Connects your system to a remote system through an outgoing
    terminal line.

    You must have an account on the remote system in order to log in
    to that system after the connection is made.

    You must also have the ability to assign a channel to the
    terminal port specified. Your system manager can set the device
    protection on the terminal port to allow you access.


      SET HOST/DTE  terminal-name

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of an outgoing terminal line, which connects
    your system directly to another system or modem.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /BREAK


    Selects the break character. The break character is used to
    generate a break on lines that expect a break rather than a
    carriage return. To generate a break, press Ctrl/break-character.

    The break character can be any ASCII character between @ and
    z, except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([).  You cannot
    select a character currently defined as either the command
    character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-character
    qualifier) or the escape character (see the description of the
    /ESCAPE=escape-character qualifier).

    The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
    characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@),  the
    backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),  the
    underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).

    By default, the break character is the right bracket (]).

2.2    /COMMAND


    Selects the command character. Use the command character to
    access DTE command mode by pressing Ctrl/command-character.

    The command character can be any ASCII character between @ and z,
    except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([).  You cannot select
    a character currently defined as either the break character (see
    the description of the /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the
    escape character (see the description of the /ESCAPE=escape-
    character qualifier).

    The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
    characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@),  the
    backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),  the
    underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).

    By default, the command character is the at sign (@).

2.3    /DIAL


    Allows a modem attached to the outgoing terminal line to be
    autodialed using the autodial protocol of that modem. The
    NUMBER keyword is the telephone number to be autodialed and is
    a required parameter.

    Before you dial a new number, you must log out of the current
    remote system.

    On Alpha, the MODEM_TYPE keyword defaults to DMCL (any modem that
    uses the DIGITAL Modem Command Language).

    Each modem type requires a specific modem dialer code. Check with
    your system manager to see which modem dialer codes are installed
    on your system.

    In addition, the MODEM_TYPE keyword can be used to specify
    a modem type other than DF03, DF112, or DMCL. A template is
    provided for users interested in supporting other modems with
    autodial capabilities (see SYS$EXAMPLES:DTE_DF03.MAR).

2.4    /ECHO

       /NOECHO (default)

    Determines whether the terminal input is echoed by your local
    system. By default, all echoing is performed by the remote

2.5    /EIGHT_BIT

       /EIGHT_BIT (default)

    Determines whether the outgoing terminal line supports 8-bit or
    7-bit characters. By default, 8-bit characters are supported. If
    you specify /NOEIGHT_BIT, then 7-bit characters are supported.


       /ERROR_ACTION=CONTINUE (default)

    Specifies the error action by using the EXIT or the CONTINUE

    When an error is detected on the outgoing terminal line, the
    error is reported to the local system and an error message is
    displayed on your terminal.

    If the error action is CONTINUE, then communication with the
    remote system continues uninterrupted.

    If the error action is EXIT, then the local system immediately
    exits from the remote system.

2.7    /ESCAPE


    Selects the escape character. You can use the escape character to
    exit from DTEPAD by pressing Ctrl/ escape-character.

    The escape character can be any ASCII character between @ and z,
    except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([).  You cannot select
    a character currently defined as either the break character (see
    the description of the /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the
    command character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-
    character qualifier).

    By default, the escape character is a backslash (\).

    The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
    characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@),  the
    backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),  the
    underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).


       /FLOW_CONTROL (default)

    Determines whether XON/XOFF flow control is enabled. By default,
    flow control is enabled.

    XON/XOFF flow control is a means of preventing data-overrun
    errors. Incoming data is stored in receive buffers; when these
    buffers are full, a signal is sent to the remote system to stop
    transmission. Once there is sufficient space in the receive
    buffers, another message is sent to restart transmission.

    You should disable XON/XOFF flow control when the remote system
    has no XON/XOFF flow control.

2.9    /INIT

       /INIT[=filespec] (default)

    Sets the configurable characteristics of DTEPAD according to
    values contained in the specified initialization file.

    If you use qualifiers in the command line to define the values of
    any of the configurable characteristics, these will supersede the
    values contained in the initialization file.

    By default, DTEPAD tries to translate the logical name DTEPAD$INI
    in order to find the appropriate initialization file. If you
    use the /INIT qualifier and omit the file specification, DTEPAD
    translates the logical name DTEPAD$INI and finds the appropriate
    file. If DTEPAD$INI is not defined, then DTEPAD uses /NOINIT as
    the default.

    An initialization file can contain any combination of any of the
    following DTE commands:

    o  SAVE


    o  SET DTE

    o  SPAWN

    The following is an example of an initialization file:


2.10    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether a log file of the session is kept.

    If you use the /LOG qualifier and omit the file specification,
    then the log information is written to the file DTEPAD.LOG.

    When used to log a modem session, the log file contains any noise
    that occurred on the phone line. For example, typing a file in
    order to get it recorded in the log file could result in noise
    being recorded along with the file data. Therefore, the use of a
    log file is not recommended for the purpose of file transfers.

    VSI recommends that you use asynchronous DECnet to transfer files.

2.11    /MAX_BUFFERS


    Specifies the maximum number of receive buffers. Receive buffers
    are buffers used to receive incoming data from the modem port.
    They are allocated as they are required.

    By default, the maximum number of receive buffers is 100. The
    minimum number you can specify is 20.

2.12    /PARITY

       /PARITY=NONE (default)

    Selects parity on the outgoing terminal line.

2.13    /READ_DELAY


    Specifies the modem port read delay in milliseconds. The modem
    port read delay is the time interval during which data in the
    modem port is transferred into receive buffers at the terminal.

    By default, the modem port read delay is 50 milliseconds. This is
    also the minimum value.

    A long modem port read delay slows the rate at which data is
    displayed at your terminal, and also increases the risk of data-
    overrun errors; however, a longer read delay requires less CPU

2.14    /SPEED


    Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits
    data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify the
    qualifier as /SPEED=rate.

    Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates.
    For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult
    the manual for that terminal.

    The default transmission rates are installation dependent.

    The valid baud rates are as follows:

     50       150       1800       4800       38400
     75       300       2000       7200       57600
    110       600       2400       9600       76800
    134      1200       3600      19200      115200

    If you select an invalid or unsupported speed, then the terminal
    line speed will remain set at its previous value.

3  –  Examples

    1.$ SET HOST/DTE TTA2:/DIAL=NUMBER:5551234
      Username: SMITH

      This command connects the user terminal to the outgoing
      terminal line TTA2:, which is attached to a modem (type DF03
      by default) set to autodial the phone number 555-1234. The
      remote processor then prompts for user name and password. Use
      the normal login procedure to log in to the remote system.

      Username: SMITH

      This command accomplishes the same thing as in the first
      example, except that it uses the DF112 modem. The number sign
      (#)  is required to activate the autodialer in the DF112.


      This command sets the outgoing terminal port, TTA2, to support
      7-bit characters.


      This command disables the XON/XOFF flow control.


      This command sets the error action to EXIT.


      This command sets the maximum number of receive buffers to 150.


      This command defines the letter E as the escape character. Note
      that DTEPAD is not case sensitive.


      This command enables logging of the session. Since no log
      file is specified, the log is written to the default log file,


      This command uses the initialization file MYFILE.INI.

    10$ <Ctrl/@>

      This example shows you how to access DTE command mode by
      pressing Ctrl/@, where @ is the command character.


      This command saves the information on the current configuration
      in the file MYFILE.INI.


      This command defines the letter G as the break character.


      This command sets the terminal port so that echoing is
      performed by the local system.


      This command sets the input and output baud rates to 4800.

    15DTEPAD> SET DTE/LOG=myfile.log

      This command directs logging to the file MYFILE.LOG.

        Port TXA0              EIGHT_BIT ECHO
        Flow control           XON/XOFF
        Parity                 NONE
        Transmit Speed         4800
        Receive Speed          4800
        Error action           CONTINUE
        Break character        B
        Escape character       \
        Command character      @
        Maximum buffers        100
        Read delay             50 milliseconds
        Log file               MYFILE.INI
        Number dialed          12345678
        Modem type             DF03

        Bytes transmitted      75
        Bytes received         132
        Errors                 0

      This command displays all the current settings of the
      configurable characteristics, the number of bytes transmitted
      and received, and the number of errors detected.
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