VMS Help  —  RMU72  Optimize  Command Qualifiers

1  –  Accept Label


    Specifies that Oracle RMU should keep the current tape label it
    finds on a tape during an optimize-to-tape operation even if that
    label does not match the default label or that specified with
    the Label qualifier. Operator notification does not occur unless
    the tape's protection, owner, or expiration date prohibit writing
    to the tape. However, a message is logged (assuming logging is
    enabled) to indicate that a label is being preserved and which
    drive currently holds that tape.

    This qualifier is particularly useful when your optimize-to-tape
    operation employs numerous previously used (and thus labeled)
    tapes and you want to preserve the labels currently on the tapes.

    If you do not specify this qualifier, the default behavior
    of Oracle RMU is to notify the operator each time it finds a
    mismatch between the current label on the tape and the default
    label (or the label you specify with the Label qualifier).

    See the description of the Labels qualifier under this command
    for information on default labels. See How Tapes are Relabeled
    During a Backup Operation in the Usage_Notes help entry under
    the Backup Database help entry for a summary of which labels are
    applied under a variety of circumstances.

2  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of write operations to the .oaij
    file device that the RMU Optimize After_Journal command will
    attempt simultaneously. This is not the maximum number of write
    operations in progress; that value is the product of active
    system I/O operations and the number of devices being written
    to simultaneously.

    The value of the Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The
    default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 might improve performance with some
    tape drives.

3  –  Block Size


    Specifies the maximum record size for the optimized .oaij file.
    The size can vary between 2048 and 65,024 bytes. The default
    value is device dependent. The appropriate block size is a
    compromise between tape capacity and error rate. The block size
    you specify must be larger than the largest page length in the

4  –  Crc[=Autodin II]


    Uses the AUTODIN-II polynomial for the 32-bit cyclic redundancy
    check (CRC) calculation and provides the most reliable end-
    to-end error detection. This is the default for NRZ/PE
    (800/1600 bits/inch) tape drives.

    Typing the Crc qualifier is sufficient to select the Crc=Autodin_
    II option. It is not necessary to type the entire qualifier.

5  –  Crc=Checksum


    Uses one's complement addition, which is the same computation
    used to do a checksum of the AIJ data on disk. This is the
    default for GCR (6250 bits/inch) tape drives and for TA78, TA79,
    and TA81 drives.

    The Crc=Checksum qualifier allows detection of data errors.

6  –  Nocrc


    Disables end-to-end error detection. This is the default for TA90
    (IBM 3480 class) drives.


       The overall effect of the Crc=Autodin_II, Crc=Checksum, and
       Nocrc defaults is to make tape reliability equal to that
       of a disk. If you retain your tapes longer than 1 year,
       the Nocrc default might not be adequate. For tapes retained
       longer than 1 year, use the Crc=Checksum qualifier.

       If you retain your tapes longer than 3 years, you should
       always use the Crc=Autodin_II qualifier.

       Tapes retained longer than 5 years could be deteriorating
       and should be copied to fresh media.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for details
       on using the Crc qualifiers to avoid underrun errors.

7  –  Density


    Specifies the density at which the output volume is to be
    written. The default value is the format of the first volume (the
    first tape you mount). You do not need to specify this qualifier
    unless your tape drives support data compression or more than one
    recording density.

    The Density qualifier is applicable only to tape drives. Oracle
    RMU returns an error message if this qualifier is used and the
    target device is not a tape drive.

    If your systems are running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1,
    specify the Density qualifier as follows:

    o  For TA90E, TA91, and TA92 tape drives, specify the number in
       bits per inch as follows:

       -  Density = 70000 to initialize and write tapes in the
          compacted format

       -  Density = 39872 or Density = 40000 for the noncompacted

    o  For SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) tape drives,
       specify Density = 1 to initialize and write tapes, using the
       drive's hardware data compression scheme.

    o  For other types of tape drives, you can specify a supported
       Density value between 800 and 160,000 bits per inch.

    o  For all tape drives, specify Density = 0 to initialize and
       write tapes at the drive's standard density.

    Do not use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword for systems
    running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1. On these systems,
    compression is determined by the density value and cannot be

    Oracle RMU supports the OpenVMS tape density and compression
    values introduced in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1. The following table
    lists the added density values supported by Oracle RMU.

    DEFAULT    800       833        1600
    6250       3480      3490E      TK50
    TK70       TK85      TK86       TK87
    TK88       TK89      QIC        8200
    8500       8900      DLT8000
    SDLT       SDLT320   SDLT600
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4

    If the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values and the previous
    density values are the same (for example, 800, 833, 1600, 6250),
    the specified value is interpreted as an OpenVMS Version 7.2-1
    value if the tape device driver accepts them, and as a previous
    value if the tape device driver accepts previous values only.

    For the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 values that accept tape compression
    you can use the following syntax:

    /DENSITY = (new_density_value,[No]Compaction)

    In order to use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword, you must
    use one of the following density values that accepts compression:

    DEFAULT    3480      3490E      8200
    8500       8900      TK87       TK88
    TK89       DLT8000   SDLT       SDLT320
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    SDLT600    LTO2      LTO3

    Refer to the OpenVMS documentation for more information about
    density values.

8  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier decrypts the backup file of the optimized
    after-image journal file.

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which has
    been created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier. Therefore you
    have to specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier with this command
    if you also use the Encrypt qualifier.

    Synonymous with the Format=Old_File and Format=New_Tape
    qualifiers. See the description of those qualifiers.

9  –  Format


    The Format qualifier allows you to specify the format of the
    files written by the RMU Optimize After_Journal command.

    If you specify the default, Format=Old_File, the RMU Optimize
    After_Journal command writes files in RMS format. This format is
    provided for compatibility with prior versions of Oracle Rdb. If
    you specify Format=Old_File, you must mount the media by using
    the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU Optimize After_
    Journal command. Because the RMU Optimize After_Journal command
    will use RMS to write to the tape, the tape must be mounted as
    an OpenVMS volume (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier
    with the MOUNT command).

    If you specify FOREIGN access although your backup file was
    created using the Format=Old_File qualifier, you will not receive
    an error message. The tape will be considered unlabeled, and
    thus the operation will process whatever data is at the current
    position of the tape (labels, data, or something else). A
    failure will occur, but what will fail and how it will fail is
    unpredictable because the type of information that will be read
    is unknown. The result is an unlabeled tape that can be difficult
    to use for recovery operations.

    If you specify Format=New_Tape, the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command writes .aij files in a format similar to that used by
    an RMU Backup command. If you specify Format=New_Tape, you must
    mount the media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue
    the RMU Optimize After_Journal command. The tape must be mounted
    as a FOREIGN volume.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


    Follow these steps when you optimize an .aij file to tape:

    1. Use the RMU Backup After_Journal command with the Format=Old_
       File qualifier to back up the .aij file to disk.

    2. Use the RMU Optimize After_Journal command with the
       Format=New_Tape qualifier to optimize the backed up .aij file
       to tape.

    3. Use the DCL BACKUP command to create a copy of the backed up
       .aij file as insurance.

    If you enter the RMU Optimize After_Journal command with no
    Format qualifier, the default is Format=Old_File.

10  –  Group Size


    Specifies the frequency at which XOR recovery blocks are written
    to tape. The group size can vary from 0 to 100. Specifying a
    group size of zero or specifying the Nogroup_Size qualifier
    results in no XOR recovery blocks being written. The Group_Size
    qualifier is applicable only to tape, and its default value is
    device dependent. Oracle RMU returns an error message if this
    qualifier is used and the target device is not a tape device.

11  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the .oaij file are to be labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    Use the label that you specify for the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command when you issue the RMU Recover command.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

12  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to back up files to data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The backup file name specified on the command line
    identifies the stream of data to be stored in the Librarian
    utility. If you supply a device specification or a version number
    it will be ignored.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

13  –  Log


    Specifies that the optimization of the .aij file be reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. When optimization activity is logged, the output from
    the Log qualifier provides the number of transactions committed
    and rolled back. You can specify the Trace qualifier with the
    Log qualifier. The default is the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag,
    which is controlled by the DCL SET VERIFY command.

14  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    receiving the backup file has a loader or stacker. Use the
    Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device does
    not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first backup tape fills, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

    Synonymous with the Owner qualifier. See the description of the
    Owner qualifier.

15  –  Owner


    Specifies the owner of the tape volume set. The owner is the user
    who will be permitted to recover (roll forward) the database. The
    user-id parameter must be one of the following types of OpenVMS

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-name,member-name]
       alphanumeric format

    o  A UIC in [group-number,member-number] numeric format

    o  A general identifier, such as SECRETARIES

    o  A system-defined identifier, such as DIALUP

    When used with tapes, the Owner qualifier applies to all
    continuation volumes. The Owner qualifier applies to the first
    volume only if the Rewind qualifier is also specified. If the
    Rewind qualifier is not specified, the optimization operation
    appends the file to a previously labeled tape, so the first
    volume can have a different protection than the continuation

16  –  Protection


    Specifies the system file protection for the .oaij file produced
    by the RMU Optimize After_Journal command.

    The default file protection varies, depending on whether you
    write the .oaij file to disk or tape. This is because tapes
    do not allow delete or execute access and the SYSTEM account
    always has both read and write access to tapes. In addition, a
    more restrictive class accumulates the access rights of the less
    restrictive classes.

    If you do not specify the Protection qualifier, the default
    protection is as follows:

    o  S:RWED,O:RE,G,W if the .oaij file is written to disk

    o  S:RW,O:R,G,W if the .oaij file is written to tape

    If you specify the Protection qualifier explicitly, the
    differences in protection applied for backups to tape or disk
    as noted in the preceding paragraph are applied. Thus, if you
    specify Protection=(S,O,G:W,W:R), that protection on tape becomes

17  –  Recovery Method


    Specifies how .aij records are to be ordered. You can specify one
    of two possible order types:

    o  Sequential-.aij records are ordered by physical dbkey in an
       area:page:line sequence. This order type is the default.

    o  Scatter-.aij records are ordered by a sort key of
       page:area:line (page number, area number, and line number).
       This order can allow the RMU Recover command to perform more
       effective I/O prefetching and writing to multiple storage
       areas simultaneously, typically where storage areas of the
       database are distributed among multiple disk devices.

    Scatter ordering allows more disk devices to be active during
    the recovery process. This helps reduce idle CPU time and allows
    the recovery to complete in less time. However, because database
    configurations vary widely, Oracle recommends that you perform
    tests with both Scatter and Sequential ordering of the optimized
    after-image journals to determine which method produces the best
    results for your system.

18  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the tape that will contain the .oaij file be
    rewound before processing begins. The tape will be initialized
    according to the Label qualifier. The Norewind qualifier is
    the default and causes the optimized .oaij file to be written
    starting at the current logical end-of-tape (EOT).

    The Norewind and Rewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. Oracle RMU returns an error message if these qualifiers
    are used and the target device is not a tape device.

19  –  Tape Expiration


    Specifies the expiration date of the .oaij file on tape. Note
    that when Oracle RMU reads a tape, it looks at the expiration
    date in the file header of the first file on the tape and assumes
    the date it finds in that file header is the expiration date
    for the entire tape. Therefore, if you are writing an .oaij
    file to tape, specifying the Tape_Expiration qualifier only has
    meaning if the .oaij file is the first file on the tape. You can
    guarantee that the .oaij file will be the first file on the tape
    by specifying the Rewind qualifier and overwriting any existing
    files on the tape.

    When the first file on the tape contains an expiration date
    in the file header, you cannot overwrite the tape before the
    expiration date unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    Similarly, when you attempt to perform a recover operation with
    an .oaij file on tape, you cannot perform the recover operation
    after the expiration date recorded in the first file on the tape
    unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege

    By default, no expiration date is written to the .oaij file
    header. In this case, if the .oaij file is the first file on
    the tape, the tape can be overwritten immediately. If the .oaij
    file is not the first file on the tape, the ability to overwrite
    the tape is determined by the expiration date in the file header
    of the first file on the tape.

    You cannot explicitly set a tape expiration date for an entire
    volume. The volume expiration date is always determined by
    the expiration date of the first file on the tape. The Tape_
    Expiration qualifier cannot be used with a backup operation to

20  –  Trace


    Specifies that the optimization of the .aij file be traced. The
    default is the Notrace qualifier, where optimization is not
    traced. When optimization is traced, the output from the Trace
    qualifier identifies transactions in the .aij file by transaction
    sequence numbers (TSNs) and describes what Oracle RMU did with
    each transaction during the optimization process. You can specify
    the Log qualifier with the Trace qualifier.
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