You can define a symbol to make invoking the SQL module processor easier. For example: $ SQLMOD == "$SQL$MOD" You then can invoke the SQL module processor with or without a module file specification: o If you invoke the SQL module processor without a module file specification, the module processor prompts you for it. For example: $ SQLMOD INPUT FILE> module-file-specification o If you invoke the SQL module processor with a module file specification as part of the DCL command line, SQL starts processing your module file immediately after you press the Return key. For example: $ SQLMOD module-file-specification Either way, there are several qualifiers you can specify with the file specification that control how SQL processes the module file. The syntax diagram shows the format for those qualifiers.
1 – Format
(B)0[m[1mmodule-file-spec-qual = [m [1m [m [1;4mSQLMOD[m[1m qqqq> module-file-spec qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [m [1m tq> <context-file-name> qqu [m [1m tq> module-qualifiers-1 qqu [m [1m mq> module-qualifiers-2 qqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mmodule-qualifiers-1 = [m [1m [m [1mqqwwqwqq> no-qualifiers-1 qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwq> [m [1m xx mqq> no-qualifiers-2 qqj xx [m [1mxtq>[m [1m/[1;4mARCHITECTURE[m[1m = architecture_options[m [1mqqux[m [1m xtq> [1;4m/C_STRING[m[1m = c-string-options qqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4m/CONSTRAINT_MODE[m[1m = qwq> [1;4mIMMEDIATE[m[1m qqqqqux [m [1m xx tq> [1;4mDEFERRED[m[1m qqqqqqux [m [1m xx tq> [1;4mOFF[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xx mq> [1;4mON[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4m/CONTEXT[m[1m = qwq> [1;4mNONE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xx tq> [1;4mALL[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xx [m [1m mq> procedure-list qqqqqqqqux [m [1mxtq> [1;4m/FLOAT[m [1m= qwq> D_FLOAT[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux[m [1mxx[m [1m [m [1mtq>[m [1mG_FLOAT[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux[m [1mxx[m [1mmq>[m [1mIEEE_FLOAT[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqux[m [1m xtq> [1;4m/USER_DEFAULT[m[1m = <username> qqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xmq> [1;4m/PASSWORD_DEFAULT[m[1m = <password> qqqqqqqqjx [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mno-qualifiers-1 = [m [1m [m [1mq> / wqqqqwqwq> [1;4mALIGN_RECORDS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1mm [1;4mNO[m[1m j[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mC_PROTOTYPES[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mmq> = <file-name> qqj[m [1mx[m [1m tq> [1;4mCONNECT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEXTERNAL_GLOBALS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mFLAG_NONSTANDARD[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwu [m [1m x tq> = [1;4mMIA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqux [m [1m x tq> = [1;4mSQL89[m[1m qqqqqqqux [m [1m x mq> = [1;4mSQL92_ENTRY[m [1mqjx [m [1m tq> [1;4mG_FLOAT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mINITIALIZE_HANDLES[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mLIST[m[1m qqqqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m x mq> = <file-spec> j x [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mLOWERCASE_PROCEDURE_NAMES[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1m mq> [1;4mMACHINE_CODE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mno-qualifiers-2 = [m [1m [m [1mq> / wq>qqwqwq> [1;4mOBJECT[m[1m qqwqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqq>[m [1m m [1;4mNO[m[1m j x mq> = <file-spec> j [m [1m x [m [1m tq> [1;4mPACKAGE_COMPILATION[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mPARAMETER_CHECK[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mPRAGMA[m[1m = ( q> [1;4mIDENT[m[1m = string-literal q> ) qqu[m [1mtq> [1;4mPROTOTYPES[m[1m qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mmq> = <prototypesfile> qqj[m [1mx[m [1m tq> [1;4mQUERY_ESTIMATES[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mQUIET_COMMIT[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1m tq> [1;4mTRANSACTION_DEFAULT[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqu [m [1m x tq> = [1;4mIMPLICIT[m[1m qqqqu [m [1m x [m [1m x mq> = [1;4mDISTRIBUTED[m[1m qj [m [1m x [m [1m mq> [1;4mWARN[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqj [m [1m [m [1m m> = ( w> warning-option w> ) qqj [m [1m [m [1mmqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqj[m (B)0[m[1mwarning-option = [m [1m [m [1mqqqwqqqwq> [1;4mWARNING[m[1m qqqqqqwqqwq> [m [1m x tq> [1;4mNOWARNING[m[1m qqqqu x [m [1m x tq> [1;4mDEPRECATE[m[1m qqqu x [m [1m x mq> [1;4mNODEPRECATE[m[1m qj x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqj [m (B)0[m [1marchitecture_options =[m [1m [m [1mqwq> [1;4mGENERIC[m [1mqwqq>[m [1m tq> [1;4mHOST[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEV4[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEV5[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mEV56[m[1m qqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mPCA56[m[1m qqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mEV6[m[1m [m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mEV67[m[1m qqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mEV68[m[1m qqu[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mEV7[m[1m qqj[m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mc-string-options = [m [1m [m [1mqwwqqwqqqqqqw> [1;4mBLANK_FILL[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqw>[m [1m xx m> [1;4mNO[m[1m qj x [m [1m xmqqwqqqqqqw> [1;4mFIXED_CDD_STRINGS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m x m> [1;4mNO[m[1m qj x [m [1m m> ( wqqqqqw> [1;4mBLANK_FILL[m[1m q> , wqqqqqqw> [1;4mFIXED_CDD_STRINGS[m[1m q> ) j [m [1m m> [1;4mNO[m[1m j m> [1;4mNO[m[1m qj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mmodule-qualifiers-2 = [m [1m [m [1mqqqqwwq> /database-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwq> [m [1m xtq> /optimization_options qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4m/QUERY_TIME_LIMIT[m[1m = <total-seconds> qqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4m/QUERY_MAX_ROWS[m[1m = <total-rows> qqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4m/QUERY_CPU_TIME_LIMIT[m[1m = <total-seconds> qux [m [1m xmq> [1;4m/ROLLBACK_ON_EXIT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjx [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m (B)0[m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m [1moptimization-options= [m [1mqqqq> [1;4mOPTIMIZATION_LEVEL[m[1m= qwqqqq> [1;4mDEFAULT[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1mmqq> ([m [1mqwwq> [1;4mAGGRESSIVE[m[4m_[1;4mSELECTIVITY[m[1m qqwqqwq[m [1m)[m [1mqj[m [1m [m [1mxtq> [1;4mFAST[m[4m_[1;4mFIRST[m[1m [m [1mqqu[m [1mx[m [1m [m [1m [m [1mxtq> [1;4mSAMPLED[m[4m_[1;4mSELECTIVITY[m [1mqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1m [m [1m [m [1mxmq> [1;4mTOTAL[m[4m_[1;4mTIME[m[1m [m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1m [m [1mmqqqqqq[m [1m, <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1m [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mdatabase-options = [m [1m [m [1mqqwqq> [1;4mELN[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> [m [1m tqq> [1;4mNSDS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> rdb-options qqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA=V1[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA=V2[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mVIDA=V2N[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mNOVIDA[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mDBIV1[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mDBIV31[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mqq> [1;4mDBIV70[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m [1mrdb-options = [m [1m [m [1mqwq> [1;4mRDBVMS[m[1m qqwqq>[m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB030[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB031[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB040[m[1m qqu [m [1m tq> [1;4mRDB041[m[1m qqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB042[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB050[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB051[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB060[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB061[m [1mqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mRDB070[m [1mqqu[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mRDB071[m [1mqqj[m (B)0[m[1mprocedure-list = [m [1m [m [1mqq> ( qwq> <procedure> wqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwq> ) q> [m [1m x mqq> : <entry-name> jx [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m
2 – Arguments
Syntax options: ALIGN_RECORDS NOALIGN_RECORDS Aligns the fields in an SQL module procedure record parameter. If your host language is C, the default is ALIGN_RECORDS; otherwise, the default is NOALIGN_RECORDS.
Syntax options: ARCHITECTURE=GENERIC ARCHITECTURE=HOST ARCHITECTURE=EV4 ARCHITECTURE=EV5 ARCHITECTURE=EV56 ARCHITECTURE=PCA56 ARCHITECTURE=EV6 ARCHITECTURE=EV67 ARCHITECTURE=EV68 ARCHITECTURE=EV7 For improved performance of generated code, the ARCHITECTURE command line qualifier can be used on OpenVMS Alpha systems. The ARCHITECTURE qualifier is ignored on Itanium systems. The ARCHITECTURE qualifier specifies the lowest version of the Alpha architecture where this code will run. This allows the compiler to generate more efficient code, with the tradeoff that code may not run on older systems. All Alpha processors implement a core set of instructions and, in some cases, the following extensions: o Byte/word extension (BWX) - The instructions that comprise the BWX extension are LDBU, LDWU, SEXTB, SEXTW, STB, and STW. o Square-root and floating-point convert extension (FIX) - The instructions that comprise the FIX extension are FTOIS, FTOIT, ITOFF, ITOFS, ITOFT, SQRTF, SQRTG, SQRTS, and SQRTT. o Count extension (CIX) - The instructions that comprise the CIX extension are CTLZ, CTPOP, and CTTZ. o Multimedia extension (MVI) - The instructions that comprise the MVI extension are MAXSB8, MAXSW4, MAXUB8, MAXUW4, MINSB8, MINSW4, MINUB8, MINUW4, PERR, PKLB, PKWB, UNPKBL, and UNPKBW. The Alpha Architecture Reference Manual describes the extensions in detail. The keyword specified with the ARCHITECTURE qualifier determines which instructions the compiler can generate and which coding rules it must follow. o GENERIC - Generate instructions that are appropriate for all Alpha processors. This option is the default and is equivalent to /ARCH=EV4. o HOST - Generate instructions for the processor that the compiler is running on (for example, EV56 instructions on an EV56 processor, EV7 instructions on an EV7 processor, and so on). o EV4 - Generate instructions for the EV4 processor (21064, 20164A, 21066, and 21068 chips). Applications compiled with this option will not incur any emulation overhead on any Alpha processor. o EV5 - Generate instructions for the EV5 processor (some 21164 chips). (Note that the EV5 and EV56 processors both have the same chip number - 21164.) Applications compiled with this option will not incur any emulation overhead on any Alpha processor. o EV56 - Generate instructions for EV56 processors (some 21164 chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV4 instruction plus any instructions contained in the BWX extension. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4 and EV5 processors. o PCA56 - Generate instructions for PCA56 processors (21164PC chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV4 instruction plus any instructions contained in the BWX and MVI extensions. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4 and EV5 processors. o EV6 - Generate instructions for EV6 processors (21264 chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV4 instruction, any instruction contained in the BWX and MVI extensions, plus any instructions added for the EV6 chip. These new instructions include a floating-point square root instruction (SQRT), integer/floating-point register transfer instructions, and additional instructions to identify extensions and processor groups. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56 processors. o EV67 or EV68 - Generate instructions for EV67 and EV68 processors (21264A chips). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV6 instruction plus the new bit count instructions (CTLZ, CTPOP, and CTTZ). However, the precompilers do not currently generate any of the new bit count instructions and the EV67 and EV68 have identical instruction scheduling models so the EV67 and EV68 are essentially identical to the EV6. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56 processors. o EV7 - Generate instructions for the EV7 processor (21364 chip). This option permits the compiler to generate any EV67 instruction. There are no additional instructions available on the EV7 processor but the compiler does have different instruction scheduling and prefetch rules for tuning code for the EV7. Applications compiled with this option may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56 processors. The OpenVMS Alpha operating system includes an instruction emulator. This capability allows any Alpha chip to execute and produce correct results from Alpha instructions even if some of the instructions are not implemented on the chip. Applications using emulated instructions will run correctly but may incur significant emulation overhead at run time. Of the available extension types, the Byte/word extension (BWX) will often be beneficial for increased performance of Rdb-based applications. In addition, for those Alpha implementations that support quad-issue of instructions (the EV6 and later processors), the compiler does have different instruction scheduling and prefetch rules for tuning code. For highest levels of performance of generated code, Oracle recommends that the ARCHITECTURE qualifier be specified with the keyword that most closely matches the lowest processor type of the machine where the program will execute. LANGUAGE COMPILER SUPPORT FOR ARCHITECTURE If specified, the ARCHITECTURE qualifier is passed on the command line to the specified language compiler by the SQL Precompiler. The language compiler being used must support the ARCHITECTURE qualifier and the architecture keyword value when the ARCHITECTURE qualifier is specified.
Syntax options: C_PROTOTYPES=file-name NOC_PROTOTYPES This qualifier is deprecated and will not be supported in a future release. It has been replaced by the PROTOTYPES qualifier.
2.4 – C_STRING
Syntax options: C_STRING=[NO]BLANK_FILL C_STRING=[NO]FIXED_CDD_STRINGS C_STRING=([NO]BLANK_FILL, [NO]FIXED_CDD_STRINGS) Specifies how to handle C host language character strings: o [NO]BLANK_FILL (default: BLANK_FILL) Controls whether or not C character strings are filled with blanks as required by the SQL89 and ANSI/ISO SQL standards or if the null terminator is placed after the last data byte of the source string. o [NO]FIXED_CDD_STRINGS (default: NOFIXED_CDD_STRINGS) Controls whether or not SQL treats C character strings from Oracle CDD/Repository record definitions as fixed-length character strings or C null-terminated strings.
2.5 – c-string-options
Controls how SQL handles C host language character strings. Use either or both of the [NO]BLANK_FILL and [NO]FIXED_CDD_ STRINGS keywords with the C_STRING qualifier to control C string characteristics.
Syntax options: CONNECT NOCONNECT Specifies whether or not SQL allows multiple user sessions and access to global databases across modules. All SQL modules in an application must be compiled with connections enabled or disabled. The default setting is NOCONNECT.
Syntax options: CONSTRAINT_MODE=IMMEDIATE CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED CONSTRAINT_MODE=ON CONSTRAINT_MODE=OFF You can optionally specify either the CONSTRAINT_MODE=IMMEDIATE or CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED qualifier on the SQL module language command line to set the default constraint evaluation mode for commit-time constraints. (This qualifier does not affect the evaluation of verb-time constraints.) The default is DEFERRED; that is, commit-time constraints are evaluated at commit time. Setting constraints ON causes each of the affected constraints to be evaluated immediately, as well as at the end of each statement, until the SET ALL CONSTRAINTS OFF statement is issued or until the transaction completes with a commit or rollback operation. The SET ALL CONSTRAINTS statement overrides the CONSTRAINT_ MODE=IMMEDIATE or the CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED qualifier. SQL users who require ANSI-standard SQL compatibility should set constraints IMMEDIATE. The default (CONSTRAINT_MODE=DEFERRED) is acceptable for most other users. You can use the ON keyword instead of IMMEDIATE and the OFF keyword instead of DEFERRED.
2.8 – CONTEXT=
Instructs the SQL module processor to execute module language procedures in the context of a particular distributed transaction. When you use this qualifier, SQL generates an additional parameter for the procedures and places the parameter as the last parameter declared in the procedure. Following are the options you can specify with the CONTEXT= qualifier: o NONE Specifies that the SQL module processor does not add a context parameter to any procedure in the module. o ALL Specifies that the SQL module processor adds a context parameter to every procedure in the module. o procedure-list Specifies that the SQL module processor adds a context parameter to each procedure listed. If you specify an entry name for a procedure in the list, the SQL module processor changes the name of that procedure to the name specified. For example, you can specify the following qualifier on the command line: /CONTEXT=(OPEN_PROC :OPEN_PROC_DIST, FETCH_PROC :FETCH_PROC_DIST,- CLOS_PROC :CLOS_PROC_DIST) SQL passes the context parameter to the OPEN_PROC, FETCH_ PROC, and CLOS_PROC procedures and gives them the new names specified. For more information, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions. Your application must use the context structure to pass the address of the distributed TID from the host language program to procedures in the module that are involved in the distributed transaction. You pass the context structure to procedures that contain executable SQL statements, except statements that you cannot execute when a transaction is already started or statements that you cannot use when you explicitly call the DECdtm system services. the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual lists the nonexecutable statements that do not take a context structure. You can also use the CONTEXT qualifier to specify a new name for a procedure. Qualifiers used with the CONTEXT qualifier specify which procedures receive context parameters, and whether or not the names of the procedures are changed. Because you cannot use batch-update transactions with distributed transactions, you should define the SQL$DISABLE_CONTEXT logical name as True before you start a batch-update transaction. (Distributed transactions require that you are able to roll back transactions. Because batch-update transactions do not write to recovery-unit journal (.ruj) files, batch-update transactions cannot be rolled back.) If you attempt to start a distributed transaction using a batch- update transaction, what happens depends upon whether you call the DECdtm system services implicitly or explicitly and which SQL statement you use to start the transaction: o If you start a batch-update transaction and explicitly call the DECdtm system services, SQL returns an error at compile time. o If you start a batch-update transaction and implicitly call the DECdtm system services, SQL takes the following actions: - If you use a SET TRANSACTION statement with the BATCH UPDATE clause, SQL starts a nondistributed transaction. - If you use a DECLARE TRANSACTION statement with the BATCH UPDATE clause, SQL returns an error at compile time. The two-phase commit protocol applies only to distributed transactions. For more information about distributed transactions, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions.
2.9 – context-file-name
A SQL command procedure containing DECLARE statements that you want to apply when your program compiles and executes. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information.
2.10 – database-options
Specifies that the SQL module processor will process a program for access to the specified database type. For more information regarding database options, see the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual
Syntax options: DEPRECATE NODEPRECATE The DEPRECATE and NODEPRECATE qualifiers specify whether or not the SQL module processor writes diagnostic messages about deprecated features. Deprecated features are currently allowed features that will not be allowed in future versions of SQL; that is, they will be obsolete. For example, one deprecated feature is the use of obsolete keywords such as VERB_TIME instead of VERB TIME. A complete list of deprecated features appears on line in the interactive SQL Help utility. You can specify the WARN=WARNING qualifier if you prefer to have all warning messages except those about deprecated features. You can specify the WARN=(NOWARNING, DEPRECATE) qualifier if you prefer only the deprecated feature messages. The WARN qualifier alone is equivalent to the WARN=(WARNING, DEPRECATE) qualifier, which means that SQL writes informational and warning messages, plus messages about deprecated features. The NOWARN qualifier alone is equivalent to the WARN=(NOWARNING, NODEPRECATE) qualifier, which means that SQL does not write any messages.
Syntax options: EXTERNAL_GLOBALS NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS Specifies whether or not alias references are coerced into alias definitions. An alias definition is an alias declared with the GLOBAL keyword (the default) in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. An alias reference is an alias declared with the EXTERNAL keyword in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. The EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier treats alias references as alias definitions. This qualifier provides compatibility with versions prior to V7.0. The NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier treats alias references as alias references. The NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier may be useful on OpenVMS if your application shares an alias between multiple shareable images. The default setting is EXTERNAL_GLOBALS. For information on using aliases and shareable images, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming.
Syntax options: FLAG_NONSTANDARD FLAG_NONSTANDARD =SQL92_ENTRY FLAG_NONSTANDARD =SQL89 FLAG_NONSTANDARD =MIA NOFLAG_NONSTANDARD Specifies whether or not SQL identifies nonstandard syntax. Nonstandard syntax, called an extension, refers to syntax that is not part of the ANSI/ISO SQL standard or the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) standard. You can specify the following options: o FLAG_NONSTANDARD Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. o FLAG_NONSTANDARD=SQL92_ENTRY Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. This qualifier has the same effect on flagging as does the FLAG_NONSTANDARD qualifier. o FLAG_NONSTANDARD=SQL89 Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the ANSI/ISO 1989 standard. o FLAG_NONSTANDARD=MIA Notifies you of syntax that is an extension to the MIA standard. o NOFLAG_NONSTANDARD Prevents notification of extensions. Preventing notification of extensions (NOFLAG_NONSTANDARD) is the default.
2.14 – FLOAT
Syntax options: FLOAT=D_FLOAT FLOAT=G_FLOAT FOAT=IEEE_FLOAT The /FLOAT qualifier determines the conversion that SQL Module language performs on SQL Module Language procedure parameters declared as single or double precision floating point SQL datatypes. SQL floating point datatypes are FLOAT(n), REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for details. Internally to Oracle Rdb, single precision floating point types are represented as F-Floating while double precision floating point types are represented and G-Floating. See SQL and Corresponding OpenVMS Data Types for Module Language in Section 3.4 of the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more details. By default, parameters declared as single or double precision floating point type are expected to be passed by the calling host language program in F-Floating and G-Floating format, respectively. This is equivalent to using a qualifier of /FLOAT=G_FLOAT with the SQL$MOD command. If the command line for SQL$MOD has /FLOAT=D_FLOAT, then the single and double precision floating point parameters are expected to be in F-Floating and D-Floating format respectively. SQL Module Language will convert the double precision parameters between D-Floating and G-Floating formats for both input and output. If the command line for SQL$MOD has /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT, the single and double precision floating point parameters are expected to be in IEEE S-Floating and IEEE T-Floating format, respectively. SQL Module Language will convert between these formats and the internal F-Floating and G-Floating formats for both input and output. If a parameter of an SQL Module Language procedure is of a record type, any fields of the record which are of floating point types follow the same rules as described above. The floating point formats of the host language program actual parameters must agree with the format expected by the SQL Module Language actual parameter. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information concerning actual and formal parameter agreement.) NOTES Oracle Rdb always stores floating point numbers internally using the VAX 32-bit and 64-bit types called F-Floating (F_ FLOAT) and G-Floating (G_FLOAT), respectively. This means that when IEEE formats are used in a host language program, Oracle Rdb converts back and forth between the VAX and IEEE formats. There are differences in the number of available bits in the fraction and exponent between these formats. Additionally, the IEEE formats have certain exponent values reserved for infinity values. These differences can cause floating point overflow or underflow as well as rounding errors during the conversion process. See Appendix A of the Portable Mathematics Library in the OpenVMS Operating System documentation for data on the maximum and minimum values for VAX versus IEEE floating point formats. When /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT is used, floating point data types may not be imported from the Common Data Dictionary.
2.15 – G_FLOAT
Syntax options: G_FLOAT NOG_FLOAT The /G_FLOAT and /NOG_FLOAT qualifiers are for backwards compatibility. They are equivalent to /FLOAT=G_FLOAT and /FLOAT=D_FLOAT, respectively. You should not specify both /FLOAT and /[NO]G_FLOAT qualifiers.
Syntax options: INITIALIZE_HANDLES NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES Specifies whether or not alias definitions are coerced into alias references. The NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier causes all alias declarations to be treated as alias references. An alias definition is an alias declared with the GLOBAL keyword (the default) in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. An alias reference is an alias declared with the EXTERNAL keyword in the DECLARE ALIAS statement. The NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier may be useful for existing source code on OpenVMS in coercing alias definitions into alias references. Because there is usually no distinction between a definition and a reference on OpenVMS, your application might declare an alias definition where an alias reference is needed. If you reorganize your application into multiple images that share aliases, you must distinguish the alias definition from the alias reference. In this case, use the NOINITIALIZE_HANDLES qualifier to coerce a definition into a reference without changing your source code. If your application correctly declares alias references with the EXTERNAL keyword, use the NOEXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier, instead of the [NO]INITIALIZE_HANDLES to override the default on OpenVMS and cause SQL to treat alias references properly as references. The default setting is INITIALIZE_HANDLES. This qualifier overrides the [NO]EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier. This qualifier is maintained for compatibility with previous versions of Oracle Rdb. Use the [NO]EXTERNAL_GLOBALS qualifier, which provides more precise control over alias definition. For information on using aliases and shareable images, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming.
2.17 – LIST
Syntax options: LIST NOLIST Determines whether or not the SQL module processor creates a list file containing the original module list along with any error messages from the processing, and, if it does, what it is named. The NOLIST qualifier is the default. If you specify the LIST qualifier and do not include a file specification, the SQL module processor creates a list file with the same file name as your module source file with the file extension .lis.
Syntax options: LOWERCASE_PROCEDURE_NAMES NOLOWERCASE_PROCEDURE_NAMES Forces the names of the module language procedures to be in lowercase. This qualifier not only assumes that the SQL module procedure names are in lowercase, it overrides the case in any quoted SQL module procedure. The default setting is NOLOWERCASE_PROCEDURE_NAMES.
Syntax options: MACHINE_CODE NOMACHINE_CODE Oracle Rdb determines whether or not the SQL module processor includes machine code in the list (.lis) file; however, to generate the list file with the machine code in it, you must also specify the LIST qualifier. The NOMACHINE_CODE qualifier is the default.
2.20 – module-file-spec
The file specification for an SQL module source file. The default file extension for the source file is .sqlmod.
2.21 – module-qualifiers
A set of qualifiers that you can optionally apply to the SQL module processor command line.
2.22 – no-qualifiers
You can add the NO prefix to negate any qualifier in this group.
2.23 – OBJECT
Syntax options: OBJECT NOOBJECT Specifies whether or not the SQL module processor creates an object file when compiling the source file if the compilation does not generate fatal errors; and, if an object file is produced, what the file is named. The OBJECT qualifier is the default. If you specify the OBJECT qualifier and do not include a file specification, the SQL module processor creates an object file with the same file name as the source file and with the file extension .obj.
Specifies the optimizer strategy to be used to process all queries within your SQL module language program. Select the: o AGGRESSIVE_SELECTIVITY option if you expect a small number of rows to be selected. o DEFAULT option to accept the Oracle Rdb defaults: FAST_FIRST and DEFAULT SELECTIVITY. strategy. o FAST_FIRST option if you want your program to return data to the user as quickly as possible, even at the expense of total throughput. o SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY option to use literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on indices. o TOTAL_TIME option if you want your program to run at the fastest possible rate, returning all the data as quickly as possible. If your application runs in batch, accesses all the records in a query, and performs updates or writes reports, you should specify TOTAL_TIME. You can select either the TOTAL_TIME or the FAST_FIRST option in conjunction with either the AGGRESSIVE_SELECTIVITY or SAMPLED_ SELECTIVITY option. Use a comma to separate the keywords and enclosed the list in parentheses. The following example shows how to use the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier: $ SQL$MOD/OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=(TOTAL_TIME,SAMPLED_SELECTIVITY) APPCODE.SQLMOD Any query that explicitly includes an OPTIMIZE WITH, or OPTIMIZE_ FOR clause is not affected by the settings established using the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier. You affect the optimizer strategy of static SQL queries with the optimization level qualifier; however, the default optimizer strategy set by the OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL qualifier can be overridden by the default optimizer strategy set in a top-level SELECT statement. In contrast, the SET OPTIMIZATION LEVEL statement specifies the query optimization level for dynamic SQL query compilation only; the statement does not affect the SQL compile-time environment nor does it affect the run-time environment of static queries.
Syntax options: PACKAGE_COMPILATION NOPACKAGE_COMPILATION Determines if a package specification is produced and loaded into the ACS library. Oracle Rdb produces a package specification when you process a module with the LANGUAGE ADA clause specified in the module header unless you specify the NOPACKAGE_COMPILATION qualifier. The NOPACKAGE_COMPILATION qualifier prevents the package specification from being loaded in the ACS library, but still creates and compiles the .ada file. The PACKAGE_COMPILATION qualifier is the default.
Syntax options: PARAMETER_CHECK NOPARAMETER_CHECK Specifies whether or not the SQL module processor compares the number of formal parameters declared for a procedure with the number of parameters specified in the SQL statement of the procedure: o PARAMETER_CHECK (default) Checks that parameter counts match and generates an error at run time (not compile time) when they do not. o NOPARAMETER_CHECK Suspends checking parameters to improve module compilation time. Consider using the NOPARAMETER_CHECK qualifier after you have debugged your SQL module. SQL checks parameter counts by default. To improve module compilation time, you must explicitly use the NOPARAMETER_CHECK qualifier.
Specifies the user's password at compile time. If you use the USING DEFAULT clause of the DECLARE ALIAS statement, you use this qualifier to pass the compile-time user's password to the program.
2.28 – PRAGMA
Syntax options: PRAGMA = IDENT = string-literal NOPRAGMA Using the IDENT keyword with the PRAGMA qualifier allows the user to pass a text string to the SQL Module Language compiler to be written to the Object Module Header. This is a way to note the generation of the compiler module. If the PRAGMA (IDENT ...) clause is used as part of the DECLARE MODULE statement, then that value will override any value used on the command line. The ANALYZE/OBJECT and LIBRARY command can be used to display this ident string, and the value will be displayed in LINKER map files. OpenVMS limits the IDENT string to a 15 octet string. If the string is longer than this (even with trailing spaces) then an error will be reported by the SQL precompiler. The following example demonstrates the use of the qualifier to establish the generation of the compiler module. $ SQL$MOD TEST/PRAGMA=IDENT="v1.2-32"
Syntax options: PROTOTYPES[=prototypesfile] NOPROTOTYPES The PROTOTYPES qualifier uses the LANGUAGE clause from the module to generate routine declarations for the following languages: C (C++), Pascal, and BLISS. The qualifier is ignored for all other language values. The prototypes file specification defaults to the same device, directory, and file name as the module language source. The file types default to .h for C, .PAS for Pascal, and .REQ for BLISS. For the BLISS language, the PROTOTYPES qualifier generates EXTERNAL ROUTINE declarations for each SQL module language procedure. For the Pascal language, the generated external procedure declarations are suitable for inclusion in either a Pascal program or module. Structured types (RECORD ... END RECORD), SQLDA, and SQLCA used by the SQL module language procedures are declared as UNSAFE arrays of bytes to simplify passing structures via these external definitions. However, care must be taken as this form of declaration disables the strong typing checks in Pascal. The output for the C language includes pre-processor directives to conditionally include C++ "extern C" syntax and also allow multiple #include references. The default setting is NOPROTOTYPES.
Limits the amount of CPU time used to optimize a query for execution. If the query is not optimized and prepared for execution before the CPU time limit is reached, an error message is returned. The default is unlimited time for the query to compile. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier.
Syntax options: QUERY_ESTIMATES NOQUERY_ESTIMATES Specifies whether or not SQL returns the estimated number of rows and estimated number of disk I/O operations in the SQLCA structure. If you specify the default, which is the QUERY_ ESTIMATES qualifier, SQL returns the estimated number of rows in the field SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] and the estimated number of disk I/O operations in the field SQLCA.SQLERRD[3]. The value of SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] and SQLCA.SQLERRD[3] is normally 0 after you execute an OPEN statement for a table. The following example shows interactive SQL output from a statement that accesses the INTRO_PERSONNEL database. The database was loaded using the sample program SQL$INTRO_LOAD_ EMPL_C.SQLMOD with the QUERY_ESTIMATES qualifier on the module language command line. The SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] field shows that SQL estimates 100 rows. The SQLCA.SQLERRD[3] field shows that SQL estimates 16 disk I/O operations. $ SQL$ SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME intro_personnel'; SQL> DECLARE MY_CURSOR cont> TABLE CURSOR FOR cont> SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES; SQL> OPEN MY_CURSOR; SQL> SHOW SQLCA; SQLCA: SQLCAID: SQLCA SQLCABC: 128 SQLCODE: 0 SQLERRD: [0]: 0 [1]: 0 [2]: 100 [3]: 16 [4]: 0 [5]: 0 SQLWARN0: SQLWARN1: SQLWARN2: SQLWARN3: SQLWARN4: SQLWARN5: SQLWARN6: SQLWARN7:
Limits the number of records returned during query processing by counting the number of rows returned by the query and returning an error message if the query exceeds the total number of rows specified. The default is an unlimited number of record fetches. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier.
Limits the number of records returned during query processing by counting the number of seconds used to process the query and returning an error message if the query exceeds the total number of seconds specified. The default is unlimited time for the query to compile. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier.
Rolls back outstanding transactions when a program exits from SQL. On OpenVMS outstanding transactions are committed when a program exits from SQL by default. Therefore, if you want to roll back changes, specify this qualifier on the command line.
Syntax options: TRANSACTION_DEFAULT=IMPLICIT TRANSACTION_DEFAULT=DISTRIBUTED NOTRANSACTION_DEFAULT Specifies when SQL starts a transaction and how SQL handles default distributed transactions. You can specify the following options: o TRANSACTION_DEFAULT=IMPLICIT Causes SQL to start a transaction when you issue either a SET TRANSACTION statement or the first executable SQL statement in a session. o TRANSACTION_DEFAULT=DISTRIBUTED Causes SQL to use the distributed transaction identifier (TID) for the default distributed transaction established by the DECdtm system service SYS$START_TRANS. Using this option eliminates the need to declare context structures in host language programs and to pass context structures to SQL module procedures. Because it closes all cursors, it also eliminates the need to call the SQL_CLOSE_CURSORS routine. You must explicitly call the DECdtm system services when you use this option. This option provides support for the Structured Transaction Definition Language (STDL) of the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) standard. If you specify the TRANSACTION_DEFAULT=DISTRIBUTED option with the CONTEXT qualifier, you must declare a context structure and pass the context structure to the statements named in the CONTEXT qualifier or, if you specify CONTEXT=ALL, to most executable statements involved in the distributed transaction. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information about which executable statements do not require a context structure. o NOTRANSACTION_DEFAULT Prevents SQL from starting a transaction unless you execute a SET TRANSACTION statement. If you use this qualifier and issue an executable statement without first issuing a SET TRANSACTION statement, SQL returns an error. The default is TRANSACTION_DEFAULT=IMPLICIT.
Specifies the user name at compile time. If you use the USER DEFAULT clause of the DECLARE ALIAS statement, you use this qualifier to pass the compile-time user name to the program.
2.37 – WARNING
Syntax options: WARNING NOWARNING You can use combinations of the warning options to specify which warning messages the SQL module processor writes. If you specify only a single warning option, you do not need the parentheses. The WARNING and NOWARNING qualifiers specify whether or not the SQL module processor writes informational and warning messages.
2.38 – warning-option
Specifies whether the SQL module processor writes informational and warning messages to your terminal, a list file, or both. The WARN qualifier is the default. You can specify two warning options with the WARN qualifier to customize message output. You cannot specify warning options if you specify the NOWARN qualifier.
3 – Example
Example 1: Compiling and linking a program with an SQL module $ SQLMOD :== $SQL$MOD $ SQLMOD LIST_EMP_PASMOD.SQLMOD $ PASCAL LIST_EMP.PAS $ ! This LINK command requires that the logical name $ ! LNK$LIBRARY is defined as SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER.OLB $ LINK LIST_EMP.OBJ, LIST_EMP_PASMOD.OBJ $ RUN LIST_EMP.EXE Matching Employees: Alvin Toliver Louis Tarbassian