VMS Help  —  SET  PREFERRED_PATH, Qualifiers  /HOST

    Tells the MSCP/TMSCP class driver that you want this host to
    be the preferred access path to the specified device. The class
    driver remembers this host name until it is changed by taking one
    of the following actions:

    o  Issuing another SET PREFERRED_PATH command specifying a
       different host

    o  Using the /NOHOST qualifier

    o  Rebooting the system

    Note that simply specifying a preferred path does not mean
    that it is immediately selected if the disk or tape device is
    currently using another path. Use the /FORCE qualifier along
    with the /HOST qualifier to force the preferred path to be used

    The host_name is the name of the host that will be the preferred
    path to the disk or tape device.
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