VMS Help  —  SCA  SCA Topics, Getting Started, C++ Attributes Table
    The following table lists the SCA symbol classes and their
    corresponding meanings in C++.

    SCA Symbol Classes and Equivalent C++ Language Terminology

    SCA Term       C++ Term         Explanation

    Argument       Formal           Formal arguement such as a routine
                   Parameter        or macro argument

    Class          Class            Any C++ class object defined by class,
                                    structure or union

    Component,     Class, structure A component of a class, structure
    Field          or union member  or union

    Constant,      Constant         Named compile-time constants

    Exception      Exception        A program exception specified by
                                    the catch, throw and try statements

    File           File             A file used during compilation

    Function,      Function         Callable routines defined by function
    Procedure,                      statements

    Generic        Template         Generic object defined by template

    Keyword        Keyword          PDF keyword tag

    Label          Function Label   User-specified label

    Macro          Macro            A Macro created by #define

    Module,        Module           Any logical program unit typically
    Package                         each .cxx source file represents a

    Placeholder    Placeholder      An LSE placeholder

    Psect          N/A

    Tag            Tag              A PDF tag

    Task           N/A

    Type           Type             int, float, struct {...}, typedef,
                                    and so forth

    Unbound        N/A

    Variable       Variable         Program variable

    The following table lists the SCA occurrence classes and their
    corresponding meanings in C++.

    SCA Occurrence Classes and Equivalent C++ Language Terminology

    SCA Term       C++ Term         Explanation

    Primary        Declaration    Most significant declaration; for
                   or definition  example, a variable declaration, or
                                  a function definition

    Associated     Declaration    Other declarations; for example,
                                  function declarations or EXTERN

    Declaration    Definition or  Any declaration, either primary or
                   Declaration    associated

    Read, Fetch    Read           The act of retrieving an Rvalue

    Write, Store   Write          Changing the contents of an Lvalue

    Address,       Address        The use of the & operator

    Call           Call           A function call

    Command_line   Command_line   A file specified on the command
                                  line, for example, Cxx foo.c

    Include        Include        A file specified in a #include
                                  preprocessor directive

    Precompiled    N/A

    Base           Base           Any base class of a class

    Friend         Friend         Any friend of a class

    Member         Member         Any member of a class

    Reference      Reference      Any nondeclaration

    Explicit       Explicit       An entity that is explicitly

    Implicit       Implicit       An entity that is implicitly
                                  declared by the compiler; for
                                  example, a function with no type
                                  is implicitly declared as INT

    Visible        Visible        Occurrence appears in source

    Hidden         Hidden         Occurrence does not appear in
                                  source; for example, it appears
                                  only in the expansion of a macro

    Compilation_   Module         A module

    Private        Private        Any private object

    Protected      Protected      Any protected object

    Public         Public         Any public object

    Virtual        Virtual        Any virtual object

    The following table lists the SCA domain classes and their
    corresponding meanings in C++.

    SCA Domain Classes and Equivalent C++ Language Terminology

    SCA Term       C++ Term         Explanation

    Inheritable    N/A

    Global         Globally       For example, extern, globaldef,
                   visible        globalref, globalvalue

    Predefined     Defined by     For example, int, float, char
                   the language

    Multi_module                  Predefined and global

    Module_        Local to one   For example, static, auto, register
    specific       module
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