
  Controls whether or not the source listing file is annotated with
  indications of specific optimizations performed or, in some cases,
  not performed.  These annotations can be helpful in understanding
  the optimization process.

  Select one or more of the following /ANNOTATIONS qualifier options:


        Selects all annotations.  This output can be quite verbose
        because it includes detailed output for all annotations.  For
        more concise output for each kind of annotation, use
        qualifier options.


        Annotates the machine-code listing with descriptions of
        special instructions used for prefetching, alignment, and so
        on.  The /MACHINE_CODE qualifier must also be specified for
        /ANNOTATION=CODE to have any visible effect.


        Provides additional level of annotation detail, where


        Indicates use of profile-directed feedback optimizations.
        Feedback optimizations are not implemented on OpenVMS
        systems, so this keyword has no visible effect.


        Indicates where code for a called procedure was expanded


        Indicates optimizations such as loop reordering and code


        Indicates where advanced loop nest optimizations have been
        applied to improve cache performance (unroll and jam, loop
        fusion, loop interchange, and so on).


        Indicates where special instructions were used to reduce
        memory latency.


        Indicates removal of code establishing routine context when
        it is not needed.


        Indicates where loops have been scheduled to hide functional
        unit latency.


        Indicates an optimization where a call from routine A to B
        can be replaced by a jump.


        Indicates an optimization that eliminates unnecessary routine
        context for a recursive call.


        Same as /NOANNOTATIONS.

 The default is /NOANNOTATIONS.

 Specifying /ANNOTATIONS with no keywords is the same as specifying
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