DECthreads, HP's multithreading run-time library, provides a set of
interfaces for building multithreaded programs. One of these interfaces
provides routines (with the prefix pthread_) that implement the IEEE Std
1003.1c-1995, POSIX System Application Program Interface, also known as
POSIX Standard 1003.1c or POSIX.1c. Note that POSIX Standard 1003.1c now
supersedes the POSIX draft standard 1003.4a.
A thread is a single, sequential flow of control within a program. Within
a single thread, there is a single point of execution. Most traditional
programs consist of a single thread.
Using DECthreads, a programmer can create more than one threads within a
program. Threads execute concurrently, and, within a multithreaded pro-
gram, there are at any time multiple points of execution. The threads in a
given process execute within (and share) a single address space. There-
fore, threads read and write the same memory locations. Synchronization
elements such as mutexes and condition variables ensure that the shared
memory is accessed correctly. DECthreads provides routines that allow you
to create and use these synchronization elements. Mutexes and condition
variables are discussed in the Guide to DECthreads.
Users of previous versions of DECthreads should be aware that applications
consistent with the P1003.4a/D4 interface require significant modifications
to be upgraded to the DECthreads pthread (POSIX.1c) interface. See the
discussion in the Guide to DECthreads.
Routine names ending with the _np suffix denote that the routine is "not
portable." That is, such a routine might not be available in other vendor
implementations of POSIX 1003.1c.
Each C module that utilizes DECthreads exceptions must include the
pthread_exception.h header file. The Guide to DECthreads describes the use
of DECthreads exceptions.
The Guide to DECthreads describes important considerations for threaded
application development, particularly for the OpenVMS operating system.
Threads are packaged with the operating system.
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