VMS Help  —  SQL72
    SQL is an industry standard interface for accessing relational
    databases. The SQL interface included with Oracle Rdb provides
    full access to Oracle Rdb databases.

    With Rdb's SQL interface, users can define, update, and query
    relational databases. SQL provides the following environments for
    issuing SQL statements:

    o  An interactive SQL utility

    o  A precompiler that lets users embed SQL statements in Ada, C,
       COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, or PL/I programs

    o  SQL module language modules containing SQL statements that any
       language can call

    o  A dynamic SQL interface that process SQL statements generated
       when the program runs
Additional Information: explode extract
More Information Release Notes System Tables Information Tables Sample Databases Sample Programs Interactive SQL Precompiler Module language Linking Programs Logical Names
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