VMS Help  —  DCE  DCE_RPC, Application Routines, rpc_server_register_auth_info

   rpc_server_register_auth_info - Registers authentication information
                                   with the RPC runtime

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_register_auth_info(
                  unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name,
                  unsigned32 authn_svc,
                  rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t get_key_fn,
                  void *arg,
                  unsigned32 *status );



        Specifies the principal name to use for the server when
        authenticating remote procedure calls using the service
        specified by authn_svc.  The content of the name and its
        syntax is defined by the authentication service in use.

        Specifies the authentication service to use when the server
        receives a remote procedure call request.  The following
        authentication services are supported:

                    No authentication.

                    DCE shared-secret key authentication.

                    Microsoft NT Lan Manager authentication.

                    DCE public key authentication (reserved for future

                    DCE default authentication service.

        Specifies the address of a server-provided routine that returns
        encryption keys.

        The following C definition for rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t
        illustrates the prototype for the encryption key acquisition

             typedef void (*rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t)
               void            *arg,               /* in */
               unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name, /* in */
               unsigned32      key_type,           /* in */
               unsigned32      key_ver,            /* in */
               void            **key,              /* out */
               unsigned32      *status             /* out */

        The RPC runtime passes the server_princ_name parameter value
        specified on the call to rpc_server_register_auth_info(), as
        the server_princ_name parameter value, to the get_key_fn key
        acquisition routine.  The RPC runtime automatically provides a
        value for the key version (key_ver) parameter.  For a key_ver
        value of 0 (zero), the key acquisition routine must return the
        most recent key available.  The routine returns the key in the
        key parameter.  The key_type parameter specifies a Kerberos
        encryption key type.  Because currently the DCE supports only
        DES encryption, this parameter can be ignored.

        If the key acquisition routine, when called from the
        rpc_server_register_auth_info() routine, returns a status other
        than rpc_s_ok, the rpc_server_register_auth_info() routine fails
        and returns the error status to the calling server.

        If the key acquisition routine, when called by the RPC runtime
        while authenticating a client remote procedure call request,
        returns a status other than rpc_s_ok, the request fails and the
        RPC runtime returns the error status to the client.

   arg  Specifies an argument to pass to the get_key_fn key acquisition
        routine, if specified.  (See the description of the get_key_fn
        parameter for details.)

        Specify NULL for arg to use the default key table file,

        The calling server must be privileged to access this file.
        If arg is a key table file name, the file must have been
        created with the ktadd command.  If the specified key table
        file resides in DCE$LOCAL:[KRB5], you can supply only the file
        name. If the file does not reside in DCE$LOCAL:[KRB5], you must
        supply the full pathname.  You must prepend the file's absolute
        pathname with the prefix FILE:.


        Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
        are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok      Success.

                      Unknown authentication service.

                      authn_svc is rpc_c_authn_default and a non-null
                      value was supplied for get_key_fn parameter.


   The rpc_server_register_auth_info() routine registers an authenti-
   cation service to use for authenticating remote procedure calls
   to a particular server principal.  A server calls this routine once
   for each authentication service and principal name combination that
   it wants to register.

   The authentication service specified by a client (using the
   rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine) must be one of the authentication
   services registered by the server.  If it is not, the client's remote
   procedure call request fails with an rpc_s_unknown_authn_service
   status code.

   The following table shows the RPC runtime behavior for acquiring
   encryption keys for each supported authentication service.  Note that
   if authn_svc is rpc_c_authn_default, then get_key_fn must be NULL.

            RPC Key Acquisition for Authentication Services
 authn_svc            get_key_fn   arg        Runtime Behavior
 rpc_c_authn_default     NULL      NULL       Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the default key
 rpc_c_authn_default     NULL      non-NULL   Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the specified key
 rpc_c_authn_default     non-NULL  Ignored    Error returned.
 rpc_c_authn_none        Ignored   Ignored    No authentication
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  NULL      NULL       Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the default key table.
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  NULL      non-NULL   Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the specified key
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  non-NULL  NULL       Uses the specified encryp-
                                              tion key acquisition
       					     routine to obtain keys
                                              from the default key table.
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  non-NULL  non-NULL   Uses the specified encryp-
                                              tion key acquisition
                                              routine to obtain keys from
                                              the specified key table.
 rpc_c_authn_winnt       Ignored   Ignored    Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the default key table.
 rpc_c_authn_dce_public  Ignored   Ignored    (Reserved for future use.)


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_set_auth_info
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