VMS Help  —  SQL72  System Tables, RDB$FIELDS
    The RDB$FIELDS system table describes the global (generic)
    characteristics of each domain in the database. There is one
    row for each domain in the database. The following table provides
    information on the columns of the RDB$FIELDS system table.

    Column Name                 Type      Summary Description

    RDB$FIELD_NAME              char(31)  The name of the domain
                                          represented by this row.
                                          Each row within
                                          RDB$FIELDS must have a
                                          RDB$FIELD_NAME value.
    RDB$FIELD_TYPE              integer   The data type of the domain
                                          represented by this row.
                                          This data type must be
                                          interpreted according to
                                          the rules for interpreting
                                          the DSC$B_DTYPE field of
                                          class S descriptors (as
                                          defined in the OpenVMS
                                          Calling Standard).

                                          Segmented strings require
                                          a unique field type
                                          identifier. This identifier
                                          is 261.
    RDB$FIELD_LENGTH            integer   The length of the field
                                          represented by this
                                          row. This length must be
                                          interpreted according to
                                          the rules for interpreting
                                          the DSC$W_LENGTH field
                                          within class S and SD
                                          descriptors (as defined in
                                          OpenVMS Calling Standard).
                                          For strings, this field
                                          contains the length in
                                          octets (8-bit bytes), not
                                          in characters.
    RDB$FIELD_SCALE             integer   For numeric data types,
                                          the scale factor to be
                                          applied when interpreting
                                          the contents of the field
                                          represented by this row.

                                          This scale factor must be
                                          interpreted according to
                                          the rules for interpreting
                                          the DSC$B_SCALE field of
                                          class SD descriptors (as
                                          defined in the OpenVMS
                                          Calling Standard). For
                                          date-time data types,
                                          RDB$FIELD_SCALE is
                                          fractional seconds
                                          precision. For other
                                          non-numeric data types,
                                          RDB$FIELD_SCALE is 0.
    RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG             integer   A bit mask where the
                                          following bits are set:

                                          o  If Bit 0 is clear,
                                             this is a user-defined

                                          o  If Bit 0 is set, this is
                                             a system domain.

    RDB$VALIDATION_BLR          list      The BLR that represents the
                                of byte   validation expression to be
                                varying   checked each time a column
                                          based on this domain is
    RDB$COMPUTED_BLR            list      The BLR that represents
                                of byte   the expression used to
                                varying   calculate a value for
                                          the column based on this
    RDB$EDIT_STRING             varchar(25The edit string used
                                          by interactive SQL when
                                          printing the column based
                                          on this domain. RDB$EDIT_
                                          STRING can be null.
    RDB$MISSING_VALUE           list      The value used when the
                                of byte   missing value of the column
                                varying   based on this domain is
                                          retrieved or displayed.
                                          RDB$MISSING_VALUE does
                                          not store any value in
                                          a column; instead, it
                                          flags the column value
                                          as missing.
    RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE          integer   A value that describes the
                                          data subtype of RDB$FIELD_
                                          TYPE as shown in the
                                          RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE Help
    RDB$DESCRIPTION             list      A user-supplied description
                                of byte   of this domain.
    RDB$VALIDATION_SOURCE       list      The user's source text for
                                of byte   the validation criteria.
    RDB$COMPUTED_SOURCE         list      The user's source used
                                of byte   to calculate a value at
                                varying   execution time.
    RDB$QUERY_NAME              char(31)  The query name of this
                                          domain. Column attributes
                                          in RDB$RELATION_FIELDS take
                                          precedence over attributes

                                          If the attribute value is
                                          missing in
                                          RDB$RELATION_FIELDS, the
                                          value from RDB$FIELDS is
                                          RDB$QUERY_NAME can be null.
    RDB$QUERY_HEADER            list      The query header of
                                of byte   the domain is used by
                                varying   interactive SQL. Column
                                          attributes in
                                          RDB$RELATION_FIELDS take
                                          precedence over attributes
                                          in RDB$FIELDS.

                                          If the attribute value is
                                          missing in
                                          RDB$RELATION_FIELDS, the
                                          value from RDB$FIELDS is
    RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE           list      The default value used by
                                of byte   non-SQL interfaces when
                                varying   no value is specified for
                                          a column during a STORE
                                          clause. It differs from
                                          RDB$MISSING_VALUE in that
                                          it holds an actual column

                                          Column attributes in
                                          RDB$RELATION_FIELDS take
                                          precedence over attributes
                                          in RDB$FIELDS.

                                          If the attribute value is
                                          missing in
                                          RDB$RELATION_FIELDS, the
                                          value from RDB$FIELDS is
    RDB$SEGMENT_LENGTH          integer   The length of a segmented
                                          string segment. For date-
                                          time interval fields, the
                                          interval leading field
    RDB$EXTENSION_PARAMETERS    list      Reserved for future use.
                                of byte
    RDB$CDD_NAME                list      The fully qualified name of
                                of byte   the dictionary entity upon
                                varying   which the domain definition
                                          is based, as specified
                                          in the SQL clause, FROM
    RDBVMS$COLLATION_NAME       char(31)  The name of the collating
                                          sequence for the domain.
    RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE2          list      The BLR for the SQL default
                                of byte   value. This value is used
                                varying   when no value is provided
                                          in an SQL INSERT statement.
    RDB$SECURITY_CLASS          char(20)  Reserved for future use.
    RDB$FLAGS                   integer   Flags.
    RDB$CREATED                 date vms  Set when the domain is
    RDB$LAST_ALTERED            date vms  Set when SQL ALTER DOMAIN
                                          statement used.
    RDB$FIELD_CREATOR           char(31)  Creator of this domain.
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