HELPLIB.HLB  —  CC  Language topics
 VSI C language topics

1  –  Block

  A block is a compound statement.  It allows more than one statement
  to appear where a single statement ordinarily is used.  It is made
  up of a list of declarations and statements, enclosed in braces:

           { [declaration ...] [statement ...] }

  The declaration list is optional; if it is included, all
  declarations of variables are local to the block and supersede
  previous declarations for the duration of the block.  A block is
  entered normally when control flows into it, or when a goto
  statement transfers control to a label at the beginning of the
  block.  Each time the block is entered normally, storage is
  allocated for auto or register variables.  If, on the other hand, a
  goto statement transfers control to a label inside the block or if
  the block is the body of a switch statement, these storage
  allocations do not occur.  Blocks can be used wherever single
  statements are valid -- for example, as the action clause of an if

            if ( i < 1 )
               {                       /* BEGINNING OF BLOCK */
                  char x;
                  for (x = 'a';  x <= 'z';  x++)
                     printf("char = %c\n", x);
               }                       /* END OF BLOCK      */

2  –  Valid File Specifications

  In VSI C source programs, you can include both OpenVMS and UNIX*
  style file specifications.  Combinations of the two specifications
  are not supported by VSI C.

  Example of a valid UNIX* file specification:


  Example of an invalid UNIX* file specification:


 * UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group.

3  –  Data Types

  The data type of an object must be specified in its declaration.
  The fundamental data types are the scalar types:

  short int           16-bit signed integer
  signed short int    16-bit signed integer
  unsigned short int  16-bit unsigned integer
  int                 32-bit signed integer
  signed int          32-bit signed integer
  unsigned int        32-bit unsigned integer
  long int            32-bit signed integer
  signed long int     32-bit signed integer
  unsigned long int   32-bit unsigned integer
  long long int       64-bit signed integer
  signed long long int     64-bit signed integer
  unsigned long long int   64-bit unsigned integer
  char                8-bit signed integer
  signed char         8-bit signed integer
  unsigned char       8-bit unsigned integer
  wchar_t             Long character (32-bit unsigned integer)
  float               32-bit (single-precision) floating-point number
  double              64-bit (double-precision) floating-point number
  long double         128-bit (double-precision) floating-point
  long float          Interchangeable with double, but usage is
  _Bool               An unsigned int that has the value 0 or 1
  _Imaginary          A C99-specified data type.  In VSI C, use of
                      the _Imaginary keyword produces a warning,
                      which is resolved by treating it as an ordinary
  _Complex            C99-specified data type available in all three
                      precisions:  float _Complex, double _Complex,
                      or long double _Complex.  A complex type has
                      the same representation and alignment
                      requirements as an array type containing
                      exactly two elements of the corresponding real
                      type; the first element is equal to the real
                      part, and the second element to the imaginary
                      part, of the complex number.

                      Note:  This complex data type is similar to the
                      Fortran type, and has an associated header
                      file, <complex.h>.  Although the fundamental
                      complex data types are implemented in the
                      compiler, the run-time support will not be
                      available until an OpenVMS Alpha release
                      following Version 7.3.

  The signed keyword is the default.  Declaring an object with int,
  for example, is equivalent to declaring it with signed int.
  However, char declarations should be explicitly declared, as the
  compiler offers command-line options to change the default.  If in
  doubt, use signed char over char because signed char is more

  Strings are arrays of characters terminated by the null character

  Also, view the contents of the <ints.h> header file for definitions
  of platform-specific integer types.

3.1  –  Array

  An array is an aggregate of subscripted elements of the same type.
  Elements of an array can have one of the fundamental data types or
  can be structures, unions, or other arrays (multidimensional
  arrays).  An array is declared using square brackets.  The
  following example declares array1 to be an array of 10 integers.
  The valid subscripts for array1 range from 0 to 9.

       int array1[10];

  The next example declares array2 to be a two-dimensional (2 by 3)
  array of integers:

       int array2[2][3];

  The elements are stored in row-major order as follows:

       array2[0][0], array2[0][1], ...  array2[1][2].

3.2  –  enum

  An enumerated type is used to restrict the possible values of an
  object to a predefined list.  Elements of the list are called
  enumeration constants.

  The main use of enumerated types is to explicitly show the symbolic
  names, and therefore the intended purpose, of objects that can be
  represented with integer values.  Objects of enumerated type are
  interpreted as objects of type signed int, and are compatible with
  objects of other integral types.  The compiler automatically
  assigns integer values to each of the enumeration constants,
  beginning with 0.

  An enumerated type is a set of scalar objects that have type names.
  Variables are declared with enum specifiers in the place of the
  type specifier.  An enumerated type can have one of the following

       enum { enumerator,...  }
       enum tag { enumerator,...  }
       enum tag

  Each enumerator defines a constant of the enumerated type (tag).
  The enumerator list forms an ordered list of the type's values.
  Each enumerator has the form "identifier [= expression]", where the
  "identifier" is the name to be used for the constant value and the
  optional "expression" gives its integer equivalent.  If a tag
  appears but no list of enumerators, the enum-specifier refers to a
  previous definition of the enumerated type, identified by the tag.

  The following example declares an enumerated object
  'background_color' with a list of enumeration constants:

  enum colors { black, red, blue, green, } background_color;

  Later in the program, a value can be assigned to the object

  background_color = red;

  In this example, the compiler automatically assigns the integer
  values as follows:  black = 0, red = 1, blue = 2, and green = 3.
  Alternatively, explicit values can be assigned during the
  enumerated type definition:

  enum colors { black = 5, red = 10, blue, green = black+2 };

  Here, black equals the integer value 5, red = 10, blue = 11, and
  green = 7.  Note that blue equals the value of the previous
  constant (red) plus one, and green is allowed to be out of
  sequential order.

  Because the ANSI C standard is not strict about assignment to
  enumerated types, any assigned value not in the predefined list is
  accepted without complaint.

3.3  –  Pointer

  A pointer in C is a variable that holds the address of another
  variable.  Pointers are declared with the asterisk operator.  For

       int i, *ip, *np;       /* i IS AN INTEGER, ip AND np ARE
                                 POINTERS TO INTEGERS           */

       The following operations are permitted on pointers:

       o  Assigning an address to the pointer (as in ip = &i;)

       o  Fetching the object of the pointer (by dereferencing the
          pointer) with the asterisk operator (i = *ip;, which
          assigns the addressed integer to i)

       o  Adding (as in ip += 5;, which makes ip point to the object
          that is five longwords away from the initial address in ip)

       o  Subtracting (as in i = np - ip;, which gives the number of
          objects separating the objects pointed to by np and ip)

3.4  –  Structure

  A structure is an aggregate of members whose data types can differ.
  Members can be scalar variables, arrays, structures, unions, and
  pointers to any object.  The size of a structure is the sum of the
  sizes of its members, which are stored in the order of their
  declarations.  Structures are defined with the keyword struct,
  followed by an optional tag, followed by a structure-declaration
  list in braces.  The syntax is:

       struct [identifier] { struct-declaration ...  }

  Each struct-declaration is a type specifier (type keyword, struct
  tag, union tag, enum tag, or typedef name) followed by a list of
  member declarators:

       type-specifier member-declarator,...  ;

  Each member declarator defines either an ordinary variable or a bit

       [declarator] :  constant-expression

  The following example declares a new structure employee with two
  structure variables bob and susan of the structure type employee:

  struct employee {
     char *name;
     int   birthdate; /* name, birthdate, job_code, and salary are */
     int   job_code;  /* treated as though declared with const.    */
     float salary;

  struct employee bob, susan;

3.5  –  typedef

   Use the typedef keyword to define an abbreviated name, or
   synonym,  for a lengthy type definition.  Grammatically,
   typedef is a storage-class specifier, so it can precede any valid
   declaration.  In  such  a declaration, the identifiers name types
   instead of variables. For  example:

       typedef char CH, *CP, STRING[10], CF();

   In the scope of this declaration, CH is a synonym for "character,"
   CP  for "pointer to character," STRING for "10-element array of
   characters," and CF for "function returning a character." Each of
   the  type definitions can be used in that scope to declare
   variables. For example:

       CF     c;       /* c IS A FUNCTION RETURNING A CHARACTER */
       STRING s;       /* s IS A 10-CHARACTER STRING            */

3.6  –  Union

  A union is an aggregate of members whose data types can differ.
  Members can be scalar variables, arrays, structures, unions, and
  pointers to any object.  The size of a union is the size of its
  longest member plus any padding needed to meet alignment
  requirements.  All its members occupy the same storage.  Unions are
  defined with the union keyword, followed by an optional tag,
  followed by a union-declaration list in braces.  The syntax is:

       union [identifier] { union-declaration ...  }

  Each union-declaration is a type specifier (type keyword, struct
  tag, union tag, enum tag, or typedef name) followed by a list of
  member declarators:

       type-specifier member-declarator,...  ;

  Each member declarator defines either an ordinary variable or a bit

       [declarator] :  constant-expression

  Once a union is defined, a value can be assigned to any of the
  objects declared in the union declaration.  For example:

       union name {
         struct x { int value1; int value2; };
         float fvalue;
       } alberta;

       alberta.dvalue = 3.141596; /*Assigns pi to the union object*/

 Here, alberta can hold a double, struct, or float value.  The
 programmer has responsibility for tracking the current type
 contained in the union.  The type is maintained until explicitly
 changed.  An assignment expression can be used to change the type of
 value held in the union.

3.7  –  Void

  You can use the void data type to declare functions that do not
  return a value.  Functions declared to be of this type cannot
  contain return statements and cannot be used in statements where a
  return value is expected.  The void data type can be used in the
  cast operation if casting to a "function without a return value
  ...".  You can also use the void data type with pointers.

4  –  Declarations

  Declarations specify the functions and variables referenced in a
  program.  Declarations in C have the following syntax:


           declaration-specifiers [init-declarator-list];


           storage-class-specifier [declaration-specifiers]
           type-specifier [declaration-specifiers]
           type-qualifier [declaration-specifiers]


           init-declarator-list, init-declarator


           declarator = initializer

  Note the following items about the general syntax of a declaration:

   o  The storage-class-specifier, type-qualifier, and type-specifier
      can be listed in any order.  All are optional, but, except for
      function declarations, at least one such specifier or qualifier
      must be present.  Placing the storage-class-specifier anywhere
      but at the beginning of the declaration is an obsolete style.

   o  Storage-class keywords are auto, static, extern, and register.

   o  Type qualifiers are const, volatile, __restrict, and

   o  The declarator is the name of the object being declared.  A
      declarator can be as simple as a single identifier, or can be a
      complex construction declaring an array, structure, pointer,
      union, or function (such as *x, tree(), and treebar[10]).

   o  Initializers are optional and provide the initial value of an
      object.  An initializer can be a single value or a
      brace-enclosed list of values, depending on the type of object
      being declared.

   o  A declaration determines the beginning of an identifier's

   o  An identifier's linkage is determined by the declaration's
      placement and its specified storage class.

  Consider the following example:

       volatile static int var_number = 10;

 This declaration shows a qualified type (a type, int, with a type
 qualifier, volatile), a storage class (static), a declarator (data),
 and an initializer (10).  This declaration is also a definition,
 because storage is reserved for the data object var_number.


4.1  –  Interpretation

  The symbols used in declarations are C operators, subject to the
  usual rules of precedence and associativity.  These operators are
  parentheses, brackets, and asterisks for "function returning...",
  "array of...", and "pointer to...", respectively.  Parentheses and
  brackets associate left to right; asterisk operators associate
  right to left.  Parentheses and brackets have the same precedence,
  which is higher than that of asterisks.  Parentheses are also used
  to change the associativity of the other operators.

  The following declaration, for example, is a "function returning a
  pointer to an array of pointers to char":

         char * ( *x() ) [];

  This is how the declaration is broken down to determine what it is:

         char * ( *x() ) [];

              * ( *x() ) [] is char
                ( *x() ) [] is (pointer to) char
                  *x()      is (array of) (pointer to) char
                   x()      is (pointer to) (array of) (pointer to)
                   x        is (function returning) (pointer to)
                               (array of) (pointer to) char

  In this sort of breakdown, lower precedence operators are removed
  first.  With two equal precedence operators, remove the rightmost
  if they are left-to-right operators, and the leftmost if they are
  right-to-left operators.  For example, "[]()" means "array of
  functions returning...".

5  –  Functions

  Functions consist of one or more blocks of statements that perform
  one logical operation.  They can be called from other functions
  either in the same program or in different programs.  A function
  may exchange values with the calling function by use of parameters.

  Function declarations have the following syntax:

       function_name(arg1, arg2,...)
       function_name(data-type arg1, data-type arg2,...)

  In the first form of the function declaration, the function takes
  no arguments.  In the second form, the function takes arguments;
  the arguments are declared outside the parameter list.  In the
  third form, the function declaration is a function prototype that
  specifies the type of its arguments in the identifier list; the
  prototype form is recommended.  In all three cases, the parenthesis
  after the function name are required.

  VSI C for OpenVMS Systems provides a library of common functions.
  These functions perform standard I/O operations, character and
  string handling, mathematical operations, miscellaneous system
  services, and UNIX* system emulation.  For more information, see

 * UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group.

6  –  Builtin Functions

  Built-in functions allow you to directly access hardware and
  machine instructions to perform operations that are cumbersome,
  slow, or impossible in pure C.

  These functions are very efficient because they are built into the
  VSI C compiler.  This means that a call to one of these functions
  does not result in a reference to a function in the C run-time
  library or in your programs.  Instead, the compiler generates the
  machine instructions necessary to carry out the function directly
  at the call site.  Because most of these built-in functions closely
  correspond to single VAX, Alpha, or Itanium machine instructions,
  the result is small, fast code.

  Some of these functions (such as those that operate on strings or
  bits) are of general interest.  Others (such as the functions
  dealing with process context) are of interest if you are writing
  device drivers or other privileged software.  Some of the functions
  are privileged and unavailable to user mode programs.

  Be sure to include the <builtins.h> header file in your source
  program to access these built-in functions.

  VSI C supports the #pragma builtins preprocessor directive for
  compatibility with VAX C, but it is not required.

  Some of the built-in functions have optional arguments or allow a
  particular argument to have one of many different types.  To
  describe different valid combinations of arguments, the description
  of each built-in function may list several different prototypes for
  the function.  As long as a call to a built-in function matches one
  of the prototypes listed, the call is valid.  Furthermore, any
  valid call to a built-in function acts as if the corresponding
  prototype was in scope, so the compiler performs the argument
  checking and argument conversions specified by that prototype.

  The majority of the built-in functions are named after the machine
  instruction that they generate.  For more information on these
  built-in functions, see the documentation on the corresponding
  machine instruction.  In particular, see that reference for the
  structure of queue entries manipulated by the queue built-in

6.1  –  Alpha Compatibility

  The VSI C built-in functions available on OpenVMS Alpha systems are
  also available on I64 systems, with some differences:

   o  There is no support for the asm, fasm, and dasm intrinsics
      (declared in the <c_asm.h> header file).

   o  The functionality provided by the special-case treatment of R26
      on an Alpha system asm, as in asm("MOV R26,R0"), is provided by
      a new built-in function for I64 systems:

      __int64 __RETURN_ADDRESS(void);

   o  The only PAL function calls implemented as built-in functions
      within the compiler are the 24 queue-manipulation builtins.
      The queue manipulation builtins generate calls to new OpenVMS
      system services SYS$<name>, where <name> is the name of the
      builtin with the leading underscores removed.

      Any other OpenVMS PAL calls are supported through macros
      defined in the <pal_builtins.h> header file included in the
      <builtins.h> header file.  Typically, the macros in
      <pal_builtins.h> transform an invocation of an Alpha system
      builtin into a call to a system service that performs the
      equivalent function on an I64 system.  Two notable exceptions
      are __PAL_GENTRAP and __PAL_BUGCHK, which instead invoke the
      I64 specific compiler builtin __break2.

   o  There is no support for the various floating-point built-in
      functions used by the OPenVMS math library (for example,
      operations with chopped rounding and conversions).

   o  For most built-in functions that take a retry count, the
      compiler issues a warning message, evaluates the count for
      possible side effects, ignores it, and then invokes the same
      function without a retry count.  This is necessary because the
      retry behavior allowed by Alpha load-locked/store-conditional
      sequences does not exist on I64 systems.  There are two
      exceptions to this:  __LOCK_LONG_RETRY and
      __ACQUIRE_SEM_LONG_RETRY; in these cases, the retry behavior
      involves comparisons of data values, not just

   o  The __CMP_STORE_LONG and __CMP_STORE_QUAD built-in functions
      produce either a warning or an error, depending on whether or
      not the compiler can determine if the source and destination
      addresses are identical.  If the addresses are identical, the
      compiler treats the builtin as the new __CMP_SWAP_ form and
      issues a warning.  Otherwise it is an error.

6.2  –  <builtins.h>

  The <builtins.h> header file contains a section at the top
  conditionalized to just __ia64 with the support for built-in
  functions specific to I64 systems.  This includes macro definitions
  for all of the registers that can be specified to the __getReg,
  __setReg, __getIndReg, and __setIndReg built-in functions.
  Parameters that are const-qualified require an argument that is a
  compile-time constant.


      o  The <builtins.h> header file contains comments noting which
         built-in functions are not available or are not the
         preferred form for I64 systems.  The compiler issues
         diagnostics where using a different built-in function for
         I64 systems would be preferable.

      o  The comments in <builtins.h> reflect only what is explicitly
         present in that header file itself, and in the compiler
         implementation.  You should also consult the content and
         comments in <pal_builtins.h> to determine more accurately
         what functionality is effectively provided by including
         <builtins.h>.  For example, if a program explicitly declares
         one of the Alpha built-in functions and invokes it without
         having included <builtins.h>, the compiler might issue a
         BIFNOTAVAIL error message, regardless of whether or not the
         function is available through a system service.  If the
         compilation does include <builtins.h>, and BIFNOTAVAIL is
         issued, then either there is no support at all for the
         built-in function or a new version of <pal_builtins.h> is

6.3  –  __break

  Generates a break instruction with an immediate.


       void __break (const int __break_arg);

6.4  –  __break2

  Implements the Alpha __PAL_GENTRAP and __PAL_BUGCHK built-in
  functions on OpenVMS I64 systems.

  The __break2 function is equivalent to the __break function with
  the second parameter passed in general register 17:

  R17 = __R17_value; __break (__break_code);


       void __break2 (__Integer_Constant __break_code, unsigned
       __int64 __r17_value);


  Performs a conditional atomic compare and exchange operation on a
  longword.  The longword pointed to by source is read and compared
  with the longword old_value.  If they are equal, the longword
  new_value is written into the longword pointed to by source.  The
  read and write is performed atomically, with no intervening access
  to the same memory region.

  The function returns 1 if the write occurs, and 0 otherwise.


       int __CMP_SWAP_LONG (volatile void *source, int old_value, int


  Performs a conditional atomic compare and exchange operation on a
  quadword.  The quadword pointed to by source is read and compared
  with the quadword old_value.  If they are equal, the quadword
  new_value is written into the quadword pointed to by source.  The
  read and write is performed atomically, with no intervening access
  to the same memory region.

  The function returns 1 if the write occurs, and 0 otherwise.


       int __CMP_SWAP_QUAD (volatile void *source, int old_value, int


  Performs a conditional atomic compare and exchange operation with
  acquire semantics on a longword.  The longword pointed to by source
  is read and compared with the longword old_value.  If they are
  equal, the longword new_value is written into the longword pointed
  to by source.  The read and write is performed atomically, with no
  intervening access to the same memory region.

  Acquire memory ordering guarantees that the memory read/write is
  made visible before all subsequent data accesses to the same memory
  location by other processors.

  The function returns 1 if the write occurs, and 0 otherwise.


       int __CMP_SWAP_LONG_ACQ (volatile void *source, int old_value,
       int new_value);


  Performs a conditional atomic compare and exchange operation with
  acquire semantics on a quadword.  The quadword pointed to by source
  is read and compared with the quadword old_value.  If they are
  equal, the quadword new_value is written into the quadword pointed
  to by source.  The read and write is performed atomically, with no
  intervening access to the same memory region.

  Acquire memory ordering guarantees that the memory read/write is
  made visible before all subsequent memory data accesses to the same
  memory location by other processors.

  The function returns 1 if the write occurs, and 0 otherwise.


       int __CMP_SWAP_QUAD_ACQ (volatile void *source, int old_value,
       int new_value);


  Performs a conditional atomic compare and exchange operation with
  release semantics on a longword.  The longword pointed to by source
  is read and compared with the longword old_value.  If they are
  equal, the longword new_value is written into the longword pointed
  to by source.  The read and write is performed atomically, with no
  intervening access to the same memory region.

  Release memory ordering guarantees that the memory read/write is
  made visible after all previous data memory acceses to the same
  memory location by other processors.

  The function returns 1 if the write occurs, and 0 otherwise.


       int __CMP_SWAP_LONG_REL (volatile void *source, int old_value,
       int new_value);


  Performs a conditional atomic compare and exchange operation with
  release semantics on a quadword.  The quadword pointed to by source
  is read and compared with the quadword old_value.  If they are
  equal, the quadword new_value is written into the quadword pointed
  to by source.  The read and write is performed atomically, with no
  intervening access to the same memory region.

  Release memory ordering guarantees that the memory read/write is
  made visible after all previous data memory acceses to the same
  memory location by other processors.

  The function returns 1 if the write occurs, and 0 otherwise.


       int __CMP_SWAP_QUAD_REL (volatile void *source, int old_value,
       int new_value);


  Produces the address to which the function containing the built-in
  call will return as a 64-bit integer (on Alpha systems, the value
  of R26 on entry to the function; on I64 systems, the value of B0 on
  entry to the function).

  This built-in function cannot be used within a function specified
  to use nonstandard linkage.


       __int64 __RETURN_ADDRESS (void);

6.12  –  __dsrlz

  Serializes data.  Maps to the srlz.d instruction.


       void __dsrlz (void);

6.13  –  __fc

  Flushes a cache line associated with the address given by the
  argument.  Maps to the fcr instruction.


       void __fc (__int64 __address);

6.14  –  __flushrs

  Flushes the register stack.


       void __flushrs (void);

6.15  –  __fwb

  Flushes the write buffers.  Maps to the fwb instruction.


       void __fwb (void);

6.16  –  getIndReg

  Returns the value of an indexed register.  The function accesses a
  register (index) in a register file (whichIndReg) of 64-bit


       unsigned __int64 __getIndReg (const int whichIndReg, __int64

6.17  –  getReg

  Gets the value from a hardware register based on the register index
  specified.  This function produces a corresponding mov = r


       unsigned __int64 __getReg (const int whichReg);

6.18  –  InterlockedCompareExchange acq

  Atomically compares and exchanges the value specified by the first
  argument (a 64-bit pointer).  This function maps to the
  cmpxchg4.acq instruction with appropriate setup.

  The value at *Destination is compared with the value specified by
  Comparand.  If they are equal, Newval is written to *Destination,
  and Oldval is returned.  The exchange will have taken place if the
  value returned is equal to the Comparand.  The following algorithm
  is used:

  ar.ccv = Comparand;
  Oldval = *Destination;         //Atomic
  if (ar.ccv == *Destination)    //Atomic
      *Destination = Newval;     //Atomic
  return Oldval;

  Those parts of the algorithm marked "Atomic" are performed
  atomically by the cmpxchg4.acq instruction.  This instruction has
  acquire ordering semantics; that is, the memory read/write is made
  visible prior to all subsequent data memory accesses of the
  Destination by other processors.


       unsigned __int64 _InterlockedCompareExchange_acq (volatile
       unsigned int *Destination, unsigned __int64 Newval, unsigned
       __int64 Comparand);

6.19  –  InterlockedCompareExchange64 acq

  Same as the _InterlockedCompareExchange_acq function, except that
  those parts of the algorithm that are marked "Atomic" are performed
  by the cmpxchg8.acq instruction.


       unsigned __int64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64_acq (volatile
       unsigned int64 *Destination, unsigned __int64 Newval, unsigned
       __int64 Comparand);

6.20  –  InterlockedCompareExchange rel

  Same as the _InterlockedCompareExchange_acq function except that
  those parts of the algorithm that are marked "Atomic" are performed
  by the cmpxchg4.rel instruction with release ordering semantics;
  that is, the memory read/write is made visible after all previous
  memory accesses of the Destination by other processors.


       unsigned __int64 _InterlockedCompareExchange_rel (volatile
       unsigned int *Destination, unsigned __int64 Newval, unsigned
       __int64 Comparand);

6.21  –  InterlockedCompareExchange64 rel

  Same as the _InterlockedCompareExchange_rel function, except that
  those parts of the algorithm that are marked "Atomic" are performed
  by the cmpxchg8.rel instruction.


       unsigned __int64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64_rel (volatile
       unsigned int64 *Destination, unsigned __int64 Newval, unsigned
       __int64 Comparand);

6.22  –  __invalat

  Invalidates ALAT.  Maps to the invala instruction.


       void __invalat (void);

6.23  –  __invala

  Same as the __invalat function.


       void __invala (void);

6.24  –  __isrlz

  Executes the serialize instruction.  Maps to the srlz.i


       void __isrlz (void);

6.25  –  __itcd

  Inserts an entry into the data translation cache.  Maps to the
  itc.d instruction


       void __itcd (__int64 pa);

6.26  –  __itci

  Inserts an entry into the instruction translation cache.  Maps to
  the itc.i instruction.


       void __itci (__int64 pa);

6.27  –  __itrd

  Maps to the itr.d instruction.


       void __itrd (__int64 whichTransReg, __int64 pa);

6.28  –  __itri

  Maps to the itr.i instruction.


       void __itri (__int64 whichTransReg, __int64 pa);

6.29  –  __loadrs

  Loads the register stack.


       void __loadrs (void);

6.30  –  __prober

  Determines whether read access to the virtual address specified by
  __address bits {60:0} and the region register indexed by __address
  bits {63:61} is permitted at the privilege level given by __mode
  bits {1:0}.  It returns 1 if the access is permitted, and 0

  This function can probe only with equal or lower privilege levels.
  If the specified privilege level is higher (lower number), then the
  probe is performed with the current privilege level.

  This function is the same as the Intel __probe_r function.


       int __prober (__int64 __address, unsigned int __mode);

6.31  –  __probew

  Determines whether write access to the virtual address specified by
  __address bits {60:0} and the region register indexed by __address
  bits {63:61}, is permitted at the privilege level given by __mode
  bits {1:0}.  It returns 1 if the access is permitted, and 0

  This function can probe only with equal or lower privilege levels.
  If the specified privilege level is higher (lower number), then the
  probe is performed with the current privilege level.

  This function is the same as the Intel __probe_w function.


       int __probew (__int64 __address, unsigned int __mode);

6.32  –  __ptce

  Maps to the ptc.e instruction.


       void __ptce (__int64 va);

6.33  –  __ptcl

  Purges the local translation cache.  Maps to the ptc.l r,r


       void __ptcl (__int64 va, __int64 pagesz);

6.34  –  __ptcg

  Purges the global translation cache.  Maps to the ptc.g r,r


       void __ptcg (__int64 va, __int64 pagesz);

6.35  –  __ptcga

  Purges the global translation cache and ALAT.  Maps to the
  r,r instruction.


       void __ptcga (__int64 va, __int64 pagesz);

6.36  –  __ptri

  Purges the instruction translation register.  Maps to the ptr.i r,r


       void __ptri (__int64 va, __int64 pagesz);

6.37  –  __ptrd

  Purges the data translation register.  Maps to the ptr.d r,r


       void __ptrd (__int64 va, __int64 pagesz);

6.38  –  __rum

  Resets the user mask.


       void __rum (int mask);

6.39  –  __rsm

  Resets the system mask bits of the PSR.  Maps to the rsm imm24


       void __rsm (int mask);

6.40  –  setIndReg

  Copies a value into an indexed register.  The function accesses a
  register (index) in a register file (whichIndReg) of 64-bit


       void __setIndReg (const int whichIndReg, __int64 index,
       unsigned __int64 value);

6.41  –  setReg

  Sets the value for a hardware register based on the register index
  specified.  This function produces a corresponding mov = r


       void __int64 __setReg (const int whichReg, unsigned __int64

6.42  –  __ssm

  Sets the system mask.


       void __ssm (int mask);

6.43  –  __sum

  Sets the user mask bits of the PSR.  Maps to the sum imm24


       void __sum (int mask);

6.44  –  __synci

  Enables memory synchronization.  Maps to the sync.i instruction.


       void __synci (void);

6.45  –  __tak

  Returns the translation access key.


       unsigned int __tak (__int64 __address);

6.46  –  __tpa

  Translates a virtual address to a physical address.


       __int64 __tpa(__int64 __address);

6.47  –  __thash

  Generates a translation hash entry address.  Maps to the thash r =
  r instruction.


       void __thash(__int64 __address);

6.48  –  __ttag

  Generates a translation hash entry tag.  Maps to the ttag r=r


       void __ttag(__int64 __address);

7  –  Variable Length Argument Lists

  The set of functions and macros defined and declared in the
  <varargs.h> and the <stdarg.h> header files provide a method of
  accessing variable-length argument lists.  (Note that the
  <stdarg.h> functions are defined by the ANSI C standard and are,
  therefore, portable as compared with those defined in <varargs.h>.)

  The VSI C RTL functions such as printf and execl, for example, use
  variable-length argument lists.  User-defined functions with
  variable-length argument lists that do not use <varargs.h> or
  <stdarg.h> are not portable due to the different argument-passing
  conventions of various machines.

  To use these functions and macros in <stdarg.h>, you must include
  the <stdarg.h> header file with the following preprocessor

       #include <stdarg.h>

  The <stdarg.h> header file declares a type (va_list) and three
  macros (va_start, va_arg, and va_end) for advancing through a list
  of function arguments of varying number and type.  The macros have
  the following syntax:

       void va_start(va_list ap, parmN);

       type va_arg(va_list ap, type);

       void va_end(va_list ap);

  The va_start macro initializes the object ap of type va_list for
  subsequent use by va_arg and va_end.  The va_start macro must be
  invoked before any access to the unnamed arguments.  The parameter
  parmN is the identifier of the rightmost parameter in the variable
  parameter list of the function definition.  If parmN is declared
  with the register storage class, with a function or array type, or
  with a type that is not compatible with the type that results after
  application of the default arguments promotions, the behavior is
  undefined.  The va_start macro returns no value.

  The va_arg macro expands to an expresion that has the type and
  value of the next argument in the call.  The parameter ap is the
  same as the one initialized by va_start.  Each invocation of va_arg
  modifies ap so that the values of successive arguments are returned
  in turn.  The parameter "type" is a type name specified such that
  the type of a pointer to an object that has the specified type can
  be obtained by postfixing an asterisk (*) to "type".  If there is
  no actual next argument, or if type is not compatible with the type
  of the next actual argument (as promoted according to the default
  argument promotions), the behavior is undefined.  The first
  invocation of va_arg after that of va_start returns the value of
  the argument after that specified by parmN.  Successive invocations
  return the values of the remaining arguments in turn.

  The va_end macro facilitates a normal return from the function
  whose variable argument list was referred to by the expansion of
  va_start that initialized the va_list ap object.  The va_end macro
  can modify ap) so that it can no longer be used (without an
  intervening invocation of va_start).  If there is no corresponding
  invocation of va_start or if va_end is not invoked before the
  return, the behavior is undefined.  The va_end macro returns no

8  –  Preprocessor

  The VSI C preprocessor uses directives to affect the compilation of
  a source file.  For VSI C on OpenVMS systems, these directives are
  processed by an early phase of the compiler, not by a separate

  The preprocessor directives begin with a number sign (#) and do not
  end with a semicolon.  The number sign must appear in the first
  column of the source line.

8.1  –  Null directive (#)

  A preprocessing directive of the form # <newline> is a null
  directive and has no effect.

8.2  –  Conditional Compilation

  Conditional compilation is provided by the following directives:

  #if constant-expression
     Checks whether the constant expression is nonzero (true).

  #ifdef identifier
     Checks whether the identifier is defined.

  #ifndef identifier
     Checks whether the identifier is undefined.

     Introduces source lines to be compiled as an alternative to the
     conditions tested by the previous directives.

  #elif constant-expression
     Delimits alternative source lines to be compiled if the constant
     expression in the corresponding #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef
     directive is false and if the additional constant expression
     presented in the #elif directive is true.  An #elif directive is

     Ends the scope of the previous directives.

  If the condition checked by #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef is true, then
  all lines between the #else, #elif, and #endif are ignored.  If the
  condition is false, then any lines between the conditional
  directive and the #else or #elif (if any) are ignored.  If there is
  no #else, then the lines between the conditional and the #endif are

8.3  –  #define

  The #define preprocessor directive has the form:

       #define identifier token-string

  The preprocessor substitutes the token string everywhere in the
  program that it finds the identifier except within comments,
  character constants, or string constants.

  Macro replacements are defined in a #define directive of the
  following form:

       #define name([parm1[,parm2,...]]) token-string

  Within the program, all macro references that have the following
  form are replaced by the token string.  The arguments in the macro
  reference replace the corresponding parameters in the token string.


8.4  –  #dictionary

  The #dictionary directive is retained for compatibility with VAX C
  and is supported only when running the VSI C compiler in VAX C mode
  (/STANDARD=VAXC).  See also the ANSI C equivalent #pragma
  dictionary directive.

  The #dictionary directive extracts Common Data Dictionary (CDD)
  definitions from the specified dictionary.  These definitions are
  then translated into VSI C and included in the program.

  The #dictionary directive has the following form:

       #dictionary "cdd_path"

  The cdd_path is a character string that gives the path name of the
  CDD record.  It can also be a macro that resolves to such a
  character string.

8.5  –  #error

  The #error directive issues an optional diagnostic message, and
  ends compilation.  This directive has the following form:

       #error [message] <newline>

8.6  –  #include

  The #include directive instructs the preprocessor to insert the
  contents of the specified file or module into the program.  An
  #include directive can have one of three forms:

       #include "filespec"
       #include <filespec>
       #include module-name

  The first two forms are ANSI-compliant methods of file inclusion
  and are therefore more portable.  In these forms, .h is the default
  file type, unless the compiler is instructed to supply no default
  type (that is, a type of just ".") by the

  The third form is specific to OpenVMS systems for specifying the
  inclusion of a module from a text library, and is not generally
  needed or recommended because the ANSI forms also cause the text
  libraries to be searched.

  For the order of search, see /INCLUDE_DIRECTORY.

  There is no defined limit to the nesting level of #include files
  and modules.

8.7  –  #line

  The #line directive applies a specified line number and optional
  file specification to the next line of source text.  This can be
  useful for diagnostic messages.  The #line directive has the
  following forms:

       #line integer-constant <newline>
       #line integer-constant "filename" <newline>
       #line pp-tokens <newline>

  In the first two forms, the compiler gives the line following a
  #line directive the number specified by the integer constant.  The
  optional filename in quotation marks indicates the name of the
  source file that the compiler will provide in its diagnostic
  messages.  If the filename is omitted, the file name used is the
  name of the current source file or the last filename specified in a
  previous #line directive.

  In the third form, macros in the #line directive are expanded
  before it is interpreted.  This allows a macro call to expand into
  the integer-constant, filename, or both.  The resulting #line
  directive must match one of the other two forms, and is then
  processed as appropriate.

8.8  –  #module

  The #module directive is retained for compatibility with VAX C and
  is supported only when running the VSI C compiler in VAX C mode
  (/STANDARD=VAXC).  See also the ANSI C equivalent #pragma module

  The #module directive passes information about an object module to
  the compiler.

  The #module directive can have one of the following forms:

       #module identifier identifier
       #module identifier string

  The first argument of the directive is an VSI C identifier or macro
  that resolves to an identifier.  It gives the system-recognized
  (for example, internally recognized by the debugger and the
  librarian) name of the module; the object file name remains the
  same.  The second argument specifies the optional identification
  that appears on listings.  This may be either a VAX C identifier, a
  character-string constant with no more than 31 characters, or a
  macro that resolves to one of these.

  There can be only one #module directive per compilation.  It can
  appear anywhere before the C language text.

8.9  –  #pragma

  The #pragma preprocessor directive performs compiler-specific tasks
  as designated by each implementation of the C language.

  All pragmas have a <pragma-name>_m version, which makes the pragma
  subject to macro replacement.  For example, #pragma assert is not
  subject to macro expansion, but #pragma assert_m is.

  All pragmas also have a <pragma-name>_nm version, which prevents
  macro expansion.  For example, #pragma inline is subject to macro
  expansion, but #pragma inline_nm is not.

  There is also a _Pragma operator (C99 Standard), which destringizes
  its string literal argument, effectively allowing #pragma
  directives to be produced by macro expansion.  When specified using
  this operator, the tokens of the pragma, which appear together
  within a single string literal in this form, are not macro
  expanded, even if they have an "_m" suffix.  But macro expansion
  can be accomplished if desired by using the stringization operator
  (#) to form the string.

  The _Pragma operator has the following syntax:

      _Pragma ( string-literal )

  VSI C for OpenVMS Systems supports the following #pragma

  #pragma assert[_m|_nm]

      Lets you specify assertions that the compiler can make about a
      program to generate more efficient code.

      The #pragma assert directive is never needed to make a program
      execute correctly, however if a #pragma assert is specified,
      the assertions must be valid or the program might behave


      #pragma assert func_attrs(identifier-list)function-assertions
      #pragma assert global_status_variable(variable-list)
      #pragma assert non_zero(constant-expression) string-literal

      Descriptions follow.

      The #pragma assert func_attrs directive:

      The identifier-list is a list of function identifiers about
      which the compiler can make assertions.  If more than one
      identifier is specified, separate them by commas.

      The function-assertions specify the assertions for the compiler
      to make about the functions.  Specify one or more of the
      following, separating multiple assertions with whitespace:


           The compiler can assert that any call to the routine will
           never return.


           The compiler can assert that no routine in the source
           module will be called before control is returned from this


           The compiler can assert that the value returned by the
           function and any side-effects the function might have are
           determined only by the function's arguments.  If a
           function is marked as having both noeffects and nostate,
           the compiler can eliminate redundant calls to the


           The compiler can assert that any call to this function
           will have no effect except to set the return value of the
           function.  If the compiler determines that the return
           value from a function call is never used, it can remove
           the call.


           The compiler can make assertions about how a function will
           access variables declared at file scope (with either
           internal or external linkage).

           The file_scope_vars option is one of the following:

            o  none - The function will not read nor write to any
               file-scope variables except those whose type is
               volatile or those listed in a #pragma assert

            o  noreads - The function will not read any file-scope
               variables except those whose type is volatile or those
               listed in a #pragma assert global_status_variable.

            o  nowrites - The function will not write to any
               file-scope variables except those whose type is
               volatile or those listed in a #pragma assert

      format (<style>, <format-index>, <first-to-check-index>)

           Asserts to the compiler that this function takes printf-
           or scanf-style arguments to be type-checked against a
           format string.  Specify the parameters as follows:

            o  <style> -- PRINTF or SCANF.

               This determines how the format string is interpreted.

            o  <format-index> -- {1|2|3|...}

               This specifies which argument is the format-string
               argument (starting from 1).

            o  <first-to-check-index> -- {0|1|2|...}

               This is the number of the first argument to check
               against the format string.  For functions where the
               arguments are not available to be checked (such as
               vprintf), specify the third parameter as 0.  In this
               case, the compiler only checks the format string for

      The #pragma assert global_status_variable directive:

      Use the #pragma assert global_status_variable(variable-list)
      form of the pragma to specify variables that are to be
      considered global status variables, which are exempt from any
      assertions given to functions by #pragma assert func_attrs
      file_scope_vars directives.

      The variable-list is a list of variables.

      The #pragma assert non_zero directive:

      When the compiler encounters this directive, it evaluates the
      constant-expression.  If the expression is zero, the compiler
      generates a message that contains both the specified
      string-literal and the compile-time constant-expression.  For

      #pragma assert non_zero(sizeof(a) == 12) "a is the wrong size"

      In this example, if the compiler determines that the sizeof a
      is not 12, the following diagnostic message is output:

      CC-W-ASSERTFAIL, The assertion "(sizeof(a) == 12)" was not
      true. a is the wrong size.

      Unlike the #pragma assert options func_attrs and
      global_status_variable, #pragma assert non_zero can appear
      either inside or outside a function body.  When used inside a
      function body, the pragma can appear wherever a statement can
      appear, but the pragma is not treated as a statement.  When
      used outside a function body, the pragma can appear anywhere a
      declaration can appear, but the pragma is not treated as a

      Because macro replacement is not performed on #pragma assert,
      you might need to use the #pragma assert_m directive to obtain
      the results you want.  Consider the following program that
      verifies both the size of a struct and the offset of one of its

      #include <stddef.h>
      typedef struct {
          int a;
          int b;
      } s;
      #pragma assert non_zero(sizeof(s) == 8) "sizeof assert failed"
      #pragma assert_m non_zero(offsetof(s,b) == 4) "offsetof assert

      Because offsetof is a macro, the second pragma must be #pragma
      assert_m so that offsetof will expand correctly.

  #pragma builtins[_m|_nm]

      Enables the VSI C built-in functions that directly access
      processor instructions.

      The #pragma builtins directive is provided for VAX C

      VSI C implements #pragma builtins by including the <builtins.h>
      header file, and is equivalent to #include <builtins.h> on
      OpenVMS systems.

      This header file contains prototype declarations for the
      built-in functions that allow them to be used properly.  By
      contrast, VAX C implemented this pragma with special-case code
      within the compiler, which also supported a #pragma nobuiltins
      preprocessor directive to turn off the special processing.
      Because declarations cannot be "undeclared", VSI C does not
      support #pragma nobuiltins.  Furthermore, the names of all the
      built-in functions use a naming convention defined by ANSI C to
      be in a namespace reserved to the C language implementation.

  #pragma dictionary[_m|_nm]

      Allows you to extract CDD data definitions and include these
      definitions in your program.

      The ANSI C compliant #pragma dictionary directive is equivalent
      to the VAX C compatible #dictionary directive, but is supported
      in all compiler modes.  (The #dictionary directive is retained
      for compatibility and is supported only when compiling with the
      /STANDARD=VAXC qualifier.)


           #pragma dictionary "cdd_path" [null_terminate]
           [name(structure_name)] [text1_to_array | text1_to_char]

      The cdd_path is a character string that gives the path name of
      the CDD record.  It can also be a macro that resolves to such a
      character string.

      The optional null_terminate keyword can be used to specify that
      all string data types should be null-terminated.

      The optional name() can be used to supply an alternate tag name
      or a declarator, struct_name for the outer level of a CDD

      The optional text1_to_char keyword forces the CDD type "text"
      to be translated to char, rather than "array of char" if the
      size is 1.  This is the default if null_terminate is not

      The optional text1_to_array keyword forces the CDD type "text"
      to be translated to type "array of char" even when the size
      is 1.  This is the default when null_terminate is specified.

  #pragma environment[_m|_nm]

       Sets, saves, or restores the states of context pragmas.  This
       directive protects include files from contexts set by
       encompassing programs, and protects encompassing programs from
       contexts that could be set in header files that they include.

       The #pragma environment directive affects the following

        o  #pragma extern_model

        o  #pragma extern_prefix

        o  #pragma member_alignment

        o  #pragma message

        o  #pragma names

        o  #pragma pointer_size

        o  #pragma required_pointer_size


           #pragma environment command_line
           #pragma environment header_defaults
           #pragma environment restore
           #pragma environment save


           Sets, as specified on the command line, the states of all
           the context pragmas.  You can use this pragma to protect
           header files from environment pragmas that take effect
           before the header file is included.


           Sets the states of all the context pragmas to their
           default values.  This is almost equivalent to the
           situation in which a program with no command-line options
           and no pragmas is compiled, except that this pragma sets
           the pragma message state to #pragma nostandard, as is
           appropriate for header files.


           Saves the current state of every pragma that has an
           associated context.


           Restores the current state of every pragma that has an
           associated context.

  #pragma extern_model[_m|_nm]

       Controls the compiler's interpretation of objects that have
       external linkage.  This pragma lets you choose the global
       symbol model to be used for externs.


           #pragma extern_model common_block [attr[,attr]...]
           #pragma extern_model relaxed_refdef [attr[,attr]...]
           #pragma extern_model strict_refdef "name" [attr[,attr]...]
           #pragma extern_model strict_refdef
           #pragma extern_model globalvalue
           #pragma extern_model save
           #pragma extern_model restore

      The default model on VSI C is #pragma relaxed_refdef noshr.
      This is different from the model used by VAX C, which is common
      block, shr.

      The [attr[,attr]...] are optional psect attribute
      specifications chosen from the following (at most one from each

       o  gbl lcl (Not allowed with relaxed_refdef)

       o  shr noshr

       o  wrt nowrt

       o  pic nopic (Not meaningful for Alpha)

       o  ovr con

       o  rel abs

       o  exe noexe

       o  vec novec

       o  noreorder (named strict_refdef only)

       o  natalgn (named strict_refdef only)

       o  0 byte 1 word 2 long 3 quad 4 octa 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
          15 16 page

      See the HP C User's Guide for more information on the #pragma
      extern_model directive.

  #pragma extern_prefix[_m|_nm]

       Controls the compiler's synthesis of external names, which the
       linker uses to resolve external name requests.

       When you specify #pragma extern_prefix with a string argument,
       the compiler prepends the string to all external names
       produced by the declarations that follow the pragma

       This pragma is useful for creating libraries where the
       facility code can be attached to the external names in the


           #pragma extern_prefix "string" [(id[,id]...)]
           #pragma extern_prefix {NOCRTL|RESTORE_CRTL} (id[,id]...)
           #pragma extern_prefix  save
           #pragma extern_prefix  restore

      Where "string" prepends the quoted string to external names in
      the declarations that follow the pragma specification.

      You can also specify an extern prefix for specific identifiers
      using the optional list [(<emphasis>(id)[,<emphasis>(id)]...)].

      The NOCRTL and RESTORE_CRTL keywords control whether or not the
      compiler applies its default RTL prefixing to the names
      specified in the id-list, required for this form of the pragma.
      The effect of NOCRTL is like that of the EXCEPT=keyword of the
      /PREFIX_LIBRARY_ENTRIES command-line qualifier.  The effect of
      RESTORE_CRTL is to undo the effect of a #pragma extern_prefix
      NOCRTL or a /PREFIX=EXCEPT= on the command line.

      The save and restore keywords can be used to save the current
      pragma prefix string and to restore the previously saved pragma
      prefix string, respectively.

      The default external prefix, when none has been specified by a
      pragma, is the null string.

  #pragma function[_m|_nm]

      Specifies that calls to the specified functions are not
      intrinsic but are, in fact, function calls.  This pragma has
      the opposite effect of #pragma intrinsic.


           #pragma function[_m|_nm] (function1[, function2, ...])

  #pragma include_directory[_m|_nm]

      The effect of each #pragma include_directory is as if its
      string argument (including the quotes) were appended to the
      list of places to search that is given its initial value by the
      /INCLUDE_DIRECTORY qualifier, except that an empty string is
      not permitted in the pragma form.


           #pragma include_directory <string-literal>

      This pragma is intended to ease DCL command-line length
      limitations when porting applications from POSIX-like
      environments built with makefiles containing long lists of -I
      options specifying directories to search for headers.  Just as
      long lists of macro definitions specified by the /DEFINE
      qualifier can be converted to #define directives in a source
      file, long lists of places to search specified by the
      /INCLUDE_DIRECTORY qualifier can be converted to #pragma
      include_directory directives in a source file.

      Note that the places to search, as described in the help text
      for the /INCLUDE_DIRECTORY qualifier, include the use of
      POSIX-style pathnames, for example "/usr/base".  This form can
      be very useful when compiling code that contains POSIX-style
      relative pathnames in #include directives.  For example,
      #include <subdir/foo.h> can be combined with a place to search
      such as "/usr/base" to form "/usr/base/subdir/foo.h", which
      will be translated to the filespec "USR:[BASE.SUBDIR]FOO.H"

      This pragma can appear only in the main source file or in the
      first file specified on the /FIRST_INCLUDE qualifier.  Also, it
      must appear before any #include directives.

  #pragma [no]inline[_m|_nm]

      Expands function calls inline.  The function call is replaced
      with the function code itself.


           #pragma inline (id,...)
           #pragma noinline (id,...)

      If a function is named in an inline directive, calls to that
      function will be expanded as inline code, if possible.

      If a function is named in a noinline directive, calls to that
      function will not be expanded as inline code.

      If a function is named in both an inline and a noinline
      directive, an error message is issued.

      For calls to functions named in neither an inline nor a
      noinline directive, DEC C expands the function as inline code
      whenever appropriate as determined by a platform-specific

  #pragma intrinsic[_m|_nm]

      Specifies that calls to the specified functions are intrinsic
      (that is, handled internally by the compiler, allowing it to
      generate inline code, move or eliminate calls, or do various
      other optimizations).  This pragma is only valid for functions
      that are known to the compiler.


           #pragma intrinsic (function1[, function2, ...])

  #pragma linkage[_m|_nm]

      Specifies special linkage types for function calls.  This
      pragma is used with the #pragma use_linkage directive, which
      associates a previously defined special linkage with a


           #pragma linkage linkage-name = (characteristics)
           #pragma linkage_ia64 linkage-name = (characteristics)

      On I64 systems, these two formats behave differently:

       o  The #pragma linkage_ia64 format requires I64 register names
          be specified.

       o  The #pragma linkage format requires Alpha register names be
          specified, which are automatically mapped, where possible,
          to specific I64 registers.

      The two formats are further described after the description of
      the characteristics.

      The characteristics specify information about where parameters
      will be passed, where the results of the function are to be
      received, and what registers are modified by the function call.
      Specify these characteristics as a parenthesized list of items
      of the following forms:

           parameters (register-list)
           result     (simple-register-list)
           preserved  (simple-register-list)
           nopreserve (simple-register-list)
           notused    (simple-register-list)
           notneeded  (ai, lp)

      You can supply the option keywords in any order.

      Description of Options:


           A comma-separated list of register names, either Rn or Fn.

                nopreserve(F5, F6)

           For the #pragma linkage format, valid registers for the
           preserved, nopreserve, and notused options include
           general-purpose registers R0 through R30, and
           floating-point registers F0 through F30.

           Valid registers for the result and parameters options
           include general-purpose registers R0 through R25, and
           floating-point registers F0 through F30.

           For the #pragma linkage_ia64 format, see below for an
           explanation of register usage.


           Similar to a simple-register-list except that it can
           contain parenthesized sublists.  Use the register-list to
           describe arguments and function result types that are
           structs, where each member of the struct is passed in a
           single register.  Example:

                parameters(R5, (F5, F6))


           Use this option to pass arguments to the parameters of a
           routine in specific registers.


           Use this option to specify the register to be used to
           return the value for the function.  If a function has a
           return type of void, do not specify the result option as
           part of the linkage.


           A preserved register contains the same value after a call
           to the function as it did before the call.


           A nopreserve register does not necessarily contain the
           same value after a call to the function as it did before
           the call.


           A notused register is not used in any way by the called


           Indicates that certain items are not needed by the
           routines using this linkage.  Valid options are:

                AI -- Specifies that the Argument Information
                register (R25) does not need to be set up when
                calling the specified functions.

                LP -- Specifies that the Linkage Pointer register
                does not need to be set up when calling the specified
                functions.  Note that for I64 systems, there is no
                linkage pointer, so this setting is accepted but does
                not change the behavior of the pragma.


           Tells the compiler to use the standard linkage appropriate
           to the target platform.  This can be useful to confine
           conditional compilation to the pragmas that define
           linkages, without requiring the corresponding #pragma
           use_linkage directives to be conditionally compiled as

           If the standard_linkage keyword is specified, it must be
           the only option in the parenthesized list following the
           linkage name.  For example:

           #pragma linkage special1 = (standard_linkage)

      If the standard_linkage keyword is not specified, you can
      supply the parameters, result, preserved, nopreserve, and
      notused options in any order, separated by commas.

      Description of the two formats of this pragma:

      The #pragma linkage_ia64 format of this preprocessor directive
      requires register names to be specified in terms of an OpenVMS
      I64 system.  The register names are never mapped to a different
      architecture.  This form of the pragma always produces an error
      if encountered on a different architecture.

      For this format of the pragma, valid registers for the
      preserved, nopreserve, notused, parameters, and result options

       o  Integer registers R3 through R12 and R19 through R31

       o  Floating-point registers F2 through F31

      In addition, the parameters and result options also permit
      integer registers R32 through R39 to be specified, according to
      the following convention.  On IA64, the first eight integer
      input/output slots are allocated to stacked registers, and thus
      the calling routine refers to them using different names than
      the called routine.  The convention for naming these registers
      in either the parameters or result option of a #pragma
      linkage_ia64 directive is always to use the hardware names as
      they would be used within the called routine:  R32 through R39.
      The compiler automatically compensates for the fact that within
      the calling routine these same registers are designated using
      different hardware names.

      The #pragma linkage format of this preprocessor directive
      accepts Alpha register names and conventions and automatically
      maps them, where possible, to specific I64 registers.  So
      whenever VSI C for I64 encounters a #pragma linkage directive,
      it attempts to map the Alpha registers specified in the linkage
      to corresponding I64 registers, and emits a SHOWMAPLINKAGE
      informational message showing the I64 specific form of the
      directive, #pragma linkage_ia64, with the I64 register names
      that replaced the Alpha register names.  The SHOWMAPLINKAGE
      message is suppressed under the #pragma nostandard directive,
      normally used within system header files.

      Code compiled on I64 systems that deliberately relies on the
      register mapping performed by #pragma linkage should either
      ignore the SHOWMAPLINKAGE informational, or disable it.

      The following shows the mapping that VSI C applies to the Alpha
      integer register names used in #pragma linkage format
      directives when they are encountered on an I64 system.  Note
      that the six standard parameter registers on Alpha (R16-R21)
      are mapped to the first six (of eight) standard parameter
      registers on I64 systems, which happen to be stacked registers:

      Integer Register Mapping:

       Alpha -> I64          Alpha -> I64

        R0 -> R8              R16 -> R32 *
        R1 -> R9              R17 -> R33 *
        R2 -> R28             R18 -> R34 *
        R3 -> R3              R19 -> R35 *
        R4 -> R4              R20 -> R36 *
        R5 -> R5              R21 -> R37 *
        R6 -> R6              R22 -> R22
        R7 -> R7              R23 -> R23
        R8 -> R26             R24 -> R24
        R9 -> R27             R25 -> R25
        R10 ->R10             R26 - no mapping
        R11 ->R11             R27 - no mapping
        R12 ->R30             R28 - no mapping
        R13 ->R31             R29 -> R29
        R14 ->R20             R30 -> R12
        R15 ->R21             R31 -> R0

        * In parameters or result; else ignored

      The following shows the mapping that VSI C applies to the Alpha
      floating-point register names used in #pragma linkage
      directives when they are encountered on an I64 system:

      Floating-Point Register Mapping:

       Alpha -> I64          Alpha -> I64

        F0 -> F8              F16 -> F8
        F1 -> F9              F17 -> F9
        F2 -> F2              F18 -> F10
        F3 -> F3              F19 -> F11
        F4 -> F4              F20 -> F12
        F5 -> F5              F21 -> F13
        F6 -> F16             F22 -> F22
        F7 -> F17             F23 -> F23
        F8 -> F18             F24 -> F24
        F9 -> F19             F25 -> F25
        F10 ->F6              F26 - F26
        F11 ->F7              F27 - F27
        F12 ->F20             F28 - F28
        F13 ->F21             F29 -> F29
        F14 ->F14             F30 -> F30
        F15 ->F15

      Mapping Diagnostics:

      In some cases, the HP C compiler on Alpha systems silently
      ignores linkage registers if, for example, a standard parameter
      register like R16 is specified in a preserved option.  When you
      compile on an I64 system, this situation emits an MAPREGIGNORED
      informational message, and the SHOWMAPLINKAGE output might not
      be correct.  If there is no valid mapping to I64 registers, the
      NOMAPPOSSIBLE error message is output.  There are two special
      situations that can arise when floating-point registers are
      specified in a linkage:

       o  Only IEEE-format values are passed in floating-point
          registers under the OpenVMS Calling Standard for I64:  VAX
          format values are passed in integer registers.  Therefore,
          a compilation that specifies /FLOAT=D_FLOAT or
          /FLOAT=G_FLOAT produces an error for any linkage that
          specifies floating-point registers.  Note that this
          includes use in options that do not involve passing values,
          such as the preserved and notused options.

       o  The mapping of floating-point registers is many-to-one in
          two cases:

           -  Alpha registers F0 and F16 both map to I64 register F8

           -  Alpha F1 and F17 both map to I64 register F9.

          A valid Alpha linkage may well specify uses for both F0 and
          F16, and/or both F1 and F17.  Such a linkage cannot be
          mapped on an I64 system.  But because of the way this
          situation is detected, the MULTILINKREG warning message
          that is produced can only identify the second occurrence of
          an Alpha register that got mapped to the same I64 register
          as some previous Alpha register.  The actual pair of Alpha
          registers in the source is not identified, and so the
          message can be confusing.  For example, an option like
          preserved(F1,F17) gets a MULTILINKREG diagnostic saying
          that F17 was specified more than once.

  #pragma [no]member_alignment[_m|_nm]

      Tells the compiler to align structure members on the next
      boundary appropriate to the type of the member rather than the
      next byte.  For example, a long variable is aligned on the next
      longword boundary; a short variable on the next word boundary.


           #pragma nomember_alignment [base_alignment]
           #pragma member_alignment [save | restore]

      The optional base_alignment parameter can be used with #pragma
      nomember_alignment to specify the base alignment of the
      structure.  Use one of the following keywords to specify the

       o  BYTE (1 byte)

       o  WORD (2 bytes)

       o  LONGWORD (4 bytes)

       o  QUADWORD (8 bytes)

       o  OCTAWORD (16 bytes)

      The optional save and restore keywords can be used to save the
      current state of the member_alignment and to restore the
      previous state, respectively.  This feature is necessary for
      writing header files that require member_alignment or
      nomember_alignment, or that require inclusion in a
      member_alignment that is already set.

  #pragma message[_m|_nm]

      Controls the issuance of individual diagnostic messages or
      groups of messages.  Use of this pragma overrides any
      command-line options that may affect the issuance of messages.


           #pragma message option1 message-list
           #pragma message option2
           #pragma message (quoted-string)

      where option1 is:

         disable             Suppresses the issuance of the indicated

                             Only messages of severity Warning (W) or
                             Information (I) can be disabled.  If the
                             message has severity of Error (E) or
                             Fatal (F), it is issued regardless of
                             any attempt to disable it.

         enable              Enables the issuance of the indicated

         emit_once           Emits the specified messages only once
                             per compilation.

         emit_always         Emits the specified messages at every
                             occurrence of the condition.

         error               Sets the severity of each message in the
                             message-list to Error.

         fatal               Sets the severity of each message on the
                             message-list to Fatal.

         informational       Sets the severity of each message in the
                             message-list to Informational.

         warning             Sets the severity of each message in the
                             message-list to Warning.

      The message-list can be any one of the following:

       o  A single message identifier (within parentheses or not).

       o  A single message-group name (within parentheses or not).
          Message-group names are:

             ALL             All the messages in the compiler

             ALIGNMENT       Messages about unusual or inefficient
                             data alignment.

             C_TO_CXX        Messages reporting the use of C features
                             that would be invalid or have a
                             different meaning if compiled by a C++

             CDD             Messages about CDD (Common Data
                             Dictionary) support.

             CHECK           Messages reporting code or practices
                             that, although correct and perhaps
                             portable, are sometimes considered
                             ill-advised because they can be
                             confusing or fragile to maintain.  For
                             example, assignment as the test
                             expression in an "if" statement.

                             NOTE:  The check group gets defined by
                             enabling level5 messages.

             DEFUNCT         Messages reporting the use of obsolete
                             features:  ones that were commonly
                             accepted by early C compilers but were
                             subsequently removed from the language.

             NEWC99          Messages reporting the use of the new
                             C99 Standard features.

             NOANSI          Messages reporting the use of non-ANSI
                             Standard features.  The NOANSI message
                             group is a synonym for NOC89.  Also see
                             message groups NEWC99, NOC89, NOc99.

             NOC89           Messages reporting the use of non-C89
                             Standard features.

             NOC99           Messages reporting the use of non-C99
                             Standard features.

             OBSOLESCENT     Messages reporting the use of features
                             that are valid in ANSI Standard C, but
                             which were identified in the standard as
                             being obsolescent and likely to be
                             removed from the language in a future
                             version of the standard.

             OVERFLOW        Messages that report assignments and/or
                             casts that can cause overflow or other
                             loss of data significance.

             PERFORMANCE     Messages reporting code that might
                             result in poor run-time performance.

             PORTABLE        Messages reporting the use of language
                             extensions or other constructs that
                             might not be portable to other compilers
                             or platforms.

             PREPROCESSOR    Messages reporting questionable or
                             non-portable use of preprocessing

             QUESTCODE       Messages reporting questionable coding
                             practices.  Similar to the check group,
                             but messages in this group are more
                             likely to indicate a programming error
                             rather than just a non-robust style.
                             Enabling the QUESTCODE group provides
                             lint-like checking.

             RETURNCHECKS    Messages related to function return

             UNINIT          Messages related to using uninitialized

             UNUSED          Messages reporting expressions,
                             declarations, header files, CDD records,
                             static functions, and code paths that
                             are not used.

                             Note, however, that unlike any other
                             messages, these messages must be enabled
                             on the command line
                             (/WARNINGS=ENABLE=UNUSED) to be

      o  A single message-level name (within parentheses or not).

         Note:  There is a core of very important compiler messages
         that are enabled by default, regardless of anything
         specified with /WARNINGS or #pragma message.  Referred to as
         message level 0, it includes all messages issued in header
         files, and comprises what is known as the nostandard group.
         All other message levels add additional messages to this
         core of enabled messages.

         You cannot disable level 0.  However, you can disable
         individual messages in level 0 that are not errors or

         Message-level names are:

           LEVEL1          Important messages.  These are less
                           important than level 0, because messages
                           in this group are not displayed if #pragma
                           nostandard is active.

           LEVEL2          Moderately important messages.  This level
                           is used to introduce new messages that
                           will be output in the DIGITAL UNIX V4.0
                           release.  LEVEL2 is the default for
                           DIGITAL UNIX and Tru64 UNIX platforms.

           LEVEL3          Less important messages.  In general,
                           these are the messages output by default
                           in DEC C Version 5.5 for OpenVMS Systems.
                           LEVEL3 is the default message level for
                           VSI C for OpenVMS systems.

           LEVEL4          Useful check/portable messages.

           LEVEL5          Not so useful check/portable messages.

           LEVEL6          All messages in LEVEL5 plus additional
                           "noisy" messages.

        Enabling a level also enables all the messages in the levels
        below it.  So enabling LEVEL3 messages also enables messages
        in LEVEL2 and LEVEL1.

        Disabling a level also disables all the messages in the
        levels above it.  So disabling LEVEL4 messages also disables
        messages in LEVEL5 and LEVEL6.

      o  A comma-separated list of message identifiers, group names,
         and messages levels, freely mixed, enclosed in parentheses.

     option2 is:

           save -- saves the current state of which messages are
           enabled and disabled.

           restore -- restores the previous state of which messages
           are enabled and disabled.

     The save and restore options are useful primarily within header

     The #pragma message (quoted-string) form outputs the
     quoted-string as a compiler message.  This form of the pragma is
     subject to macro replacement.  For example, the following is

        #pragma message ("Compiling file " __FILE__)

  #pragma module[_m|_nm]

      The ANSI C compliant #pragma module directive is equivalent to
      the VAX C compatible #module directive, but is supported in all
      compiler modes.  (The #module directive is retained for
      compatibility and is supported only when compiling with the
      /STANDARD=VAXC qualifier.) The #pragma module directive is
      specific to VSI C for OpenVMS Systems and is not portable.

      Use the #pragma module directive to change the
      system-recognized module name and version number.  You can find
      the module name and version number in the compiler listing file
      and the linker load map.


           #pragma module identifier identifier
           #pragma module identifier string

      The first parameter must be a valid VSI C identifier.  It
      specifies the module name to be used by the linker.  The second
      parameter specifies the optional identification that appears on
      listings and in the object file.  It must be either a valid VSI
      C identifier of 31 characters or less, or a character-string
      constant of 31 characters or less.

      Only one #pragma module directive can be processed per
      compilation unit, and that directive must appear before any C
      language text.  The #pragma module directive can follow other
      directives, such as #define, but it must precede any function
      definitions or external data definitions.

  #pragma names[_m|_nm]

      Provides the same kinds of control over the mapping of external
      identifiers' object-module symbols as does the /NAMES
      command-line qualifier, and it uses the same keywords.  But as
      a pragma, the controls can be applied selectively to regions of

      This pragma should only be used in header files and is intended
      for use by developers who supply libraries and/or header files
      to their customers.

      The pragma has a save/restore stack that is also managed by
      #pragma environment, and so it is well-suited for use in header
      files.  The effect of #pragma environment header_defaults is to
      set NAMES to "uppercase,truncated", which is the compiler


           #pragma names <stack-option>
           #pragma names <case-option>
           #pragma names <length-option>


      <stack-option> is one of:

       o  save - save the current names state

       o  restore - restore a saved names state

      <case-option> is one of:

       o  uppercase - uppercase external names

       o  as_is - do not change case

      <length-option> is one of:

       o  truncated - truncate at 31 characters

       o  shortened - shorten to 31 using CRC

  #pragma optimize[_m|_nm]

      Sets the optimization characteristics of function definitions
      that follow the directive.  It allows optimization-control
      options that are normally set on the command line for the
      entire compilation to be specified in the source file for
      individual functions.


           #pragma optimize <settings>
           #pragma optimize save
           #pragma optimize restore
           #pragma optimize command_line

      Where <settings> is any combination of the following:

       o  <level settings>

          Set the optimization level.  Specify as:


      Where n is an integer from 0 to 5.

   o  <unroll settings>

      Control loop unrolling.  Specify as:


      Where n is a nonnegative integer.

   o  <ansi-alias settings>

      Control ansi-alias assumptions.  Specify one of the following:


   o  <intrinsic settings>

      Control recognition of intrinsics.  Specify one of the


      Use the save, restore, and command_line keywords as follows:

       o  save -- Saves the current pointer size

       o  restore -- Restores the current pointer size to its last
          saved state

       o  command_line -- Sets the optimization settings to what was
          specified on the command line


           #pragma optimize level=5 unroll=6

      Usage Notes:

       o  If the level=0 clause is present, it must be the only
          clause present.

       o  The #pragma optimize directive must appear at file scope,
          outside any function body.

       o  The #pragma environment save and restore operations include
          the optimization state.

       o  The #pragma environment command_line directive resets the
          optimization state to that specified on the command line.

       o  If #pragma optimize does not specify a setting for one of
          the optimization states, that state remains unchanged.

       o  When a function definition is encountered, it is compiled
          using the optimization settings that are current at that
          point in the source.

       o  When a function is compiled under level=0, the compiler
          will not inline that function.  In general, when functions
          are inlined, the inlined code is optimized using the
          optimization controls in effect at the call site instead of
          using the optimization controls specified for the function
          being inlined.

       o  When the OpenVMS command line specifies /NOOPT (or
          /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=0), the #pragma optimize directive has no
          effect (except that its arguments are still validated).

  #pragma pack[_m|_nm]

      Specifies the byte boundary for packing members of C


           #pragma pack [n]

      The n specifies the new alignment restriction in bytes:

          1 - align to byte

          2 - align to word

          4 - align to longword

          8 - align to quadword

          16 - align to octaword

      A structure member is aligned to either the alignment specified
      by #pragma pack or the alignment determined by the size of the
      structure member, whichever is smaller.  For example, a short
      variable in a structure gets byte-aligned if #pragma pack 1 is
      specified.  If #pragma pack 2, 4, or 8 is specified, the short
      variable in the structure gets aligned to word.

      When #pragma pack is specified without a value or with a value
      of 0, packing reverts to that specified by the
      /[NO]MEMBER_ALIGNMENT qualifier setting (either explicitly
      specified or by default) on the command line.  Note that when
      specifying #pragma pack without a value, you must use
      parentheses:  #pragma pack ().

  #pragma pointer_size[_m|_nm]

      Controls whether pointers are 32-bit pointers or 64-bit


           #pragma pointer_size keyword

      Where keyword is one of the following:

       o  short -- 32-bit pointer

       o  long -- 64-bit pointer

       o  system_default -- 32-bit pointers on OpenVMS systems;
          64-bit pointers on Tru64 UNIX systems

       o  save -- Saves the current pointer size

       o  restore -- Restores the current pointer size to its last
          saved state

  This directive is enabled only when the /POINTER_SIZE command-line
  qualifier is specified.  Otherwise, #pragma pointer_size has the
  same effect as #pragma required_pointer_size.

  #pragma required_pointer_size[_m|_nm]

      Intended for use by developers of header files to control
      pointer size within header files.


           #pragma required_pointer_size keyword

      Where keyword is one of the following:

       o  short -- 32-bit pointer

       o  long -- 64-bit pointer

       o  system_default -- 32-bit pointers on OpenVMS systems;
          64-bit pointers on Tru64 UNIX systems

       o  save -- Saves the current pointer size

       o  restore -- Restores the current pointer size to its last
          saved state

  This directive is always enabled, even if the /POINTER_SIZE
  command-line qualifier is omitted.  Otherwise, #pragma
  required_pointer_size has the same effect as #pragma pointer_size.

  #pragma [no]standard[_m|_nm]

      Directs the compiler to define regions of source code where
      portability diagnostics are not to be issued.

      Use #pragma nostandard to suppress diagnostics about non-ANSI C
      extensions, regardless of the /STANDARD qualifier specified,
      until a #pragma standard directive is encountered.

      Use #pragma standard to reinstate the setting of the /STANDARD
      qualifier that was in effect before before the last #pragma
      nostandard was encountered.

      Every #pragma standard directive must be preceded by a
      corresponding #pragma nostandard directive.

      Note that this pragma does not change the current mode of the
      compiler or enable any extensions not already supported in that

  #pragma unroll[_m|_nm]

      Directs the compiler to unroll the for loop that follows it by
      the number of times specified in the unroll_factor argument.
      The #pragma unroll directive must be followed by a for


           #pragma unroll (unroll_factor)

      The unroll_factor is an integer constant in the range 0 to 255.
      If a value of 0 is specified, the compiler ignores the
      directive and determines the number of times to unroll the loop
      in its normal way.  A value of 1 prevents the loop from being
      unrolled.  The directive applies only to the for loop that
      follows it, not to any subsequent for loops.

  #pragma use_linkage[_m|_nm]

      Associates a special linkage, defined by the #pragma linkage
      directive, with the specified functions.


           #pragma use_linkage linkage-name (routine1, routine2, ...)

      The linkage-name is the name of a linkage previously defined by
      the #pragma linkage directive.

      The parenthesized list contains the names of functions you want
      to associated with the named linkage.

      The list can also contain typedef names of function type, in
      which case functions or pointers to functions declared using
      that type will have the specified linkage.

8.10  –  #undef

  The #undef directive cancels a previously defined macro
  replacement.  Any other macro replacements that occurred before the
  #undef directive remain.

  The #undef directive has the following syntax:

       #undef identifier

9  –  Predefined Macros

  In addition to the ANSI-compliant, implementation-independent
  macros described in the HP C Language Reference Manual, The VSI C
  compiler provides the following predefined macros:

9.1  –  System Identification Macros

  Each implementation of the VSI C compiler automatically defines
  macros that you can use to identify the system on which the program
  is running.  These macros can assist in writing code that executes
  conditionally, depending on the architecture or operating system on
  which the program is running.

  The following table lists the traditional and new spellings of
  these predefined macro names for VSI C on OpenVMS systems.  Both
  spellings are defined for each macro unless ANSI C mode is in
  effect (/STANDARD=ANSI89), in which case only the new spellings are

        Traditional spelling      New spelling

             vms                   __vms
             VMS                   __VMS
             vms_version           __vms_VERSION
             VMS_VERSION           __VMS_VERSION
             vaxc                  __vaxc
             VAXC                  __VAXC
             vax11c                __vax11C
             VAX11C                __VAX11C
              ---                  __DECC
              ---                  __STDC__

  On OpenVMS I64 Systems, VSI C also supports the following
  predefined system identification macro names in all compiler modes:


  Predefined macros (with the exception of __STDC_VERSION__,
  __STDC_ISO_10646__, vms_version, VMS_VERSION, __vms_version,
  __VMS_VERSION, and __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE) are defined as 1 or 0,
  depending on the system you're compiling on (VAX or Alpha
  processor), the compiler defaults, and the qualifiers used.  For
  example, if you compiled using G_floating format, then __D_FLOAT
  and __IEEE_FLOAT (Alpha processors only) are predefined to be 0,
  and __G_FLOAT is predefined as if the following were included
  before every compilation unit:

  #define  __G_FLOAT  1

  These macros can assist in writing code that executes
  conditionally.  They can be used in #elif, #if, #ifdef, and #ifndef
  directives to separate portable and nonportable code in a VSI C
  program.  The vms_version, VMS_VERSION, __vms_version, and
  __VMS_VERSION macros are defined with the value of the OpenVMS
  version on which you are running (for example, Version 6.0).

  The __STDC__ macro is defined to 1 for /STANDARD options ANSI89,
  C99, LATEST and MIA.  It is defined to 2 for /STANDARD=RELAXED and
  to 0 for /STANDARD=MS.  It is not defined for /STANDARD options

  The __STDC_HOSTED__ macro is defined to 1 for /STANDARD=c99 and
  /STANDARD=LATEST.  It is not defined for all other /STANDARD

  The __STDC_VERSION__ macro is defined to 199901L for /STANDARD
  keywords C99, LATEST, RELAXED, MS, PORTABLE.  It is defined to
  199409L when the ISOC94 keyword is specified alone or with the
  ANSI89, MIA, RELAXED, MS, PORTABLE, or COMMON modes.  The macro is
  undefined for the VAXC keyword or for keywords ANSI89, MIA, or
  COMMON without ISOC94 specified.

  The __STDC_ISO_10646__ macro evaluates to an integer constant of
  the form yyyymmL (for example, 199712L), intended to indicate that
  values of type wchar_t are the coded representations of the
  characters defined by ISO/IEC 10646, along with all amendments and
  technical corrigenda as of the specified year and month.

9.2  –  Compiler Mode Macros

  The following predefined macros are defined as 1 if the
  corresponding compiler mode is selected (Otherwise, they are

  __STDC__               !  /STANDARD=ANSI89, /STANDARD=RELAXED
  __MS                   !  /STANDARD=MS

9.3  –  Floating Point Macros

  VSI C automatically defines the following predefined macros
  pertaining to the format of floating-point variables.  You can use
  them to identify the format with which you are compiling your


9.4  –  RTL Standards Macros

  VSI C defines the following macros that you can explicitly define
  (using the /DEFINE qualifier or the #define preprocessor directive)
  to control which VSI C RTL functions are declared in header files
  and to obtain standards conformance checking:



  The ANSI C standard specifies exactly what identifiers in the
  normal name space are declared by the standard header files.  A
  compiler is not free to declare additional identifiers in a header
  file unless the identifiers follow defined rules (the identifier
  must begin with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter or
  another underscore).

  When you compile with VSI C using any values of /STANDARD that set
  strict C standard conformance (ANSI89, MIA, C99, and LATEST),
  versions of the standard header files are included that hide many
  identifiers that do not follow the rules.  The header file
  <stdio.h>, for example, hides the definition of the macro TRUE.
  The compiler accomplishes this by predefining the macro
  __HIDE_FORBIDDEN_NAMES for the above-mentioned /STANDARD values.

  You can use the command line qualifier
  /UNDEFINE="__HIDE_FORBIDDEN_NAMES" to prevent the compiler from
  predefining this macro, thus including macro definitions of the
  forbidden names.

  The header files are modified to only define additional VAX C names
  if __HIDE_FORBIDDEN_NAMES is undefined.  For example, <stdio.h>
  might contain the following:

          #ifndef __HIDE_FORBIDDEN_NAMES
          #define TRUE    1

9.6  –  CC$gfloat

  When you compile using the /G_FLOAT qualifier, CC$gfloat is defined
  as 1.  When you compile without the /G_FLOAT qualifier, CC$gfloat
  is defined as 0.  The CC$gfloat macro is provided for compatiblity
  with VAX C.  The __G_FLOAT predefined macro should be used instead.

9.7  –  DATE

  The __DATE__ macro evaluates to a string specifying the date on
  which the compilation started.  The string presents the date in the
  form "Mmm dd yyyy" The names of the months are those generated by
  the asctime library function.  The first d is a space if dd is less
  than 10.



9.8  –  FILE

  The __FILE__ macro evaluates to a string literal specifying the
  file specification of the current source file.


       printf("file %s", __FILE__);

9.9  –  LINE

  The __LINE__ macro evaluates to a decimal constant specifying the
  number of the line in the source file containing the macro


       printf("At line %d in file %s", __LINE__, __FILE__);

9.10  –  TIME

  The __TIME__ macro evaluates to a string specifying the time that
  the compilation started.  The time has the following format:



       printf("%s", __TIME__);

  The value of this macro remains constant throughout the translation

10  –  Predeclared Identifiers

10.1  –  __func__

  The __func__ predeclared identifier evaluates to a static array of
  char, initialized with the spelling of the function's name.  It is
  visible anywhere within the body of a function definition.


       void foo(void) {printf("%s\n", __func__);}

  This function prints "foo".

11  –  Statements

  Statements are the executable instructions performed by the
  program.  Statements produce values and control program flow.  A
  group of statements enclosed in braces makes up a block.

  Any valid expression or declaration terminated by a semicolon is
  considered a statement.  The statements that control program flow
  are described in further HELP frames.


11.1  –  break

  The break statement terminates the immediately enclosing while, do,
  for, or switch statement.  Control passes to the statement
  following the terminated statement.

       break ;

11.2  –  continue

  The continue statement passes control to the test portion of the
  immediately enclosing while, do, or for statement.

       continue ;

  In each of the following statements, a continue statement is
  equivalent to "goto label;":

    while (expression) { statement ... label: ; }

    do { statement ... label: ; } while (expression);

    for (expression; expression; expression)
        { statement ... label: ; }

  The continue statement is not intended for switches.  A continue
  statement inside a switch statement inside a loop causes
  reiteration of the loop.

11.3  –  do

  The do statement executes a statement one or more times, as long as
  a stated condition expression is true.

       do statement while ( expression ) ;

  The do statement is executed at least once.  The expression is
  evaluated after each execution of the statement.  If the expression
  is not 0, the statement is executed again.  The statement following
  the do statement (the body of the do statement) is not optional;
  the null statement (a lone semicolon) is provided for specifying a
  do statement with an empty body.

11.4  –  for

  The for statement executes a statement zero or more times, with
  three specified control expressions.  Expression-1 is evaluated
  only once, before the first iteration; expression-2 is evaluated
  before every iteration; expression-3 is evaluated after every
  iteration.  The for loop terminates if, on evaluation, expression-2
  is 0.

       for ( [expression-1] ; [expression-2] ; [expression-3] )

  The for statement is equivalent to the following format:

       while ( expression-2 ) { statement expression-3; }

  You can omit any of the three expressions.  If expression-2 is
  omitted, the while condition is true.

11.5  –  goto

  The goto statement transfers control unconditionally to a labeled

       goto identifier ;

  The identifier must be a label located in the current function.
  You may use goto to branch into a block, but no initializations are
  performed on variables declared in the block.

11.6  –  if

  The if statement is a conditional statement.  It can be written
  with or without an else clause as follows:

       if ( expression ) statement
       if ( expression ) statement else statement

  In both cases, the expression is evaluated, and if it is not 0, the
  first statement is executed.  If the else clause is included and
  the expression is 0, the statement following else is executed
  instead.  In a series of if-else clauses, the else matches the most
  recent else-less if.

11.7  –  Labeled

  Any statement can be preceded by a label prefix of the following


  This declares the identifier as a label.  The scope of such a
  declaration is the current function.  Labels are used only as the
  targets of goto statements.

11.8  –  Null

  A null statement is a semicolon:


  The null statement provides a null action -- for example, the body
  of a for loop that takes no action:

       for(i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE && x[i] == 5; i++)

11.9  –  return

   The return statement causes a return from a function, with or
   without a  return value.

       return ;
       return expression ;

  The return value is undefined if not specified in a return
  statement.  If an expression is specified in the return statement,
  it is evaluated and the value is returned to the calling function;
  the value is converted, if necessary, to the type with which the
  called function was declared.  If a function does not have a return
  statement, the effect (on reaching the end of the function) is the
  same as with a return statement that does not specify an
  expression.  Functions declared as void may not contain return
  statements specifying an expression.

11.10  –  switch

  The switch statement executes one or more of a series of cases,
  based on the value of an integer expression.

       switch ( expression ) body

  The switch's body typically is a block, within which any statement
  can be prefixed with one or more case labels as follows:

       case constant-expression :

  At most one statement in the body may have the label as follows:

       default :

  The switch expression is evaluated and compared to the cases.  If
  there is a case matching the expression's value, it is executed; if
  not, the default case is executed.  The switch is normally
  terminated by a break, return, or goto statement in one of the
  cases.  If there is no matching case and no default, the body of
  the switch statement is skipped.

11.11  –  while

  The while statement executes a statement 0 or more times, as long
  as a stated condition is true.

       while ( expression ) statement

  The expression is evaluated before each execution, and the
  statement is executed if the expression is not 0.  The statement
  following the parentheses (the body of the while statement) is not
  optional; the null statement (a lone semicolon) is provided for
  specifying a while statement with an empty body.

12  –  Storage Classes

  The storage class of a variable determines when its storage is
  allocated, whether its contents are preserved across different
  blocks or functions, and what link-time scope the variable has.

  Auto variables are allocated at run time.  They are not preserved
  across functions.  Auto is the default storage class for variables
  declared within a function.

  Extern variables are allocated at compile time.  They are preserved
  across functions.  There can be only 65,532 extern variables per
  program.  Extern is the default storage class for variables
  declared outside a function.

  Globaldef, globalref, and globalvalue variables are allocated at
  compile time.  They are preserved across functions.  The number of
  global symbols is unlimited.

  Register variables are allocated at run time.  They cannot be
  referenced from other separately compiled functions.

  Static variables are allocated at compile time.  If externally
  declared, they retain their values across functions.  If internally
  declared (inside of a function), they cannot be referenced from
  other functions; if control passes from the defining function, to
  other functions, and then passed back to the defining function, the
  variable retains its previous value and is not reinitialized.

13  –  Type Qualifiers

  Data-type qualifiers affect the allocation or access of data
  storage.  The data-type qualifiers are const, volatile, __restrict,
  and __unaligned.

13.1  –  const

  The const data-type qualifier restricts access to stored data.  If
  you declare an object to be of type const, you cannot modify that
  object.  You can use the const data-type qualifier with the
  volatile data-type qualifier or with any of the storage-class
  specifiers or modifiers.  The following example declares the
  variable x to be a constant integer:

       int const x;

13.2  –  volatile

  The volatile data-type qualifier prevents an object from being
  stored in a machine register, forcing it to be allocated in memory.
  This data-type qualifier is useful for declaring data that is to be
  accessed asynchronously.  A device driver application often uses
  volatile data storage.  Like const, you can specify the volatile
  data-type qualifier with any of the storage-class specifiers or
  modifiers with the exception of the register storage class.

13.3  –  __restrict

  The __restrict data-type qualifier is used to designate a pointer
  as pointing to a distinct object, thus allowing compiler
  optimizations to be made.

13.4  –  __unaligned

  This data-type qualifier is used in pointer definitions, indicating
  to the compiler that the data pointed to is not properly aligned on
  a correct address.  (To be properly aligned, the address of an
  object must be a multiple of the size of the type.  For example,
  two-byte objects must be aligned on even addresses.) When data is
  accessed through a pointer declared __unaligned, the compiler
  generates the additional code necessary to copy or store the data
  without causing alignment errors.  It is best to avoid use of
  misaligned data altogether, but in some cases the usage may be
  justified by the need to access packed structures, or by other

14  –  Storage Class Modifiers

  The storage-class modifiers allow individual attributes of a
  variable to change without changing the other default attributes
  connected with a given storage class.  Storage-class keywords and
  storage-class modifiers can be specified in either order.


       modifier storage_class_keyword identifier;

  If you specify a storage-class modifier but not a storage class
  keyword, the storage class defaults to extern.

14.1  –  noshare

  Noshare variables are assigned the PSECT attribute NOSHR.  Noshare
  variables may not be shared between processes.  This modifier is
  used when linking variables that are not to be shared within a
  shareable image.  You can use the noshare modifier with the
  storage-class keywords static, [extern], globaldef, and

14.2  –  readonly

  Readonly variables are assigned the PSECT attribute NOWRT and are
  stored in the PSECT $READONLY$ which is a nonwritable data area.
  Other programs can access the PSECT directly, but none of the
  information can be overwritten.  You can use the readonly modifier
  with the storage-class keywords [extern], static, globaldef, and

  You can use both the readonly and noshare modifiers with the
  [extern] and the globaldef{"name"} specifiers.  If you use both
  modifiers with either the static or the globaldef specifiers, the
  compiler ignores noshare and accepts readonly.

14.3  –  _align

  The _align modifier allows you to align objects of any of the VSI C
  data types on a specified storage boundary.  Use the _align
  modifier in a data declaration or definition.

  When specifying the boundary of the data alignment, you can use a
  predefined constant:  BYTE or byte, WORD or word, LONGWORD or
  longword, QUADWORD or quadword, OCTAWORD or octaword, and PAGE or

  You can also specify an integer value that is a power of two.  The
  power of two tells VSI C the number of bytes to pad in order to
  align the data:

    For OpenVMS VAX systems, specify a constant 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9.

    For OpenVMS Alpha systems, specify any constant from 0 to 16.

14.4  –  __align

  The __align storage-class modifier has the same semantic meaning as
  the _align keyword.  The difference is that __align is a keyword in
  all compiler modes while _align is a keyword only in modes that
  recognize VAX C keywords.  For new programs, using __align is

14.5  –  __forceinline

  Similar to the __inline storage-class modifier, the __forceinline
  storage-class modifier marks a function for inline expansion.
  However, using __forceinline on a function definition and prototype
  tells the compiler that it must substitute the code within the
  function definition for every call to that function.  (With
  __inline, such substitution occurs at the discretion of the


       __forceinline [type] function_definition

14.6  –  __inline

  The __inline modifier marks a function for inline expansion.  Using
  __inline on a function definition and prototype tells the compiler
  that it can substitute the code within the function definition for
  every call to that function.  Substitution occurs at the discretion
  of the compiler.  The __inline storage-class specifier has the same
  effect as the #pragma inline preprocessor directive, except that
  the latter attempts to provide inline expansion for all functions
  in a translation unit, rather than for selected functions.


       __inline [type] function_definition

14.7  –  inline

  Similar to the __inline storage-class modifier, the inline
  storage-class modifier can be used as a declaration specifier in
  the declaration of a function.  This modifier is supported in
  relaxed ANSI C mode (/STANDARD=RELAXED) or if the
  /ACCEPT=C99_KEYWORDS or /ACCEPT=GCCINLINE qualifier is specified.

  With static functions, inline has the same effect as applying
  __inline or #pragma inline to the function.

  However, when inline is applied to a function with external
  linkage, besides allowing calls within that translation unit to be
  inlined, the inline semantics provide additional rules that also
  allow calls to the function to be inlined in other translation
  units or for the function to be called as an external function, at
  the compiler's discretion:

   o  If the inline keyword is used on a function declaration with
      external linkage, then the function must also be defined in the
      same translation unit.

   o  If all of the file scope declarations of the function use the
      inline keyword but do not use the extern keyword, then the
      definition in that translation unit is called an inline
      definition, and no externally-callable definition is produced
      by that compilation unit.

      Otherwise, the compilation unit does produce an
      externally-callable definition.

   o  An inline definition must not contain a definition of a
      modifiable object with static storage duration, and it must not
      refer to an identifier with internal linkage.  These
      restrictions do not apply to the externally-callable

   o  As usual, at most one compilation unit in an entire program can
      supply an externally-callable definition of a given function.

   o  Any call to a function with external linkage may be translated
      as a call to an external function, regardless of the presence
      of the inline qualifier.  It follows from this and the previous
      point that any function with external linkage that is called
      must have exactly one externally-callable definition among all
      the compilation units of an entire program.

   o  The address of an inline function with external linkage is
      always computed as the address of the unique
      externally-callable definition, never the address of an inline

   o  A call to inline function made through a pointer to the
      externally-callable definition may still be inlined or
      translated as a call to an inline definition, if the compiler
      can determine the name of the function whose address was stored
      in the pointer.
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