1 CREATE The CREATE command performs the following functions: o Creates a sequential disk file or files (see subtopic "file"). Included under the CREATE subtopic, file, is information on the following qualifiers: /LOG, /OWNER_UIC, /PROTECTION, and /VOLUME. o Creates one or more new directories or subdirectories (see /DIRECTORY). o Creates a new, empty data file using the specifications of an FDL file (see /FDL). o Creates a virtual mailbox named MBAn and assigns an I/O channel number to it (see /MAILBOX). (Alpha/Integrity servers only) o Creates a new logical name table (see /NAME_TABLE). o Creates a window that emulates another terminal type (see /TERMINAL). 2 file Creates a sequential disk file or files. Format CREATE filespec[,...] 3 Parameter filespec[,...] Specifies the name of one or more input files to be created. Wildcard characters are not allowed. If you omit either the file name or the file type, the CREATE command does not supply any defaults. The file name or file type is null. If the specified file already exists, a new version is created. 3 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of each new file created as the command executes. /OWNER_UIC /OWNER_UIC=uic Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege to specify a user identification code (UIC) other than your own. Specifies the UIC to be associated with the file being created. Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][,...]) Specifies protection for the file. o Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W). o Specify the access parameter as read (R), write (W), execute (E), or delete (D). If you do not specify a value for each access category, or if you omit the /PROTECTION qualifier, the CREATE command applies the following protection for each unspecified category: File Already Exists? Protection Applied Yes Protection of the existing file No Current default protection NOTE If you attempt to create a file with no access, the file is created with the system default RMS protection values. To create a file with no access, use the SET SECURITY/PROTECTION command. For more information on specifying protection codes, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. /SYMLINK /SYMLINK="text" Creates a symbolic link containing the specified text without the enclosing quotation marks. If the created symbolic link is subsequently encountered during any file-name processing, the contents of the symbolic link are read and treated as a POSIX pathname specification. No previous version of the symbolic link can exist. If the path is absolute (that is, it starts with a slash character), RMS attempts to translate its first field as a logical name. /VOLUME /VOLUME=n Places the file on the specified relative volume of a multivolume set. By default, the file is placed arbitrarily in a multivolume set. 3 Examples 1.$ CREATE MEET.TXT John, Residents in the apartment complex will hold their annual meeting this evening. We hope to see you there, Regards, Elwood The CREATE command in this example creates a text file named MEET.TXT in your default directory. The text file MEET.TXT contains the lines that follow until the Ctrl/Z. 2.$ CREATE A.DAT, B.DAT Input line one for A.DAT... Input line two for A.DAT... . . . Input line one for B.DAT... Input line two for B.DAT... . . . $ After you enter the CREATE command from the terminal, the system reads input lines into the sequential file A.DAT until Ctrl/Z terminates the first input. The next set of input data is placed in the second file, B.DAT. Again, Ctrl/Z terminates the input. 3.$ FILE = F$SEARCH("MEET.TXT") $ IF FILE .EQS. "" $ THEN CREATE MEET.TXT John, Residents in the apartment complex will hold their annual meeting this evening. We hope to see you there, Regards, Elwood $ ELSE TYPE MEET.TXT $ ENDIF $ EXIT In this example, the command procedure searches the default disk and directory for the file MEET.TXT. If the command procedure determines that the file does not exist, it creates a file named MEET.TXT using the CREATE command. 4.$ SET DEFAULT DKA500:[TEST] $ SET PROCESS /CASE=CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE /PARSE_STYLE=EXTENDED $ CREATE COEfile.txt $ CREATE COEFILE.TXT $ CREATE CoEfIlE.txt $ DIRECTORY Directory DKA500:[TEST] CoEfIlE.txt;1 COEFILE.TXT;1 COEfile.txt;1 In this example, DKA500 is an ODS-5 disk. If your process is set to CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE and you create more than one file with the same name differing only in case, DCL treats subsequent files as new files and lists them as such. 2 /DIRECTORY Creates one or more new directories or subdirectories. The /DIRECTORY qualifier is required. Requires write (W) access to the master file directory (MFD) to create a first-level directory. On a system volume, generally only users with a system user identification code (UIC) or the SYSPRV (system privilege) or BYPASS user privileges have write (W) access to the MFD to create a first-level directory. Requires write (W) access to the lowest level directory that currently exists to create a subdirectory. Format CREATE/DIRECTORY directory-spec[,...] 3 Parameter directory-spec[,...] Specifies the name of one or more directories or subdirectories to be created. The directory specification optionally can be preceded by a device name (and colon [:]). The default is the current default directory. Wildcard characters are not allowed. When you create a subdirectory, separate the names of the directory levels with periods (.). Note that it is possible to create a series of nested subdirectories with a single CREATE/DIRECTORY command. For example, [a.b.c] can be created, even though neither [a.b] nor [a] exists at the time the command is entered. Each subdirectory will be created, starting with the highest level and proceeding downward. 3 Description The CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates new directories as well as subdirectories. Special privileges are needed to create new first-level directories. (See the restrictions noted above.) Generally, users have sufficient privileges to create subdirectories in their own directories. Use the SET DEFAULT command to move from one directory to another. 3 Qualifiers /ALLOCATION /ALLOCATION=n Specifies the initial number of blocks to be allocated to each of the specified directories. The default allocation is 1 block. This qualifier is useful for creating large directories, for example MAIL.DIR;1. It can improve performance by avoiding the need for later dynamic expansion of the directory. This qualifier does not apply to Files-11 ODS-1, ODS-3, or ODS-4 volumes. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the CREATE/DIRECTORY command displays the directory specification of each directory after creating it. /OWNER_UIC /OWNER_UIC=option Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege for a user identification code (UIC) other than your own. Specifies the owner UIC for the directory. The default is your UIC. You can specify the keyword PARENT in place of a UIC to mean the UIC of the parent (next-higher-level) directory. If a user with privileges creates a subdirectory, by default, the owner of the subdirectory will be the owner of the parent directory (or the owner of the MFD, if creating a main level directory). If you do not specify the /OWNER_UIC qualifier when creating a directory, the command assigns ownership as follows: (1) if you specify the directory name in either alphanumeric or subdirectory format, the default is your UIC (unless you are privileged, in which case the UIC defaults to the parent directory); (2) if you specify the directory in UIC format, the default is the specified UIC. Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][,...]) Specifies protection for the directory. o Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W). o Specify the access parameter as read (R), write (W), execute (E), or delete (D). The default protection is the protection of the parent directory (the next-higher level directory, or the master directory for top-level directories) minus any delete (D) access. If you are creating a first-level directory, then the next- higher-level directory is the MFD. (The protection of the MFD is established by the INITIALIZE command.) For more information on specifying protection code, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. /VERSION_LIMIT /VERSION_LIMIT=n Specifies the number of versions of any one file that can exist in the directory. If you exceed the limit, the system deletes the lowest numbered version. A specification of 0 means no limit. The maximum number of versions allowed is 32,767. The default is the limit for the parent (next-higher-level) directory. When you change the version limit setting, the new limit applies only to files created after the setting was changed. New versions of files created before the change are subject to the previous version limit. /VOLUME /VOLUME=n Requests that the directory file be placed on the specified relative volume of a multivolume set. By default, the file is placed arbitrarily within the multivolume set. 3 Examples 1.$ CREATE/DIRECTORY/VERSION_LIMIT=2 $DISK1:[ACCOUNTS.MEMOS] In this example, the CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates a subdirectory named MEMOS in the ACCOUNTS directory on $DISK1. No more than two versions of each file can exist in the directory. 2.$ CREATE/DIRECTORY/PROTECTION=(SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP,WORLD) - _$[KONSTANZ.SUB.HLP] In this example, the CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates a subdirectory named [KONSTANZ.SUB.HLP]. The protection on the subdirectory allows read (R), write (W), execute (E), and delete (D) access for the system and owner categories, but prohibits all access for the group or world categories. 3.$ CREATE/DIRECTORY DISK2:[GOLDSTEIN] In this example, the CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates a directory named [GOLDSTEIN] on the device DISK2. Special privileges are required to create a first-level directory. 4.$ CREATE/DIRECTORY [HOFFMAN.SUB] $ SET DEFAULT [HOFFMAN.SUB] In this example, the CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates a subdirectory named [HOFFMAN.SUB]. This directory file is placed in the directory named [HOFFMAN]. The command SET DEFAULT [HOFFMAN.SUB] changes the current default directory to this subdirectory. All files subsequently created are cataloged in [HOFFMAN.SUB]. 5.$ CREATE/DIRECTORY [BOAEN.SUB1.SUB2.SUB3] In this example, the CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates a top-level directory ([BOAEN]) and three subdirectories ([BOAEN.SUB1], [BOAEN.SUB1.SUB2], and [BOAEN.SUB1.SUB2.SUB3]). 2 /FDL Invokes the Create/FDL utility, which uses the specifications in a File Definition Language (FDL) file to create a new, empty data file. The /FDL qualifier is required. For more information about the Create/FDL utility, see the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help. Format CREATE/FDL=fdl-filespec [filespec] 3 Parameters fdl-filespec Specifies the FDL file from which to create the data file. The default file type is .FDL. filespec Specifies an optional file specification for the created file. If you specify a complete file specification, it overrides any contained in the FDL file. 3 Qualifier /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of each new file created as the command executes. 2 /MAILBOX Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only. Creates a virtual mailbox named MBAn and assigns an I/O channel number to it. The /MAILBOX qualifier is required. NOTE The following privileges are required: o TMPMBX (temporary mailbox) to create a temporary mailbox (which is the default) o CMEXEC (change mode to executive) to create a temporary mailbox (which is the default). Note: This requirement is temporary and will be removed in a future release. o PRMMBX (permanent mailbox) to create a permanent mailbox (using the /PERMANENT qualifier) o SYSNAM (system logical name) to place a logical name for a mailbox in the system logical name table o GRPNAM (group logical name) to place a logical name for a mailbox in the group logical name table To delete a mailbox, use the DELETE/MAILBOX command. Format CREATE/MAILBOX logical-name 3 Parameter logical-name Specifies a logical name for the new mailbox. The system creates the mailbox and sets the logical name to point to it. 3 Description The CREATE/MAILBOX command creates a virtual mailbox. 3 Qualifiers /BUFFER_SIZE /BUFFER_SIZE=n Specifies the number of bytes of system dynamic memory that can be used to buffer messages sent to the mailbox. If you do not specify /BUFFER_SIZE or specify it as 0, the operating system provides a default value from the DEFMBXBUFQUO system parameter. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the name of the new mailbox when it is created. /MESSAGE_SIZE /MESSAGE_SIZE=n Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of a message that can be sent to the mailbox. The maximum value is 65535. If you do not specify /MESSAGE_SIZE or specify the value as 0, the operating system provides a default value from the DEFMBXMXMSG system parameter. /PERMANENT Specifies that the mailbox is to be permanent. By default, mailboxes are temporary. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][,...]) Specifies protection for the mailbox. o Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W). o Specify the access parameter as read (R), write (W), logical I/O (L), or physical I/O (P). If no protection is specified, the mailbox template is used. For more information about specifying protection codes, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. /TEMPORARY /TEMPORARY (default) Specifies that the mailbox is temporary. By default, mailboxes are temporary unless you specify /PERMANENT. 3 Example $CREATE/MAILBOX/PERMANENT/MESSAGE_SIZE=512/LOG MY_MAILBOX %CREATE-I-CREATED, MBA38: created $SHOW DEVICE MBA38/FULL Device MBA38:, device type local memory mailbox, is online, record-oriented device, shareable, mailbox device. Error count 0 Operations completed 0 Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM] Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RWPL,W:RWPL Reference count 0 Default buffer size 512 In this example, a permanent mailbox is created with the logical name MY_MAILBOX. The SHOW DEVICE command displays the full characteristics of the mailbox. 2 /NAME_TABLE Creates a new logical name table. The /NAME_TABLE qualifier is required. Format CREATE/NAME_TABLE table-name 3 Parameter table-name Specifies a string of 1 to 31 characters that identifies the logical name table you are creating. The string can include alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign ($), and the underscore (_). Table names must be in uppercase letters; if you specify a name using lowercase letters, it will be converted to all uppercase. The table name is entered as a logical name in either the process directory logical name table (LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY) or the system directory logical name table (LNM$SYSTEM_ DIRECTORY). 3 Qualifiers /ATTRIBUTES /ATTRIBUTES[=(keyword[,...])] Specifies attributes for the logical name table. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. If you do not specify the /ATTRIBUTES qualifier, no attributes are set. You can specify the following keywords for attributes: CONFINE Specifies that the table name and the logical names contained in the table are not copied into a spawned subprocess. This keyword can be used only when creating a private logical name table. If a table is created with the CONFINE attribute, all names subsequently entered into the table are also confined. NO_ALIAS Specifies that no identical names (either logical names or names of logical name tables) can be created in an outer (less privileged) mode in the current directory. Unless you specify the NO_ALIAS attribute, the table can be "aliased" by an identical name created in an outer access mode. This attribute deletes any previously created identical table names in an outer access mode in the same logical name table directory. SUPERSEDE Creates a new table that supersedes any previous (existing) table that contains the name, access mode, and directory table that you specify. The new table is created regardless of whether the previous table exists. (If you do not specify the SUPERSEDE attribute, the new table is not created if the previous table exists.) This attribute applies to all types of logical name tables except clusterwide logical name tables. Whether or not you specify SUPERSEDE, the following conditions apply: o You cannot create a new clusterwide logical name table with the same name and access mode as an existing clusterwide logical name table until you delete the existing table. o If you specify a new clusterwide logical name table with the same name and access mode as an existing local logical name table, the new clusterwide logical name table is created, and the local table and its logical names are deleted. If you specify or accept the default for the qualifier /LOG, you receive a message indicating the result. /EXECUTIVE_MODE Requires SYSNAM (system logical name) privilege. Creates an executive-mode logical name table. If you specify executive mode, but do not have SYSNAM privilege, a supervisor- mode logical name table is created. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Controls whether an informational message is generated when the SUPERSEDE attribute is specified, or when the table already exists but the SUPERSEDE attribute is not specified. The default is the /LOG qualifier; that is, the informational message is displayed. /PARENT_TABLE /PARENT_TABLE=table Requires either create (C) access to the parent table and write (W) access to the system directory or the SYSPRV privilege. Specifies the name of the parent table. The parent table determines whether a table is private or shareable; it also determines the size quota of the table. If you do not specify a parent table, the default table is LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY. A shareable table has LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY as its parent table. The parent table must have the same access mode or a higher level access mode than the one you are creating. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION=(ownership[:access][,...]) Applies the specified protection to shareable name tables. o Specify the ownership parameter as system (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W). o Specify the access parameter as read (R), write (W), create (C), or delete (D). For more information on specifying protection codes, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. The /PROTECTION qualifier affects only shareable logical name tables; it does not affect process-private logical name tables. /QUOTA /QUOTA=number-of-bytes Specifies the size limit of the logical name table. The size of each logical name entered in the new table is deducted from this size limit. The new table's quota is statically subtracted from the parent table's quota holder. The parent table's quota holder is the first logical name table encountered when working upward in the table hierarchy that has an explicit quota and is therefore its own quota holder. If the /QUOTA qualifier is not specified or the size limit is 0, the parent table's quota holder becomes the new table's quota holder and space is dynamically withdrawn from it whenever a logical name is entered in this new table. If the table has no quota holder and you specify /QUOTA=0, the table has unlimited quota. /SUPERVISOR_MODE /SUPERVISOR_MODE (default) Creates a supervisor-mode logical name table. If you do not specify a mode, a supervisor-mode logical name table is created. /USER_MODE Creates a user-mode logical name table. If you do not explicitly specify a mode, a supervisor-mode logical name table is created. NOTE User-mode logical names are automatically deleted when invoking and exiting a command procedure. 3 Examples 1.$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE TEST_TAB $ SHOW LOGICAL TEST_TAB %SHOW-S-NOTRAN, no translation for logical name TEST_TAB $ SHOW LOGICAL/TABLE=LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY TEST_TAB In this example, the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command creates a new table called TEST_TAB. By default, the name of the table is entered in the process directory. The first SHOW LOGICAL command does not find the name TEST_TAB because it does not, by default, search the process directory table. You must use the /TABLE qualifier to request that the process directory be searched. 2.$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE/ATTRIBUTES=CONFINE EXTRA $ DEFINE/TABLE=EXTRA MYDISK DISK4: $ DEFINE/TABLE=LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY LNM$FILE_DEV - _$ EXTRA, LNM$PROCESS, LNM$JOB, LNM$GROUP, LNM$SYSTEM $ TYPE MYDISK:[COHEN]EXAMPLE1.LIS This example creates a new logical name table called EXTRA that is created with the CONFINE attribute. Therefore, the EXTRA table and the names it contains will not be copied to subprocesses. Next, the logical name MYDISK is placed into the table EXTRA. To use the name MYDISK in file specifications, you must make sure that the table EXTRA is searched when RMS parses file specifications. To do this, you can define a process-private version of the logical name LNM$FILE_DEV to include the name EXTRA as one of its equivalence strings. (The system uses LNM$FILE_DEV to determine the tables to search during logical name translation for device or file specifications, and will use the process-private version of the logical name before using the default system version.) After you define LNM$FILE_ DEV, the system searches the following tables during logical name translation: EXTRA, your process table, your job table, your group table, and the system table. Now, you can use the name MYDISK in a file specification and the equivalence string DISK4 will be substituted. 2 /TERMINAL Creates a window that emulates another terminal type. NOTE At present, only DECterm windows are available with this command. Format CREATE/TERMINAL [command-string] 3 Parameter command-string Specifies a command string that is to be executed in the context of the created subprocess. You cannot specify this parameter with the /DETACH or the /NOPROCESS qualifier. The CREATE/TERMINAL command is used in much the same way as the SPAWN command. 3 Qualifiers /APPLICATION_KEYPAD Sets the APPLICATION_KEYPAD terminal characteristic in the created terminal window. If the /APPLICATION_KEYPAD or the /NUMERIC_KEYPAD qualifier is not specified, the default is to inherit the characteristic from the parent. (See also /NUMERIC_ KEYPAD.) /BIG_FONT Specifies that the big font (as specified in resource files) be selected when the created terminal window is initialized. It is an error to specify the /BIG_FONT qualifier in combination with the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier. If you do not specify either the /BIG_FONT or the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier, the initial font is the big font. /BROADCAST /BROADCAST /NOBROADCAST Determines whether the terminal window is created with broadcast messages enabled. If neither qualifier is specified, the created terminal window inherits the broadcast characteristic of the parent. /CARRIAGE_CONTROL /CARRIAGE_CONTROL /NOCARRIAGE_CONTROL Determines whether carriage-return and line-feed characters are prefixed to the subprocess's prompt string. By default, the CREATE/TERMINAL command copies the current setting of the parent process. The CARRIAGE_CONTROL qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /CLI /CLI=cli-filespec /NOCLI Specifies the name of a command language interpreter (CLI) to be used by the subprocess. The default CLI is the same as that of the parent process (defined in SYSUAF). If you specify the /CLI qualifier, the attributes of the parent process are copied to the subprocess. The CLI you specify must be located in SYS$SYSTEM and have the file type .EXE. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /CONTROLLER /CONTROLLER=filespec Specifies the name of the terminal window controller image. This name allows the CREATE/TERMINAL command to create a window on a variant controller, such as for a language not supported by the base product. For a DECterm window, the default is SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$TERMINAL.EXE. The device and directory default to SYS$SYSTEM and the file type defaults to .EXE. NOTE The "name" field of the file name as returned by $PARSE is used to form the mailbox logical name. For example, if the file "name" is DECW$TERMINAL, the mailbox logical name will be DECW$TERMINAL_MAILBOX_node::0.0. For backward compatibility, the controller also defines a logical name DECW$DECTERM_MAILBOX_host::0.0 to point to the same mailbox. /DEFINE_LOGICAL /DEFINE_LOGICAL=({logname, TABLE=tablename} [,...]) Specifies one or more logical names that are set to the name of the created pseudo terminal device. Each element in the list is either a logical name or TABLE= followed by the name of a logical name table in which all subsequent logical names will be entered. The default is the process logical name table. /DETACH /DETACH /NODETACH (default) Determines whether the created terminal process is detached or a subprocess of the current process. The /DETACH qualifier cannot be used with the command-string parameter. /DISPLAY /DISPLAY=display-name Specifies the name of the display on which to create the terminal window. If this parameter is omitted, the DECW$DISPLAY logical name is used. /ESCAPE /ESCAPE /NOESCAPE Sets or clears the ESCAPE characteristic of the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the parent. /FALLBACK /FALLBACK /NOFALLBACK Sets or clears the FALLBACK characteristic of the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the parent. /HOSTSYNC /HOSTSYNC (default) /NOHOSTSYNC Sets or clears the HOSTSYNC characteristic of the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the parent. /INPUT /INPUT=filespec Specifies an alternate input file or device to use as SYS$INPUT for the new process. The default is to use the created terminal window for input. This qualifier can be used with or without the /DETACH qualifier. /INSERT Creates the terminal window with insert mode as the default for line editing. If the /INSERT or the /OVERSTRIKE qualifier is not specified, the default is to inherit the characteristic from the parent. (See also /OVERSTRIKE.) /KEYPAD /KEYPAD (default) /NOKEYPAD Determines whether keypad definitions and the current keypad state are copied from the parent process. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /LINE_EDITING /LINE_EDITING /NOLINE_EDITING Determines whether the terminal window is created with line editing enabled. If neither qualifier is specified, the created terminal window inherits the line editing characteristic of the parent. /LITTLE_FONT Specifies that the little font (as specified in resource files) be selected when the created terminal window is initialized. It is an error to specify the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier in combination with the /BIG_FONT qualifier. If you do not specify either the /BIG_FONT or the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier, the initial font is the big font. /LOGGED_IN /LOGGED_IN (default) /NOLOGGED_IN Determines whether a prompt for a user name and password are supplied (/NOLOGGED_IN) or the created terminal window is logged in automatically (/LOGGED_IN). This qualifier is used only with the /DETACH qualifier. /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES (default) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES Determines whether the created terminal window inherits the parent's logical names. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /NOTIFY /NOTIFY /NONOTIFY (default) Determines whether a notification message is broadcast to the parent when the created terminal window exits. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /NUMERIC_KEYPAD Sets the NUMERIC_KEYPAD terminal characteristic in the created terminal window. If the /NUMERIC_KEYPAD or the /APPLICATION_ KEYPAD qualifier is not specified, the default is to inherit the characteristic from the parent. (See also /APPLICATION_KEYPAD.) /OVERSTRIKE Creates the terminal window with overstrike mode as the default for line editing. If the /OVERSTRIKE or the /INSERT qualifier is not specified, the default is to inherit the characteristic from the parent. (See also /INSERT.) /PASTHRU /PASTHRU /NOPASTHRU Sets or clears the PASTHRU characteristic in the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the parent. /PROCESS /PROCESS (default) /PROCESS=process-name /NOPROCESS Specifies the name of the process or subprocess to be created. The /NOPROCESS qualifier causes a window to be created without a process. You can log in from this window. If you specify the /PROCESS qualifier without a process name, a unique process name is assigned with the same base name as the parent process and a unique number. The default process name format is username_n. If you specify a process name that already exists, an error message is displayed. This qualifier is used with either the /DETACH or the /NODETACH qualifier. /PROMPT /PROMPT=prompt Specifies the prompt string of the created terminal window. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /READSYNC /READSYNC /NOREADSYNC Sets or clears the READSYNC terminal characteristic in the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic from the parent. /RESOURCE_FILE /RESOURCE_FILE=filespec Specifies that the created terminal window use the resource file "filespec" instead of the default resource file, DECW$USER_ DEFAULTS:DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT. /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS (default) /NOSYMBOLS Determines whether the subprocess inherits the parent's DCL symbols. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /TABLE /TABLE=command-table Specifies the name of an alternate command table to be used by the subprocess. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /TTSYNC /TTSYNC /NOTTSYNC Sets or clears the TTSYNC terminal characteristic in the created terminal window; the default is to inherit the characteristic of the parent. /TYPE_AHEAD /TYPE_AHEAD /NOTYPE_AHEAD Sets or clears the TYPE_AHEAD terminal characteristic in the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the parent. /WAIT /WAIT /NOWAIT (default) Requires that you wait for the subprocess to terminate before you enter another DCL command. The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to enter new commands while the subprocess is running. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier. /WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES /WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES=(parameter [,...]) Specifies initial attributes for the created terminal window to override the defaults read from the resource file. These parameters include: Parameter Description BACKGROUND The background color. FOREGROUND The foreground color. WIDTH The width, in pixels. HEIGHT The height, in pixels. X_POSITION The x-position, in pixels. Y_POSITION The y-position, in pixels. ROWS The number of rows in the window, in character cells. If the Auto Resize Window option is enabled, the ROWS and COLUMNS parameters override the size specified by the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters. COLUMNS The number of columns in the window, in character cells. If the Auto Resize Window option is enabled, the ROWS and COLUMNS parameters override the size specified by the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters. INITIAL_STATE The initial state of the window, either ICON or WINDOW. TITLE A character string specifying the window title. ICON_NAME A character string specifying the window icon name. FONT The name of the font to be used in the window. If you specify the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier, or omit both the /LITTLE_FONT and /BIG_FONT qualifiers, this overrides the name of the little font that is set in the resource files; otherwise it overrides the name of the big font. The font name can be a logical name, and it can be (but does not have to be) the base font in a complete font set. 3 Examples 1.$ CREATE/TERMINAL=DECTERM/DETACH - _$ /DISPLAY=MYNODE::0 - _$ /WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES=( - _$ ROWS=36, - _$ COLUMNS=80, - _$ TITLE="REMOTE TERMINAL", - _$ ICON_NAME="REMOTE TERMINAL" ) In this example, the command creates a detached process in a DECterm window on node MYNODE:: that is 36 rows by 80 columns and has its title and icon name set to "Remote terminal". 2.$ CREATE/TERMINAL=DECTERM - $_ /NOPROCESS - $_ /DEFINE_LOGICAL=(TABLE=LNM$GROUP,DBG$INPUT,DBG$OUTPUT) In this example, the command creates a DECterm with no associated process. The command defines DBG$INPUT and DBG$OUTPUT in the group table as the new terminal for the purposes of debugging a problem with a detached process that is subsequently created.