SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  User Supplied Names, Nonstored Names
    The SQL module language provides a calling mechanism for host
    language programs to execute SQL statements contained in a
    separate file called an SQL module file. The module contains SQL
    statements that can be called from any host language, including
    those not supported by the SQL precompiler. The file contains
    module language elements, including the following user-supplied

    o  Module name

       You supply a module name after the MODULE keyword at the
       beginning of an SQL module. If you do not supply a module
       name, SQL names the module SQL_MODULE.

       Module names must be unique. The following error is returned
       if a nonstored module is invoked while a stored module with
       the same name is active:

       %RDB-E-EXT_ERR, Rdb extension error
       -RDMS-E-MODEXTS, there is another module named SALARY_ROUTINES in this

    o  Procedure name

       Every SQL module contains one or more procedures consisting of
       a procedure name, one or more actual parameter declarations,
       and a single executable SQL statement. You must supply a name
       for each procedure after the PROCEDURE keyword.

    o  Parameter name

       Actual parameters within a procedure in an SQL module specify
       a name to be used for the parameter by the SQL statement in
       the procedure. Some special-purpose procedure parameters are
       SQL keywords (SQLCODE, SQLCA, SQLDA, SQLSTATE), but you must
       give names to all other parameters in SQL modules.
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