VMS Help  —  AEST  /AIIF
    Instructs AEST to use the specified Alpha Image Information File (AIIF)
    when translating current image. Normally, AEST forms the translated
    image references by adding the suffix _AV to Alpha image names.
    The /AIIF qualifier allows you to change this behavior.

    Default: None


1  –  Qualifier Values


      Identifies a file specification for the .AIIF file.

2  –  Description

    Alpha Image Information File (.AIIF file) contains the information used
    by AEST to renames the image references in the Alpha file that is
    currently translated. Such files are used to relink the translated image
    against the different shareable images and to modify fixup information.

    The .AIIF file describes the properties of a shareable image's exported
    interface, that is, the precise locations that are described in the
    image's symbol vector. These files contain mapping between Alpha and
    I64 entry points.

    The /NOAIIF qualifier tells AEST not to use the specified AIIF file,
    even if it is found.

    AEST searches for .AIIF files in the following locations and
    in the following order:
       1. The directory or directories specified as values to the
          /AIIF qualifier in the AEST command line.
       2. Locations specified by logical names. The logical name for each AIIF
          file must be formed appropriately from the shareable image list plus
          the extension (.AIIF). For example, for the dynamic image SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS,
          the appropriate logical name would be SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.AIIF.
       3. The current directory.
       4. The directory pointed to by the SYS$LIBRARY logical name.

    AIIF file syntax:
       C-style multiline comments are allowed in any place in the file.
       The following delimiters are allowed between fields of file line:
         o ' '
         o '\t'
         o ','

       Two type of lines are allowed for .AIIF files:
         1. The first type of line is needed for reassigning the old symbol vector index of
            a linked library to a new symbol vector index and probably in another library.
            Use the following format for this purpose:

              old_symv_idx new_symv_idx [, "new_name"]


              Argument           Description             Usage
              --------           -----------             -----
              old_symv_idx       old symbol vector       (as decimal)

              new_symv_idx       new symbol vector       (as decimal)

              new_name           optional, newly         (as ASCII, must be enclosed in
                                 linked library          double quotation marks (" "))

         2. The second type of line is needed for assigning new GSMATCH fields for
            newly linked libraries. Use the following format for this purpose:

              "name"  match_ctl  minor_id  major_id


              Argument           Description             Usage
              --------           -----------             -----
              name               Name of newly           (as ASCII, must be enclosed in
                                 linked library          double quotation marks (" "))

              match_ctl          matching                (as decimal). Identifies the match
                                                         algorithm used by the image activator.
                                                         Specify one of the following values:
                                                           0 - ALWAYS
                                                           1 - EQUAL
                                                           2 - LEQUAL

              minor_id           minor id                (as decimal)

              major_id           mahor id                (as decimal)
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