VMS Help  —  System Services, $CREPRC
    Creates, on behalf of the calling process, a subprocess or
    detached process on the current node, or a detached process on
    another OpenVMS Cluster node.


      SYS$CREPRC  [pidadr] ,[image] ,[input] ,[output] ,[error]

                  ,[prvadr] ,[quota] ,[prcnam] ,[baspri] ,[uic]

                  ,[mbxunt] ,[stsflg] ,[itmlst] ,[node] ,[home_rad]

    C Prototype

      int sys$creprc  (unsigned int *pidadr, void *image, void

                      *input, void *output, void *error, struct

                      _generic_64 *prvadr, unsigned int *quota, void

                      *prcnam, unsigned int baspri, unsigned int

                      uic, unsigned short int mbxunt, unsigned int


1  –  Arguments


    OpenVMS usage:process_id
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Process identification (PID) of the newly created process. The
    pidadr argument is the address of a longword into which $CREPRC
    writes the PID.


    OpenVMS usage:logical_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Name of the image to be activated in the newly created process.
    The image argument is the address of a character string
    descriptor pointing to the file specification of the image.

    The image name can have a maximum of 63 characters. If the image
    name contains a logical name, the logical name is translated in
    the created process and must therefore be in a logical name table
    that it can access.

    To create a process that will run under the control of a command
    language interpreter (CLI), specify SYS$SYSTEM:LOGINOUT.EXE as
    the image name.


    OpenVMS usage:logical_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Equivalence name to be associated with the logical name SYS$INPUT
    in the logical name table of the created process. The input
    argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing
    to the equivalence name string.


    OpenVMS usage:logical_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Equivalence name to be associated with the logical name
    SYS$OUTPUT in the logical name table of the created process. The
    output argument is the address of a character string descriptor
    pointing to the equivalence name string.


    OpenVMS usage:logical_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Equivalence name to be associated with the logical name SYS$ERROR
    in the logical name table of the created process. The error
    argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing
    to the equivalence name string.

    Note that the error argument is ignored if the image argument
    specifies SYS$SYSTEM:LOGINOUT.EXE; in this case, SYS$ERROR has
    the same equivalence name as SYS$OUTPUT.


    OpenVMS usage:mask_privileges
    type:         quadword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Privileges to be given to the created process. The prvadr
    argument is the address of a quadword bit mask wherein each bit
    corresponds to a privilege; setting a bit gives the privilege. If
    the prvadr argument is not specified, the current privileges are

    Each bit has a symbolic name; the $PRVDEF macro defines these
    names. You form the bit mask by specifying the symbolic name of
    each desired privilege in a logical OR operation.

    Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual to view
    the table containing the symbolic name and description of each

    You need the user privilege SETPRV to grant a process any
    privileges other than your own. If the caller does not have this
    privilege, the mask is minimized with the current privileges of
    the creating process; any privileges the creating process does
    not have are not granted, but no error status code is returned.


    OpenVMS usage:item_quota_list
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Process quotas to be established for the created process. These
    quotas limit the created process's use of system resources. The
    quota argument is the address of a list of quota descriptors,
    where each quota descriptor consists of a 1-byte quota name
    followed by a longword that specifies the desired value for
    that quota. The list of quota descriptors is terminated by the
    symbolic name PQL$_LISTEND.

    If you do not specify the quota argument or specify it as 0, the
    operating system supplies a default value for each quota.

    Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual to
    view MACRO and C examples, individual quota descriptions, and
    instructions for use of the quota list.


    OpenVMS usage:process_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Process name to be assigned to the created process. The prcnam
    argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing
    to a process name string.

    If a subprocess is being created, the process name is implicitly
    qualified by the UIC group number of the creating process. If a
    detached process is being created, the process name is qualified
    by the group number specified in the uic argument.


    OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Base priority to be assigned to the created process. The baspri
    argument is a longword value.

    The OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers range is 0 to 63, with
    real-time priorities in the range 32 to 63.

    If you want a created process to have a higher priority than its
    creating process, you must have ALTPRI privilege to raise the
    priority level. If the caller does not have this privilege, the
    specified base priority is compared with the caller's priority
    and the lower of the two values is used.

    A process with ALTPRI privilege running on a VAX node can
    create a process with a priority greater than 31 on an Alpha
    or Integrity servers node.

    If the baspri argument is not specified, the priority defaults to
    2 for VAX MACRO, VAX BLISS-32, and Pascal; it defaults to 0 for
    all other languages.


    OpenVMS usage:uic
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    User identification code (UIC) to be assigned to the created
    process. The uic argument is a longword value containing the UIC.

    If you do not specify the uic argument or specify it as 0 (the
    default), $CREPRC creates a process and assigns it the UIC of the
    creating process.

    If you specify a nonzero value for the uic argument, $CREPRC
    creates a detached process. This value is interpreted as a 32-bit
    octal number, with two 16-bit fields:

       bits 0-15-member number
       bits 16-31-group number

    You need IMPERSONATE or CMKRNL privilege to create a detached
    process with a UIC that is different from the UIC of the creating

    If the image argument specifies the SYS$SYSTEM:LOGINOUT.EXE,
    the UIC of the created process will be the UIC of the caller of
    $CREPRC, and the UIC parameter is ignored.


    OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Unit number of a mailbox to receive a termination message when
    the created process is deleted. The mbxunt argument is a word
    containing this number.

    If you do not specify the mbxunt argument or specify it as 0 (the
    default), the operating system sends no termination message when
    it deletes the process.

    The Get Device/Volume Information ($GETDVI) service can be used
    to obtain the unit number of the mailbox.

    If you specify the mbxunt argument, the mailbox is used when
    the created process actually terminates. At that time, the
    $ASSIGN service is issued for the mailbox in the context of the
    terminating process and an accounting message is sent to the
    mailbox. If the mailbox no longer exists, cannot be assigned,
    or is full, the error is treated as if no mailbox had been

    If you specify this argument when you create a process on another
    node, an accounting message will be written to the mailbox when
    the process terminates. If the node is removed from the cluster
    before the created process terminates, an accounting message
    will be simulated. The simulated message will contain the created
    process's PID and name and a final status of SS$_NODELEAVE, but
    will lack execution statistics.

    Note that two processes on different nodes cannot use the
    termination mailbox for general interprocess communication.

    The accounting message is sent before process rundown is
    initiated but after the process name has been set to null. Thus,
    a significant interval of time can occur between the sending of
    the accounting message and the final deletion of the process.

    To receive the accounting message, the caller must issue a read
    to the mailbox. When the I/O completes, the second longword of
    the I/O status block, if one is specified, contains the process
    identification of the deleted process.

    The $ACCDEF macro defines symbolic names for offsets of fields
    within the accounting message.

    Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual to view
    the table describing the offsets, their symbolic names, and the
    contents of each field.


    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Options selected for the created process. The stsflg argument
    is a longword bit vector wherein a bit corresponds to an option.
    Only bits 0 to 22 are used; the others are reserved and must be

    Each option (bit) has a symbolic name, which the $PRCDEF macro
    defines. You construct the stsflg argument by performing a
    logical OR operation using the symbolic names of each desired

    Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual to view
    the table describing the symbolic name of each option.


    OpenVMS usage:reserved
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    mechanism:    0
    The itmlst argument is reserved by VSI.


    OpenVMS usage:SCS_nodename
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Name of the OpenVMS Cluster node on which the process is to be
    created. The node argument is the address of a character string
    descriptor pointing to a 1- to 6-character SCS node name string.
    If the argument is present but zero or if the string is zero
    length, the process is created on the current node.


    OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Sets the home resource affinity domain (RAD) of a process.

    The home RAD is determined by the operating system, unless you
    explicitly request one. If bit PRC$M_HOME_RAD in the stsflg is
    set, home_rad is the RAD on which the process is to start. Note
    that you may set this bit to 0 on non-RAD systems.

    RAD is supported on AlphaServer GS series systems and starting
    from OpenVMS Version 8.4, support is extended to NUMA capable
    Integrity servers. For more information about using RADs, see the
    VSI OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide.


    OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
    type:         longword (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Sets the limit of the number of kernel threads that can be
    created in the process. If the value is greater than the SYSGEN
    MULTITHREAD parameter, an error message is returned.

    The number of kernel threads that can be created in a process,
    is by default controlled by the MULTITHREAD SYSGEN parameter. The
    kt_limit argument is used to further limit the number of possible
    kernel threads for the process.
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