1 VALID_FOR_DATATRIEVE_IF The VALID_FOR_DATATRIEVE_IF field attribute clause causes VAX DATATRIEVE to validate value assignments to a field. VAX DATATRIEVE refuses to assign a value to a field if that value is not accepted by this validation expression. 2 Parameter dtrvi_quoted_string VAX DATATRIEVE source text forming a validation expression. 2 Syntax Rule The quoted strings must form a valid VAX DATATRIEVE validation expression. The CDDL compiler does not check the validation expression for correct syntax. 2 Usage Notes o Only VAX DATATRIEVE can interpret these validation expressions. Other language processors ignore their presence. o You can use 8-bit characters in CDDL quoted strings. 2 Example In the following example, the VALID FOR DATATRIEVE IF clause causes VAX DATATRIEVE to accept only positive integers for the field TRANSACTION_COUNT. TRANSACTION_COUNT DATATYPE IS UNSIGNED WORD VALID FOR DTR IF "TRANSACTION_COUNT > 0".