VMS Help  —  SQL72  System Tables, RDB$RELATIONS
    The RDB$RELATIONS system table names all the tables and views
    within the database. There is one row for each table or view.
    The following table provides information on the columns of the
    RDB$RELATIONS system table.

    Column Name                 Type      Summary Description

    RDB$RELATION_NAME           char(31)  The name of a table within
                                          the database. Each row
                                          within RBB$RELATIONS must
                                          have a unique RDB$RELATION_
    RDB$RELATION_ID             integer   An identification number
                                          used within the BLR to
                                          identify a table.
    RDB$STORAGE_ID              integer   A pointer to the database
                                          logical area where the data
                                          for this table is stored.
    RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG             integer   A value that indicates
                                          whether a table is a system
                                          table or a user-defined

                                          o  0

                                             If a user table.

                                          o  1

                                             If a system table.

    RDB$DBKEY_LENGTH            integer   The length in bytes of the
                                          database key. A database
                                          key for a row in a table
                                          is 8 bytes, and "n times
                                          8 " for a view row, where
                                          "n" is the number of tables
                                          referred to in the view.

                                          If the view does not
                                          contain a dbkey, RDB$DBKEY_
                                          LENGTH is 0. This occurs
                                          when the view uses GROUP
                                          BY, UNION, or returns a
                                          statistical value.
    RDB$MAX_VERSION             integer   The number of the current
                                          version of the table

                                          This value is matched with
                                          RDB$VERSION column in
                                          RDB$FIELD_VERSIONS to
                                          determine the current row
                                          format for the table.
    RDB$CARDINALITY             bigint    The number of rows in the
                                          table (cardinality).
    RDB$FLAGS                   integer   Flags.
    RDB$VIEW_BLR                list      The BLR that describes the
                                of byte   row selection expression
                                varying   used to select the rows for
                                          the view. If the table is
                                          not a view, RDB$VIEW_BLR is
    RDB$DESCRIPTION             list      A user-supplied description
                                of byte   of this table or view.
    RDB$VIEW_SOURCE             list      The user's source text for
                                of byte   the view definition.
    RDB$ACCESS_CONTROL          list      The access control policy
                                of byte   for the table.
    RDB$EXTENSION_PARAMETERS    list      Reserved for future use.
                                of byte
    RDB$CDD_NAME                list      The fully qualified name of
                                of byte   the dictionary entity upon
                                varying   which the table definition
                                          is based, as specified
                                          in the SQL clause, FROM
    RDBVMS$SECURITY_AUDIT       integer   A bit mask that indicates
                                          the privileges that will
                                          be audited for the table,
                                          as specified in the RMU Set
                                          Audit command.
    RDBVMS$SECURITY_ALARM       integer   A bit mask that indicates
                                          the privileges that produce
                                          alarms for the table, as
                                          specified in the RMU Set
                                          Audit command.
    RDB$SECURITY_CLASS          char(20)  Reserved for future use.
    RDBVMS$SECURITY_AUDIT2      integer   Reserved for future use.
    RDBVMS$SECURITY_ALARM2      integer   Reserved for future use.
    RDB$CREATED                 date vms  Set when the table or view
                                          is created (for system
                                          tables it will be the same
                                          as the database creation
    RDB$LAST_ALTERED            date vms  Set when SQL ALTER TABLE,
                                          CREATE/ALTER STORAGE MAP,
                                          ALTER DOMAIN, GRANT, or
                                          REVOKE statements cause
                                          changes to this system
    RDB$RELATION_CREATOR        char(31)  Creator of this system
    RDB$ROW_CLUSTER_FACTOR      bigint(7) The ratio of the number of
                                          clump changes that occur
                                          when you sequentially read
                                          the rows to the number of
                                          rows in a table. If a row
                                          is fragmented and part of
                                          its fragment is located in
                                          a clump different than the
                                          current one or immediate
                                          next one then it should be
                                          counted as a clump change.
    RDB$TYPE_ID                 integer   Reserved for future use.
Additional Information: explode extract
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