Example 1: Using the Default Alias

    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM emps FOR employees;

    Example 2: Using an Explicit Alias for the Synonym

    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM db1.emps FOR employees;

    Example 3: Using an Explicit Alias for the Referenced Object

    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM emps FOR db1.employees;

    Example 4: Using the Alias Explicitly

    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM db1.emps FOR db1.employees;

    Example 5: Using the Table Type

    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM cash FOR table money
    cont>   COMMENT IS 'use a different name to avoid confusion with'
    cont>   /          'the domain MONEY';

    Example 6: Using Multiple Synonyms

    SQL> CREATE TABLE t_employees_0001 (...);
    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM employees FOR t_employees_0001;
    SQL> CREATE SYNONYM emps FOR employees;
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