Displays the status of a device on the system.

    See the qualifier descriptions for restrictions.

    To display information about devices served by the mass storage
    control protocol (MSCP) server on an OpenVMS Cluster system, use


      SHOW DEVICES  [device-name[:]]

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of a device for which information is to be
    displayed. The device name displayed by the system uses the
    format ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller
    designation, and u is the unit number. If the system is part
    of an OpenVMS Cluster that is running with HSC controllers, the
    device name must include the node name using the format node$ddcu
    (where node is the node name).

    You can specify a complete device name or only a portion of
    a device name. The SHOW DEVICES command provides defaults for
    nonspecified portions of device names, as follows:

    o  If you truncate a device name (for example, if you specify D),
       the command lists information about all devices whose device
       names begin with what you entered (in this case, D). However,
       if you specify a device in an OpenVMS Cluster that is running
       with HSC controllers, you must include the entire node portion
       of the device name.

    o  If you omit a controller designation, the SHOW DEVICES command
       lists all devices on all controllers with the specified unit

    o  If you omit a unit number, the SHOW DEVICES command lists all
       devices on the specified controller.

    Note that the /FILES qualifier does not support defaults for
    nonspecified portions of device names; you must supply a complete
    device specification.

2  –  Qualifiers


    Displays all devices currently allocated to processes.

    If you specify a device name, the characteristics of only that
    device are displayed. If the device is not currently allocated,
    the command displays a message indicating that there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all allocated devices of that type are displayed.

2.2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays brief information about the specified devices.

2.3    /BITMAP

       /BITMAP ddcu:

    Displays information regarding minicopy or HBMM (Host-Based
    Minimerge) bitmaps for the given shadow set;

    Note that the SHOW DEVICES/FULL ddcu: display also displays
    status to indicate that bitmaps are active on the device.

2.4    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

2.5    /FILES

    Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) or BYPASS privileges to list
    read-protected files.

    Displays a list of the names of all files open on a volume and
    their associated process name and process identification (PID).
    The specified device must be a mounted Files-11 volume. If the
    specified volume is a multivolume set, the files on each volume
    in the set are listed.


       The SHOW DEVICES/FILES command does not support defaults
       for nonspecified portions of device names. You must supply
       a complete device specification when using the /FILES

    If the /SYSTEM qualifier is also specified, only the names of
    installed files and files opened by the system are displayed.
    Files opened by the system are those that have been opened
    without the use of an ancillary control process (ACP), such
    as INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS, as well as system files such as

    If the /NOSYSTEM qualifier is specified, only those files opened
    by processes are displayed. To list files opened by a process in
    your group, your process must have at least GROUP privilege. If
    the process is not in your group, you need WORLD privilege.

    If neither the /SYSTEM nor the /NOSYSTEM qualifier is specified,
    the names of all files currently opened on the system are

    If a file is read-protected from your user identification code
    (UIC), the "No privilege" message is displayed instead of the
    file name. You must have SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege or
    BYPASS privilege to display the file name.

    A space in place of a file name represents a work file (such as
    a temporary edit file) not entered in any directory. To display
    temporary file names, you must have BYPASS privilege in addition
    to GROUP or WORLD privilege.

    Do not use the /FILES qualifier with the /ALLOCATED, /BRIEF,
    /FULL, or /MOUNTED qualifier. The functions of the /FILES
    qualifier and these qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

2.6    /FULL

    Displays a complete list of information about the devices,
    as appropriate, except for rebuild status. You must use the
    /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier to get that information.

    Note that you cannot use the /UNITS or /SIZE qualifier with the
    /FULL qualifier.

    The display will be in blocks or bytes, depending on the current
    system default setting. You can use SHOW PROCESS/UNITS to display
    the current default. To change the default, execute the DCL

    For more information about fields related to Dissimilar Device
    Shadowing (DDS) or Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) in the display,
    see the discussion of these topics in the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.



    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

2.8    /MOUNTED

    Displays all devices that currently have volumes mounted on them.

    If you specify a device name, only the characteristics of that
    device are displayed; however, if the device is not currently
    mounted, the command issues a message indicating there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all such devices that currently have volumes mounted are


    Displays all devices that are currently multipath sets.

    If you specify a device name, only the characteristics of that
    device are displayed; however, if the device is not a multipath
    set, the command issues a message indicating there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all such devices that are currently multipath sets are

2.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it may not include the asterisk (*)
    and the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

2.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of device information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


    Tells you whether volumes need rebuilding.

    You may need to rebuild a volume if the volume was improperly
    dismounted. Volumes are improperly dismounted when, for example,
    the system crashes.

    For each volume, SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS returns one of these

    Value              Meaning

    Yes                Rebuild needed.
    No                 Rebuild not needed.
    Not applicable     You cannot rebuild this volume. This value is
                       returned if, for example, the volume is not a
                       disk, or the volume is write-locked.
    Information        Rebuild information is unavailable. This value
    unavailable        is returned when, for example, the volume is
                       not mounted, or mount verification is taking

    To rebuild a volume, either:


    o  Dismount the volume, then mount the volume again using

    You cannot use the /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with any other SHOW
    DEVICES qualifiers, except /OUTPUT.

2.13    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

2.14    /SIZE


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display disk free space in your
    choice of blocks or bytes. (/SIZE is functionally equivalent to

    The following keywords are valid with the /SIZE qualifier:

    If you specify /SIZE with no keyword, the default value is not

    Note that you cannot use the /SIZE qualifier with the /FULL

2.15    /SYSTEM


    Controls whether the names of installed files and files opened
    by the system are displayed. Files opened by the system are those
    that have been opened without the use of an ancillary control
    process (ACP), such as INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS.

    If you specify the /NOSYSTEM qualifier with the /FILES qualifier,
    only files opened by processes are displayed. If you omit both
    the /SYSTEM and /NOSYSTEM qualifiers and specify the /FILES
    qualifier, the names of all files currently open on the system
    are displayed.

    You can use this qualifier only with the /FILES qualifier. See
    the description of the /FILES qualifier for more details.

2.16    /UNITS


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display disk free space in your
    choice of blocks or bytes. (/UNITS is functionally equivalent to

    The following keywords are valid with the /UNITS qualifier:

    If you specify /UNITS with no keyword, the default value is not

    Note that you cannot use the /UNITS qualifier with the /FULL

2.17    /WINDOWS

    Displays the window count and total size of all windows for files
    open on a volume. The file name and related process name and
    process identification (PID) are also displayed. The letter C
    in a display indicates that the file is open with "cathedral
    windows" (segmented windows).

2.18    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

3  –  Examples

      Device         Device      Err.    Volume        Free  Trans Mount
       Name          Status     Count     Label       Blocks Count Count
      DKA0:          Online mnt     0  VMS             47088   115     1
      DKA1:          Online mnt     0  USERPACK1       45216     2     1
      DKA2:          Online mnt     3  DOCUMENT         8068    20     1
      DKA5:          Online mnt     0  MASTERP         28668     1     1
      DKA6:          Online         0
      DKA7:          Online mnt     0  PROJECT        110547     1     1
      DMA0:          Online         0
      DLA0:          Online         0
      DYA0:          Online         0
      DYA1:          Online         0
      DRA3:          Online mnt     0  RES26APR        29317     1     1

      In this example, the SHOW DEVICES command displays the
      following information for each device on the system:

      o  Device name

      o  Device status and characteristics (status indicates whether
         the device is on line; characteristics indicate whether the
         device is allocated, is spooled, has a volume mounted on it,
         or has a foreign volume mounted on it)

      o  Error count

      o  Volume label (for disk and tape volumes only)

      o  Number of free blocks on the volume

      o  Transaction count

      o  Number of mount requests issued for the volume (disk devices

    2.$ SHOW DEVICES /FULL $1$dga30
       Disk $1$DGA100: (EUROS), device type HP MSA VOLUME,
       is online, mounted, file  oriented device, shareable,
       available to cluster, error logging is enabled.

          Error count                    0  Operations completed    17299
          Owner process                 ""  Owner UIC             [SYSTEM]
          Owner process ID        00000000  Dev Prot      S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
          Reference count                3  Default buffer size       512
          Current preferred CPU Id       0  Fastpath                1
          Total blocks           488327805  Sectors per track       96
          Total cylinders            52987  Tracks per cylinder     96
          Logical Volume Size    488327805  Expansion Size Limit    941752320
          Host name                "EUROS"  Host type, avail HP rx2600 (
 							900MHz/1.5MB), yes
          Allocation class               1

          Volume label       "DEBUG-DISK1" Relative volume number    0
          Cluster size          480 	    Transaction count         2
          Free blocks           16558560     Maximum files allowed     507617
          Extend quantity        5  	    Mount count               2
          Mount status           System 	    Cache name   "_$7$DKD100:XQPCACHE"
          Extent cache size        64 	Maximum blocks in extent cache 1655856
          File ID cache size       64    Blocks in extent cache       581760
          Quota cache size           0    Maximum buffers in FCP cache   314
          Volume owner UIC        [SYSTEM] Vol Prot  S:RWCD,O:RWCDG:RWCD,

        Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification,
        file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled.
        Volume is also mounted on EUROS.

      In this example, the SHOW DEVICES command requests a full
      listing of the status of the multipath device $1$DGA30. This
      device has four local Fibre Channel paths and one remote (MSCP-
      served) path.

      Disk $DKB0:, device type RZ56, is online, mounted, file-oriented
          device, shareable, error logging is enabled.

      Error count               0  Operations completed            392750
      Owner process            ""  Owner UIC                        [1,4]
      Owner process ID   00000000  Dev Prot           S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
      Reference count         317  Default buffer size                512
      Total blocks        1299174  Sectors per track                   54
      Total cylinders        1604  Tracks per cylinder                 15

      Volume label  "SYSTEM_DISK"  Relative volume number               0
      Cluster size              3  Transaction count                  278
      Free blocks          367632  Maximum files allowed           162396
      Extend quantity           5  Mount count                          1
      Mount status         System  Cache name      "$DKB0:XQPCACHE"
      Extent cache size        64  Maximum blocks in extent cache   36763
      File ID cache size       64  Blocks currently in extent cache 36258
      Quota cache size          0  Maximum buffers in FCP cache       210
      Volume owner UIC      [1,1]  Vol Prot   S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

      Volume status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, protected
      subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-through
      XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled.

      In this example, the SHOW DEVICES command requests a full
      listing of the status of the RZ56 device DKB0.


      Device Name             Rebuild needed?

      ADU15$DKA300:           Information unavailable
      EDIV$DKA300:            Information unavailable
      EMUL$DKB200:            No
      EMUL$DKB300:            No
      EMUL$DKB500:            Yes
      FTA0:                   Not applicable
      OPA0:                   Not applicable

      In this example, the volume mounted on device EMUL$DKB500 needs

      Disk NODE2$DUA0:, device type RA81, is online, mounted,
      error logging enabled
       Error count                 0  Operations completed            24195
       Owner process name             Owner UIC                    [11,177]
       Owner process ID     20200000  Dev Prot  S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RWPL,W:RWPL
       Reference count            16  Default buffer size               512
       Volume label        VMSDOCLIB  Relative volume no.                 0
       Cluster size                3  Transaction count                  17
       Free blocks            525447  Maximum files allowed          111384
       Extend quantity             5  Mount count                         1
       Volume status          System  ACP process name
       Caching disabled
      Volume is subject to mount verification, file high-water marking

      Disk NODE2$DUA1:, device type RA81, is online, error logging enabled
       Error count                 0  Operations completed                0
       Owner UIC               [0,0]  Owner process name
       Owner process ID     20200000  Dev Prot  S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED
       Reference count             0  Default buffer size               512

      In this example, the user requested a full display of
      information about each device on NODE2 in the OpenVMS Cluster.
      Information is shown here only for the first two devices: a
      mounted device and a device that is not mounted.


      Magtape $4$MUA1: (HSC70), device type TA79, is online, device is
       equipped with a stacker/loader, file-oriented device, available
       to cluster, error logging is enabled.

       Error count               0  Operations completed                  0
       Owner process            ""  Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID   00000000  Dev Prot            S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
       Reference count           0  Default buffer size                2048
       Density                1600  Format                        Normal-11
       Host name           "HSC70"  Host type, avail              HS70, yes
       Allocation class          4

      Volume status:  no-unload on dismount, odd parity.

      In this example, the user requested a full display of the tape
      device MUA1.

    7.$ SHOW DEVICE/FULL $1$DKA221

      Disk $1$DKA221: (HSC952), device type RZ29, is online, mounted,
          file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster, error
          logging is enabled.

       Error count               0  Operations completed               6509
       Owner process            ""  Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID   00000000  Dev Prot            S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
       Reference count         108  Default buffer size                 512
       Current preferred CPU Id  1  FastPath                              1
       Total blocks        8380080  Sectors per track                     4
       Total cylinders       65470  Tracks per cylinder                  32
       Host name          "HSC952"  Host type, avail              HS95, yes
       Allocation class          1

       Volume label  "GALAXY_X6L5"  Relative volume number                0
       Cluster size              4  Transaction count                   302
       Free blocks         4691760  Maximum files allowed            838008
       Extend quantity           5  Mount count                           2
       Mount status         System  Cache name        "_$1$DKA221:XQPCACHE"
       Extent cache size        64  Maximum blocks in extent cache   469176
       File ID cache size       64  Blocks currently in extent cache 237504
       Quota cache size          0  Maximum buffers in FCP cache       1734
       Volume owner UIC      [1,1]  Vol Prot    S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

      Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, protected
      subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-through
      XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled.
      Volume is also mounted on MEAD.

      This disk is a device that performs its I/O through the Fast
      Path port PNA0. Fast Path is enabled for this disk, and its
      I/O will be processed on the preferred CPU, CPU 1, which is
      associated with its Fast Path port PNA0.

      The /FULL qualifier also displays additional information about
      Fast Path devices. A Fast Path device may be either a class
      device or a port device. An example of a class device is an
      HSC disk, and an example of a port device is the CI. For both
      Fast Path class devices and ports, the display indicates that
      Fast Path is enabled and lists the current CPU ID to which that
      device is assigned. Additionally, for a Fast Path port, the
      display indicates the port's user-established CPU preference
      (if any).

      The current preferred CPU and the User Preferred CPU can be
      set by using the DCL command, SET DEVICE/PREFERRED_CPU, or by
      issuing a $QIO.

      For more information about using Fast Path features to improve
      I/O performance, see the VSI OpenVMS I/O User's Reference


      Device PNA0:, device type CIXCD, is online, shareable, error logging
          is enabled.

       Error count                 0  Operations completed              0
       Owner process              ""  Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID     00000000  Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count             0  Default buffer size               0
       Current preferred CPU Id    1  FastPath                          1

      The above display shows that port PNA0 is assigned to CPU 1 and
      that Fast Path is enabled.


      Device PNA0:, device type CIXCD, is online, shareable, error logging
      is enabled.

       Error count                   0  Operations completed             0
       Owner process                ""  Owner UIC                 [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID       00000000  Dev Prot         S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count               0  Default buffer size              0
       Current preferred CPU Id      1  FastPath                         1
       User preferred CPU Id         2

      This example shows a Fast Path assignment made by a user.

      Normally, the User Preferred CPU ID matches the current
      preferred CPU ID. The reason for the mismatch in the above
      display is because CPU 2 was stopped. The port was previously
      assigned to CPU 2. But when CPU 2 was stopped, the operating
      system moved the port assignment from CPU 2 to CPU 1.

      If CPU 2 were started, the operating system would assign the
      device to the User Preferred CPU.


      Disk DSA0:, device type RAM Disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented
        device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled,
        device supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).

       Error count                 0  Operations completed               47
       Owner process              ""  Owner UIC                    [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID     00000000  Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
       Reference count             2  Default buffer size               512
       Total blocks             1000  Sectors per track                  64
       Total cylinders             1  Tracks per cylinder                32
      Volume label           "TST0"  Relative volume number              0
       Cluster size                1  Transaction count                   1
       Free blocks               969  Maximum files allowed             250
       Extend quantity             5  Mount count                         1
       Mount status           System  Cache name    "_$252$DUA721:XQPCACHE"
       Extent cache size          64  Maximum blocks in extent cache     96
       File ID cache size         64  Blocks currently in extent cache    0
       Quota cache size            0  Maximum buffers in FCP cache      404
       Volume owner UIC     [SYSTEM]  Vol Prot  S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

       Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water
       marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching

      Disk $252$MDA0:, device type RAM Disk, is online,
      member of shadow set DSA0:.

       Error count                 0  Shadow member operation count    128
       Allocation class          252

      Disk $252$MDA1:, device type RAM Disk, is online,
      member of shadow set DSA0:.

       Error count                 0  Shadow member operation count    157
       Allocation class          252

      This example shows that a write bitmap exists for a shadow set,
      and that no write bitmap is active. If a shadow set supports
      write bitmaps, "device supports bitmaps" is displayed along
      with either "bitmaps active" or "no bitmaps active". If the
      device does not support write bitmaps, no message pertaining to
      write bitmaps is displayed.

      Device         BitMap     Size      Percent     Type of Master Active
      Name            ID       (Bytes)    Populated   Bitmap  Node
      DSA13:        00010007      8248        0.01%   Minimerge  IPA Yes

      This example shows a SHOW DEVICE/BITMAP display. In this
      example, the bitmap is an HBMM bitmap that is active on node

      The /BITMAP qualifier is similar to the /REBUILD qualifier
      in that neither can be combined with most other SHOW DEVICE
      qualifiers. The SHOW DEVICE/BITMAP display can be brief or
      full; brief is the default. Use the /FULL qualifier to view the
      entire display.

      If no bitmap is active (or the device is not mounted), no
      bitmap file ID is displayed. The phrase "no bitmaps active"
      is displayed.

      Device EWA0:, device type DEGXA, is online, network device, error lo
      logging is enabled, device is a template only.

               Error count                    1    Operations completed    0
          Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC             [SYSTEM]
          Owner process ID         00000000    Dev Prot    S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
          Reference count                0    Default buffer size       2
          Current preferred CPU ID       0    Fastpath                  1
          Current Interrupt CPU ID       0

      Operating characteristics: Link up, Full duplex, Autonegotiation,
      Jumbo frames.
          Speed (Mbits/sec)           1000
          Def. MAC addr 00-D0-59-61-6A-B2 Current MAC addr  00-D0-59-61-6A-B2

      This example shows information regarding the LAN template
      device EWA0. Only the template device displays the state of
      the link. In this example, the link is up.

      Device EIA4:, device type i82559, is online, network device,
 error logging is enabled.

          Error count                    0    Operations completed   375225
          Owner process           "NETACP"    Owner UIC            [SYSTEM]
          Owner process ID        39800425    Dev Prot    S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
          Reference count                2    Default buffer size      1498

      Operating characteristics: Full duplex, Autonegotiation.
          Speed (Mbits/sec)            100
          Def. MAC addr 00-08-02-AF-EC-D4 Current MAC addr AA-00-04-00-CD-4D
          Protocol name             DECNET    Protocol type           60-03

      This example show information regarding the LAN device EIA4.
      As this device is specific to a particular LAN protocol,
      information regarding that protocol is displayed; this
      information is not displayed for the template device in the
      previous example, as there is no protocol associated with the
      template service.

4    /SERVED

    Displays information on devices served by the mass storage
    control protocol (MSCP) server on this node. The /SERVED
    qualifier is required.



4.1  –  Qualifiers

4.1.1    /ALL

    This qualifier displays the information displayed by all of the
    qualifiers listed below except the /OUTPUT qualifier.

4.1.2    /COUNT

    Displays the number of transfer operations completed, sorted by
    the size of the transfers, and the number of MSCP operations that
    have taken place since the MSCP server was started.

4.1.3    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

4.1.4    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

4.1.5    /HOST

    Displays the names of the processors that have MSCP served
    devices on line. The System Generation utility (SYSGEN) command
    MSCP/HOST determines how many hosts in the OpenVMS Cluster can
    connect to the MSCP server at one time.

4.1.6    /OUTPUT


    Redirects output from your terminal to the specified file. If
    you do not specify a file, or if you do not use this qualifier,
    output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

4.1.7    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of device information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

4.1.8    /RESOURCE

    Displays information about the resources available to the MSCP
    server for use in processing I/O requests for the devices it

    You make these resources available by using the following system

    See the VSI OpenVMS Cluster Systems or SYSGEN online help for more

4.1.9    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

4.2  –  Examples

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:48:01.32

                                                   Queue Requests
      Device:           Status     Total Size     Current    Max    Hosts
         $11$DUA8       Online        2376153           0      2        6
         $11$DUA9        Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA10      Online        2376153           0      2        8
         $11$DUA11      Online        2376153           0      2        7
         $11$DUA13      Online        2376153           0      2        7
         $11$DUA14       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA16       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA17       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA18      Online        2376153           0      1        4
         $11$DUA19      Online        2376153           0      4        7
         $11$DUA20      Online        2376153           0      1        7
         $11$DUA21      Online        2376153           0     17       12

      This example shows the output generated by the command
      SHOW DEVICES/SERVED. The first column in the display shows
      the names of the devices that are served by the MSCP server.
      The second column shows the status of the devices. The third
      column shows the size, in blocks, of the device.

      The Queue Requests columns show the number of I/O requests
      currently awaiting processing by that device and the maximum
      number of I/O requests that have ever been concurrently
      awaiting processing by that device. The last column in the
      display shows the number of hosts that have the device on line.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:49:52.41
      Request Count:
           0-7:   951154        32-39:     2168        88-103:     1618
          8-15:   197224        40-55:     2543       104-127:      189
         16-23:   137707        56-71:     8343
         24-31:      982        72-87:      141

      Operations Count:
         ABORT             0   ERASE          22772   READ        1042206
         ACCESS            0   FLUSH              0   REPLACE           0
         AVAILABLE       611   GET COM STS        0   SET CTL CHR     176
         CMP CTL DAT       0   GET UNT STS  4026024   SET UNT CHR    3630
         CMP HST DAT       0   ONLINE           427   WRITE        259953
         Total       5355799

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/COUNT command. The numbers to the left of the
      colon (:),  separated by a hyphen (-), are the size, in pages,
      of the requests. The numbers to the right of the colon are the
      number of requests of that size that have been processed by the
      MSCP server.

      The section of the display headed by the label Operations Count
      shows the number of times the MSCP server has performed the
      MSCP operations listed. In the example, this MSCP server has
      performed 176 set-controller-characteristics (SET CTL CHR)
      operations, and has performed 3630 set-unit-characteristics
      (SET UNT CHR) operations.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:51:32.01
      Resources:         Total      Free      In Use
          Buffer Area:     400       400           0
          I/O Packets:       0         0

                       Current   Maximum
          Buffer Wait:       0         0

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/RESOURCE command. The Total column shows the
      total number of pages in the buffer area and in the number of
      I/O-request packets set aside for use by the MSCP server. The
      Free column shows the number of pages in the buffer and the
      number of I/O-request packets that are available for use.

      The In Use column shows the number of pages within the buffer
      area that are in use.

      The line labeled Buffer Wait shows the number of I/O requests
      that are currently waiting for buffer space to become available
      for their use, and the maximum number of I/O requests that have
      waited concurrently to obtain a buffer.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-NOV-2001 13:54:41.99
                                                 Queue Requests
      Host:              Time of Connection      Current    Max   Devices
          IPL31       25-MAY-2001 21:44:06.44          0      1         0
          DELAND      25-MAY-2001 21:44:09.98          0      1         0
          HEAVEN      25-MAY-2001 22:03:15.67          0      7        10
          VIVA        26-MAY-2001 09:44:11.96          0      1         0

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/HOST command. The first column contains the
      names of the hosts that have class drivers connected to the
      MSCP server. The next column contains the times at which these
      connections were made.

      The columns under the heading Queue Requests show the number
      of requests the MSCP server currently has outstanding for I/O
      activity on the devices it serves, the maximum number of such
      requests that have been outstanding at one time, and the number
      of MSCP server devices that the listed hosts have on line.

             MSCP-Served Devices on HEN  3-DEC-2001 09:09:08.49
                                               Queue Requests
      Device:          Status    Total Size    Current   Max  Hosts
         254$DJB1       Avail             0          0     0      0
         254$DUA2      Online       1216665          0     0      1
         254$DUA4006    Avail             0          0     0      0

            TMSCP-Served Devices on HEN  3-DEC-2001 09:09:08.74
                                               Queue Requests
      Device:          Status     Position     Current   Max  Hosts
         90$MUA7        Avail             0          0     0      0
         90$MUA8        Avail             0          0     0      0
         90$MUA50      Online          3804          0     0      0

      This example displays the output of the SHOW DEVICES/SERVED
      command from a node that has both MSCP server and TMSCP server
      devices. In the display, the third column for MSCP server disk
      devices shows the size of the disk device. The same column
      for TMSCP server device shows the location where each tape is
      currently positioned.
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