SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  Value Expressions
    A value expression is a symbol or string of symbols used to
    represent or calculate a single value. When you use a value
    expression in a statement, SQL retrieves or calculates the value
    associated with the expression and uses that value when executing
    the statement.

    Value expressions are also called scalar expressions or

    There are several different types of value expressions:

    o  A literal directly specifies a value. See the Literals HELP
       topic for more information.

    o  A parameter represents a value in a host language program or
       in an SQL module. See the User_Supplied_Names HELP topic for
       more information.

    o  A column name represents a value contained in table rows. See
       the User_Supplied_Names HELP topic for details on specifying
       value expressions with column names.

    o  A column select expression used as a value expression
       specifies a one-value result table. See the Column_Select_
       Expressions HELP topic for more information.

    o  A built-in function calculates values based on input value
       expressions. See the Built_In_Functions HELP topic for

       SQL built-in functions include functions such as CAST,
       CURRENT_USER, and TRIM. For a complete list of built-in
       functions, see Built In Functions.

    o  An aggregate function calculates a single value for a
       collection of rows in a result table. See the Aggregate_
       Functions HELP topic for details.

       SQL aggregate functions are:

       -  AVG

       -  COUNT

       -  MAX

       -  MIN


       -  SUM


       GUID, ROUND and TRUNC) have been added to the Oracle Rdb SQL
       interface for convergence with Oracle SQL. See the Oracle
       Server SQL Language Reference Manual for more information.

    o  The DBKEY or ROWID keyword represents the value of an internal
       pointer called a database key to a table row. The ROWID
       keyword is a synonym to the DBKEY keyword. See the DBKEY HELP
       topic for more information.

    o  A character value expression represents a value that belongs
       NCHAR VARYING data type. You can link two character value
       expressions together using the concatenation operator (||).

    o  You can also combine certain value expressions with arithmetic
       operators to form a value expression.

    o  A substring specifies a portion of a character value
       expression that you can manipulate using arithmetic operators.

    o  A conditional expression is a form of the value expression
       that allows applications to return alternative information
       within an expression. See the Conditional_Expressions HELP
       topic for details.

       Conditional expressions are:

       -  ABS

       -  CASE

       -  COALESCE (or NVL)

       -  DECODE

       -  GREATEST

       -  LEAST

       -  NULLIF

       -  NVL2

       -  SIGN

    The following syntax diagrams show the format of an SQL value

  value-expr =

  ---+--> numeric-value-expr -----+----->
     +--> char-value-expr --------+
     +--> date-time-value-expr ---+
     +--> interval-value-expr ----+
     +--> date-vms-value-expr ----+
     +--> DBKEY ------------------+
     +--> NULL -------------------+
     +--> ROWID ------------------+

  numeric-value-expr =

  --+-+------+-> numeric-value-factor --+----------->
    | +-> + -+                          +-> + -+-+
    | +-> - -+                          +-> - -+ |
    |                                   +-> * -+ |
    |                                   +-> / -+ |
    +----------------------- <-------------------+

  numeric-value-factor =

  --+---> common-value-expr ------------------------------------+-->
    +---> numeric-literal --------------------------------------+
    +---> BITSTRING (numeric-value-expr FROM -----+             |
    |     +---------------------------------------+             |
    |     +-> <start-position> -+------------------------+- ) --+
    |                           +-> FOR <string-length> -+      |
    +---> uid-numeric-functions --------------------------------+
    +---> length-value-functions -------------------------------+
    +---> POSITION --> ( --> char-value-expr IN ----+           |
    |  +--------------------------------------------+           |
    |  +-> char-value-expr --+---------------------------+-> ) -+
    |                        +> FROM numeric-value-expr -+      |
    +---> EXTRACT --> ( date-time-field --+                     |
         +--------------------------------+                     |
         +---> FROM --> date-time-value-expr ) -----------------+

  common-value-expr =

  -+-> <column-name> -------------------------------------------+->
   +-> <parameter> ---------------------------------------------+
   +-> <qualified-parameter> -----------------------------------+
   +-> <variable> ----------------------------------------------+
   +-> (col-select-expr) ---------------------------------------+
   +-> CAST --> ( --> value-expr -> AS +-> data-type -----+> ) -+
   |                                   +-> <domain-name> -+     |
   +-> VALUE ---------------------------------------------------+
   +-> aggregate-function --------------------------------------+
   +-> conditional-expr ----------------------------------------+
   +-> function-invocation -------------------------------------+
   +-> (value-expr) --------------------------------------------+

  aggregate-function =

  -+-> COUNT (*) -------------------------------------------+-+----------------+>
   +-> COUNT ----+->( -+--------------+-> value-expr -> ) --+ +> filter-clause +
   +-> AVG ------+     +-> ALL -------+                     |
   +-> MIN ------+     +-> DISTINCT --+                     |
   +-> MAX ------+                                          |
   +-> SUM ------+                                          |
   +-> STDDEV ---+                                          |
   +-> VARIANCE -+                                          |
   +-> STDDEV_POP --+-->( -> numeric-value-expr --> ) ------+
   +-> STDDEV_SAMP -+
   +-> VAR_POP  ----+
   +-> VAR_SAMP  ---+

  filter-clause =
   +-> ( --> WHERE --> predicate  --> )  --+

  conditional-expr =

  -+-> NULLIF -->  ( --> value-expr --> , --> value-expr --> ) ----------+->
   +-> COALESCE -+-> ( -> value-expr -+-> , --> value-expr +-> ) --------+
   +-> NVL ------+                    +--------- <---------+             |
   +-> GREATEST -+                                                       |
   +-> LEAST ----+                                                       |
   +-> NVL2 (value-expr, value-expr, value-expr) ------------------------+
   +-> DECODE (value-expr, -+> search , result +--+--------------+--> ) -+
   |                        +------- , <-------+  +-> , default -+       |
   +-> ABS --+-> (value-expr) -------------------------------------------+
   +-> SIGN -+                                                           |
   +-> simple-case-expr -------------------------------------------------+
   +-> searched-case-expr -----------------------------------------------+

  simple-case-expr =

  -> CASE -> value-expr +> WHEN with-values ---> THEN -> value-expr -++
                        +---------------------- <--------------------+|
  +------------------------------------- <----------------------------+
  +-+-------------------------+-----> END ---------------------------->
    +-> ELSE -->value-expr ---+

  searched-case-expr =

  --> CASE +-> WHEN predicate -->  THEN ---> value-expr -+-+
           +---------------------- <---------------------+ |
  +--+-----------------------------+--> END ---------------->
     +-> ELSE ---> value-expr -----+

  with-values =

  --+--+--------------------------+-> value-expr --+--+---->
    |  +--> partial_predicate1 ---+                |  |
    |  +--> partial_predicate2 --------------------+  |
    +------------ , <---------------------------------+

  partial_predicate1 =

   -+---> NOT CONTAINING ----------+-->
    +---> NOT STARTING WITH -------+
    +---> NOT MATCHING ------------+
    +---> = -----------------------+
    +---> <> ----------------------+
    +---> ^= ----------------------+
    +---> != ----------------------+
    +---> < -----------------------+
    +---> >= ----------------------+
    +---> > -----------------------+
    +---> <= ----------------------+

  partial_predicate2 =

   -+---> IS NOT NULL -------------------------------------------------+->
    +---> NOT BETWEEN -+----------------+- value-expr AND value-expr --+
    |                  +-> ASYMMETRIC --+                              |
    |                  +-> SYMMETRIC ---+                              |
    +---> NOT LIKE --> <pattern> --+-------------------------------+---+
    |                              +-> ESCAPE <escape-character> --+   |
    |                              +-> IGNORE CASE ----------------+   |
    +---> NOT IN --+-> value-expr --------------------+----------------+
                   +-> ( -++-> value-expr --++--> ) --+
                          |+-> select-expr -+|
                          +---- , <----------+

  function-invocation =

  --> <function-name> --> ( -+-----------------+-> ) -->
                             ++-> value-expr -++
                              +-> DEFAULT ----+
                              +------ , <-----+

  uid-numeric-functions =

   -+---> UID -----------------------+-->
    +---> CURRENT_UID ---------------+
    +---> SESSION_UID ---------------+
    +---> SYSTEM_UID ----------------+

  length-value-functions =

   -+---> CHARACTER_LENGTH -+-> (char-value-expr) --------------+--->
    +---> CHAR_LENGTH ------+                                   |
    +---> LENGTH -----------+                                   |
    +---> OCTET_LENGTH -----+-> (value-expr) -------------------+
    +---> LENGTHB ----------+                                   |
    +---> SIZEOF -----------+-> (value-expr) -------------------+
    +---> VSIZE ------------+

  char-value-expr =

  +-> common-value-expr -------------------------------------------------------+->
  +-> <string-literal> --------------------------------------------------------+
  +-> user-string-functions ---------------------------------------------------+
  +-> SYS_GUID ( ) ------------------------------------------------------------+
  +-> UPPER (char-value-expr) -------------------------------------------------+
  +-> LOWER (char-value-expr) -------------------------------------------------+
  +-> TRANSLATE (char-value-expr -+->USING <translation-name>) ----------------+
  |                               +-> , char-value-expr , char-value-expr)    -+
  +-> CONCAT ----+-> (value-expr -+-> , value-expr -+->  ) --------------------+
  +-> CONCAT_WS -+                +-------<---------+                          |
  +-> trim-expr ---------------------------------------------------------------+
  +-> SUBSTRING ( char-value-expr FROM --+                                     |
  | +------------------------------------+                                     |
  | +-> <start-position> +--------------------------+-- ) ---------------------+
  |                      +-> FOR  <string-length> --+                          |
  +-> char-value-expr --> || --> char-value-expr ------------------------------+

  user-string-functions =

   -+---> USER ----------------------+-->
    +---> CURRENT_USER --------------+
    +---> SESSION_USER --------------+
    +---> SYSTEM_USER ---------------+

  trim-expr =

  ---> TRIM --+
  +-> ( -+-------------------------------------------+-+
         ++------------++-------------------+-> FROM + |
          +-> BOTH ----++-> char-value-expr +          |
          +-> LEADING -+                               |
          +-> TRAILING +                               |
  +--> char-value-expr --> ) ---------------------------->

  date-time-value-expr =

  -+-> date-time-value-expr -+-> + -+-> interval-value-expr -+->
   |                         +-> - -+                        |
   +-> interval-value-expr --> + --> date-time-value-expr ---+
   +-> date-time-value-factor -------------------------------+

  date-time-value-factor =

  --+---> common-value-expr -------------------------------+->
    +---> date-time-literal -------------------------------+
    +---> CURRENT_DATE ------------------------------------+
    +---> SYSDATE -----------------------------------------+
    +---> SYSTIMESTAMP ------+-+-------------------------+-+
    +---> LOCALTIME ---------+ +-> (seconds-precision) --+
    +---> CURRENT_TIME ------+
    +---> LOCALTIMESTAMP ----+

  date-time-literal =

  --+-> TIME --> ' --> time-body --> ' ------------------------+-->
    +-> DATE -+---------+-> ' --> date-body --> ' -------------+
    |         +-> ANSI -+                                      |
    +-> TIMESTAMP --> ' --+-> date-body   time-body -+-->  ' --+
                          +-> date-body : time-body -+

  time-body =

  ---> <hours> : <minutes> :  <seconds> ---+
      +-> . <fractional-seconds> -+

  date-body =

  ---> <year> - <month> - <day> -->

  interval-value-expr =

  -++----++-> interval-value-factor -+----------------------------++->
   |+> + +|                          +> * +-> numeric-value-expr -+|
   |+> - +|                          +> / +                       ||
   |      +-> numeric-value-expr --> * -> interval-value-factor --+|
   +-----------------------------+- + <--+-------------------------+
                                 +- - <--+

  interval-value-factor =

  -+-> interval-literal ---+------------------------------------------+>
   +-> common-value-expr --+                                          |
   +-> ( -> date-time-value-expr -> - -> date-time-value-expr -> ) -+ |
        +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |
        +-> interval-qualifier ---------------------------------------+

  date-vms-value-expr =

  --+-+-------------+-> ' --> <date-vms-string> --> ' +->
    | +-> DATE VMS -+                                 |
    +---> common-value-expr --------------------------+
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