The RPC Event Logger records information in an event log about
   application execution.  After enabling the Log Manager when you
   compile the interface, you can use the Log Manager command line
   options to modify event logging parameters at runtime.

   Follow these steps to enable the RPC Log Manager:

           1. Use the -trace log_manager option at IDL compilation time.
           2. Create the RPC_LOG_FILE symbol and assign it to a file
              name or to screen output.
           3. Execute the client or server process, or both.
           4. When the first call is made to an interface compiled
              with the -trace option, a listening event will be
              generated into the event log. Invoke the rpclm command
              interface by specifying the string binding from the
              listening event.


   To enable the Log Manager, use the following syntax:

           $ idl file-name.idl -trace log_manager

   To invoke the rpclm command interface, specify the string binding
   from a listening event, as in the following example:

           $ rpclm ncacn_ip_tcp:[3820]


     "HP DCE for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 Product Guide"
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