HELPLIB.HLB  —  SQL72  Information Tables, RDB$STORAGE_AREAS
    Displays information about the database storage areas.

    Column Name                 Type      Description

    RDB$LAST_BACKUP             date vms  Date of last backup
    RDB$LAST_INCREMENT_         date vms  Date of last restore
    RDB$INITIAL_ALLOCATION      integer   Allocation
    RDB$CURRENT_ALLOCATION      integer   Maximum page number
    RDB$AREA_ACCESS_MODE        integer   Access mode
    RDB$THRESHOLD1_BYTES        integer   First threshold value
    RDB$THRESHOLD2_BYTES        integer   Second threshold value
    RDB$THRESHOLD3_BYTES        integer   Third threshold value
    RDB$PAGE_SIZE               integer   Page size
    RDB$AREA_MIN_EXTENT         integer   Minimum page extent
    RDB$AREA_MAX_EXTENT         integer   Maximum page extent
    RDB$AREA_PERCENT_EXTENT     integer   Percent growth
    RDB$EXTEND_COUNT            integer   Number of times area has
                                          been extended
    RDB$SPAM_INTERVAL           integer   Number of pages per SPAM
    RDB$JOURNAL_SEQUENCE        integer   AIJ recovery version number
    RDB$MAX_PAGE_FREE_SPACE     integer   Maximum free space on new
    RDB$MAX_ROW_LENGTH          integer   Largest segment that can be
                                          stored on a page
    RDB$SEQUENCE                integer   Sequence number
    RDB$AREA_ID                 integer   Area ID
    RDB$LINKED_AREA_ID          integer   For live storage area,
                                          ID of snapshot area. For
                                          snapshot area, ID of live
                                          storage area
    RDB$FLAGS                   integer   Flags
    RDB$THRESHOLD1_PERCENT      integer   First threshold percent
    RDB$THRESHOLD2_PERCENT      integer   Second threshold percent
    RDB$THRESHOLD3_PERCENT      integer   Third threshold percent
    RDB$AREA_FILE               char(255) Storage area file name
    RDB$CACHE_ID                integer   Row cache ID
    RDB$AREA_NAME               char(31)  Storage area name
    RDB$CLUMP_PAGE_COUNT        integer   The number of pages per
                                          logical area clump (UNIFORM
    RDB$PAGE_LENGTH             integer   Page length in bytes
    RDB$PAGES_PER_SPAM_PAGE_    integer   Number of data pages per
    P1                                    SPAM page + 1
    RDB$SPAM_PAGE_VECTOR_       integer   SPAM page vector length in
    LENGTH                                bytes
    RDB$PAGE_PAD_LENGTH         integer   Page padding length in
    RDB$MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH      integer   Largest length to which an
                                          existing segment can grow
    RDB$BACKUP_STATISTICS       bigint    Backup-specific statistics
    RDB$SNAPS_ENABLED_TSN       bigint    TSN of oldest snapshots. If
                                          this is a live storage area
                                          that has snapshots allowed,
                                          this field contains the
                                          TSN of the most recent
                                          transaction that enabled
                                          snapshots for or performed
                                          exclusive updates to this
    RDB$COMMIT_TSN              bigint    TSN to which this area is
                                          consistent. If the area
                                          is marked inconsistent,
                                          this is the TSN level to
                                          which the area is currently
    RDB$BACKUP_TSN              bigint    TSN of last full area
                                          backup. If this field
                                          contains zero, this area
                                          has not been backed up
    RDB$INCR_BACKUP_TSN         bigint    TSN of last incremental
                                          area backup. If this field
                                          contains zero, this area
                                          has not been incrementally
                                          backed up
    RDB$LAST_EXTEND             date vms  Date of last area extend


    Represents flags for RDB$STORAGE_AREAS information table.

    Position   Description

    0          Page format is mixed
    1          Checksum calculation is enabled
    2          This is a snapshot area
    3          Area has snapshots
    4          Snapshots are enabled
    5          Area has space management pages
    6          SPAM pages are enabled
    7          Allow multi-volume disk extents
    8          Extent is enabled
    9          Area is corrupt
    10         Area is inconsistent
    11         WORM device is full
    12         Page level locking
    13         Write once
    14         WORM area is corrupt
    15         Row cache is enabled
    16         Area has been restructured. If TRUE, this area has been
               restructured and may only be readied by a restructuring
    17         Roll forward quiet-point is enabled
    18         Area is corrupt due to Hot Standby. If TRUE, this
               storage area may have been corrupted by an aborted
               batch update transaction
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