1 – Access Log
Identifies the name of the log file where logical area accesses are to be recorded.
2 – Alarm
Alarm=interval Establishes an alarm interval (in seconds) for the Stall Messages screen from the command line. This is useful when you plan to submit the RMU Show Statistics command as a batch job. Use this qualifier in conjunction with the Notify qualifier to notify an operator or set of operators of stalled processes. The default value is 0 seconds, which is equivalent to disabling notification.
3 – Broadcast
Broadcast Nobroadcast Specifies whether or not to broadcast messages. The Broadcast qualifier is the default, if broadcasting of certain messages has been enabled with DCL SET BROADCAST. If broadcasting has been disabled with the DCL SET BROADCAST=none command, broadcast messages are not displayed, even if you specify the RMU Show Statistics command with the Broadcast qualifier. Specify the Nobroadcast qualifier if broadcasting has been enabled with the DCL SET BROADCAST command but you do not want broadcast messages displayed while you are running the Performance Monitor.
4 – Cluster
Cluster=(node-list) Nocluster Specifies the list of remote nodes from which statistics collection and presentation are to be performed. The collected statistics are merged with the information for the current node and displayed using the usual statistics screens. The following list summarizes usage of the Cluster qualifier: o If the Cluster qualifier is specified by itself, remote statistics collection is performed on all cluster nodes on which the database is currently open. o If the Cluster=(node-list) qualifier is specified, remote statistics collection is performed on the specified nodes only, even if the database is not yet open on those nodes. o If the Cluster qualifier is not specified, or the Nocluster qualifier (the default) is specified, cluster statistics collection is not performed. However, you can still enable clusterwide statistics collection online using the Tools menu. You can specify up to 95 different cluster nodes with the Cluster qualifier. There is a maximum number of 95 cluster nodes because Oracle Rdb supports only 96 nodes per database. The current node is always included in the list of nodes from which statistics collection is to be performed. It is not necessary to have the RMU Show Statistics command running on the specified remote nodes or to have the database open on the remote nodes. These events are automatically handled by the feature. The following example shows the use of the Cluster qualifier to initiate statistics collection and presentation from two remote nodes: $ RMU /SHOW STATISTICS /CLUSTER=(BONZAI, ALPHA4) MF_PERSONNEL Remote nodes can also be added and removed online at run time. Use the Cluster Statistics option located in the Tools menu. The Tools menu is displayed by using the exclamation point (!) on-screen menu option. See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink if you have a service contract) for information about the Cluster Statistics Collection and Presentation feature.
5 – Configure
Configure=file-spec Specifies the name of a human-readable configuration file to be processed by the RMU Show Statistics command. The configuration file can be created using any editor, or it can be automatically generated from the RMU Show Statistics command using the current run-time configuration settings. The default configuration file type is .cfg. If you specify the Configure=file-spec qualifier, the configuration file is processed by the RMU Show Statistics command prior to opening the database or the binary input file. If you do not specify this qualifier, all of the variables are the defaults based on command-line qualifiers and logical names. The configuration file is processed in two passes. The first pass occurs before the database is opened and processes most of the configuration file entries. The second pass occurs after the database is opened and processes those variables that are database-dependent, such as the CUSTOMER_LINE_n variable. See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink if you have a service contract) for more information about configuration files.
6 – Cycle
Cycle=seconds Nocycle Directs the Performance Monitor to continually cycle through the set of screens associated with the currently selected menu item. Each menu is displayed for the number of seconds specified. When you specify the Cycle qualifier, you can change screen modes or change submenus as desired; cycling through the menus associated with your choice continues at whichever menu level is currently selected. The specified value for the Cycle qualifier must be greater than or equal to the value specified for the Time qualifier. In addition, if you manually change the refresh rate (using the Set_rate onscreen menu option) to a value that is greater than the value you specify with the Cycle qualifier, the cycling is performed at the interval you specify for the Set_rate. If you do not specify the Cycle qualifier, or if you do not specify the number of seconds, no screen cycling is performed.
7 – Dbkey Log
Dbkey_Log=file-spec Logs the records accessed during a given processing period by the various attached processes. The file-spec is the name of the file to which all accessed dbkeys are logged. The header region of the dbkey log contains four lines. The first line indicates that the RMU Show Statistic utility created the log file. The second line identifies the database. The third line identifies the date and time the dbkey log was created. The fourth line is the column heading line. The main body of the dbkey log contains six columns. The first column contains the dbkey process ID and stream ID. The second through sixth columns contain the most recently accessed dbkey for a data page, snapshot page, SPAM page, AIP page, and ABM page, respectively. Only one message per newly accessed dbkey is recorded. However, all dbkey values are displayed, even if some of the dbkeys did not change. The dbkey information is written at the current screen refresh rate, determined by the Time qualifier or the Set_rate onscreen menu option. Using a larger refresh rate minimizes the size of the file but results in a large number of missed dbkey messages. Using a smaller refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer granularity of dbkey messages. Note that you do not need to display the Dbkey Information screen in order to record the dbkey messages to the dbkey log. The dbkey log is maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is displayed. You can use the Dbkey_Log qualifier to construct a dbkey logging server, as follows: $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/NOHISTOGRAM/TIME=1 - _$ /NOINTERACTIVE/DBKEY_LOG=DBKEY.LOG MF_PERSONNEL - _$ /NOBROADCAST/UNTIL="15:15:00"
8 – Deadlock Log
Deadlock_Log=file-spec Records the last deadlock for the processes. There is no method to record each lock deadlock as it occurs. The file-spec in the qualifier is the name of the file to which you want all lock deadlock messages to be logged. The lock deadlock messages are written in human-readable format similar to the Lock Timeout History and Lock Deadlock History screens. The header region of the lock deadlock log contains three lines: o Line 1 indicates that the RMU Show Statistics utility created the log file. o Line 2 identifies the database. o Line 3 identifies the date and time the log was created. The main body of the stall log contains three columns: o The first column contains the process ID and stream ID that experienced the lock deadlock. o The second column contains the time the deadlock occurred; however, the date is not displayed. o The third column contains the deadlock message describing the affected resource. This message is similar to the originating stall message. For example: 2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) If any lock deadlocks are missed for a particular process (usually because the recording interval is too large), the number of missed lock deadlocks is displayed in brackets after the message. For example: 2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) [1 missed] Only one message is logged for each deadlock. The lock deadlock messages are written at the specified screen refresh rate, determined by specifying the Time qualifier, or online using the Set_rate on-screen menu option. Using a larger refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in a large number of missed deadlock messages. Using a smaller refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer granularity of deadlock messages. Using the Time=1 or Time=50 qualifier produces a reasonable log while minimizing the impact on the system. The affected LockID is not displayed, because this is meaningless information after the lock deadlock has completed. Use the Tools menu (displayed when you press the exclamation point (!) key from any screen) to enable or disable the lock timeout and lock deadlock logging facility while the RMU Show Statistics utility is running. However, note that the lock timeout log and lock deadlock log are not available during binary file replay.
9 – Histogram
Nohistogram Directs Oracle RMU to display the initial statistics screen in the numbers display mode or the graph display mode. The Histogram qualifier specifies the graph display mode. The Nohistogram qualifier specifies the numbers display mode. The Histogram qualifier is the default.
10 – Hot Standby Log
Specifies the name of the Hot Standby log file. The "Start hot standby logging" option of the Tools menu (enter !) can be used to specify the name of the Hot Standby log file at runtime.
11 – Input
Input=file-name Specifies the prerecorded binary file from which you can read the statistics. This file must have been created by an earlier RMU Show Statistics session that specified the Output qualifier. You cannot specify a database file name with the Input qualifier. Also, you must not use the Until, Output, or Nointeractive qualifiers with the Input qualifier. However, you can use the Time qualifier to change the rate of the display. This will not change the computed times as recorded in the original session. For example, you can record a session at Time=60. This session will gather statistics once per minute. You can replay statistics gathered in a file by using the Input and Time qualifiers. To replay a file: o Use the Output qualifier to create a file of database statistics. o Use the Input and Time qualifiers to view the statistics again at a rate that you determine. For example, the command RMU/SHOW STATISTICS PERS.LOG/TIME=1, will replay the PERS.LOG file and change the display once per second, thus replaying 10 hours of statistics in 10 minutes. If you do not specify the Input qualifier, you must specify the root-file-spec parameter.
12 – Interactive
Nointeractive Displays the statistics dynamically to your terminal. The Interactive qualifier is the default when you execute the RMU Show Statistics command from a terminal. You can use the Nointeractive qualifier with the Output qualifier to generate a binary statistics file without generating a terminal display. The Nointeractive qualifier is the default when you execute the RMU Show Statistics command from a batch job. In an interactive session, you can use either the menu interface or the predefined control characters to select display options (see the Performance Monitor online help for further information about the predefined control characters). Select menu options by using the up (^ ) and down (v ) arrow keys followed by pressing the Return or Enter key. Cancel the menu by pressing Ctrl/Z.
13 – Lock Timeout Log
Lock_Timeout_Log=file-spec Records the last lock timeout message for the processes. There is no method to record each lock timeout as it occurs. The lock timeout messages are written in human-readable format. The header region of the lock timeout log contains three lines: o Line 1 indicates that the RMU Show Statistics utility created the log file. o Line 2 identifies the database. o Line 3 identifies the date and time the log was created. The main body of the stall log contains three columns: o The first column contains the process ID and stream ID that experienced the lock timeout. o The second column contains the time the timeout occurred; however, the date is not displayed. o The third column contains the timeout message describing the affected resource. This message is similar to the originating stall message. For example: 2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) If any lock timeouts are missed for a particular process (usually because the recording interval is too large), the number of missed lock timeouts is displayed in brackets after the message. For example: 2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) [1 missed] Only one message is logged for each lock timeout. The lock timeout messages are written at the specified screen refresh rate, determined by specifying the Time qualifier, or online using the Set_rate on-screen menu option. Using a larger refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in a large number of missed lock timeout messages. Using a smaller refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer granularity of lock timeout messages. Using the Time=1 or Time=50 qualifier appears to produce a reasonable log while minimizing the impact on the system. The affected LockID is not displayed because this is meaningless information after the lock timeout has completed. Note that you do not need to be displaying the Lock Timeout History or Lock Deadlock History screens to record the stall messages to the stall log. These logs are maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is displayed. Use the Tools menu (displayed when you press the exclamation point (!) key from any screen) to enable or disable the lock timeout and lock deadlock logging facility while the RMU Show Statistics utility is running. However, note that the lock timeout log and lock deadlock log are not available during binary file replay.
14 – Log
Nolog Logs the creation of a binary statistics file to your output file. This binary statistics file is created only if you have used the Output qualifier. If you use the Nolog qualifier, no operations will be logged to your output file. The default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. See HELP SET VERIFY in DCL HELP for more information on changing the DCL verify switch. If you use the Interactive qualifier, the Log qualifier is ignored.
15 – Logical Area
Logical_Area Nological_Area Specifies that you want the RMU Show Statistics command to acquire the needed amounts of virtual memory to display logical area statistics information. The Logical_Area qualifier is the default. By default, the RMU Show Statistics command consumes approximately 13,000 bytes of virtual memory per logical area. (The number of logical areas is determined by the largest logical area identifier - not by the actual number of areas.) This can result in the RMU Show Statistics command consuming large amounts of virtual memory, even if you do not want to review logical area statistics information. Use the NoLogical_Area qualifier to indicate that you do not want to display logical area statistics information. When you specify the NoLogical_Area qualifier, the virtual memory for logical area statistics information presentation is not acquired. When you specify the NoLogical_Area qualifier, do not also specify the Nolog qualifier, as this causes logical area statistics information to still be collected. The "Logical Area" statistics are not written to the binary output file. Conversely, the "Logical Area" statistics screens are not available during binary input file replay. There is no corresponding configuration variable. This qualifier cannot be modified at run time. See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink if you have a service contract) for more information about interpreting logical area screens.
16 – Notify
Notify Notify=All Notify=Noall Notify=operator-classes Nonotify Notifies the specified system operator or operators when a stall process exceeds the specified alarm interval by issuing a broadcast message and ringing a bell at the terminal receiving the message. The valid operator classes are: CENTRAL, CLUSTER, DISKS, OPCOM, SECURITY, and OPER1 through OPER12. The various forms of the Notify qualifier have the following effects: o If you specify the Notify qualifier without the operator- classes parameter, the CENTRAL and CLUSTER operators are notified by default. o If you specify the Nonotify or Notify=Noall qualifiers, operator notification is disabled. o If you specify the Notify=All qualifier, all operator classes are enabled. o If you specify the Notify=operator-classes qualifier, the specified classes are enabled. (If you specify more than one operator class, enclose the list in parentheses and separate each class name with a comma.) For example, issuing the RMU Show Statistics command with the Notify=(OPER1, OPER2) qualifier sends a notification message to system operator classes OPER1 and OPER2 if the Alarm threshold is exceeded while monitoring the Stall Messages screen. o When the Notify=OPCOM qualifier is specified with the RMU Show Statistics command along with the Alarm and Cluster qualifiers, Oracle RMU generates an OPCOM message and delivers it to the OPCOM class associated with the Notify qualifier. This message alerts the operator to the fact that the process has stalled for more than n seconds, where n is the value assigned to the Alarm qualifier. The process that has stalled may be on any node that is included in the node name list assigned to the Cluster qualifier. The specified system operator(s) are notified only when the alarm threshold is first exceeded. For instance, if three processes exceed the alarm threshold, the specified operator(s) are notified only once. If another process subsequently exceeds the alarm threshold while the other processes are still displayed, the specified system operator(s) are not notified. However, if the longest-duration stall is resolved and a new process then becomes the newest stall to exceed the alarm threshold, then the specified system operator(s) will be notified of the new process. To receive operator notification messages, the following three OpenVMS DCL commands must be issued: 1. $ SET TERM /BROADCAST 2. $ SET BROADCAST=OPCOM 3. $ REPLY /ENABLE=(operator-classes) The operator-classes specified in the REPLY /ENABLE command must match those specified in the Notify qualifier to the RMU Show Statistics command. The operator notification message will appear similar to the following sample message: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 19-DEC-1994 08:56:39.27 %%%%%%%%%%% (from node MYNODE at 19-DEC-1994 08:56:39.30) Message from user SMITH on MYNODE Rdb Database USER2:[SMITH.WORK.AIJ]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification Process 2082005F:1 exceeded 5 second stall: waiting for record 51:60:2 (EX) The system operator notification message contains four lines. Line 1 contains the OPCOM broadcast header message. Line 2 identifies the process running the RMU Show Statistics command that sent the message. Line 3 identifies the database being monitored. Line 4 identifies the process that triggered the alarm, including the alarm interval and the stall message. To establish an alarm interval for the Stall Messages screen, use the Alarm=Interval qualifier. If you specify the Nointeractive qualifier, bell notification is disabled, but the broadcast message remains enabled.
17 – Opcom Log
Opcom_Log=filename Noopcom Specifies the name of the file where OPCOM messages broadcast by attached database processes will be sent. When recording OPCOM messages, it is possible to occasionally miss a few messages for a specific process. When this occurs, the message "n missed" will be displayed in the log file. You can record specific operator classes of OPCOM messages if you specify the Option=Verbose qualifier. The Option=Verbose qualifier records only those messages that can be received by the process executing the RMU Show Statistics utility. For example, if the process is enabled to receive operator class Central, then if you specify Opcom_Log=opcom.log the Option=Verbose qualifier records all Central operator messages. Conversely, specifying only the Opcom_Log=opcom.log qualifier records all database- specific OPCOM messages generated from this node. Because the output is captured directly from OpenVMS, the operator-specific log file output format is different from the database-specific contents. The following example shows the operator-specific log file contents for the Cluster and Central operator classes: Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor OPCOM Log Database KODA_TEST:[R_ANDERSON.TCS_MASTER]TCS.RDB;2 OPCOM Log created 11-JUN-1999 10:52:07.53 11-JUN-1999 10:52:23.85) Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4 Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Event Notification for Database _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 AIJ Log Server terminated 11-JUN-1999 10:52:25.49) Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4 Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Event Notification for Database _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server started 11-JUN-1999 10:52:26.06) Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4 Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Event Notification for Database _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server failed . . . 11-JUN-1999 10:54:21.09) Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4 Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Event Notification for Database _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]T_ PERSONNEL.RDB;1 AIJ Log Server started 11-JUN-1999 10:54:21.13) Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4 Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Event Notification for Database _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]T_ PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Opening "$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]TEST1.AIJ;2"
18 – Options
The following keywords may be used with the Options qualifier: o [No]All Indicates whether or not all collectible statistics (all statistics for all areas) are to be collected. The All option indicates that all statistics information is to be collected; the Noall keyword indicates that only the base statistics information is to be collected. You must also specify the Output qualifier. Note: Logical Area information is not written to the binary output file. o [No]Area Indicates whether or not the by-area statistics information is to be collected in addition to the base statistics information. When you specify the Area or Noarea option, the Base statistics are implicitly selected. You must also specify the Output qualifier. When the Area option is specified, statistics for all existing storage areas are written to the binary output file; you cannot selectively choose specific storage areas for which statistic information is to be collected. The size of the by-area statistics output largely depends on the total number of storage areas in the database, including reserved storage areas. If the database contains a large number of storage areas, it may not be advisable to use the Options=Area qualifier. Before you replay a binary output file that contains by- area statistics, specify the following command to format the display correctly: $ SET TERM/NOTAB You can then replay the statistics as follows: $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/INPUT=main.stats o Base (default) Indicates that only the base set of statistics is to be collected; this is the default Options option. The base set of statistics is identical to the one collected prior to Oracle Rdb V6.1. You must also specify the Output qualifier. You cannot specify Nobase. o Compress Compresses the statistics records written to the output file specified by the Output qualifier. While replaying the statistics, the RMU Show Statistics command determines if a record was written using compression or not. If the record was written using compression it is automatically decompressed. If compression is used, the resultant binary file can be read only by the RMU Show Statistics command. The format and contents of a compressed file are not documented or accessible to other applications. o Confirm Indicates that you wish to confirm before exiting from the utility. You can also specify the Confirm option in the configuration file using the CONFIRM_EXIT variable. A value of TRUE indicates that you want to confirm before exiting the utility and a value of FALSE (the default) indicates you do not want to confirm before exiting the utility. o Log_Stall_Alarm If Log_Stall_Alarm is present when using the Stall_Log qualifier to write stall messages to a log file and the Alarm qualifier to set an alarm interval, only those stalls exceeding the Alarm specified duration are written to the stall log output file. o Log_Stall_Lock If you use the Stall_Log qualifier to write stall messages to a log file, use the Nolog_Stall_Lock option to prevent lock information from being written to the log file. If you use or omit the Log_Stall_Lock option, lock information is written to the log file. o [No]Row_Cache Indicates that all row cache related screens and features of the RMU Show Statistics facility are to be displayed. NoRow_ Cache indicates that these features are disabled. o Screen_Name Allows you to identify a screen capture by screen name. If you issue an RMU Show Statistics command with the Options=Screen_ Name qualifier, the screen capture is written to a file that has the name of the screen with all spaces, brackets, and slashes replaced by underscores. The file has an extension of .SCR. For example, if you use the Option=Screen_Name qualifier and select the Write option on the Screen Transaction Duration (Read/Write), the screen is written to a file named TRANSACTION_DURATION_READ_WRITE.SCR. o Update Allows you to update fields in the Database Dashboard. See the Performance Monitor Help or the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for information about using and updating the Database Dashboard. You must have both the OpenVMS WORLD and BYPASS privileges to update fields in the Database Dashboard. o Verbose Causes the stall message logging facility to report a stall message at each interval, even if the stall message has been previously reported. NOTE Use of the Options=Verbose qualifier can result in an enormous stall messages log file. Ensure that adequate disk space exists for the log file when you use this qualifier. You can enable or disable the stall messages logging Verbose option at run time by using the Tools menu and pressing the exclamation point (!) key. You can also specify the Verbose option in the configuration file by using the STALL_LOG_VERBOSE variable. Valid keywords are ENABLED or DISABLED. Lock information is displayed only once per stall, even in verbose mode, to minimize the output file size.
19 – Output
Output=file-name Specifies a binary statistics file into which the statistics are written. Information in the Stall Messages screen is not recorded in this file, however. The information in the Stall Messages screen is highly dynamic and thus cannot be replayed using the Input qualifier. NOTE Statistics from the Stall Messages display are not collected in the binary output file. For information on the format of the binary output file (which changed in Oracle Rdb V6.1), see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning.
20 – Prompt Timeout
Prompt_Timeout=seconds Noprompt_Timeout Allows you to specify the user prompt timeout interval, in seconds. The default value is 60 seconds. If you specify the Noprompt_Timeout qualifier or the Prompt_ Timeout=0, the RMU Show Statistics command does not time out any user prompts. Note that this can cause your database to hang. NOTE Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not use the Noprompt_Timeout qualifier or the Prompt_Timeout= 0 qualifier unless you are certain that prompts will always be responded to in a timely manner. If the Prompt_Timeout qualifier is specified with a value greater than 0 but less than 10 seconds, the value 10 is used. The user prompt timeout interval can also be specified using the PROMPT_ TIMEOUT configuration variable.
21 – Reopen Interval
Reopen_Interval=minutes After the specified interval, closes the current output file and opens a new output file without requiring you to exit from the Performance Monitor. The new output file has the same name as the previous output file, but the version number is incremented by 1. This qualifier allows you to view data written to the output file while the Performance Monitor is running. If there has been no database activity at the end of the specified interval, the current output file is not closed and a new output file is not created. Be careful not to use the DCL PURGE command inadvertently. Also note that use of the DCL SET FILE/VERSION_LIMIT command causes older versions of the output file to be deleted automatically. Use of the Reopen_Interval qualifier is only valid when you also specify the Output qualifier.
22 – Reset
Specifies that you want the Performance Monitor to reset your display to zero. The Reset qualifier has the same effect as selecting the reset option from the interactive screen (except when you specify the Reset qualifier, values are reset before being initially displayed). Note that this qualifier resets the values being displayed to your output device only, it does not reset the values in the database global section nor does it affect the data collected in an output file. The default behavior of the Performance Monitor is to display each change in values that has occurred since the database was opened. To display only the value changes that have occurred since the Performance Monitor was invoked, specify the Reset qualifier, or immediately select the on-screen reset option when statistics are first displayed. The Reset qualifier does not affect the values that are written to the binary output file (created when you specify the Output qualifier). Specify the Reset qualifier when you replay the output file if you want the replay to display only the change in values that occurred between the time the Performance Monitor was invoked (with the Output qualifier) and the monitoring session ended.
23 – Screen
Screen=screen-name Specifies the first screen to be displayed. This is particularly useful when you are using the Performance Monitor to interactively monitor stalled processes. For example, the following command automatically warns the system operator of excessive stalls: $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/ALARM=5/NOTIFY=OPER12/SCREEN="Stall Messages" - _$ MF_PERSONNEL The following list describes the syntax of the screen-name argument: o You can use any unique portion of the desired screen name for the screen-name argument. For example, the following has the same results as the preceding example: $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/ALARM=5/NOTIFY=OPER12/SCREEN="Stall" - _$ MF_PERSONNEL.RDB o Except with regards to case, whatever unique portion of the screen you supply must be an exact match to the equivalent portion of the actual screen name. For example Screen="Stall" is equivalent to Screen="STALL"; however Screen="Stalled" is not. o If the specified screen-name does not match any known screen name, the display starts with the Summary IO Statistics screen (the default first screen). No error message is produced. o If the screen name contains spaces, enclose the screen-name in quotes. o You can not specify the "by-lock" or "by-area" screens. If you specify the Nointeractive qualifier, the Screen qualifier is ignored.
24 – Stall Log
Stall_Log=file-spec Specifies that stall messages are to be written to the specified file. This can be useful when you notice a great number of stall messages being generated, but do not have the resources on hand to immediately investigate and resolve the problem. The file generated by the Stall_Log qualifier can be reviewed later so that the problem can be traced and resolved. The stall messages are written to the file in a format similar to the Stall Messages screen. Stall messages are written to the file at the same rate as the screen refresh rate. (The refresh rate is set with the Time qualifier or from within the Performance Monitor with the Set_rate on-screen menu option.) Specifying a large refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in a large number of missed stall messages. Specifying a small refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains more of the stall messages generated. You do not need to be displaying the Stall Messages screen to record the stall messages to the log file. The stall log is maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is displayed. By default, stall messages are not logged to a file.
25 – Time
Time=integer Specifies the statistics collection interval in seconds. If you omit this qualifier, a sample collection is made every 3 seconds. The integer has a normal range of 1 to 180 (1 second to 3 minutes). However, if you specify a negative number for the Time qualifier, the RMU Show Statistics command interprets the number as hundredths of a second. For example, Time=-20 specifies an interval of 20/100 or 1/5 of a second. If you are running the RMU Show Statistics command interactively, it updates the screen display at the specified interval. If you also use the Output qualifier, a binary statistics record is written to the output file at the specified interval. A statistics record is not written to this file if no database activity has occurred since the last record was written.
26 – Until
Until="date-time" Specifies the time the statistics collection ends. When this point is reached, the RMU Show Statistics command terminates and control returns to the system command level. When the RMU Show Statistics command is executed in a batch job, the batch job terminates at the time specified. An example of using the Until qualifier follows: $ DEFINE LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT "!MAU !DB, !Y4 !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2" $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS /UNTIL="JUNE 16, 1996 17:00:00.00" - _$ MF_PERSONNEL This stops execution of the RMU Show Statistics command at 5 P.M. on June 16, 1996. You can omit the date if you wish to use the default of today's date. You can use either an absolute or delta value to specify the data and time. If you do not use the Until qualifier, the RMU Show Statistics command continues until you terminate it manually. In an interactive session, terminate the command by pressing Ctrl/Z or by selecting Exit from the menu. When you are running the RMU Show Statistics command with the Nointeractive qualifier from a terminal, terminate the command by pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y and then selecting Exit. When you are running the RMU Show Statistics command in a batch job, terminate the command by deleting the batch job.