealing with internationalization: SQL> -- SQL> -- First, use the SET statement to specify nondefault values. SQL> -- SQL> SET CURRENCY SIGN '£' SQL> -- SQL> SET DATE FORMAT TIME 15 SQL> -- SQL> SET DIGIT SEPARATOR '.' SQL> -- SQL> SET LANGUAGE GERMAN SQL> -- SQL> SET RADIX POINT ',' SQL> -- SQL> -- Now look at the SHOW displays. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW CURRENCY SIGN Currency sign is '£'. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW DATE FORMAT Date format is TIME 15. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW DIGIT SEPARATOR Digit separator is '.'. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW LANGUAGE Language is GERMAN. Example 3: Showing the setting for nonstandard syntax flagging SQL> SHOW FLAGGER MODE The flagger mode is OFF SQL> SET FLAGGER SQL92_ENTRY ON SQL> SHOW FLAGGER MODE %SQL-I-NONSTASYN92E, Nonstandard SQL92 Entry-level syntax The SQL92 Entry-level flagger mode is ON Example 4: Showing after-image journal files The following example displays journal information: SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME SAMPLE'; SQL> SHOW JOURNAL Journals in database with filename SAMPLE AIJ_ONE AIJ_TWO SQL> SHOW JOURNAL * Journals in database with filename SAMPLE AIJ_ONE Journal File: DISK1:[DOCS]AIJ1.AIJ;1 Backup File: DISK1:[DOCS.AIJS]AIJ1.AIJ; AIJ_TWO Journal File: DISK1:[DOCS]AIJ2.AIJ;1 Backup File: DISK1:[DOCS.AIJS]AIJ2.AIJ; Edit String: ('$'+HOUR+MINUTE+'_'+MONTH+DAY+'_'+SEQUENCE) Example 5: Showing storage area usage and attribute information The following example displays storage area information: SQL> -- Display the usage of storage area TEST_AREA and JOBS SQL> -- SQL> SHOW STORAGE AREAS (USAGE) TEST_AREA No database objects use Storage Area TEST_AREA SQL> SHOW STORAGE AREAS (USAGE) JOBS Database objects using Storage Area JOBS: Usage Object Name Map / Partition ---------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Storage Map JOBS JOBS_MAP (1) SQL> -- SQL> -- Display the attributes of storage area JOBS. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW STORAGE AREAS (ATTRIBUTES) JOBS JOBS Access is: Read write Page Format: Mixed Page Size: 2 blocks Area File: DISK1:[DOCS.WORK]JOBS.RDA;1 Area Allocation: 402 pages Extent: Enabled Area Extent Minimum: 99 pages Area Extent Maximum: 9999 pages Area Extent Percent: 20 percent Snapshot File: DISK1:[DOCS.WORK]JOBS.SNP;1 Snapshot Allocation: 100 pages Snapshot Extent Minimum: 99 pages Snapshot Extent Maximum: 9999 pages Snapshot Extent Percent: 20 percent Locking is Row Level No Cache Associated with Storage Area Thresholds are (70, 85, 95) Example 6: Showing query outline information The following example displays query outline information: SQL> SHOW OUTLINE MY_OUTLINE MY_OUTLINE Source: create outline MY_OUTLINE id '09ADFE9073AB383CAABC4567BDEF3832' mode 0 as ( query ( subquery ( EMPLOYEES 0 access path index EMP_LAST_NAME join by cross to DEGREES 1 access path index DEG_EMP_ID ) ) ) compliance optional ; Example 7: Showing privileges The following example demonstrates the SHOW PRIVILEGES statement: SQL> ! Attach as the logged on user, [sql,heleng] SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME personnel'; SQL> SHOW PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE RDB$DBHANDLE Privileges on Alias RDB$DBHANDLE (IDENTIFIER=[sql,heleng],ACCESS=SELECT+INSERT+UPDATE+DELETE+SHOW+CREATE+ ALTER+DROP+DBCTRL+OPERATOR+DBADM+REFERENCES+SECURITY+DISTRIBTRAN) SQL> ! SQL> ! Attach as user rhonda. SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME personnel USER ''rhonda'' USING ''newhampshire'''; SQL> ! User rhonda has SELECT privilege. SQL> SHOW PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE RDB$DBHANDLE Privileges on Alias RDB$DBHANDLE (IDENTIFIER=[sql,rhonda],ACCESS=SELECT) SQL> EXIT $ ! $ ! On OpenVMS, give the process the BYPASS privilege, which $ ! gives you access to any database object. $ SET PROC/PRIVILEGES=BYPASS $ SQL$ SQL> ! Attach as user rhonda. SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME personnel USER ''rhonda'' USING ''newhampshire'''; SQL> ! SQL> ! User rhonda now has all privileges, inherited from the logged-on SQL> ! process. SQL> SHOW PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE RDB$DBHANDLE Privileges on Alias RDB$DBHANDLE (IDENTIFIER=[sql,rhonda],ACCESS=SELECT+INSERT+UPDATE+DELETE+SHOW+CREATE+ ALTER+DROP+DBCTRL+OPERATOR+DBADM+REFERENCES+SECURITY+DISTRIBTRAN) Example 8: Showing modules, stored procedures, and stored functions SQL> -- SQL> -- Show the modules in the database. SQL> -- SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mf_personnel'; SQL> SHOW MODULES Modules in database with filename mf_personnel Module name is: UTILITY_FUNCTIONS SQL> SHOW MODULES utility_functions Module name is: UTILITY_FUNCTIONS Header: utility_functions language sql No description found. Owner is: Module ID is: 1 Functions/Procedures in Module: Function ABS Function MDY Procedure TRACE_DATE SQL> -- SQL> -- Show the procedures and functions of the module. SQL> -- SQL> SHOW MODULES (PROCEDURES) utility_functions Module name is: UTILITY_FUNCTIONS Functions/Procedures in Module: Function ABS Function MDY Procedure TRACE_DATE SQL> SHOW PROCEDURE trace_date Procedure name is: TRACE_DATE Procedure ID is: 3 Source: trace_date (:dt date); begin trace :dt; end No description found. Module name is: UTILITY_FUNCTIONS Module ID is: 1 Number of parameters is: 1 Parameter Name Data Type -------------- --------- DT DATE VMS Parameter position is 1 Parameter is IN (read) Parameter is passed by REFERENCE SQL> SHOW FUNCTIONS abs Function name is: ABS Function ID is: 2 Source: abs (in :arg integer) returns integer comment 'Returns the absolute value of an integer'; begin return case when :arg < 0 then - :arg else :arg end; end Comment: Returns the absolute value of an integer Module name is: UTILITY_FUNCTIONS Module ID is: 1 Number of parameters is: 1 Parameter Name Data Type -------------- --------- INTEGER Function result datatype Return value is passed by VALUE ARG INTEGER Parameter position is 1 Parameter is IN (read) Parameter is passed by REFERENCE Example 9: Showing a storage map that defines both horizontal and vertical record partitioning SQL> SHOW STORAGE MAP EMPLOYEES_1_MAP2 EMPLOYEES_1_MAP2 For Table: EMP2 Partitioning is: UPDATABLE Store clause: STORE COLUMNS (EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, MIDDLE_INITIAL, STATUS_CODE) USING (EMPLOYEE_ID) IN ACTIVE_AREA_A WITH LIMIT OF ('00399') IN ACTIVE_AREA_B WITH LIMIT OF ('00699') OTHERWISE IN ACTIVE_AREA_C STORE COLUMNS (ADDRESS_DATA_1, ADDRESS_DATA_2, CITY, STATE, POSTAL_CODE) USING (EMPLOYEE_ID) IN INACTIVE_AREA_A WITH LIMIT OF ('00399') IN INACTIVE_AREA_B WITH LIMIT OF ('00699') OTHERWISE IN INACTIVE_AREA_C STORE IN OTHER_AREA Compression is: ENABLED Partition 2: Compression is Enabled Partition 3: Compression is Enabled Example 10: Displaying a Sequence SQL> SHOW SEQUENCE EMPIDS EMPIDS Sequence Id: 3 Initial Value: 1 Minimum Value: 1 Maximum Value: 9223372036854775787 Next Sequence Value: 1 Increment by: 1 Cache Size: 20 Order No Cycle No Randomize Comment: Sequence for employee IDs. Example 11: Displaying a Role SQL> SHOW ROLE SECRETARY SECRETARY Identified Externally Comment: Role for the secretarial staff Example 12: Displaying a User SQL> SHOW USER NSTEWART NSTEWART Identified Externally Account Unlocked Comment: Nicholas Stewart Example 13: Show Details of One Profile SQL> SHOW PROFILE Profiles in database with filename SQL$DATABASE DECISION_SUPPORT SQL> SHOW PROFILE DECISION_SUPPORT DECISION_SUPPORT Comment: limit transactions used by report writers Transaction modes (read only, no read write) SQL> ALTER PROFILE DECISION_SUPPORT cont> default transaction read only; SQL> SHOW PROFILE DECISION_SUPPORT DECISION_SUPPORT Comment: limit transactions used by report writers Default transaction read only Transaction modes (read only, no read write) SQL> Example 14: Show the Use of Delimited Identifiers for Mixed-Case Names SQL> CREATE PROFILE "Decision_Support" cont> COMMENT IS 'limit transactions used by report writers' cont> TRANSACTION MODES (NO READ WRITE, READ ONLY); SQL> SHOW PROFILE Profiles in database with filename SQL$DATABASE Decision_Support SQL> SHOW PROFILE Decision_Support No Users found SQL> SHOW PROFILE "Decision_Support" Decision_Support Comment: limit transactions used by report writers Transaction modes (read only, no read write) Example 15: Displaying Synonyms SQL> SHOW SYNONYMS Synonyms in database with filename SQL$DATABASE C_SAL View CURRENT_SALARY E Table synonym EMPS EMPS Table EMPLOYEES ID_NUMBER Domain ID_DOM SQL> SHOW SYNONYMS ID_NUMBER ID_NUMBER for domain ID_DOM Comment: support the old name for this domain SQL> SHOW VIEWS User tables in database with filename SQL$DATABASE CURRENT_INFO A view. CURRENT_JOB A view. CURRENT_SALARY A view. C_SAL A synonym for view CURRENT_SALARY Example 16: Using Synonyms to Identify Objects This example creates a sequence and a synonym for a sequence, and uses the SHOW SEQUENCE command with the synonym. SQL> create sequence department_id_sequence; SQL> create synonym dept_id_s for department_id_sequence; SQL> show sequence Sequences in database with filename personnel DEPARTMENT_ID_SEQUENCE DEPT_ID_S A synonym for sequence DEPARTMENT_ID_SEQUENCE SQL> show sequence DEPT_ID_S DEPT_ID_S A synonym for sequence DEPARTMENT_ID_SEQUENCE Sequence Id: 1 Initial Value: 1 Minimum Value: 1 Maximum Value: 9223372036854775787 Next Sequence Value: 1 Increment by: 1 Next Sequence Value: 1 Increment by: 1 Cache Size: 20 No Order No Cycle No Randomize Wait SQL>