The IMPORT command is used to create DCE accounts based on
 OpenVMS accounts from an existing System Authorization File



 	Qualifiers    	      Defaults

 	/[NO]IMPORT           /IMPORT
 	/[NO]INFORM           /INFORM
 	/MY_PASSWORD=passwd   None
 	/OUTPUT[=output]      /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT:
 	/[NO]RECAP            /NORECAP

 	Data Qualifiers         Defaults

 	/GROUP=group            "none"
 	/HOME_DIRECTORY=string  None
 	/LIFETIME=hours         Taken from registry authorization policy
 	/LOGIN_SHELL=string     None
 	/MISCELLANEOUS=string   None
 	/ORGANIZATION=organiza  "none"
 	/PASSWORD=passwd        No valid password
 	/RENEWABLE_LIFETIME=ho  Taken from registry authorization policy

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of the OpenVMS account that is to be

    If an asterisk is specified in place of the vms-username,
    all accounts from the OpenVMS system authorization
    file are selected.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /CONFIRM


    Controls whether the IMPORT command asks for confirmation
    before creating a DCE principal or account, or both.

    In interactive mode the default is /CONFIRM. In non-
    interactive mode the default is /NOCONFIRM.

2.2    /DCE_LOGIN=(keyword=valud[,...])


    Provides DCE account details for accounts that are authorized to
    create pricipals and accounts in the DCE registry. Valid keywords for
    the DCE_LOGIN qualifier are as follows:

 	Keyword 	Description

 	PRINCIPAL 	The principal name to be used for authentication
 			purposes when creating accounts and/or principals
 			in the DCE registry.

 			If you do not specify a principal with this qualifier
 			you are prompted for one interactively.

 	PASSWORD 	The password associated with the principal name
 			that was specified by the PRINCIPAL keyword.

 			If you do not specify a password with this qualifier
 			you are prompted for one interactively.

    If you do not specify a principal or password with this qualifier,
    you are prompted for them interactively, regardless of whether or not
    you are running in interactive mode.  This information
    need be entered only once per session, on the first IMPORT command.
    Subsequent IMPORT commands within the same session do not require that
    you to reenter this information.

    If you are an interactive user and you do not specify the PASSWORD
    keyword, IMPORT prompts you for your password.  The advantage in this
    is the password is not echoed and therefore does not appear on your

2.3    /EXCLUDE

       /NOEXCLUDE (default)

    Determines whether or not the OpenVMS account is imported
    to the DCE registry. If the OpenVMS account is not imported
    then the DCE account is not created and instead an entry
    is created in the IMPORT exclude file for the specified
    OpenVMS account.

2.4    /INFORM

       /INFORM  (default)

    Determines whether or not the user is informed of OpenVMS
    accounts that would have been selected for import, but are
    not because they either have already been imported (for example,
    they have an entry in the DCE$UAF) or they have an entry in
    the IMPORT exclude file.


       /INTERACTIVE (default)

    Controls whether an interactive or noninteractive import
    is performed.

    In interactive mode, a series of questions is asked and the
    user's responses are used to determine the account details.
    This mode is well suited to interactive users.

    In noninteractive mode, all input is supplied through the data
    qualifiers, and any missing or conflicting data causes
    the DCE account to not be created. This mode is well suited
    to command files and batch jobs.

    Data qualifiers can be specified in interactive mode.
    In this case the data they provide is used to provide the
    default answers to the relevant questions. All questions
    are still asked.

2.6    /MY_PASSWORD=passwd


    DCE requires that you specify your current DCE password
    for authentication purposes. If you do not specify your
    DCE password with this qualifier you are prompted for
    it interactively, regardless of if you are running in
    interactive mode or not.

    Omitting this qualifier and allowing IMPORT to prompt you
    for your DCE password has the advantage that in this case
    the password is not echoed and does therefore not appear on
    your terminal if you are an interactive user.

2.7    /OUTPUT[=output]


    Defines where all program output should be written.
    The default is SYS$OUTPUT:.

2.8    /RECAP

       /NORECAP (default)

    If /RECAP is specified details of the DCE account are
    displayed before it is actually created. When /CONFIRM
    is also specified the account details are displayed
    immediately before the confirmation request.

2.9    /TEST_ONLY

       /NOTEST_ONLY (default)

    If /TEST_ONLY is specified, DCE accounts and DCE$UAF
    entries are not created.  All other functions operate normally.

3  –  Data Qualifiers

3.1    /EXPIRATION_DATE=date

       /NOEXPIRATION_DATE (default)

    Specifies the expiration date for the DCE account.

    If not specified, or if /NOEXPIRATION_DATE is specified,
    then the DCE account is created without an expiration date.

3.2    /FLAGS=([no]keyword[,...])


    Specifies several attributes of the DCE account. The
    keywords you can specify are:

 	Keyword		Description

 	ACCOUNT_VALID   A flag that is set to determine account
                         validity. An account without this flag set
                         is invalid and cannot log in.

                         The default is ACCOUNT_VALID.

 	CLIENT          A flag that is set to indicate whether or
                         not the account is for a principal that
                         can act as a client.

                         The default is CLIENT.

 	DUPLICATE_KEYS  A flag that is set to determine if tickets
                         issued to the account's principal can have
                         duplicate keys.

                         The default is NODUPLICATE_KEYS.

 	FORWARDABLE_    A flag that is set to determine whether a
         CERTIFICATES    new ticket-granting ticket with a network
                         address that differs from the present
                         ticket-granting ticket network address can
                         be issued to the account's principal. (The
                         Proxiable Certificate Flag performs the
                         same function for service tickets.)

                         The default is FORWARDABLE_CERTIFICATES.

 	PASSWORD_VALID  A flag that is set to determine whether
                         the current password is valid. If this
                         flag is not set, the next time the
                         principal logs in to the DCE account,
                         the system prompts the principal to change
                         his password.

                         The default is PASSWORD_VALID.

 	POSTDATED_      A flag that is set to determine if tickets
         CERTIFICATES    with a start time some time in the future
                         can be issued to the account's principal.

                         The default is NOPOSTDATED_CERTIFICATES.

 	PROXIABLE_      A flag that is set to determine whether or
         CERTIFICATE     not a new ticket with a different network
                         address than the present ticket can be
                         issued to the account's principal. (The
                         Forwardable Certificate Flag performs
                         the same function for ticket-granting

                         The default is NOPROXIABLE_CERTIFICATE.

 	RENEWABLE_      A flag that is set to determine if the
         CERTIFICATE     ticket-granting ticket issued to the
                         account's principal can be renewed.If this
                         flag is set the authentication service
                         renews the ticket-granting ticket if its
                         lifetime is valid.

                         The default is RENEWABLE_CERTIFICATE.

 	SERVER          A flag that is set to indicate whether or
                         not the account is for a principal that
                         can act as a server.

                         The default is SERVER.

 	TGT_            A flag that is set to determine whether
         AUTHENTICATION  or not tickets issued to the account's
                         principal can use the ticket-granting
                         ticket authentication mechanism.

               		The default is TGT_AUTHENTICATION.

3.3    /GOOD_SINCE_DATE=date


    Specifies the date and time that the account was known to be in an
    uncompromised state.

    If not specified, the Good Since Date is set to the current date and

3.4    /GROUP=group


    Specifies the name of an existing DCE group that is
    associated with the account being created. Note that if
    the group does not exist it is not be created by IMPORT.

    The default group name is "none".

3.5    /HOME_DIRECTORY=string


    Specifies the directory in which the principal is placed at

    If not specified the DCE account is created without a Home

3.6    /LIFETIME=hours


    Specifies the maximum amount of time, in hours, that a
    ticket can be valid.

    If not specified the Maximum Certificate Lifetime defined
    as registry authorization policy is used.

3.7    /LOGIN_SHELL=string


    Specifies the shell that is executed when a principal logs in.

    If not specified the DCE account is created without a login

3.8    /MISCELLANEOUS=string


    Specifies a text string that is typically used to describe
    the use of the account.

    If not specified the DCE account is created without a
    miscellaneous value.

3.9    /ORGANIZATION=organization


    Specifies the name of an existing DCE organization that is
    associated with the account being created. Note that if the
    organization does not exist it is not be created by IMPORT.

    The default organization name is "none".

3.10    /PASSWORD=passwd


    Specifies the password to be assigned to the DCE account.

    If not specified the DCE account is created without a valid
    DCE password.

3.11    /PRINCIPAL=(keyword[,...])


    Specifies the principal that is associated with the DCE
    account that is being created.

    If an existing principal is to be associated with the DCE
    account being created then you need only specify NAME (and
    ALIAS if its an alias principal). The other keywords are
    only used when a new principal is created.

    The keywords you can specify are:

 	Keyword		 Description

 	ALIAS            Specifies that the principal defined
                          by the NAME keyword is an alias. By
                          default the name is considered a primary

 	CASE=keyword     Specifies how the principal name should be
                          Formatted. For example, to specify that the
                          principal name should be all lowercase, use
                          /PRINCIPAL=CASE=LOWERCASE. Possible keywords are:

                          NOEDIT           Do not perform any
                                           Format:ting. This is the

                          LOWERCASE[=n1[,n2]]Convert the principal
                                           name so that the first
                                           n1 characters and last
                                           n2 are lowercase, and the
                                           remainder are uppercase.
                                           If you do not specify
                                           a value for n1 then
                                           the entire principal is
                                           converted to lowercase.
                                           If you do not specify a
                                           value for n2 then 0 is

                          UPPERCASE[=n1[,n2]]Convert the principal
                                           name so that the first
                                           n1 characters and last
                                           n2 are uppercase, and the
                                           remainder are lowercase.
                                           If you do not specify
                                           a value for n1 then
                                           the entire principal is
                                           converted to uppercase.
                                           If you do not specify a
                                           value for n2 then 0 is

                          The default is NOEDIT.

 	FULL_            An optional string that is used to more
 	NAME=string      fully qualify a primary name. If the name
                          contains spaces, lowercase characters, or
                          any other special characters, enclose the
                          string in quotes.

                          The default is no full name.

 	NAME=name        The standard name (primary or alias) that
                          is associated with the DCE account. If
                          the name contains spaces, lowercase
                          characters, or any other special
                          characters, enclose the string in quotes.

                          The default is to take the username
                          from the system authorization file
                          (SYSUAF) record, edit it according to
                          the CASE keyword, and then use this as the
                          principal name.

 	OBJECT_          The number of registry objects that can be
 	CREATION_        created by the principal.
         QUOTA=number     If you do not specify this keyword then
                          no quota is established and the principal
                          can create an unlimited number of registry

 	UNIX_ID=number   The required UNIX ID that is associated
                          with the principal.

                          If a primary principal is being created
                          you can omit the UNIX ID and one is
                          generated automatically.

 	 		 If an alias principal is being created
                          you must specify the UNIX ID of the
               		 corresponding primary principal.



    Specifies the amount of time, in hours, before a
    principal's ticket-granting ticket expires and that
    principal must log into the system again to reauthenticate
    and obtain another ticket-granting ticket.

    If not specified the Maximum Certificate Renewable Lifetime
    defined as registry authorization policy is used.
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