VMS Help  —  DCE  DCE_RPC, Application Routines, rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin

   rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin - Creates an inquiry context for
                                  viewing the elements in a profile

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin( unsigned32 profile_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *profile_name,
                                      unsigned32 inquiry_type,
                                      rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                      unsigned32 vers_option,
                                      unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *member_name,
                                      rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                      unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       profile_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified
       in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the profile to view.  This can be either
       the global or cell-relative name.

       An integer value that specifies the type of inquiry to perform
       on the profile. The following table describes the valid inquiry

                     Valid Values of inquiry_type
 Value                             Description
 rpc_c_profile_default_elt         Searches the profile for the
                                   default profile element, if any.
                                   The if_id, vers_option, and
                                   member_name parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_all_elts            Returns every element from the pro-
                                   file.  The if_id, vers_option, and
                                   member_name parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_match_by_if         Searches the profile for those ele-
                                   ments that contain the interface
                                   identifier specified by the if_id
                                   and vers_option values.  The
                                   member_name parameter is ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_match_by_mbr        Searches the profile for those ele-
                                   ments that contain the member name
                                   specified by the member_name param-
                                   eter.  The if_id and vers_option
                                   parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_match_by_both       Searches the profile for those ele-
                                   ments that contain the interface
                                   identifier and member name speci-
                                   fied by the if_id, vers_option, and
                                   member_name parameters.

       Specifies the interface identifier of the profile elements to be
       returned by rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next().  This parameter is used
       only when specifying a value of either rpc_c_profile_match_by_if
       or rpc_c_profile_match_by_both for the inquiry_type parameter.
       Otherwise, this parameter is ignored and you can specify the value

       Specifies how rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() uses the if_id
       parameter.  This parameter is used only when specifying a value
       of either rpc_c_profile_match_by_if or rpc_c_profile_match_by_both
       for the inquiry_type parameter.  Otherwise, this parameter is
       ignored and you can specify the value 0 (zero).

   The following table describes the valid values for this parameter:

                  Valid Values of vers_option
 Value                             Description
 rpc_c_vers_all                    Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the specified interface UUID,
                                   regardless of the version numbers.
                                   For this value, specify 0 (zero)
                                   for both the major and minor ver-
                                   sions in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_compatible             Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the same major version of the
                                   specified interface UUID and a
                                   minor version greater than or equal
                                   to the minor version of the speci-
                                   fied interface UUID.

 rpc_c_vers_exact                  Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the specified version of the speci-
                                   fied interface UUID.

 rpc_c_vers_major_only             Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the same major version of the
                                   specified interface UUID (ignores
                                   the minor version).  For this
                                   value, specify 0 (zero) for the
                                   minor version in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_upto                   Returns profile elements that offer
                                   a version of the specified inter-
                                   face UUID less than or equal to the
                                   specified major and minor version.
                                   (For example, if if_id contains
                                   V2.0 and the profile contains ele-
                                   ments with the versions V1.3, V2.0,
                                   and V2.1,
                                   returns the elements with V1.3 and

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the member_name
       parameter in this routine and the syntax of the member_name
       parameter in rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next().  To use the syntax
       specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the member name that rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next()
       looks for in profile elements.  This can be either the global
       or cell-relative name.  This parameter is used only when
       specifying a value of either rpc_c_profile_match_by_mbr or
       rpc_c_profile_match_by_both for the inquiry_type parameter.
       Otherwise, this parameter is ignored and you specify the value


       Returns a name service handle for use with the
       rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() and rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine, indicating indicates
       whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid inquiry type.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid version option.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin() routine creates an inquiry context
   for viewing the elements in a profile.

   Using the inquiry_type and vers_option parameters, an application
   specifies which of the following profile elements will be returned
   from calls to rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next():

     +  The default element.

     +  All elements.

     +  Those elements with the specified interface identifier.

     +  Those elements with the specified member name.

     +  Those elements with both the specified interface identifier and
        member name.

   Before calling rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next(), the application must
   first call this routine to create an inquiry context.

   When finished viewing the profile elements, the application calls
   the rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_if_inq_id
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