VMS Help  —  RMU72  Recover  Command Qualifiers, Order Aij Files
    Specifies that the input after-image journal files are to
    be processed in ascending order by sequence number. The .aij
    files are each opened, the first block is read to determine the
    sequence number, and the files are closed prior to the sequence
    number sorting operation. The Order_Aij_Files can be especially
    useful if you use wildcards to specify .aij files.

    The Order_Aij_Files qualifier can also eliminate some .aij files
    from processing if they are known to be prior to the database
    recovery sequence starting point.

    Note that due to the fact that the .aij backup files might have
    more than one journal sequence in them, it is not always possible
    for RMU to eliminate every journal file that might otherwise
    appear to be unneeded. But for those journals where RMU is able
    to know for certain that the journal will not be needed based
    on the database recovery restart information, journals can be
    avoided from having to be processed.
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