VMS Help  —  RMU72  Recover  Command Qualifiers

1  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from a backup
    device that the RMU Recover command attempts simultaneously. This
    is not the maximum number of read operations in progress; that
    value is a function of active system I/O operations.

    The value of the
    Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 can improve performance with some tape

2  –  Aij Buffers


    Specifies the
    number of buffers to be used by the recovery process. The default
    is 20 buffers. The valid range is 2 to 1,048,576 buffers. If the
    database root file is available, you can use the RMU Dump After_
    Journal command with the Option=Statistics qualifier to find a
    recommended value for this qualifier. See Dump After_journal for

3  –  Areas


    Specifies the areas you want to recover. You can specify each
    storage area by name or by the area's ID number.

    You should use the Areas qualifier only if you have inconsistent
    storage areas to recover. The default for the Areas qualifier
    is all storage areas that must be recovered to make the database

    If the Areas qualifier is specified, a recovery operation by area
    recovers until the storage areas being rolled forward are current
    with the other storage areas, then recovery stops, regardless of
    the time specified by the Until qualifier.

    When the Areas qualifier is not specified or the Areas=*
    qualifier is specified, Oracle RMU recovers all the storage areas
    in the database to the time specified by the Until qualifier
    or to the time of the last committed transaction in the .aij
    file that can be applied. When the Areas qualifier is specified
    without a value, Oracle RMU recovers to the earliest consistent
    state only those storage areas that are not current with the
    database root (.rdb) file of the database.

    The Areas qualifier works in the following manner:

    o  If the Areas qualifier is specified without a value, Oracle
       RMU automatically determines what areas are inconsistent
       and recovers those areas. If an inconsistent area cannot
       be recovered because it is at a higher transaction sequence
       number (TSN) value than the database root file, the entire
       database is recovered even if the Areas qualifier was

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on TSNs.

    o  If the Areas qualifier is omitted or the Areas qualifier is
       specified as Areas=*, the entire database (all storage areas)
       is recovered.

    o  If the Areas qualifier is specified as Areas=(A1,A2,A3), only
       areas A1, A2, and A3 are recovered until they are consistent.
       If one of these areas is already consistent, or if an area is
       at a higher TSN value than the database root file, the entire
       database is recovered.

    o  If the Online qualifier is specified with the Areas qualifier
       (as in the first three list items) and the end result is that
       the entire database must be recovered, an error message is
       generated because you can recover only individual areas by
       using the Online qualifier, not the entire database.

    You cannot use the Areas qualifier with the Just_Corrupt
    qualifier because the Areas qualifier implies recovery for all
    named areas and pages in those areas. (That is, use of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier with the Areas qualifier is redundant.)

    The Areas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

4  –  Automatic


    Specifies whether or not Oracle RMU should attempt automatic
    recovery of .aij files. If you specify the Noautomatic qualifier,
    only the .aij file or files you list on the Oracle RMU command
    line are applied. If you specify the Automatic qualifier, Oracle
    RMU attempts to recover all the .aij files currently associated
    with the database.

    The Automatic qualifier is the default; Oracle RMU attempts to
    recover all the .aij files currently associated with the database
    unless the .aij files have been backed up.

    See the description section for more information on how automatic
    recovery works.

5  –  Confirm


    Specifies whether or not the RMU /RECOVER command causes the
    operator to be queried when an incorrect sequence of AIJ files is

    The default for interactive recoveries is /CONFIRM, which
    prompts the user to see if he wants to continue. The default
    for RMU/RECOVER/NOCONFIRM and RMU/RECOVER executed in batch
    jobs is to terminate the RMU/RECOVER at the point where
    the out of sequence AIJ file is detected (equivalent to

    To override the default behavior, the user can continue to roll
    forward and ignore the missing AIJ file either by specifying the
    command syntax RMU/RECOVER/CONFIRM to get a prompt on whether to
    continue rolling forward if there is an AIJ sequence gap, or by
    specifying the syntax RMU/CONFIRM=CONTINUE if he does not want
    the prompt or is executing the RMU/RECOVER in a batch job.


       Oracle recommends that, in general, an incorrect journal
       sequence not be applied as a corrupt database may result.

    The /Order_Aij_Files qualifier can be used to help ensure that
    the specified journals are applied in the correct order.

    The Confirm qualifier accepts the following options:


       Do not prompt the user if a sequence gap is detected on the
       next AIJ file to be rolled forward but ignore the missing AIJ
       file and continue rolling forward.


       Do not prompt the user if a sequence gap is detected on
       the next AIJ roll forward but end the database recover at
       this point. This is the same as the default behavior for

6  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier is used to recover the database from an
    encrypted after image journal backup file.

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which has
    been created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier. Therefore you
    have to specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier with this command
    if you also use the Encrypt qualifier.

    Synonymous with the Format=Old_File and Format=New_Tape
    qualifiers. See the description of those qualifiers.

7  –  Format


    Specifies whether the backed up or optimized .aij file was
    written in the old (disk-optimized) or the new (tape-optimized)
    format. The Format=Old_File qualifier is the default. You must
    specify the same Format qualifier that was used with the RMU
    Backup After_Journal command or the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command. If your .aij file resides on disk, you should use the
    Format=Old_File qualifier.

    If you specified the Format=Old_File qualifier when you optimized
    or backed up the .aij file to tape, you must mount the backup
    media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU
    Recover command. Because the RMU Recover command will use RMS
    to read the tape, the tape must be mounted as an OpenVMS volume
    (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier with the MOUNT

    If you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you must mount the
    backup media by using the DCL MOUNT /FOREIGN command before you
    issue the RMU Recover command.

    Similarly, if you specify OpenVMS access (you do not specify the
    /FOREIGN qualifier on the DCL MOUNT command) although your .aij
    backup was created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you will
    receive an RMU-F-MOUNTFOR error.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


8  –  Just Corrupt


    Specifies that only inconsistent pages in the corrupt page table
    (CPT) and areas marked as inconsistent should be recovered. You
    can use this qualifier while users are attached to the database.

    You can use the Just_Corrupt qualifier with the Until qualifier
    to limit the recovery period to a particular point in time.

    You cannot use the Areas qualifier with the Just_Corrupt
    qualifier because the Areas qualifier implies recovery for all
    named areas and pages in those areas. (That is, use of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier with the Areas qualifier is redundant.)

    If you do not specify the Just_Corrupt qualifier, all pages are

9  –  Just Pages


    This qualifier is replaced with the Just_Corrupt qualifier
    beginning in Oracle Rdb V7.0. See the description of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier.

    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes of
    the backup

10  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal recovery operation, the Label qualifier you specify
    with the RMU Recover command should be the same Label qualifier
    you specified with the RMU Backup After_Journal command to back
    up your .aij files.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

11  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian application.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

12  –  Log


    Specifies that the recovery activity be logged. The default is
    the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the
    DCL SET VERIFY command. When recovery activity is logged, the
    output from the Log qualifier provides the number of transactions
    committed, rolled back, and ignored during the recovery process.
    You can specify the Trace qualifier with the Log qualifier.

13  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the .aij file is being read has a loader or stacker.
    Use the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    does not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first tape has been read, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

14  –  Online


    Specifies that the recover operation be performed while other
    users are attached to the database. The Online qualifier can only
    be used with the Area or Just_Corrupt qualifier. The areas or
    pages to be recovered are locked for exclusive access, so the
    operation is not compatible with other uses of the data in the
    areas or on the pages specified.

    The default is the Noonline qualifier.

15  –  Order Aij Files

    Specifies that the input after-image journal files are to
    be processed in ascending order by sequence number. The .aij
    files are each opened, the first block is read to determine the
    sequence number, and the files are closed prior to the sequence
    number sorting operation. The Order_Aij_Files can be especially
    useful if you use wildcards to specify .aij files.

    The Order_Aij_Files qualifier can also eliminate some .aij files
    from processing if they are known to be prior to the database
    recovery sequence starting point.

    Note that due to the fact that the .aij backup files might have
    more than one journal sequence in them, it is not always possible
    for RMU to eliminate every journal file that might otherwise
    appear to be unneeded. But for those journals where RMU is able
    to know for certain that the journal will not be needed based
    on the database recovery restart information, journals can be
    avoided from having to be processed.

16  –  Output


    Redirects the log and trace output (selected with the Log and
    Trace qualifiers) to the named file. If this qualifier is not
    specified, the output generated by the Log and Trace qualifiers,
    which can be voluminous, is displayed on your terminal.

17  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.

18  –  Resolve


    Recovers a corrupted database and resolves an unresolved
    transaction by completing the transaction.

    See the help entry for the RMU Recover Resolve command for a
    description of the options available with the Resolve qualifier.

19  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the tape that contains the backup file be rewound
    before processing begins. The tape is searched for the backup
    file starting at the beginning-of-tape (BOT). The Norewind
    qualifier is the default and causes the backup file to be
    searched starting at the current tape position.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. Oracle RMU returns an error message if these qualifiers
    are used and the target device is not a tape device.

20  –  Root


    Specifies the name of the database to which the journal should
    be applied. The Root qualifier allows you to specify a copy of a
    database instead of the original whose file specification is in
    the .aij file. Use the Root qualifier to specify the new location
    of your restored database root (.rdb) file.

    Specifying this qualifier lets you roll forward a database copy
    (possibly residing on a different disk) by following these steps:

    1. Use the RMU Backup command to make a backup copy of the


       This command writes a backup file of the database mf_personnel
       to the file mf_pers_full_bu.rbf.

    2. Use the RMU Restore command with the Root and Directory
       qualifiers, stating the file specifications of the database
       root and storage area files in the database copy.

       _$ MF_PERS_FULL_BU

       This command restores the database on disk DB3: in the
       directory [USER]. Default file names and file extensions are

    3. If the database uses after-image journaling, you can use the
       RMU Recover command to roll forward the copy.


       Thus, transactions processed and journaled since the backup
       operation are recovered on the copy on the DB3: disk.

    Correct operation of this procedure requires that there are no
    write transactions for the restored copy between the restore and
    recover steps.

    If you do not specify the Root qualifier, Oracle RMU examines
    the .aij file to determine the exact name of the database root
    (.rdb) file to which the journaled transactions will be applied.
    This name, which was stored in the .aij file, is the full file
    specification that your .rdb file had when after-image journaling
    was enabled.

    The journal file for a single-file database does not include the
    file name for the database; to recover a single-file database,
    you must specify the location of the database to be recovered by
    using the Root qualifier.

21  –  Trace


    Specifies that the recovery activity be logged. The default is
    the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the
    DCL SET VERIFY command. When recovery activity is logged, the
    output from the Trace qualifier identifies transactions in the
    .aij file by TSN and describes what Oracle RMU did with each
    transaction during the recovery process. You can specify the Log
    qualifier with the Trace qualifier.

22  –  Until


    Use the Until qualifier to limit the recovery to those
    transactions in the journal file bearing a starting timestamp no
    later than the specified time. For example, suppose your database
    fails today, but you have reason to believe that something
    started to go wrong at noon yesterday. You might decide that you
    only want to restore the database to the state it was in as of
    noon yesterday. You could use the Until qualifier to specify that
    you only want to recover those transactions that have a timestamp
    of noon yesterday or earlier.

    If you do not specify the Until qualifier, all committed
    transactions in the .aij file will be applied to your database.
    If you specify the Until qualifier, but do not specify a date-
    time, the current time is the default.

    If the Until qualifier is specified with a recover-by-area
    operation, the operation terminates when either the specified
    time is reached in the transaction sequence or the specified
    storage areas become consistent with the other storage areas;
    whichever condition occurs first.
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